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Borderjumper 01-31-2011 04:00 PM

Zoa frags?
I am considering placing an order for some zoas.. Anyone want to split shipping?

freezetyle 01-31-2011 04:16 PM

I might be in for one or two. I still owe ron some shipping charges so cheap frags for him if he wants in

birdfishy 01-31-2011 06:54 PM

Hi i might be interested in a $100 to $200 worth
PM me with details on when and how

don.ald 01-31-2011 08:30 PM

i will bite:mrgreen:

Borderjumper 01-31-2011 10:55 PM

So I emailed him with my list and everything I want is in stock. So why don't you guys do the same.. Once your order is confirmed in stock he can send you a paypal invoice. I would guess have it shipped sometime in the next 2 weeks.. On a Monday or Tuesday so that we don't run into a weekend just in case the package takes a day longer. it would come to Victoria and you van pick up from my place.. Kinda downtown. Shipping will be split usually between people.. Not by the amount of frags you get.

I've never ordered from this place before, so do your homework if your going to place an order.

KevinK 02-01-2011 05:48 AM

I would be in, but only when we devide the shipping by the amount of frags,

I would like 2 ore 3 frags, but when in total 20 ore more frags will be ordered by 3 ore so peaple, I feel me paying shipping for somone ells his frags a bit hmmmm.

so count me in if shipping is devided by frags amount, otherwise I will skip for now

Borderjumper 02-01-2011 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by KevinK (Post 587091)
I would be in, but only when we devide the shipping by the amount of frags,

I would like 2 ore 3 frags, but when in total 20 ore more frags will be ordered by 3 ore so peaple, I feel me paying shipping for somone ells his frags a bit hmmmm.

so count me in if shipping is devided by frags amount, otherwise I will skip for now

Shipping is something like $35.. So split between 3 or 4 people is less than $10 each.. Sorry I'm not into doing the math to break it down per frag, that's way too complicated.

wickedfrags 02-01-2011 02:02 PM

They are about as nice and honest a people as you will ever meet. Very fair also. I would expect you will be pleased, I have shopped at their store since 2003 and they have built me three tanks.


Originally Posted by don.ald (Post 586900)
i will bite:mrgreen:

windcoast reefs 02-02-2011 06:13 AM

I will buy some! maybe 2 or 3, just let me know!

Borderjumper 02-04-2011 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by KevinK (Post 587091)
I would be in, but only when we devide the shipping by the amount of frags,

I would like 2 ore 3 frags, but when in total 20 ore more frags will be ordered by 3 ore so peaple, I feel me paying shipping for somone ells his frags a bit hmmmm.

so count me in if shipping is devided by frags amount, otherwise I will skip for now

Kevin I still owe you $10.. Pick out one frag and I will add it to my order.

I have sent an email to them request ion a paypal invoice,, nothing yet.

KevinK 02-04-2011 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 588128)
Kevin I still owe you $10.. Pick out one frag and I will add it to my order.

I have sent an email to them request ion a paypal invoice,, nothing yet.

totally forgot

lets go for:

1x Red Flower Zoa
1x Australian Green Favia
1x Patriot Zoa

windcoast reefs 02-04-2011 05:49 AM

Okay, so I emailed the guy with my order and am waiting for him to send me a paypal invoice. Hope this works out!

Borderjumper 02-04-2011 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by KevinK (Post 588177)
totally forgot

lets go for:

1x Red Flower Zoa
1x Australian Green Favia
1x Patriot Zoa

:mrgreen:I said to pick out one, not three.. I will buy you one for the 10$ I owe you, anything else you have to order thru the vendor.

Borderjumper 02-04-2011 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 588128)

I have sent an email to them request ion a paypal invoice,, nothing yet.

Still no reply and no paypal invoice. I really hate begging merchants to take my money:wink:

if I don't hear anything by tonight, I'm out.

freezetyle 02-05-2011 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 588380)
Still no reply and no paypal invoice. I really hate begging merchants to take my money:wink:

if I don't hear anything by tonight, I'm out.

im waiting on the same thing

KevinK 02-05-2011 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 588282)
:mrgreen:I said to pick out one, not three.. I will buy you one for the 10$ I owe you, anything else you have to order thru the vendor.

was worth a try,

if you could order the red flower zoa for me, than I wil order the 2 others (1x Australian Green Favia
1x Patriot Zoa)

and I wil pay the vendor for the 2

windcoast reefs 02-05-2011 05:43 AM

Yeah, if he doesn't answer me im out to.

Borderjumper 02-07-2011 04:09 PM

I received an email saying invoices would be sent out today.

freezetyle 02-09-2011 03:25 AM

anyone get their invoice? i haven't yet

KevinK 02-09-2011 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by freezetyle (Post 589610)
anyone get their invoice? i haven't yet

nothing here

Borderjumper 02-09-2011 05:22 AM

Nothing here.

Aquattro 02-09-2011 02:58 PM

Sounds like a quality operation!! :)

windcoast reefs 02-09-2011 04:23 PM

Yeah thats for sure! I just got my invoice, but I already bought some frags else were.

freezetyle 02-09-2011 09:59 PM

so is anyone still ordering? i need to know so i can either pay or bail.

Borderjumper 02-09-2011 10:45 PM

I'm going to pay.

freezetyle 02-09-2011 11:17 PM

cool i will too then. didn't really want to go it alone haha

Borderjumper 02-09-2011 11:30 PM

I've paid for mine, and paid for the shipping. If anyone else wants in let's rap it up in the next couple of days.

