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lorenz0 01-05-2011 03:08 PM

SD card help
I just got back from my trip and all of my dive shots are on this one SD card. Now here is the problem. Before I could preview the photo's on my camera and everything was fine. I put the card in my dads laptop which it couldn't open any of them. Now the pictures won't open and if I put the card into my camera, the camera freezes

This is a band new camera and card. any idea's?

mseepman 01-05-2011 03:31 PM

I would try a different laptop to see what that says. Do you use a specific program to see the photos? If you use Windows Explorer then it will tell you a little about the file structure...if not, then most likely the data on the drive is corrupt.

If it's corrupt, I'm not sure there is a way to save it. Try copying the entire sd card to a hard drive on a PC (note, copy not cut or move) and then see if you can play with the individual files.

jzz30tt 01-05-2011 03:51 PM

There are actually quite a few recovery options available depending on the condition of the card. Chances are it's a file structure error and its likely to be recoverable.

If you need more help after trying it in another laptop pm me.

lorenz0 01-05-2011 09:20 PM

thanks guys. ya its not looking so good, to top it off i lost my phone in mexico and to get a new phone I have to buy out my existing contract. technology hates me today

mseepman 01-05-2011 09:53 PM

Who is your phone plan with. Most plans don't care as long as you have a phone that is set for their network. I would look at ebay for an unlocked phone that will work on their network. A lot cheaper in the end.

Ross 01-06-2011 02:11 AM

Most recovery software that i have used will only work, if the drive mounts.
Scarry as it sounds, sometimes you have to quickformat the card in the camera and then recover the files from it afterwards.

Chances are you will loose a few files, but most will survive.

If you dont have any recovery software, look into the higher end Sandisk cards, they typically come with a mini cd or a download code.

Its always good practice to format your card upon insertion into the camera (after you copy off all pictures of coarse) and not use the cards other than for the camera specifically.

Let me know if you need a hand,

lorenz0 01-06-2011 12:14 PM

I tried to open the files on my laptop, desktop and also tried my camera again and nothing. When I put the flash card in, the camera will open turn on but will freeze with a black screen. How can I reformat it on my desktop, or what recovery software should I look into

But for sure will format my next one. this is one picture I took with my internal memory.

Ross 01-07-2011 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by lorenz0 (Post 579423)
I tried to open the files on my laptop, desktop and also tried my camera again and nothing. When I put the flash card in, the camera will open turn on but will freeze with a black screen. How can I reformat it on my desktop, or what recovery software should I look into

Does it freeze in both shoot and play mode?

globaldesigns 01-07-2011 12:49 AM

Don't you live close to me, I have a laptop and workstations... I would be more than happy to try it on my gear.

Give me a shout

(403) 919-3442

spawn 01-07-2011 12:54 AM

+1 on Ebay for unlocked phones. A few years ago I lost about 300 pics on my card, I took it to the camera store on 11 ave & they recovered it for me for free.

davefrombc 01-07-2011 01:44 PM

It sounds like either the card was removed from the laptop while a file was being read , and it corrupted it , or, if the laptop is a Vista or W 7 machine , a click was accidentally made allowing the laptop to try to format the card for extended RAM.
A good practice is to use the little switch on camera cards to make it read only if you are going to try to read it on someone elses computer .. and always use the "safe remove" when taking the card out of a pc. I hope you are able to recover at least some of your pix . The one you posted gives a hint of some very nice shots.

pscott99 01-07-2011 02:13 PM

There are a number of file recovery programs online. Finding a free one may take some searching. I know people who have done it with success. Your local camera store would likely help as well. Your not the first :biggrin:

Cardrecovery 3.5

Google is your friend. Good luck.

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