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West Kootenay Reefers?
Hi guys.....I'm looking for other reefers in the area for frag swapping.
Even if your not interested in frags....I still wanted to know if there are any other people in the Castlegar, Trail or Nelson area who are into salt tanks. :lol: |
Wow guys....am I all alone out here?
No your not alone. You just have more time on your hands than the rest of us right now.:lol: what do you need? My tank is recovering nicely now.
Hey Danny, good to hear that your tank is starting to come around. As per usual I'm looking for corals...lol, seems to what I'm always on the look out for :biggrin: Have yo got any frags ready that I don't already have? |
There might be a couple in there. I did save a piece of that orange monti cap for you. I'll text you this weekend about it.
Danny |
Free Chaeto (Caslegar)
Anyone around here need any chaeto?
Salmo salt
Hey I live in salmo and I have a 55 gal salt tank. nothing to trade but my tank has bin thriving for 2 years now and I want to start getting more corals.
Marcus Otardifus |
Hi there, glad to see I'm not the only one in the area.
What kind of corals are you looking to get into? |
Welcome to Canreef. I work out in Salmo but live in Castlegar. Perhaps we can do some coral trading some time.
Danny |
Salmo salt
Hey guys,
I am getting 2 new tanks soon I payed for them I just need to pick them up. (150 gal and 75 gal) I have over 300gallons of fresh water tanks in my living room. fresh: 125 gal oscar tank 55 gal planted tank 25 gal guppy breading 15 gallon guppy breading 65 gal and a 55 gal curently empty thinking about changing them to salt. Salt: 55 gallon with 30 galllons of refugium and 10 gal sump I have hade the tank for 2.5 years and crashed it when I first got it but now it has bin 2 years of stability so I am ready to start buying stuff again.In the salt there is: fish: 1 yellow tang,1 coral beauty,1 flame angel,1 anteina lion,3 ocil... clowns, 1 spoted dragonet. Intertabrates: 2 emerald crabs, 1 arrow crab, 30 hermit crabs or so,1 black brittel star,1 sand sifter star,1 red 7 arm star,30 large snails,100+ small snails,1 pincousion urchin,1 pencil urchin,1 spiny urchin. Corals: 1 med finger,2 green tree frags,2 caboge frag,6 mushrooms small,1 red sea squirt. and lots of other small stuff is in my tank, not all of it good! I want to get anything that will like my system. Marcus Otardifus |
What have you got planned for the new tanks?
Wow man sounds like you have an impressive collection of tanks, but any chance have you got and 30-50 gal 3' tanks that you want to sell? (I need to make a new sump.)
Sounds like your salt tank is quite established. Have you got any pics of the tank that you can post? If you need anything as far as frags are concerned just pm me.
I am interested
I know this is really old post but I am interested in some Chaeto. |
Man! I just pruned mine the other night. Still plenty more though if you need some.
Danny |
Hey I am back
After having a terrible amount of algea growth and sum ickh in my tank I did lots of reserch and now I have zero algea and healthy fish.
I also changed all my tanks. I have the 125g as a salt now but it will need lots of equipment before its ready to be filled with more coral and fish. I an learning faster now that I desided to step it up. my fresh water tanks look good but if I had the budget they might all be salt tanks. I hope you are all having excellent sucsess with your tanks. Marc |
I hear ya about the fresh tanks there man....once you go salt it's addictive :wink:
Glad to hear your getting you tanks all straightened out, what did you have to do to get the algae under control? I'd love to see you tanks some time.......and if your ever over in Castlegar your more the welcome to drop by and check mine out. Chris |
I just read your post on Danny's thread saying you ordered new lights! exciting man, what kind did you decide on?
new lights
salt tanks are way addictive and fresh water tanks are just a gateway tank untill ya get salted !!! LOL!
I desided to get sum led pendants buy kessil. They will replece my power compacts and T5's one of my friends from van recomended Kessil lights. I also ordered a reactor. getting rid of a 3 to 6 cm layer of afro hair algea was not easy but I did it. first I took out all the live rock one piece at a time and remouved 90% of ithe algea with my fingers. ( I hade bristel worm spines in my fingers for over 3 weeks after that ) then I put each rock in a bucket of salt water and shook the f*** out of them. there was way more detritus in them than I considered could be in them. after all that it was still creaping back so I transfered my 55g into my 125g doing step one and two again then got 50 new hermit crabs sum new snails and started doing regular water changes. yay water changes do work when your tank is not dirty! who knew! LOL! After all that I should have just started a new tank in my 125 it would have bin way easyer and I will NEVER let algea get like that again! so I learned the hard way water changes are essential Marc |
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