Borderjumper 02-15-2011 06:13 PM

Well the box came this morning.. Freezing cold.. Sent from Ontario in February with NO HEATPACKS. Nothing is labeled, but it appears there are 4 that belong to someone else? Might as well save your gas tho:twised: I have them floating in a bucket in my sump.. I will Give them a chance. The funky thing is I think they need a picture within so many hours for the live delivery guarantee.. We all know zoas take a day or two to rot.

Aquattro 02-15-2011 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 589704)
Sounds like a quality operation!! :)

Just sayin....

eternitybc 02-15-2011 06:58 PM

I was actually thinking of placing an order for a few frags (in vancouver). I really wanted to get some sun coral and a few zoas...

Did anyone else recieve their shipment? How are they turning out?

freezetyle 02-15-2011 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 591371)
Well the box came this morning.. Freezing cold.. Sent from Ontario in February with NO HEATPACKS. Nothing is labeled, but it appears there are 4 that belong to someone else? Might as well save your gas tho:twised: I have them floating in a bucket in my sump.. I will Give them a chance. The funky thing is I think they need a picture within so many hours for the live delivery guarantee.. We all know zoas take a day or two to rot.

thats terrible news. i would take a photo and send him a message anyway about the water temp and such if you haven't already. hopefully they pull through. those four extra are mine if no one else ordered aside from you

Borderjumper 02-15-2011 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by freezetyle (Post 591380)
thats terrible news. i would take a photo and send him a message anyway about the water temp and such if you haven't already. hopefully they pull through. those four extra are mine if no one else ordered aside from you

I did send him an email, and pictures to his Support@ address, as instructed on the website.. It bounced back to me as unknown.. Lol

I did also send an email to his billing address.. Of course he got that one!

he responded something about when he buys corals they come with icepacks.. Emmm ya.. In the summer.

He has given us a week to see if they live, I have them in baskets in my mushroom tank, as i don't want the rot in with my established zoas.. One or two look like they might just open. I will let you know.

cuz 02-15-2011 08:54 PM

I had the exact same thing happen with a different vendor out of Ontario. -20 weather, no heatpacks=$300 in dead zoas!!
Mind you he sent me $50 worth of stuff for compinstation, some how that made sence to them not me!!

KevinK 02-15-2011 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by freezetyle (Post 591380)
thats terrible news. i would take a photo and send him a message anyway about the water temp and such if you haven't already. hopefully they pull through. those four extra are mine if no one else ordered aside from you

I ordered 2 (in fact 3, one Shelly would ordere for me and 2 I ordered at the vendor as mentioned on page 2 of this tread:

shelly, if you could order the red flower zoa for me, than I wil order the 2 others (1x Australian Green Favia
1x Patriot Zoa)

now i dont know if thy are in this shipment yes ore no.

regarding quality,

it is more than a shame, and listening to there reaction, thy should not be allowed to do business, as it appears thy don't know how to treat living things (it is as simple as on + one = 2)

time of the year/temperature + shipping time = decent packaging+heat pack.

really, really a shame how some deal with things that are alive, after you paid.

lets hope for the best, and that “the man” keeps his worth with his warranty.

it makes a man and a business when admitting you where wrong, and to compensate for the loss and damage, lets se if this one has the B... to admit he could have dun a better thing

Borderjumper 02-16-2011 12:03 AM

Nothing in this shipment was marked or labeled. There was one bag with nine frags in it. these are mine. I actually ordered 12, but got a paypal return yesterday marked.. 3 frags out of stock, no clue which three, as the vendor never mentioned this..

Then there was a bag with 4 frags in it.. Again not marked or labeled in any way, so I have no clue whose this is. Did you Kevin pay him for 2 frags? And did you freestyle pay him for 4? If so someone got screwed.. I suggest you two email him and ask what's up?

Some of the frags look like their trying to open.

freezetyle 02-16-2011 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 591443)
Nothing in this shipment was marked or labeled. There was one bag with nine frags in it. these are mine. I actually ordered 12, but got a paypal return yesterday marked.. 3 frags out of stock, no clue which three, as the vendor never mentioned this..

Then there was a bag with 4 frags in it.. Again not marked or labeled in any way, so I have no clue whose this is. Did you Kevin pay him for 2 frags? And did you freestyle pay him for 4? If so someone got screwed.. I suggest you two email him and ask what's up?

Some of the frags look like their trying to open.

i paid for 4 zoa frags. but i guess if Kevin paid him too then we should send him a message.

Borderjumper 02-16-2011 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by freezetyle (Post 591454)
i paid for 4 zoa frags. but i guess if Kevin paid him too then we should send him a message.

I would send him a message and ask.. If they open I will be able to more tell what's in there.

freezetyle 02-16-2011 01:26 AM

yea i did. so we'll see how it gets handled

Borderjumper 02-16-2011 02:08 AM

There might be six in there.. It's kinda hard to tell until (if) they all open.. I I'll let you know tomorrow.

KevinK 02-16-2011 03:56 AM

I did not pay for the frags, as I send them a e-mail asking how to proceed as this was a shipment that would be send all at once.

so to be clear,

shelly would order one for me, and I ordered the 2 aditional, but never heared from them.

so in case there are 4 frags left outside the general order, it might be that thy put my 2 frags in the shipment, but forgot to send me payment instructions.

in the event all frags are acounted for (found out whome ordered them, and are paid for) than thy never send my frags, thats fine as well.

so Shelly, as you have them now, and yours are all in, the once you have left, are thy acounted for 9do you know the owner of the frags in this case?

for me, it would only be interested in case everyone has his frags, and you would have frags left, than it could be that thy send them, but never the invoice.

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