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tony_3a 05-20-2011 04:31 AM

Mystery wrasse in overflow?!?!?!
So, what a shitty day this has been, I noticed my mystery wrasses is in my overflow, I have a standard 90g oceanic rr tank, it has a overflow that is 2 feet tall.

I have one idea, to fill the overflow with cheap gravel from petsmart in order to bring the fish up higher where i can see him and can net him. Anyone have better ideas than this?


Chowder 05-20-2011 05:18 AM

Stop your main pump . Drain most of the water in the over flow. Use a small net to catch the wrasse.


monocus 05-20-2011 05:42 AM

fish in overflow
same thing happened to me with my two mystery wrasses.took me two weeks to finally get them out and two minutes for them to go back into is now their home

tony_3a 05-20-2011 05:51 AM

Im just worried about him going down my the drain, i only have eggcrate covering it. I also have 3 90 degree elbows and he wont make it down it all the way.

Sea Witch 05-20-2011 06:33 AM

Can you cover the drain with a tea strainer or colander or some cheesecloth and weight it down with something just to reduce the water level?

tony_3a 05-20-2011 07:54 AM

Well that sucked a lot. Check on the fish once before bed and It is stuck to the eggcrate, I guess it fell asleep and then the flow pulled it up, I dont really know..... for give me for being naive. Anyways, tried to net him and i got him, started thrashing in the little net, i finally got it loose and it swam right into my 14 inch anemone, who then tried to eat him, I netted the fish again right before it got to the mouth, then it swam to the other corner of the tank under some rocks where I can just see its tail, Breathing really heavily, I cannot get to the fish tho.

Im assuming its dead, which really sucks, best looking fish ive ever had.

between the spill and the mystery wrasse gone this day sucked...... as far as fish related problems go. Also i know it could be worse, but just sucks to lose a brand new fish.

Thanks for the input anyways

cathyg_99 05-20-2011 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by tony_3a (Post 614507)
Well that sucked a lot. Check on the fish once before bed and It is stuck to the eggcrate, I guess it fell asleep and then the flow pulled it up, I dont really know..... for give me for being naive. Anyways, tried to net him and i got him, started thrashing in the little net, i finally got it loose and it swam right into my 14 inch anemone, who then tried to eat him, I netted the fish again right before it got to the mouth, then it swam to the other corner of the tank under some rocks where I can just see its tail, Breathing really heavily, I cannot get to the fish tho.

Im assuming its dead, which really sucks, best looking fish ive ever had.

between the spill and the mystery wrasse gone this day sucked...... as far as fish related problems go. Also i know it could be worse, but just sucks to lose a brand new fish.

Thanks for the input anyways

you might be okay just leave him alone for a bit hes just stressed, my 1 inch baby clown decided to take a leap into the overflow through the eggcrate down the intake past the filter socks, skimmer and was beside the return pump... hes now happy and swimming around the main display

tony_3a 05-20-2011 04:10 PM

Well that was right! I come down this morning and my wife goes.... Oh i see you got him out of the overflow!!!!

good morning.


Originally Posted by cathyg_99 (Post 614508)
you might be okay just leave him alone for a bit hes just stressed, my 1 inch baby clown decided to take a leap into the overflow through the eggcrate down the intake past the filter socks, skimmer and was beside the return pump... hes now happy and swimming around the main display

fishytime 05-20-2011 04:19 PM

so the wrasse is OK?

cwatkins 05-20-2011 05:38 PM

I had the same problem with things getting into my overflow. So the solution was to cover the overflow with eggcrate and then lexan covering the eggcrate. Now nothing can get into the overflow (just enough room for water and air exchange). It also helps quiet the noise of falling water.

In the last year I haven't had anyone jump onto the overflow cover either...

tony_3a 05-20-2011 06:25 PM

The wrasse is doing well! looks very timid right now, scared of everything, but last night was crazy, i was sure he was a goner, was not moving, not doing anything just incredibly laboured breathing. Also it looked like he was stuck in the rocks too. But i am very pleased, I had walked down to tell my wife about what happened(I know 100 is not crazy expensive for a fish, but my most expensive fish purchase so far) and she had no clue about the prior nights events, she is all happy and tells me he is swimming around, I did not believe her at first, then i saw him!!!

Good morning.

DCDN 05-23-2011 05:31 PM

I'm really happy for you

tony_3a 05-24-2011 06:00 AM

Thanks a lot :)


Originally Posted by DCDN (Post 615022)
I'm really happy for you

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