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jzz30tt 01-04-2011 03:02 AM

Pictures from the Seattle Aquarium
While on Christmas holidays I visited the Seattle Aquarium with family and took some shots. I'll post em all here for anyone who wants a look see and if anyone can help with identification they get a free ECOOKIE!!! :lol:

I need to know what things are for my flickr account so i don't look like a complete bonehead.


And Some Fish shots Mostly salt but a couple fresh too.

Thats all for now. I've got more coming but will have to get them up on flickr first.


VFX 01-04-2011 03:22 AM

Very nice!

What camera/lens combo were you using?


jzz30tt 01-04-2011 03:28 AM

The vast majority of the shots are Nikon D90/Nikon 50mm AF 1.4D and a couple are Nikon D90/Nikon 80-200mm AF 2.8D

intarsiabox 01-04-2011 03:37 AM

Pictures look awsome! Especially considering you were at a public aquarium with tons of other people milling around, it can be difficult to compose a good shot in a very short period of time.:biggrin:

VFX 01-04-2011 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by jzz30tt (Post 578635)
The vast majority of the shots are Nikon D90/Nikon 50mm AF 1.4D and a couple are Nikon D90/Nikon 80-200mm AF 2.8D

That 50mm opens up very nicely. Some of the tanks in there aren't the brightest lit but that lens captures them perfectly.

Very cool.


Bloodasp 01-04-2011 04:22 AM

1. I think its an open brain
2. Plating montipora
3. not sure what that is
4. clam, not an expert on them so i don't know which one.
5. Platygyra I think
6. mushroom
7. could be wrong but that looks like a trumpet coral
8. longnose hawkfish
9. octopus but not sure what
10. boxfish not sure what either
11. a longhorn cowfish maybe.
12. stingray, not good at naming those ones either.

jzz30tt 01-04-2011 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by VFX (Post 578643)
That 50mm opens up very nicely. Some of the tanks in there aren't the brightest lit but that lens captures them perfectly.

Very cool.


To be honest i was very pleasantly surprised at how well the 50 did. So much easier just using the ambient tank light.

All these photos are straight from the camera with no adjustment aside from removing scratches in the tank from the hawkfish picture. Was really happy with the results although there were a lot of throw away's due to focus being slightly off.

pinhead 01-04-2011 05:14 PM

I was at the Seattle Aquarium over the holidays and wasn't that impressed with their tanks but your pictures are great.

I particulary like the picture of the skate. You can see why they have been sold to tourists for hundreds of years as sea monsters or devils or angels commonly called Jenny Hanivers.

jzz30tt 01-05-2011 01:33 PM

Yeah there is a lot of room for improvement but they also do focus a lot on local species. Tends to be a little less in the reef areas than some of us would prefer.

Definately a skate then, but i wonder which exact one.

jzz30tt 02-10-2011 07:33 PM

A few more that i found on my computer.

And then another of the waterfall they have setup, Tried to freeze things crisply with about 1/2500s

jzz30tt 02-10-2011 08:08 PM

Don't happen to know this tang. But still a big ol Tang grin.

Capt_kulafu 02-10-2011 08:53 PM

Nice Macro shot.... magnifico excelente!!

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