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Bin Laden
The Americans have confirmed tonight that they have killed Bin Laden after 10 years.
http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapc...pt=T1&iref=BN1 |
well........there goes my theory........I always thought thought they would find him running a shop in New York somewhere....right under their noses......
I guess your thought was incorrect.:lol:
I'm not sure I believe the US was really after Bin Laden, so I'm not sure they really caught him. :neutral:
The US thought they had him once before but it turned out to be a double, surgically altered to look exactly like him. I hope for all that it is truly the body of the SOB, it would be another hard blow if it was another double.
I do believe that this is the SOB that has haunted so many, I would like to think they have learned from the past and that their intelligence has it correct this time around.
Let's hope
Here's my theory, Bin laden was killed at Tora Bora in 2001, But the Americans still needed a boogie man to scare people, so they could pass unconstitutional laws restricting the citizens freedom. And not deny the weapons manufacturing companies their so called right to massive profits. Obama knows they can't keep the scam going indefinably, and needs to put a stop to it. The only problem is he can't up and tell the truth or a lynch mob would be following George and his friends every where they go. Not to mention having to explain where all those bogus Bin laden tapes came from.
So we get this story. Seriously, do I really believe the above scenario is true? I don't know, it is one possibility. I do know our governments lie to us so often, its difficult to believe any story they come out with. So I believe he's dead, but my theory and the news story are on about equal footing. Both B.S. |
cmon!.......he's not dead.......he's in the US somewhere at this moment saying "would you like to supersize that slurpee?":mrgreen:
While I do believe that there are truly evil people out there, I fear all they have done is create another martyr for them. Remember the only difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is which side wins. If everybody thinks the USA is over there strictly fighting for the freedom of the world, you all better think again..OIL, OIL and more OIL! I trust the USA more than the middle east, but not by much. There is a whole lot going on than meets the eye{s}. Remember all the wmd's they found in Iraq...or was that Indiana...Sorry, we have lost a lot of people over there and it hasn't done a heck of a lot, One dictator hung and a powder keg still there...who's next??
Personally I think people need to pay more attention to certain details in the news rather than just believing whatever they're told. Honestly I don't understand how people even bought into the who Bin Laden thing in the first place, are people that racist to assume everyone looks that similar or just stupid?
http://www.historycommons.org/events...81722-9383.jpg |
Killed yesterday and already buried at sea already. The U.S. say they have DNA evidence. I want to see the body and pretty sure millions of others do as well. Now I don't beleive that he is dead, but i'm in to conspiracy theories.
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Quote:Originally Posted by fishytime [IMG]http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/images/buttons/viewpost.gif[/IMG] cmon!.......he's not dead.......he's in the US somewhere at this moment saying "would you like to supersize that slurpee?":mrgreen:If you are going to sterotype atleast do it right... Koreans and Indians own corner stores. |
Bin Laden was only a figurehead for Al Qaeda, with him gone they'll appoint another leader who will have a bigger axe to grind because he will have to prove himself. The amount of destruction and threats that have been attributed to the Al Qaeda have not been the work of one man, and the US in all their ignorance would have to be fools to think this is over because Osama is gone.
I really don't think that anyone really is naive enough to think that with Bin Laden gone, so goes the terrorists. They, and we, are celebrating his demise is largely due to the fact that he ordered the 9-11 murder of thousands of innocents. So that chapter has a bit of a closure.
Now, who know what idiot will head this sorry bunch! :cry: |
Yes there will be someone else that will step up and take over Al Qaeda. Terriorists will always be out there, But it is a small closure on the man that supposedly called the shots on 911.
If he is dead way to go but some real proof would be nice, not just someone saying that they got him.
that was a real fast burial! |
I was surprised to read that this was a locate and kill operation as opposed to a locate and capture. I would have thought the US gov't would have been very interested in a very public trial and execution/lifetime incarceration.
I don't think bringing the body back to the states and parading it around Washington DC would have provided any more proof than what they already have. I can see them not wanting a physical grave for fundamentalists to turn into a shrine or monument and dumping the body at sea solves that problem. |
i dont think capture was an option. There was a firefight from what i was reading so i doubt Bin Laden would have surrerrendered. Also had they captured him and extracted him the outlash from other terrorists would have been huge (though killing him isnt much better) - they would have proabably taken a few high value targets hostage and asked for an exchange.
I would like to see some better proof though - the whole execution of this leaves a lot of questions. Maybe they did capture him or still have his body but said they disposed of it to prevent a hostage exchange situation. No less than a 100 conspiracy theories will come of this, lol. |
An "nutjob's" view?
