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Carrera75 05-25-2011 10:04 PM

50 gallon skimmerless & sumpless
Hi everyone,

I'll be shutting down my tank soon and I thought that before I do this I would share some pics of my tank. This is a very low maintatance, simple set up but it has worked amazingly for the last several years. I have never battled any type of algae and corals multiply like there is no tomorrow :biggrin:. These corals have been fragged a thousand times and all the corals that are in there started from a single head or a small polyp. Anyway, here are the pics....

Pictures don't do it justice. This is one of the reasons why I never posted pictures before. Somehow, shots never turned out great and didn't really captured how nice this set up really looks in person.


Left side view

Right side view

lastlight 05-25-2011 10:07 PM

That looks stunning. The variety and brightness of the colors is incredible =)

What's the shaggy purple thing on the right?

Carrera75 05-25-2011 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 615495)
That looks stunning. The variety and brightness of the colors is incredible =)

What's the shaggy purple thing on the right?

To the right of the Green Sinularia? Those are Purple Death palys.

The tank really looks a lot better in person. I have an SLR digital camera but for some reason the colors don't show that well in pics :sad:

lastlight 05-25-2011 10:28 PM

Sorry purple thing...far right...FTS...

Carrera75 05-25-2011 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 615503)
Sorry purple thing...far right...FTS...

That's a huge (6"x5") Duncan colony. Corals are a lot bigger then they appear in pics. For example that monti cap in the center is around 12" x 9"".

ScubaSteve 05-25-2011 10:34 PM

I think that's his duncan.

Ya dude, pics seriously don't do your tank justice. Find someone with some picture taking skillz before you shut 'er down =P.

Props to an epic tank. Sad to see it go. I think you're crazy for this....

lastlight 05-25-2011 10:41 PM

ok what? duncans come in purple?!

lorenz0 05-25-2011 11:31 PM

yep, the ones I had were purple with green accent

btw love the tank, especially the florida ric's

Carrera75 05-25-2011 11:48 PM

Yeah, the Duncans are light purple/green.

@Lorenzo, The Rics are one of my fav corals. I think that's obvious :-)

christyf5 05-26-2011 01:52 AM

Great looking tank. The ricordea garden is gorgeous and those anemones are just wild!! Love it! :)

Carrera75 05-26-2011 03:31 AM

Yeah, the Rics and Anemones are my favorite too :-)

whatcaneyedo 05-26-2011 05:06 AM

Do you have any secrets on how you've got your hammer coral looking so happy? Mine used to look like that but hasn't for the past year. I think I ****ed it off by moving it into a spot (for a few months) that it didn't like and it hasn't recovered yet.

brianlow 05-26-2011 05:58 AM

Great tank! Any tips for others running sumpless and skimmerless? How often and how large are your water changes? Dosing? Lighting?

DisneyCoralReef 05-26-2011 03:35 PM

Outstanding! why are you shutting the tank down?!

Carrera75 05-26-2011 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo (Post 615587)
Do you have any secrets on how you've got your hammer coral looking so happy? Mine used to look like that but hasn't for the past year. I think I ****ed it off by moving it into a spot (for a few months) that it didn't like and it hasn't recovered yet.

I have had it for over a year and it has doubled in size. Right now it's about 8" x 5" when fully extended. It seems that the Hammer coral likes medium flow. I wish I could help you more but all I did was to move it around the tank to find the best spot for it.

Carrera75 05-26-2011 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by brianlow (Post 615593)
Great tank! Any tips for others running sumpless and skimmerless? How often and how large are your water changes? Dosing? Lighting?

Hi there,

Going skimmerless and sumpless is not for everyone. You have to be patient and go slow and a lot of people don't know how to do this:mrgreen:. All the corals you see in the tank started from one single head or polyp. I took my time and planned this set up well. The goal was to create a low maintenance reef. If you want to go skimmerless and sumpless I would say go slow, take your time. Don't add 5 fish or lots of corals at the same time. Allow the tank to mature and achieve a good balance.

At the beginning I used to do 10% weekly water changes but as the tank matured that changed. At one point I was doing only a couple water changes a year but this is NOT something I recommend you to do. When this happened, my tank had already been set up for 4 years and it was pretty mature. I know do 10% monthly water changes and I don't add any additives.

There is also an AC110 that was turned into a refugium and I run another HOB filter with some filter pad in there to keep the water clear. The lighting is 2x150w MH + 4x39 T5's.

I feed the fish twice a day and feed the corals once in a while. One thing that I would recommend you to do is to rinse the frozen food before you feed your fish. If you don't do this you will adding a lot of extra nutrients into your set up. I should mention that I have always kept around 5 to 6 small fish and perhaps this has also helped to keep the bio-load in check.

I hope this helps.


Originally Posted by DisneyCoralReef (Post 615614)
Outstanding! why are you shutting the tank down?!

Thanks for your comments. why am I shutting down this? I have been told that I have to downsize :sad:

Carrera75 05-26-2011 04:54 PM

This FTS is from 2009. I was out of the country for almost the whole year and a friend of mine took care of the tank. He didn't have any experience in saltwater tanks. All he did was to stop by my place once a day to feed the fish and did monthly water changes.

These are shots that were taken within the last few months.

BitShifter 05-26-2011 07:55 PM

Hey man, I know a photographer who lives downtown who could take some pics for you.

reefermadness 05-27-2011 12:48 AM

Very nice work....props for success with an unconventional method!

toytech 05-27-2011 12:50 AM

WOW, you tank is epic ! Love the ricks and nems . Wish my 50 sumpless and skimmerless looked this good.

brianlow 05-27-2011 01:46 AM

Thanks for the advice. Amazing, amazing tank. Hope you find a good home for it.

