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smokinreefer 01-27-2004 01:37 AM

email virus?
hey folks,
might be a virus goin around....
within 20 minutes i got 2 emails...
one from a , which i dont recognize...
and one from , both with attachements of 22.5kb in size... named body.pif and text.cmd respectively.
oh yeah, they were both sent to my email that i use for reef stuff, boards etc.

anyone else seeing this?

FWIW, the body of the email is all jibberish... and of course i didnt open the attachment, so i cant tell you whats in that!

Chad 01-27-2004 01:56 AM

I have not gotten any emails from J&L with viruses.. not yet anyways.. I'd give em a call and have them do a virus check.. sounds like they maybe infected?


AJ_77 01-27-2004 01:57 AM

I got 2 tonight for my reefs address as well, one from, the other from a stranger.

Watch out.

EmilyB 01-27-2004 02:01 AM

some people have gotten an emai from me, including myself, even thought I do not have their emails on my system. I have full uptodate virus protection, but this virus was just posted today, so I am doing a scan at the moment.

kris 01-27-2004 02:17 AM

i had it come in from two places one was from EmilyB and the other was some one i did not recognize on yahoo. the subject was HI and it was a .Scr file.

Seems to be hitting alot of people globaly

Aquattro 01-27-2004 02:39 AM

I've had a few trying to forward themselves off of my mail server. I'm checking all my machines now. Such fun....

Scavenger 01-27-2004 03:36 AM

Yup I got nailed with them from two of my own email accounts and they self opened somehow. The virus is
MIMAIL.R and the subject line was either test, status or Rfdqas. Unfortunatly I had pc cillen disabled at the time :frown: had system resouces freed up for video games. Didn't take long to get rid of them though.

Samw 01-27-2004 03:41 AM

I use Linux ELM to read mail so I don't ever get viruses. Deb, is your McAfee configure to scan Email in addition to your system? If only set to scan the System, then viruses won't get detected until you open your email. Then its too late.

smokinreefer 01-27-2004 04:37 AM

hahhah...just got 2 minute after eachother... and subjects...test, error, hi.
again only to my reef related email address.

EmilyB 01-27-2004 05:25 AM

yes, I've checked with my address book people and they haven't had anything, only reef people. :confused:

Yes Sam, it is set to scan email. :biggrin:

When I opened my email, it had identified the one sent to me.

wayner 01-27-2004 04:29 PM

I got it too, called shimgapi.dll, I have Mcaffee scans e-mail & system, I did a system virus scan & it deleted 3 but could not delete the one above.

It resides in my C/windows/system 32, how do I get rid of it, it won't allow me to delete it?

Chad 01-27-2004 04:31 PM

My office here got a couple.. but so far nothing on my home email.

Chad 01-27-2004 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by wayner
I got it too, called shimgapi.dll, I have Mcaffee scans e-mail & system, I did a system virus scan & it deleted 3 but could not delete the one above.

It resides in my C/windows/system 32, how do I get rid of it, it won't allow me to delete it?

Follow the instructions in this link

Samw 01-28-2004 12:04 AM

Ah crap. It apears that someone has been able to hijack my Linux mail server and send emails to people and make it appear to be coming from me.

Chad 01-28-2004 12:09 AM

That sucks.. tho I thought this virus could not infect the linux OS? A different virus?

Samw 01-28-2004 12:16 AM

Oops. Scratch that. It isn't doing what I thought it was doing. It turns out that I have added some procmail rules on my Linux account to filter Email with program attachments.


So whenever someone with an infected computer tries to send me an Email with an attachment, I send a message back telling them that I don't accept program attachments. So no one has hijacked me. :lol: I had thought that because I started getting copies of empty messages with the email address of the person who tried to send me the virus. So I thought someone was hijacking my computer to send outbound Email. Not the case.

But I do know who has the infected computer trying to infect me though.

Aquattro 01-28-2004 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Samw

But I do know who has the infected computer trying to infect me though.

You did notify them, right?

EmilyB 01-28-2004 02:20 AM

It's not me :lol:

AJ_77 01-28-2004 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by EmilyB
some people have gotten an emai from me, including myself, even thought I do not have their emails on my system.

Apparently someone else had your email address on their system, and now the worm is spoofing your address as the "from".

