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Zoaelite 03-22-2011 03:44 AM

390G Zoanthid & SPS Reef System
With the semester almost over and my roomies moving out my brother and I decided to start up a 250g Reef system together. It will be a combination of both of our original tanks (165g & 125g) and is currently being built by Kevin @ Red Coral.

Tank Specifics:
250g 6'L X 3'W X 22"H Black silicone with external right overflow
Black Steel Tubular Stand

4'LX 2'W X 16"H Sump with 4 baffles

Mangrove system to be decided on.
I'm getting auto misters though :razz:.

Aquamedic 3X 150W Metal Halide,4 80W T5's and moon lights (internal ballast)
Corallife 3X 150W Metal Halide, 4 96W PC's & moon lights (External ballast)

4 MP40W ES Vortech Ecotech Marine

Calcium Reactor:
Vertex Duo RX6 with 10lb CO2 cylinder

Return pump:
Reeflo Snapper external

Zoaelite 03-22-2011 03:54 AM

fishytime 03-22-2011 03:56 AM

.......this ought to be ok:razz::wink:......j/k man..........saweeeeeeeeeeet!......plenty o floor space for zoa growin!:wink:

lastlight 03-22-2011 04:00 AM

Now that's how to roll out a new tank. It already looks great!

Zoaelite 03-22-2011 04:04 AM

I'm really not stoked on the current flow in my 165g, its nice at the one end but the zoas on the other get much slower flow so I want to fix that with this tank. Plus Flash Gorden grew a little faster than I expected :neutral:.

My bro is moving into my house so instead of 2 tanks we decided on one big one, still working out the kinks with Kevin but would like to see this installed within the month.

lastlight 03-22-2011 04:17 AM

Oh wait we're looking at the 165 still. I get confused easily.

es355lucille 03-22-2011 04:18 AM

Hey we need a picture of the mango house....what was that again? Your system is very cool looking. Nice touch.

Lance 03-22-2011 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by zoaElite (Post 600629)
72" X 36"D X 22H" with sump and mangrove grow house.
The beast beggins :neutral:.
More to come.

Those dims are excellent. Lots of depth and dry arm pits.

Zoaelite 03-22-2011 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 600648)
Oh wait we're looking at the 165 still. I get confused easily.

Don't worry Brett it's easy to get confused when I type, some times I don't realize other people actually read my comments :lol:.

Hey we need a picture of the mango house....what was that again? Your system is very cool looking. Nice touch.
Still finalizing plans on it but I'm going to take my 150 mangroves and plant them in my brothers 150 mangrove tub, should make for one amazing filtration patch.

Those dims are excellent. Lots of depth and dry arm pits.
The days of polluting my tank with deodorant are almost over!! We debated on the dimensions for a while but in the end we both wanted to see a shallower deeper tank.
Can't wait to see the final product!!

lastlight 03-22-2011 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by zoaElite (Post 600702)
The days of polluting my tank with deodorant are almost over!!

That's funny because that's something I'm conscious of every time I'm forced to go into the tank. I always fear that.

Delphinus 03-22-2011 04:23 PM

That's 150 mangroves to the left of the 165 now? Or do you have others in a different spot?

Man 300 mangroves in that tub. Epic! :lol: How much substrate/sand/mud/etc. in there for that? Hope it doesn't have to be moved soon.

fishoholic 03-22-2011 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 600650)
Those dims are excellent. Lots of depth and dry arm pits.

I have to agree. I definately want more depth and less hight if I ever do another tank.

Zoaelite 03-23-2011 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 600715)
That's 150 mangroves to the left of the 165 now? Or do you have others in a different spot?

Man 300 mangroves in that tub. Epic! :lol: How much substrate/sand/mud/etc. in there for that? Hope it doesn't have to be moved soon.

When I say "150" I should say "150 persay", I added 150 to start and those are the toughest one that out grew everything else.

Either we will be purchasing an additional tank to make into the mangrove house or I will be placing the tank directly inside of this.
Then we will add a few new pods and should be set :razz:.

Zoaelite 03-23-2011 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 600751)
I have to agree. I definately want more depth and less hight if I ever do another tank.

The few inches on 2' really makes a difference IMO, it makes for great for top downs.

Zoaelite 05-03-2011 06:07 AM

The beast has arrived!

Plan of attack:
-Tuesday- Electrician
-Wed- Plumbing
-Thursday- Fill & Salt Mix, plumb calcium reactor, install mangrove tank, install auto misters for mangroves.
-Friday- Transfer the established 110g to the main.
-Some time shortly after- Transfer my 165g to this tank.

Some photos:
This is the "mother is going to beat my arse face", good thing she doesn't get back from Jamaica until Saturday :lol:.

Vertex 280g Insump and Duo Calcium Reactor

lorenz0 05-03-2011 06:17 AM

holy crap dude. I'm going to have to swing by and grab some zoa's off of you just to see this thing

phi delt reefer 05-03-2011 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by zoaElite (Post 611074)

woah - wrong forum bro....wrong forum. :mrgreen:

Put a real beer in your hand - this pic belongs on an American forum.:biggrin:

Leah 05-03-2011 03:37 PM

[quote=zoaElite;611074]The beast has arrived!

