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Aquattro 12-30-2010 09:00 AM

Profilux vs Apex
I'm thinking of jumping on the controller band wagon, and I'm looking at the Profilux 3 kit or the Apex gear. Anyone have opinions on which is more suited to my needs over the other?
I won't ever use the dosing function, mostly want to control power to lights, control temp with heater and fans, control 2 Tunze streams, time a solenoid for ATO, maybe control pH on my Ca reactor. Not sure what else I would use on either...
The Apex is a bit cheaper, and both have a software interface for PCs, so on unit screen isn't that impartant (I think??)


christyf5 12-30-2010 11:10 AM

I've been looking at getting a new controller too (cause imma win the lottery soon). Old one isnt broken but a pain in the arse and limited capabilities without spending $$ (ethernet/powerbars, I can buy a new apex system for the price of these) . IMO, the profilux seems wildly overbuilt for what most peioke use it fir and any expansion (extra modules, powerbars) are pricey. The apex seems like a better deal and easier on the wallet, a;though when thay day comes when you buy a dosing pump (and it will :wink:) it wouldnt be integrated into the system (which isnt really a huge problem anyways,

phi delt reefer 12-30-2010 12:13 PM

I have a brand new RKL that i was going to use but after hearing all the issues with product updates and reliablity/ lacking customer support I am hesitant to get it wet.

I too was thinking profilux or apex. Profilux seems like it will cost me more than all my other tank gear combined but they seem to come out with new add ons quite regularly. Apex is at a standstill for new modules but it looks like your really dont need anything else. I have read that the PRofilux can be tedious to setup and takes a real tech savy user to use. Apex seems more plug and play.

As for dosing pumps... you dont need it to interface with the computer. Just plug one of those Drew's Doser or BRS Two Part dosers to the powerbar and setup timer intervals on the controller. The dose rate on the pumps i mentioned is very accurate so its just up to you to determine time intervals and you are good to go.

MitchM 12-30-2010 01:01 PM

I like the Profilux because I use dosing and it can control my Christmas tree.:smile:

It is more controller than I need now, but I don't feel like my ever changing system will be limited by the controller.

Rus 12-30-2010 01:22 PM

I recently just purchased an Apex to upgrade from my Aqua 3 controller , to be honest it was mostly for the option to have the display setup remotely , mine will be setup outside the fish-room on the wall by the tank. This way I can glance at the settings without going in the room to check. I will then be using my net book comp. in the fish-room for controls and settings

I like the fact the main unit can be setup out of site from it. I also have a dosing system setup for a while now , but went with the Profilux standalone ( In my opinion this is by far the best , easiest to use and so far most reliable one I have seen )

I also now have an AQ3 for sale as well for a good price.:)

cale262 12-30-2010 01:37 PM

I have an RKL+ on one tank and a RKE on another, I haven't had a single problem with either of them, easy to setup, inexpensive, reliable and great customer support through their BB (

Aquattro 12-30-2010 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 577188)
a;though when thay day comes when you buy a dosing pump (and it will :wink:) it wouldnt be integrated into the system (which isnt really a huge problem anyways,

Ya, that day is right after I switch from metal halide :) No, I won't go with dosing ever, my reactor has done well for 7 years now, can't see a reason to change.
Other than that, I pretty much agree with your logic!

Aquattro 12-30-2010 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by cale262 (Post 577203)
I have an RKL+ on one tank and a RKE on another

Sorry, those are what exactly? I'm new at this -lol

phi delt reefer 12-30-2010 02:00 PM

removed my post - i was de-railing the thread, my bad :(

Aquattro 12-30-2010 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by phi delt reefer (Post 577209)
Rus - can you control the Tunze adjustable pumps directly with the APEX out of the box or do you need an additional module? This is the selling point for me - i can get mp10es' for $185 US shipped so if i am spending $400-$500 for two pumps and an add on module the APEX isnt as attractive as an option for me.

I was told that the full unit would do this out of the box with a simple additional cable (to control two pumps)

Rus 12-30-2010 02:59 PM

That is correct Brad. With my AQ3 I had to purchase the aquasurf module to do this.

Aquattro 12-30-2010 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by phi delt reefer (Post 577209)
removed my post - i was de-railing the thread, my bad :(

Since I already quoted your post, there wasn't much point :) Besides, it was kinda related to the topic!

phi delt reefer 12-30-2010 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Rus (Post 577226)
That is correct Brad. With my AQ3 I had to purchase the aquasurf module to do this.

do you guys know if you throw the korila controllable pumps on the apex controllable output made for the tunze?

tunze pumps are $210 - Koraila is like $30-$50

i am going to guess the answer is no but does anyone know why? any electrical experts know of a work around?

muck 12-30-2010 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 577208)
Sorry, those are what exactly? I'm new at this -lol

Reef Keeper Lite and Reef Keeper Elite from Digital Aquatics.