From the Symantec site:

Attempts to send email messages using its own SMTP engine. The worm looks up the mail server that the recipient uses before sending the email. If it is unsuccessful, it will use the local mail server instead.

The email will have the following characteristics:

From: May be a spoofed from address.

So even though your updated antivirus software may have caught them all, Deb (as mine seems to have), you may still get msgs back from "Mailer-Daemon" and "Mail Subsystem" at other ISPs because they are sending it back to you. Don't sweat it, you're likely fine.

Kind of freaky though... "Hey, I didn't send that! Did I??..."

Aquattro 01-28-2004 02:46 AM

Right. The from feild is spoofed, therefore it gets sent back to you. I've gotten so many back it isn't funny anymore. The headers indicated the source IP of some, so I did send a PM to that person.
Even though your system is clean, you can still get these non delivery reports.

Bob I 01-28-2004 02:54 AM

I am getting them regularly. One said it came from dhadford. Deb says her machine is not guilty, and I will of course believe that, simply because we do not exchange emails. Hell we don't even talk :eek: One arrived a half hour ago, and norton simply deletes them, and notifies me.

EmilyB 01-28-2004 02:57 AM

Well, if it is on my machine, and a scan says it is not....then try not to take it personally..........okay :lol:

Samw 01-28-2004 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by reef_raf
Right. The from feild is spoofed, therefore it gets sent back to you. I've gotten so many back it isn't funny anymore. The headers indicated the source IP of some, so I did send a PM to that person.
Even though your system is clean, you can still get these non delivery reports.

Yup. That was the case here. I thought the Email I got was from you but the IP address revealed where it actually came from which wasn't you.

Aquattro 01-28-2004 04:02 AM

I think he should be working on this as we speak.

Quinn 01-28-2004 04:07 AM

It will be interesting to see who the DOS attack will be targetting come the first of next month...

Aquattro 01-28-2004 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by teevee
It will be interesting to see who the DOS attack will be targetting come the first of next month...

"Attempts to perform a DoS attack against by creating 64 threads that send GET requests and use a direct connection to port 80."

butters88 01-28-2004 04:41 AM

Thanks a lot Brad, its finally gone :exclaim:
Hope it didn't infect or affect any of you guys, I had no idea I had it until Brad helped out :biggrin:

EmilyB 01-28-2004 04:43 AM

Figures it was a SouthPark guy..... :lol: :razz:

Aquattro 01-28-2004 05:27 AM

Someone in Calgary is still infected. Please check your systems and make sure you have the latest virus definitions. If you think you may have it and aren't sure what to do, PM me for assistance.

Aquattro 01-28-2004 04:22 PM

OK, can the person with IP please clean the stupid virus off their computer? Thanks!!

Chad 01-28-2004 04:36 PM

I finaly got this virus in my e-mail at work.. I'm so blessed.. :biggrin: .. still nothing at home tho..

Quinn 01-28-2004 05:20 PM

Someone on Shaw... that's all I know...

Nemain 01-28-2004 05:35 PM

Just in case you dont know how to check your IP =)

Aquattro 01-28-2004 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by teevee
Someone on Shaw... that's all I know...

In the Calgary area.

Aquattro 01-28-2004 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Nemain

Just in case you dont know how to check your IP =)


kris 01-28-2004 06:53 PM

This is a most anoying virrus. i thought i cleard it out, but it created a back door. stupid stupid me.....

BCOrchidGuy 01-28-2004 09:10 PM

I read that if you want to protect your mail box from sending out viruses to enter the address it will be the first address that is delievered too and it will fail therefore the group email will not go through.... not sure if it really works or not but I've got it and no one's ever gotten a virus from me.


Chad 01-28-2004 10:17 PM

I've never heard of that one? Hmm, have to look around on that..

Aquattro 01-28-2004 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by kris
This is a most anoying virrus. i thought i cleard it out, but it created a back door. stupid stupid me.....

Just got an email from (among dozens of others) :razz:

Chad 01-28-2004 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by reef_raf

Originally Posted by kris
This is a most anoying virrus. i thought i cleard it out, but it created a back door. stupid stupid me.....

Just got an email from (among dozens of others) :razz:

Hey Kris, is that your website? wicked stuff :cool:

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