Carrera75 05-27-2011 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by BitShifter (Post 615666)
Hey man, I know a photographer who lives downtown who could take some pics for you.

How much does he charge :mrgreen:


Originally Posted by reefermadness (Post 615733)
Very nice work....props for success with an unconventional method!

Thanks, I know it's "unconventional" but it has worked amazingly so far.


Originally Posted by toytech (Post 615735)
WOW, you tank is epic ! Love the ricks and nems . Wish my 50 sumpless and skimmerless looked this good.

Thanks man, I thought you had a smaller tank.


Originally Posted by brianlow (Post 615747)
Thanks for the advice. Amazing, amazing tank. Hope you find a good home for it.

I am actually just downsizing tanks and I'll keep most of the corals you see in there.

BitShifter 05-28-2011 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Carrera75 (Post 615946)
How much does he charge :mrgreen:

It's my girlfriend. She does mostly wedding and event photography. She hasn't done aquarium photos before but interested in adding to her portfolio.

For some frags maybe?

toytech 05-29-2011 12:53 AM

Ive got a 15 and a 50 and combined they don't even come close to looking that good . Sucks you have to downgrade , but you should be able to whip up something really spectacular with that kind of selection of corals .

Carrera75 05-29-2011 03:03 AM

The new tank is a Solana. I'll do my best to create a better set up with most of the corals from the 50 gallon. This time the lighting is going to be T5's instead of MH. Hopefully the growth will be the same as it is now.

rusty 05-29-2011 12:07 PM

Nice tank, corals lok awesome!

Doug's fish 05-29-2011 11:24 PM

Your work of art!
I've seen many aquariums in my time. And that aquarium is a work of art from the heart. Just a couple of questions. Are you using any chemicals / additives,
each week , how often are your water chances and what filter system are you using ? All I say is WOW.

Great work !!!


Carrera75 05-30-2011 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by rusty (Post 616204)
Nice tank, corals lok awesome!

Thanks :biggrin:


Originally Posted by Doug's fish (Post 616258)
I've seen many aquariums in my time. And that aquarium is a work of art from the heart. Just a couple of questions. Are you using any chemicals / additives,
each week , how often are your water chances and what filter system are you using ? All I say is WOW.

Great work !!!


No, I don't use any chemicals or additives and water changes are done every couple of months. I guess the main filter system for this set up is the live rock and I also use an AC100 that's turned into a refugium.

I should mention that when this tank was first set up water changes were done weekly. However, as the tank got more established the frequency of water changes decreased. This is a very low maintenance system and I really don't do much other than cleaning the glass and feeding the fish.


Skimmerking 05-30-2011 02:34 PM

the tank looks very good well done

pscott99 05-30-2011 03:08 PM

Really beautifull. How about a fuge shot ? No phosphate issues ? Did you have the normal cleanup crew ?

Carrera75 05-30-2011 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by asmodeus (Post 616318)
the tank looks very good well done

Thanks, it's my little aquatic garden and I really enjoy doing the maintenance required to keep it looking great. This tank never gets neglected and I do my best to provide the best home possible for the corals and fish.


Originally Posted by pscott99 (Post 616319)
Really beautifull. How about a fuge shot ? No phosphate issues ? Did you have the normal cleanup crew ?

The refugium is nothing special. It's just an AquaClear 110 filter turned into a refugium. All I have in there is some cheato that gets pruned when needed and believe or not it does not even grow that fast. I'll try to take a pic when I get a chance.

Triggz 05-30-2011 06:13 PM

Awesome looking tank! I have actually met quite a few people over the years that have had similar success with a skimerless/sumpless setup. But I think this one takes the cake!

Do you use tap water or RODI? Also, are you using a higher end mix of salt? Or just good old IO?


Carrera75 05-30-2011 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Triggz (Post 616340)
Awesome looking tank! I have actually met quite a few people over the years that have had similar success with a skimerless/sumpless setup. But I think this one takes the cake!

Do you use tap water or RODI? Also, are you using a higher end mix of salt? Or just good old IO?


I used tap water for a couple of years but I have been getting water from Safeway for the last 4 years. No high end salt just the good old IO.

Maverick00 06-28-2011 05:10 AM

Amazing.. so i know its been over 4 years, but how long since the tank was first cycled out of curiosity?

Carrera75 06-28-2011 04:01 PM

This tank didn't go through a cycle or if it did it was a small one. I bought liverock and sand from a guy that had just shut down his tank and this greatly helped to minimize the cycle period. This tank never had any algae problems and ran skimmerless & sumpless very successfully for 7 years. Coral growth and polyp extension was awesome.

This reef tank was shut down this past weekend.

msjboy 06-28-2011 04:29 PM

Can we have picts of new setup?
Can we have some picts of the new transfer to the small tank... would be interesting to see if the smaller environment can still be skimmerless and sumpless....


Carrera75 06-28-2011 06:30 PM

New system is skimmerless and sumpless just like this one. I'll post a pic later.

lorenz0 06-28-2011 09:09 PM

just saw the pictures from your 2009 FTS, wow it was nice

btw i still want to raid your florida ric collection

Carrera75 06-28-2011 09:50 PM

U into Rics :-) I have about 200 Rics. They grow very well in my tank but then any coral that I put in there grew like weed.

Skimmerking 06-28-2011 10:37 PM

I love Ric's my god what I would do to get some from you.

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