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Jenn_737700 07-11-2011 08:28 PM

What to do with an evil clown?
I just returned from a trip to find my fire shrimp missing a leg. Not the greatest thing to come home to.:cry: I watched the tank a while and saw one of my clowns ( the male ) nipping at the shrimp. This isnt his first evil act. He also bites at the candycane coral from time to time, and practically tore my featherduster to pieces two monthes ago. What should I do with this evil clown?

cathyg_99 07-11-2011 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Jenn_737700 (Post 622900)
I just returned from a trip to find my fire shrimp missing a leg. Not the greatest thing to come home to.:cry: I watched the tank a while and saw one of my clowns ( the male ) nipping at the shrimp. This isnt his first evil act. He also bites at the candycane coral from time to time, and practically tore my featherduster to pieces two monthes ago. What should I do with this evil clown?

I would say its time for an agressive tank for him... Or ensure that his fav spot is clear of anyother corals maybe hes just protecting his home

Wayne 07-12-2011 12:26 AM

How big is the aquarium if its too small he may just be getting territorial. In which case a bigger home is the best option.

Timbits 07-12-2011 02:59 AM

what kind of clown is this?

syncro 07-12-2011 03:53 AM

Feed more?

Jenn_737700 07-12-2011 06:39 AM

he's a false percula, and captive bred im pretty certain. I've got him in a ten gallon with a few other fish and corals. He eats a lot at feeding times, so im sure he isnt biting out of hunger. It might be a territorial thing, but it just never showed until the featherduster incident. I dont blame him for that, because it ended up right in his favourite swimming place:razz: Anyway, the candycane and shrimp nipping only started a few weeks ago, and both had been in the tank for a month or more. I'll definately keep a bigger tank in mind. Although I dont really have the money, room or time for another...

Timbits 07-12-2011 09:56 AM

maybe he's trying to tell you that he wants a lil anemone to call home :mrgreen:

clk666 07-12-2011 02:41 PM

ill totally take him off your hands! lol that could be a solution! :P

ponokareefer 07-12-2011 02:53 PM

If the pair is in a 10 gallon with other fish, I would be concerned about the other fish. More than the pair of clownfish in that size of tank is overstocked and is going to cause undo stress on everyone.

The clownfish's size of territory would be around the size of the 10 gallon tank, so anything in there that is doesn't like, it may move/destroy. I would avoid an anemone in that size of tank as it just isn't big enough. Get yourself a clay pot and you will probably see eggs after a while, depending on their age, and if you get rid of the other fish.

Jenn_737700 07-12-2011 08:13 PM

yeah, the clowns are with other fish, but surprisingly, they dont seem to mind them. Okay, here's what I have:

2 clowns
1 tailspot blenny
1 neon goby
corals: zoas, torch, candycane, mushrooms, duncans, 1 coco worm, pulsing xenia, and an unidentified neon green and brown something.
1 large fire shrimp

The only disputes are the male clown with the shrimp occasionly and the candycane. And the female clown sometimes picks a fight with the blenny. But they dont nip at each other. The goby is basically ignored the clowns, but is friends with the blenny.

@clk666: Yes, I have considered selling them, so if things dont get any better I might send you a pm if you really want them...

@ponokareefer: haha I seriously wouldnt doubt the egg idea. I just wouldnt have time for it:cry:

kies1 07-12-2011 09:09 PM

All those fish in a 10 Gallon no wonder he is being very aggressive

Jenn_737700 07-12-2011 09:20 PM

Other than a few disputes here and there, its FINE. Thankyou.

isaac1 07-13-2011 12:17 AM

put him in your frying pan

spawn 07-13-2011 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by isaac1 (Post 623199)
put him in your frying pan

Awesome... Also I can't believe that no one has said yet "Punch Him in the nose" Ha ha Get it cause clowns have big nose's, & he's an evil clown huh huh :twised: Evil can be entertaining, why not just let him keep on keepin on:twised:

reefwars 07-13-2011 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by kies1 (Post 623158)
All those fish in a 10 Gallon no wonder he is being very aggressive

ive seen worse.....

mike31154 07-13-2011 02:31 AM

He's not evil, simply doing what comes naturally, defending his space. The shrimp will likely grow back the missing appendage in time (after a few molts) and either learn to respect the clown's space, or lose more body parts.

clk666 07-13-2011 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by mike31154 (Post 623259)
He's not evil, simply doing what comes naturally, defending his space. The shrimp will likely grow back the missing appendage in time (after a few molts) and either learn to respect the clown's space, or lose more body parts.

lol i love it. its part of nature of course they will fight even us humans fight .. put a few of us in a house and your sure to see some fights. but if your going to sell.... im definately willing to make space for clowns!!! my daughter loves her nemos! haha

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