Plan of attack:
-Tuesday- Electrician
-Wed- Plumbing
-Thursday- Fill & Salt Mix, plumb calcium reactor, install mangrove tank, install auto misters for mangroves.
-Friday- Transfer the established 110g to the main.
-Some time shortly after- Transfer my 165g to this tank.

Some photos:
This is the "mother is going to beat my arse face", good thing she doesn't get back from Jamaica until Saturday :lol:.

Maybe she won't notice if you get it all done before Saturday. :wink:

Nice tank Levi. By the way very :mrgreen:

fishytime 05-03-2011 04:16 PM

Looking saweet man!..... The tank I mean

Lance 05-03-2011 04:43 PM

Wow! Very nice! Appliance sales must be good eh? :wink:

Zoaelite 05-03-2011 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by phi delt reefer (Post 611090)
woah - wrong forum bro....wrong forum. :mrgreen:

Put a real beer in your hand - this pic belongs on an American forum.:biggrin:

Haha this forum always seems catches me with Cider and watered down **** in my hands, I swear I'm a real beer drinker I promise:lol:!!!


holy crap dude. I'm going to have to swing by and grab some zoa's off of you just to see this thing
You can stop by for some fake beer if you would like :lol:.


Maybe she won't notice if you get it all done before Saturday.

Nice tank Levi. By the way very
Thanks Leah, she knows it's happening but I don't think she realizes how large "250g" actually is. This way if I smash anything doing the install I have time to fix it :razz:.


Looking saweet man!..... The tank I mean
Buahha you forgot the winkie Doug :wink:.


Wow! Very nice! Appliance sales must be good eh?
Tax returns from being a full time student are even better :lol:, Thanks for the comment Lance!

Delphinus 05-04-2011 03:04 AM

I miss being a student myself. Some of the best purchases I ever made were when I had no income. I've never understood this.

Nice looking setup!

Devonious 05-12-2011 05:02 PM


Delphinus 05-12-2011 05:11 PM


fishytime 05-12-2011 06:31 PM

That looks good with the zoos up front close to the glass and then a void before you get to the main rock stucture ..... It's gonna look cool having fish swimming behind the zoos in the trench.... Nice work guys:biggrin:

lastlight 05-12-2011 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 612883)
That looks good with the zoos up front close to the glass and then a void before you get to the main rock stucture ..... It's gonna look cool having fish sailing behind the zoos in the trench.... Nice work guys:biggrin:

That's a good idea. I like having some things right up at the glass because viewing is always so much nicer. Beings zoas they're not going to branch into your glass or mess with your glass cleaning.

You guys worked fast looks really nice.

Lance 05-12-2011 11:43 PM

Very nice!

Zoaelite 05-15-2011 10:58 PM

Thanks for all the kind words guys, It was a ton of work but now that everything is done we can sit back and watch it grow!

New FTS:

Some randoms:

New Colony:

Our mangrove system set up is delayed until tomorrow, our stand is in and just needs to be picked up. More photos to come.

spawn 05-16-2011 12:42 AM

Nice work indeed.

The Grizz 05-16-2011 01:28 AM

WOW very nice indeed Levi, you have some really nice color in that bad boy.

Oxymoron 05-16-2011 04:06 AM

Awesome tank, I can't believe I have never seen this thread!
Going along for the ride

zum14 05-16-2011 06:18 AM

:clap2: Epic.

Skimmerking 05-16-2011 01:56 PM

Already set up and Already to be TOTM


Zoaelite 05-20-2011 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 613515)
WOW very nice indeed Levi, you have some really nice color in that bad boy.

Thanks Greg! Buahah we were contemplating arranging the zoas by color but shortly threw that idea out.


spawn Nice work indeed.

Oxymoron Awesome tank, I can't believe I have never seen this thread!
Going along for the ride

zum14 Epic.

asmodeus Already set up and Already to be TOTM

Appriciated guys! I just added 3 male lyre tail anthias and 3 bartletts, eating and looking very healthy.
Went a little photo crazy :\

Zoaelite 05-20-2011 04:02 AM

Zoaelite 05-20-2011 04:09 AM


Triggz 05-20-2011 04:45 AM

This tank is BANGIN!

I'm diggin the 3 island aquascape..... Job well done guys!

The Grizz 05-20-2011 04:57 AM

Are you going to do any zoa frags in the near future Levi :biggrin:

Zoaelite 05-23-2011 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Triggz (Post 614475)
This tank is BANGIN!

I'm diggin the 3 island aquascape..... Job well done guys!

Thanks Ryan, knowing me I'm sure it will change shortly but I'm enjoying it for now :lol:.


The Grizz Are you going to do any zoa frags in the near future Levi
It's certainly a possibility but Devo and I are looking for some growth over profit at the moment. If I do decide to snip they will be sold through Kevin @ Red Coral, his new shop has some wicked aquaculture potential!
The frags will be a bit larger than RC usually sells with some added variety so keep an eye out.

The Mangrove system has finally been plumbed and is fully attached to our main system. I have a feeling we might loose a few but all in all the transfer went very smoothly.

Filthy Vertex 280IN is working wonders:

fishoholic 05-24-2011 07:21 PM

Looks great, love all the pic.'s and the mangrove graden is awesome!

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