Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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Oceanic 12-17-2010 12:56 AM

All Livestock for sale! No time for the tank at the moment!
It seems I have come to a point in my life that I have no more time left to look after my tank! Everything is for sale and needs to go! I am going to start new again in the future but for now this is it...

I will not let any of the fish go to anyone that does not have a very established aquarium and experience keeping fish healthy and well fed. No newbies please, all fish have been in the tank for a minimum of three years and most are older...

Livestock / Prices vary

Rare pieces of SPS (ie, Hawkins Echinata, Ponape birdsnest, Setosa, and more...
Some LPS
Some Zoas

I will be available Sunday for those wanting first crack at the Coral. I will frag some colonies for those not interested in the whole piece.


1 Majestic Angel (Extremely tame and does not touch Corals!!) $100
1 Magnificent Foxface Large (Also very tame and very friendly) $75
1 Powder Blue Tang (Big eater and gets along with tankmates) $30
2 Various Wrasses $15 each.
1 Unidentified black Bristletooth Tang (Very Tame) $25.00
1 Harlequin Tusk (Tame and coral and tankmate friendly) $70
2 Square spot Anthias $25 each.
3 Chromis large $20 each.
1 Rare golden dwarf angelfish (striking fish) Coral friendly $80
2 Bengai Cardinals $20.00 each
1 Pajama Cardinal $10


1 Coral Branded Shrimp $5
1 Blue Linkia $10
1 Black Spined Urchin, large $10
1 Large Chiton, very cool! $15
1 Pencil Urchin $10

I will do a package price for anyone wanting all of the livestock. Hardware will go up after the livestock sells. I will not entertain any offers, prices are firm.

Borderjumper 12-17-2010 01:25 AM

PM sent on the ponape

hk030405 12-17-2010 01:26 AM

dibbs on the angelfish :)

DJ_drew 12-17-2010 01:32 AM

can u post a pic of the tang and the magnificent fox face?
depending on size i'll take them both


Oceanic 12-17-2010 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by DJ_drew (Post 574024)
can u post a pic of the tang and the magnificent fox face?
depending on size i'll take them both


I will try to get pics but don't have access to a camera tonight. The Foxface and the Tang are both pretty large and in good condition...

Oceanic 12-17-2010 01:43 AM

Busy with my daughter tonight until she is in bed so I may or may not have time to answer all PM's tonight...thanks!

DJ_drew 12-17-2010 01:45 AM

any idea what kind of tang it is?

Oceanic 12-17-2010 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by DJ_drew (Post 574030)
any idea what kind of tang it is?

I think it is some kind of Striatus species of Tang, never seen one like it for sale.. It is very friendly and bold.

soups 12-17-2010 02:30 AM

I would really like to see pics of of your sps. Can you make a list on your rare pcs. I would like to do a group buy for all the guys in the GTA area.

Tigger 12-17-2010 02:57 AM

I am interested in the powder blue tang, coral banded shrimp and the blue linkia starfish.

Tigger 12-17-2010 03:00 AM


rayyue 12-17-2010 06:48 AM

pm sent for golden angle

Oceanic 12-17-2010 05:12 PM

I have received no fewer than 40 PM's so please be patient with me for an answer, once I figure out who is interested in what I will make a post or return the PM with an answer...

It seems I have a bidding war for the rare Golden Dwarf Angel... Here is what he looks like...


milano07 12-17-2010 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Oceanic (Post 574160)
I have received no fewer than 40 PM's so please be patient with me for an answer, once I figure out who is interested in what I will make a post or return the PM with an answer...

It seems I have a bidding war for the rare Golden Dwarf Angel... Here is what he looks like...


Is this fish pretty shy and hides all the time? I just read a bit about it and the article says that this fish spends most of its time swimming from cave to cave and rarely swims in the open. The person that wrote the article has had this fish for 8 years and that's the behavior of his fish.

Does your fish behave in a similar way? I would hate to buy a fish that I rarely get to see swimming in the open. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

BitShifter 12-17-2010 07:17 PM

how large is the chiton?

Oceanic 12-17-2010 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by milano07 (Post 574173)
Is this fish pretty shy and hides all the time? I just read a bit about it and the article says that this fish spends most of its time swimming from cave to cave and rarely swims in the open. The person that wrote the article has had this fish for 8 years and that's the behavior of his fish.

Does your fish behave in a similar way? I would hate to buy a fish that I rarely get to see swimming in the open. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

The article sounds pretty correct, I suppose it depends on the fish but the one I have spends about 50% of the time out in the open foraging for food and checking things out, the other times it moves from rock to rock searching the caves... I have had this fish for about 3 years and it has become bolder and bolder as time passes... It eats like a pig and is always waiting for the food when it hits the tank.

Oceanic 12-17-2010 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by BitShifter (Post 574187)
how large is the chiton?

The Chiton is easily 4" in length... Very healthy and is often out in the open...

Mega 12-18-2010 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by milano07 (Post 574173)
Is this fish pretty shy and hides all the time? I just read a bit about it and the article says that this fish spends most of its time swimming from cave to cave and rarely swims in the open. The person that wrote the article has had this fish for 8 years and that's the behavior of his fish.

Does your fish behave in a similar way? I would hate to buy a fish that I rarely get to see swimming in the open. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

this fish hides most of the time unless looking for food. Make sure you are not adding it to a tank with another angelfish(s), otherwise it will get beaten up or hide all the time and starve to death...

Borderjumper 12-19-2010 09:37 PM

I tried to send you a pm, but your box is Full. You told me Thursday you would get back to me about the corals I wanted. You never did, and I am assuming that they were sold?

Carrera75 12-19-2010 10:36 PM

I sent 2 messages inquiring about the Golden Angel and never heard back....................

Oceanic 01-15-2011 12:54 AM

I have to apologize to everyone that responded to this add and for the people I have not replied back. Since posting this I have had a multitude of things that have come up that completely steered my attention in other directions, this is the fist time I have logged in for weeks....

My wife and I are moving to a different house soon and need to get everything gone to help stage our present place.

I have contacted the people that wanted the most fish or corals at once as I just do not have time to have person after person coming over for single pieces.

I do need someone to take the live rock I have and it is some extremely premium stuff with no algae. I likely have about 100lbs of it and I will let is all go for $250.00. I also will need to get rid of all my inverts... Various odds and ends of livestock will be offered if they cannot find a home..

I will be listing the tank and everything else I have as far as hardware goes in the hardware section..


Carrera75 01-15-2011 03:18 AM

What LPS do you have? I'll be in Langley tomorrow.
How long have you had the Blue Linkia for and what does it eat?

Borderjumper 01-15-2011 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by Oceanic (Post 581918)
I have to apologize to everyone that responded to this add and for the people I have not replied to.

I have contacted the people that wanted the most fish or corals at once as I just do not have time to have person after person coming over for single pieces.


You could have stated this when you posted the items for sale, instead of just ignoring pm's?

Oceanic 01-15-2011 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 581996)
You could have stated this when you posted the items for sale, instead of just ignoring pm's?

Like I said, I am sorry for not getting back to everyone sooner and it wasn't a matter of ignoring anyone. I simply have not logged back on until today as the holidays were a complete whirlwind of craziness. I still have a handful of PM's I have yet to look at.

braid11 01-15-2011 05:54 PM

I would take all the rock, pmed.


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