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VFX 03-19-2011 05:16 PM

Gold Fish St in Hong Kong - Long Over Due Pics (pic heavy!)
Back in February I was in Hong Kong & decided to stop by the infamous Gold Fish St.

Things aren't as cheap as they were a few years back but still eye poppingly cheap compared with Canada.

Enjoy :)

And lots of these guys for sale in sizes from a couple of inches to 3-4 feet long.


Skimmerking 03-19-2011 05:23 PM

Thanks man that was great to see them. I would love to go there and just go Awwwwwwwwwwww
and to speak the language too.

VFX 03-19-2011 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by asmodeus (Post 599866)
Thanks man that was great to see them. I would love to go there and just go Awwwwwwwwwwww
and to speak the language too.

You're welcome. It's definitely one place that every reef-head should visit.

Here's a few more pics.


ALang 03-19-2011 05:57 PM

I would hate to go...and not to be able to bring a few dozens corals home!
Are foreigners able to bring any home? Or do we need special permits to do so?? Or not at all??

Thank for sharing...
Always wonder if, at the end of the day, if the GF are not sold, do the vendors just "unpack" the fish into tanks, and then re-bag them the next day??

VFX 03-19-2011 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by ALang (Post 599880)
I would hate to go...and not to be able to bring a few dozens corals home!
Are foreigners able to bring any home? Or do we need special permits to do so?? Or not at all??

Thank for sharing...
Always wonder if, at the end of the day, if the GF are not sold, do the vendors just "unpack" the fish into tanks, and then re-bag them the next day??

It's simply not worth it to bring those corals back to Canada unless you can find a way of doing it without paper work (ie. illegally). I thought about it, just a little frag inside a jar in my suitcase? what's the chances of it being found? but then again what are the chances of it surviving a 14hr flight in a freezing cold cargo hold?

I've never been around when the stores are closing but it seems too much work to bag up & de-bag so many fish each day. I hope they don't just leave them bagged up for days until they sell or die :(


ALang 03-19-2011 07:47 PM

That's what I thought, too, every time I travel abroad and see stuff like that...

I hope that they don't just them die, too. When I was in Malaysia, the bagged fish for sale all looked very healthy, so obviously they were treated pretty well. Or so we hoped.

dsaundry 03-20-2011 03:10 AM

Love the pics as usual Viv..couldn't get anyone to pose for a pic??:lol: I hear they get mighty testy. More so than a hollywood celeb....

StirCrazy 03-20-2011 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by ALang (Post 599880)
I Always wonder if, at the end of the day, if the GF are not sold, do the vendors just "unpack" the fish into tanks, and then re-bag them the next day??

they go around the corner to the restuarant district as a discount. :mrgreen:


BlueWorldAquatic 03-20-2011 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by VFX (Post 599889)
It's simply not worth it to bring those corals back to Canada unless you can find a way of doing it without paper work (ie. illegally). I thought about it, just a little frag inside a jar in my suitcase? what's the chances of it being found? but then again what are the chances of it surviving a 14hr flight in a freezing cold cargo hold?

I've never been around when the stores are closing but it seems too much work to bag up & de-bag so many fish each day. I hope they don't just leave them bagged up for days until they sell or die :(


UNfortunately, to export, even from China, you still need a Cites. The flight is no problem, how do you think we already get the livestock?

Amazing place, and pics. Thanks for sharing.

VFX 03-20-2011 05:25 PM

Darryl - was easier to take pics this time round as I was more blatant about it & acted like a tourist.

Stircrazy - why do you think the seafood restaurants are so cheap in HK?

BWA - the flight will be no problem despite me shipping the 'frag in a jar' & trying to hide it from customs illegally (hence not 'needing' CITES)?


jackcool 04-13-2011 11:24 PM

Its looks like Hong Kong's some nice aqua animals and equipment sales place. Pictures are amazing and I also see that price tags are in the water tanks looks nice and different. I like collection of corals also.

ScubaGirl 04-15-2011 01:14 PM

I spent a few months in HK and surrounding countries in the early 2000's. I wish I had known about this back then. I would have checked it out for sure. It's fascinating. Thanks for sharing your pics.

Samw 03-21-2012 03:07 PM

I am in HK now and have visited this street. Purple dottybacks are $1.20-$2.00CAD. Yellow coris wrasses are $2.40CAD.

Kevotron 03-21-2012 05:44 PM

just looking at the price tags... 280$ HKD for an angel
thats around 30$
not bad not bad at all !!

fishoholic 03-21-2012 05:58 PM

Crazy how cheep everything is there! Thanks for sharing :biggrin:

philg3 03-22-2012 01:24 AM

When i was in Hong Kong a few years back i remember turning down this street randomly and spending 4+ hours wandering around, and that was before i even owned a fish tank myself.

Hong Kong is the best for theme streets though. You'll be minding your own business and turn a corner.. BAM! a block of crazy second hand electronics or an entire street with nothing but shoe stores. These pictures brought back a lot of memories. I miss Lan Kwai Fong!

Samw 03-22-2012 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Kevotron (Post 696320)
just looking at the price tags... 280$ HKD for an angel
thats around 30$
not bad not bad at all !!

Juvenile Emperors start at $110 HKD which is $14CAD.

toolmanbmw 03-22-2012 11:45 AM

Just left that street a few hours ago lol. The wife said I live in the wrong place for this hobby. Really wish I lived there still.

Blue Ram 03-22-2012 02:42 PM

I spent an entire day on this street a few years ago and we still didn't manage to visit every retailer. It was amazing.

Raven34 03-23-2012 06:11 AM

Have you seen the tanks the people run there with every large angel in the ocean in a 90gal. 25$ would get you a show size Queen angel by the sounds of it. Great pics!!... Honey wanna go to Hong Kong?

Veng68 03-23-2012 08:17 AM

When I first went to HK fish street in 1989 it was small maybe 2 small blocks. They didn't have much coral, mainly fish both saltwater and fresh.

I went back in 2007 and it expanded 3-4 times and they had reefs and planted tanks...... also the freshwater shrimp craze just started.

I'll be back soon I hope :)


FishyFishy! 03-23-2012 01:30 PM

Thats so nuts!! I wish this hobby was cheaper... I'd get way more stuff done lol

SteveConn 03-24-2012 07:15 PM

Thanks for sharing!
What a great place to visit!

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