QUESTIONS ABOUT BIN LADEN MAY 2, 2011. 9:15 am, Pacific Time. Everything could change minute by minute, but right now there are serious questions… The face photo of a dead bin Laden that has been circulating on British media online sites is a fake. That has been confirmed by TheGuardian site. It’s a composite of an old bin Laden photo and an unknown dead man whose face was mashed up. The Guardian has the photos on its site, and you can see the fake was put together from two others. GEO TV, a Pakistani media outlet, had apparently been reporting that Pakistani forces just killed bin Laden. That story: a Pakistani military helicopter was doing a search mission and was shot down by unknown persons. Pakistani troops then engaged in a fire fight with the shooters, and in that clash bin Laden was killed. Now, however, on the GEO site, the story is changed. The new version is the official one. A US operation killed bin Laden. Of possible relevance: In all the press reports I watched last night (Sunday), I heard no reference to the exact time of the attack on the house in Abbottabad. It’s elementary journalism to nail a fact like that down. What happened? What about the DNA test on bin Laden? Last night (Sunday), US news outlets were reporting that a DNA test match had already been made between the man US Seals killed and bin Laden. So apparently, they already had a genuine DNA sample from bin Laden. But DNA testing takes time. How was the match arrived at so quickly? Now, US news outlets are changing their tune. The DNA testing is underway. It wasn’t used to confirm bin Laden’s death. Instead, “facial recognition” was employed. This is not described. Does it mean eyeballing the corpse? Was facial-recognition software used to ID a photo of the dead bin Laden? It appears, from press reports, that about a month ago, the White House was significantly leaning in the direction of believing bin Laden was living in the walled compound in Abbottabad. So since then, what measures were taken to assure he didn’t leave? Nearby ground surveillance? That could arouse suspicion. Satellite viewing? If so, and if bin Laden had fled, could he have been tracked and killed before disappearing? For a long time, reports have circulated claiming bin Laden was already dead. The Pakistan Observer reported he died in December of 2001. So far, since yesterday, neither US or Pakistani officials have released a photo of the corpse of bin Laden. The White House is now, it’s reported, debating about whether to release a “gruesome” picture. We are told bin Laden was living in a large house in Abbotabad, which is a town where the Pakistani version of West Point is situated—a mile or two away from bin Laden’s hideout. Also, many retired Pakistani military officers live in the town. Two accused terrorists, CNN reports, Umar Patek and Tahir Shehzad, were arrested in Abbottabad in the past year, in house raids staged by Pakistani troops. Why would bin Laden set up shop there? Why would he stay after the raids? Although there appears to be evidence Pakistani officials have shielded bin Laden over the years, one can’t rely on all the military people in the town to follow suit. And then there is the fact that this compound stuck out like a sore thumb in the area. It was far bigger than any other house in the area, had been built at a cost of $1 million, it had walls and security wire, the residents burned all their trash, and the women in the house spoke Arabic. Was bin Laden, the terrorist genius, announcing his presence? President Obama claimed, last night, that bin Laden’s burial would be handled in accordance with Islamic custom. So the press is now reporting his body has been dropped at sea. At least one Muslim cleric claims this is not Islamic custom, the body must be buried in the ground—and if officials are worried the site could become a rallying point for terrorists, the secret grave could remain unmarked. The body is gone. No photo of it has been released. We have no details about how “facial recognition” was achieved. We have conflicting stories about who staged the attack. A phony death photo of bin Laden’s face has been discredited. The DNA-test story initially released has now been withdrawn. On August 15, 2010, General Petraeus stated that capturing bin Laden was still high on the US agenda. So now, two-and-a-half months before the date American troops are supposed to come home from Afghanistan, there is a “mission-accomplished” public relations tune that can be played…and a partial drawdown of troops, plus a repeated hailing of the killing of bin Laden can be used to assuage bitter feelings about the war…as the next presidential election season approaches. A few days before the 2004 election, a bin Laden video surfaced. Its authenticity was questioned. Some speculated it helped George Bush win a second term in office. JON RAPPOPORT No More Fake News . |
If you want to talk reputable sources the only actual evidence provided by the US government even linking OBL to 911 is their so called confession tape which was released exactly when Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair had failed to prove Bin Laden's responsibility for 911 and both men were trying to win international public support, particularly in the Islamic world, for the anti-terrorist campaign. Then look at the tape, he is a weighty man with a black beard, not a grey one. His pale skin had suddenly become darker, and he had a different shaped nose. His artistic hands with slender fingers had transformed into those of a pugilist. Furthermore, Bin Laden can be seen writing a note with his right hand, although he is left-handed. Then consider some of his comments about how he knew the iron structure of the twin towers would melt yet he was actually a civil engineer in a passed life and would know the towers were constructed from steel not iron and a hydrocarbon fire from jet fuel can only reach 1800F while steel melts at 2800F. |
I didn't say all of them were the work of nutjobs... but many of them are. This article you posted doesn't provide a single alternative viewpoint... it just asks more questions. That's a good thing, questions are important but the presence of questions doesn't automatically disprove the governments account of events. I read through the questions this article asked and still am willing to believe the US gov't on this. There is and always has been though a wide gap between what a government official reports and what the news outlets write. This article seems to take more issue with some of the claims made in the British and American media then it does with statements from the US gov't. |
He's not really dead, he's just in hiding, I am pretty sure reports will soon surface about him sharing a condo with Elvis somewhere. I am sure the National Inquirer will have the full TRUE story out by next week LOL.