Don't know much about any of the controllers on the market though as Ive never used any of them.

fencer 12-30-2010 03:38 PM

Hydors are not DC motors and not compatible with APEX as they run 12 volt AC so if you got it going it would ramp 0 to 10 volts. Tunzes and Vortecs are true DC motors. Yes you do have to buy the Apex module for wireless control of your Vortecs. Apex comes with outlets for Tunzes you just need to buy or make the cable. The profilux is an excellent product and fully capable and flexible interms of programming. Alot of the Apex system is carried from the Neptune lines. It is programable at the unit but is better done through their dedicated web server. Programming is striaght forward. Most of the modules are plug and play. It can't change the TV channels for you. I bet you can get the profilux to do it. If cost is your concern then choice is obvious. Support is good in both products.

doch 12-30-2010 04:00 PM

+1 on the RKE (digital aquatics Reef Keeper Elite) I have one, and I love it!

I had done a little research prior to my purchase, and this is what I found.
-Need a decent understanding of programming language to set it up
-WAY more advanced than we need

Between the Apex and the RKE, it came down to price. The RKE is a little cheaper. On top of that, once I got it I found it to be VERY user friendly and easy to set up. Apparently the Apex can be a little more difficult to get the email notifications working and the web stuff running (if you plan on using it). Both of these will do everything that you want them to, and more.

As far as modules and support for the RKE, I have recieved a prompt response from DA every time I've asked, and as mentioned there is a Support forum on their website (similar to canreef... go on, ask a question, do some searching, etc). The only problem that I know of through them is the salinity probe. THey are having troubles getting a new and reliable one put out for a decent price. By the sounds of it, you don't need it, and most people won't.

Don't count the RKE out... I HIGHLY recommend it... FWIW

Aquattro 12-30-2010 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by doch (Post 577242)
Don't count the RKE out... I HIGHLY recommend it... FWIW

I'll look at that too, hadn't really considered it.

Mrfish55 12-30-2010 05:36 PM

I'm on the controller fence as well, would like to start traveling and like to have the ability to monitor things while away. I am going to hold off until Vertex releases the Cerebra before I make the final choice, will most likely be a toss up between the Cerebra and Profilux for me.

Aquattro 12-30-2010 05:39 PM

With the limited info on the Vertex, I wonder if it controls non Vertex hardware. So far I've only read that it CAN control Vertex lighting, etc...

I like the Profilux, but for my config, it's almost double the price as the Apex gear...

Mrfish55 12-30-2010 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 577269)
With the limited info on the Vertex, I wonder if it controls non Vertex hardware. So far I've only read that it CAN control Vertex lighting, etc...

I like the Profilux, but for my config, it's almost double the price as the Apex gear...

That's why I am going to wait, either the Cerebra does what I want it to or the extra competition on the controller market reduces prices on existing units.

Twinn 12-30-2010 05:47 PM

I too think the profilux is too expensive. Don't get me wrong I think it is the best controller on the market but by the time you buy all the options and modules you will be over $ 2000 plus invested.

I personally like the Apex over the RKE. The apex allows you to track things over the period of 24 hours. Take ph for example, the apex will show you a graph of you ph levels over the past 24 hours allowing you to see how your ph dips a night. This will allow you to see how your tank changes over the day.

A RKE will only show what ever is on the screen at the moment. I have also heard that the probes on the RKE suck.

As far as set up RKE is the easiest to do and does have great customer service. The APEX doesn't have the best customer service but does have a great forum (can't remember it right now but google it) with great users that can help with any issues.

cwatkins 12-30-2010 05:53 PM

I just literally setup my new Apex (Lite) yesterday. It's smooth and easy to program and assemble.

I really like the web interface for setup and programming. The programming language is simple, and there are a ton of examples out there to use. The iPhone App is sweet as well. And the display head unit has the best look on the market I think if you're going to have it in an everyday visible area (mine is Velcro'ed to my hood).

I ordered the Lite regular priced for $339 USD as an Xmas present to myself from my wife :)

I will soon be adding the Vortech WXM module ($120) so that I can control my Vortechs. Then I'll be adding another vortech after that.

The Full Apex can control Tunze with the cables I believe. But because I don't use anything variable and have no interest in monitoring ORP, I decided to go for the cheaper Lite version (exact same but missing ORP and variable ports). Hopefully I don't kick myself for not getting variable ports if I ever go LED.


Aquattro 12-30-2010 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Mrfish55 (Post 577272)
That's why I am going to wait, either the Cerebra does what I want it to or the extra competition on the controller market reduces prices on existing units.

Good point. Although the Apex looks like it will do everything I need, now or in the future, and the price is acceptable right now. What I don't like about the Profilux line is that the bottom price is fixed and I can't nag the retailer to give me a better deal :)

Aquattro 12-30-2010 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by cwatkins (Post 577278)
The Full Apex can control Tunze with the cables I believe. But because I don't use anything variable and have no interest in monitoring ORP, I decided to go for the cheaper Lite version (exact same but missing ORP and variable ports). Hopefully I don't kick myself for not getting variable ports if I ever go LED.


Since I have controllable Streams, I need the full version, although I can then sell my 7095 multi controller and that mostly pays the difference.

Aquattro 12-30-2010 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Twinn (Post 577275)
I too think the profilux is too expensive. Don't get me wrong I think it is the best controller on the market but by the time you buy all the options and modules you will be over $ 2000 plus invested.

