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Beano1169 08-08-2011 05:48 AM

lighting needed for a 15gallon Nano?
Hey everyone, Im stilll pretty new to this saltwater thing and I am trying to get the best bang for my buck in terms of lighting for my 15 gallon that Im starting up. I have a fuge moded AC110, a 240nano Koralia, and a Fluval E series 50w Heater. Im trying to get a grasp on LED v.s. well everything else, is the Marineland double bright LED better then Sunlight Supply New Wave 4 Bulb T5 ?? I would just like to know the best light so I too can have an amazing display of corals like many before me. Thanks for your time, feel free to give me some other adive as well :)

Beanz 08-09-2011 03:37 PM

Hey Beano for my 15g I am running a 70w JBJ K2 Viper along with 2 actinic bulbs in a coralife aqua light. Check out my build thread for updates on coral growth I just added my first yesterday. The one thing that i love about these lights are 1) you still get nice color 2) the shimmer from the MH looks really cool and 3) you can turn the MH off if you really want the corals to pop!! Anyways thats what I am running in my 15g, I'm excited to see yours running.

gobytron 08-09-2011 08:01 PM

The 4 bulb t5 will give you comparable light to the 70W viper...
Marineland double brights are just enough for softies.
Even the reefbrites arent quite powerful enough for SPS from reports on them.

Go with the t5's, you wont regret it.

Beanz 08-09-2011 08:18 PM

Ya I'm just saying what i went with... and that i like the shimmer effect and the light it produces is crisp. The only draw back is the light does heat up my room quite a bit but i can live with it.

Wanderer 08-09-2011 09:00 PM

i have an 18 gallon nano i use a 4 x 24 watt t5 unit on, temperature stays low, good colour and all the corals seem happy with it

gobytron 08-09-2011 09:01 PM

Hey man...
I run a 70W sunpod over my 12 gallon...
Awesome can keep anything under it from clams/sps on down.

it uses a lot of volage and runs quite hot...
70w halides are sort of from a time before t5's were really understood...

Beanz 08-09-2011 09:14 PM

I guess whatever floats your boat :D. I am gonna probably do a DIY LED set up for my 45g in the future cause MH for that will be way too hot for a bedroom 2nd story. I really like how LEDs look and that they can be dimmable to achieve the look you want for your tank. A DIY for a small tank wouldn't b too expensive either but I guess Beano hasn't put that in the lighting options for the tank. Sorry that im off topic, just another idea... Anyways, just my 2 cents. T5s r nice too just giving what i am planning on and am running on my tank now for some more ideas on your tank.

Beanz 08-09-2011 09:30 PM

Just to give you an idea of of i got going i snapped a FTS and you can see the lights and whatnot.

Beano1169 08-10-2011 03:40 AM

Awesome thanks everyone for the feed back, I have another question to pester you all with. Does anyone know much about lexan, I may be making a lid/cover for my tank to limit evap and from water on my lights. I know that most glass tops are uv resisting and I have done a bit of research on lexan but I have never used it. Im asking for a bit of insight if anyone out there has an idea :)

Beanz 08-10-2011 06:32 AM

I used to have lexan on top of my 45 and it got bowed in. I didn't really like it.

Beano1169 08-10-2011 06:46 AM

thank you for the input that places a better perspective for me haahah. what would you suggest?

Beanz 08-10-2011 07:13 AM

Idk maybe thick lexan wouldn't bow in. But if ur looking for something else other than lexan to prevent evap I would probably go with glass. I'm probably gonna go with some kinda screen mesh type deal for me tank(s) but I have an ato.

FishyFishy! 08-10-2011 01:51 PM

Petsmart carries fairly cheap glass lids. Don't go with lexan unless its really thick. Lexan will also discolor a lot faster, and be harder to clean

For the lights, check out the 24" fixtures from this place. They have decent quality fixtures for cheap, and their shipping is relatively fast. They have everything from T5 fixtures, and T5/Halide combos. I personally have the 150W halide with T5 combo and it has been a fantastic light.

Beano1169 08-10-2011 06:31 PM

Thanks , i checked it out and im pretty sold on this light 24" 298W Metal Halide System Extendable Series.

FishyFishy! 08-10-2011 07:35 PM

Yeah thats the one I had on my 10G nano, and it works great. I just replaced the stock Oddysea bulb with a 14K 150W Phoenix bulb and it kicks arse. I use it now for my frag tank.

Beano1169 08-10-2011 09:34 PM

Awesome, well sounds like ima get that then hahaha thanks again for the site address and soon in about a months time tank pictures should be up :)

intarsiabox 08-11-2011 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by Beano1169 (Post 629009)
Thanks , i checked it out and im pretty sold on this light 24" 298W Metal Halide System Extendable Series.

I wouldn't be putting a glass lid on a 15g tank with this fixture unless you have it mounted up very high (but that defeats the purpose of getting higher watt MH's). You will have very high temps.

FishyFishy! 08-11-2011 03:38 AM

All I did was put a fan blowing accross inbetween the light and lid. The fan is $30 for a plug and play that mounts on the side of the tank.

Or just make a computer fan yourself. My temps never got above 82 even in the heat of the summer.

Beano1169 08-11-2011 03:46 AM

The highest temp that I have seen in my tank when it was a fresh setup was around 27 degrees celsius so with the fixture on I don't think I will have to worry all that much.

FishyFishy! 08-11-2011 03:53 AM

You can see my smaller computer fan here on the top left. It worked awesome. I could even touch the glass top without it burning me. I then upgraded to an actual tank mounted one that looked better.

Beano1169 08-11-2011 03:58 AM

Ahhh!! I can't wait till my tank looks like that. I'm aspiring to have a nano aa great as yours fishy.

Beano1169 08-12-2011 07:11 AM

So I have looked up some pricing on line and have read a little more on keeping SW nano tanks and I have decided that I may up grade to a :

12-1/2"L x 30-1/4"W x 13"H
24" 298W Metal Halide System Extendable Series

with my existing Fluval E series 50W heater, my koralia nano 240 gph power head and fuge modded ac110
Im just curious as to if this will be enough light and flow for the tank if I upgrade slightly, and I kinda just need a bit more wiggle room so i have a bit more dilution on my side

Beano1169 08-12-2011 07:27 PM

265 $ setback, little longer for the lights :( such a shame.

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