It was the Illuminati!! :wink:
But seriously, my jury is still out on this one. Ill wait for more info to filter in before I form a real opinion. And as an aside, just read this article; http://www.thestarphoenix.com/news/O...445/story.html And am starting to feel credibility slipping away as the American goverment is trying harder to paint a desparate picture of OBL black evil heart. |
I Think it's BS, I think he was dead in a rat hole in 2001 but like said by others here WAR is good business as long as the machine is running. I think the real reason this timely announcement was made was that the US fed. held a press conference last week to announce that they will not raise interest rates for quite some time..... (Because they can't afford to)so that means more QE.(printing Money) that they can't afford to put into circulation either.(but it's the lesser of two evils right now) Long story short the US is bankrupt & this & other announcements will be made in hope of gathering some national unity before the US greenback falls off the world stage as the most widely accepted currency, which will have very, very bad effects.
America is "winning" (maybe Charlie Sheen wasn't so crazy) He just had drug induced visions of the future. :) |
No matter how evil he is I can not take pleasure in someone's death.
He is responsible for the death of thousands. Who is responsible for the death of 100,000 Iraqi civillians? This thing will not end with the death of Bin Laden. As long as the Muslims have a grievance they will be fighting us. As despicable as their terrorist tactics are, there are no other tactics they can use to fight the U.S. They are faced with an overwhelming military force and they are at a huge technological disadvantage when the U.S. has stealth aircraft, cruise missiles, predator drones, etc. What sort of tactics would we use if our country were invaded by the U.S.? Most likely improvised explosive devices. We will not have peace until we have justice. Not to say that the terrorists are justified in their actions, but until the lives of people in those countries are improved, and they are able to live with some dignity, they will hate us and they will try to kill us. |
Oh man... I don't even know where to start with this one... It makes my head hurt.
OK, so a small disclaimer here before I join the rant: I'm not a USA fan. So I apologize before hand if I say anything that offends anyone... but you know, this is the internet and I have a keyboard so I'm entitled to an opinion, right? :razz: Ok, so Bin Laden has been killed... again. I couldn't really argue with them the first times he was killed, nor this time. So I'll go out on a limb and assume they got the real Slim Shady this time. However, I call BS on a lot of this. Part of it is probably just media and half-assed, sensationalized reporting but there is something that makes me uneasy about this. The part that really set off alarms was when all the news reports started saying "he was buried at sea according to Islamic traditions"... Whaaa? Really? First of all, I'm not even Muslim and I know that's a load of crap. Their tradition is to be buried within a day with your head facing the holy city, not having your dead arse dumped over the side of a boat. Second, they expect me to buy into this whole "We beat terrorism" b******t they've been touting but, oh, ya.. we kinda dumped the body off a boat so we can't really prove it. Our bad, World. Our bad... And besides, when has the US ever been known to really go out of their way to respect Islamic traditions... Just sayin'. Like, the US is not exactly universally known for acceptance and religious tolerance.. Even if they did bury Bin Laden according to his traditions (which they didn't), they did something really stupid. Now I'm the most anti-war person you'll probably meet and I'm not for disrespecting religious traditions, but in respecting Bin Laden's traditions at burial they signal to the world they recognize him as, in the words of The Dude, a worthy adversary (explicatives deleted). Had it been the most epic battle of great nations in a war to end all wars, you'd do that... not someone you have, more or less, been referring to as the cockroach of the world. Napolean, gets respect. Bin Laden, not so much. So, this is probably the media being retarded as usual. The likely cause is that they dumped the body at sea so people couldn't rally around it. Sure, good call. But then again, where's the proof? They've been playing a BS war for a decade that is basically run through media, so why the hell would I buy into this now? They embalmed Houssien's sons' bodies for proof before burial, what is the difference now? Ok, so ranting aside... My guess is that he's probably ACTUALLY dead this time; unless he's part cat, has 9 lives and always lands on his feet if dropped from a minimum height of 3 feet. But while he might be dead this is not the last we're going to be hearing about this. Bin Laden is Dead, Al-Qaeda Lives. I bet anything that in the next few weeks there is going to be some new story, person or boogey man that will come out of this that will be just another excuse to go to war. Again. |
So they awarded the "Nobel Peace Prize"...
to a man that issued a "Kill" order.
I wonder if they are going to ask for it back. |
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