For my needs, I could get away with the III beginner pack plus an extra power bar, but that still puts me around 1200 bucks. The comparable Apex is just under 700..
Yes, the Profilux may have more features, but I can't imagine ever using them. I just have to make sure I don't short change myself down the road :)

cale262 12-30-2010 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Twinn (Post 577275)

A RKE will only show what ever is on the screen at the moment. I have also heard that the probes on the RKE suck.

You're mistaken or misinformed...I can check out everything on my RKE. minute by minute for the last week if I want to...everything from graphs of power consumption, PH, temp, ORP, calcium reactor PH etc. etc.

cale262 12-30-2010 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 577283)
For my needs, I could get away with the III beginner pack plus an extra power bar, but that still puts me around 1200 bucks. The comparable Apex is just under 700..

Or <$400 for the same options with an RKL+:wink:

Aquattro 12-30-2010 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by cale262 (Post 577286)
Or <$400 for the same options with an RKL+:wink:

You work for those guys, don't you??? :)

cale262 12-30-2010 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by cale262 (Post 577285)
You're mistaken or misinformed...I can check out everything on my RKE. minute by minute for the last week if I want to...everything from graphs of power consumption, PH, temp, ORP, calcium reactor PH etc. etc.

cale262 12-30-2010 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 577289)
You work for those guys, don't you??? :)

LOL, no but I am super impressed with their products and services that I've used to date.:wink:

Aquattro 12-30-2010 06:36 PM

So far, looking at all 3 products, I've decided that they all need to dumb down their product promo material. I'm not an electrical engineer, and mostly still don't know what I need to accomplish x, y & z.
Like why do I need a module that plugs into the Apex which measures pH/ORP when the unit does that out of the box? And a bus is something people ride on, not install on their tanks :P

doch 12-30-2010 06:52 PM

Here's a little more reading if you like...

And, yes... the RKE will log everything for a week. Also, the apps for the Droid and iPhone will apparenlty allow for data logging... ie test results, water change schedules, etc.... maybe the Apex apps have that too...? (can't wait to turf my stupid blackberry and get a real phone)

cwatkins 12-30-2010 07:30 PM

Here is the de-facto unofficial user guide for the Apex and Apex Lite.

I find it's simpler and explains more than the official manual, with step-by-steps for everything.

PoonTang 12-30-2010 07:38 PM

I too did alot of reasearch before buying the controller. After weighing all things like costs, both initial and upgrades, functionality, support, ease of use etc i decided on the Apex. I use it as a wavemaker with my korillias, doser, automated heating, lighting etc. I also enjoy the remote access from the iPhone and all the automated alerts and alarms. Brad if you want to see one in action you can come see mine and Ill even buy some of your LR from you :)

freezetyle 12-30-2010 08:38 PM

I have a profilux 3 on my reef and an RKL on the seahorse tank. if you want to see either or shoot me a pm and you can swing by

Aquattro 12-30-2010 08:57 PM

Thanks guys! I've seen the Profilux in action at Progressive, and Garreth has invited me over to see his (he's got way too much setup on his :)). But I'm leaning towards the Apex, it looks like it will do all that the Profilux does within the scope of my needs, and is way cheaper. Adding things on later looks cheaper too. I love the shiny blue lights of the Profilux, but not $500 worth -lol

My only hesitation is expandability, as a full scale fishroom might be in my future plans down the road, and I don't want to limit myself. Although, with the Apex, I'm not sure what it's limits are.

For those using the full Apex, what can it NOT do?

cwatkins 12-30-2010 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 577350)
For those using the full Apex, what can it NOT do?

I have read that the Apex can run and monitor multiple tanks (I.E. a main display tank and also a frag tank, etc), and you can even setup multiple displays (one per tank, etc). Just keep daisy-chaining your devices together with the USB (a.k.a. AquaBus).

Edit: Regardless of which Controller, as long as it's one of the top 3 (Apex/RKE/Profilux) and has network access, you can add a cool signature (see below) :biggrin::biggrin:

Aquattro 12-30-2010 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by cwatkins (Post 577377)
Edit: Regardless of which Controller, as long as it's one of the top 3 (Apex/RKE/Profilux) and has network access, you can add a cool signature (see below) :biggrin::biggrin:

Yes, just read that thread :)

StirCrazy 12-31-2010 02:45 PM

I was just looking at the APEX.. for the price thats what I would buy. I like the proflux but think the prices of there products are a rip off.

Apex has internet/email warnings and embedded webpage controle out of the box. but doesn't have pump controls for dosing (the only thing I would want that it doesn't have) but there are stand alone units for stuff like that.


Aquattro 12-31-2010 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 577628)
I was just looking at the APEX.. for the price thats what I would buy. I like the proflux but think the prices of there products are a rip off.

Apex has internet/email warnings and embedded webpage controle out of the box. but doesn't have pump controls for dosing (the only thing I would want that it doesn't have) but there are stand alone units for stuff like that.


Ya, I think that's my line of thinking also. And I don't need dosing, so all else being equal, the Profilux is sexier, but not something that would make me pay almost double. :)

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