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reefwars 12-06-2010 05:14 AM

whos got hobbys?????
being bored figured id see what else everyone has for hobbys???

me i play guitar, have played for 15yrs ,rhythm guitar metal influenced and at one time it took up all my time now adays i still try to play every other night but its getting harder to find he time:):)

sooooo watcha all got????

The Grizz 12-06-2010 05:18 AM

My hobby's are work for my company, work around the acreage, help out the wife with the 13 Husky's ( new litter of 7 Dec 1 ) we have and oh ya did I mention work. :lol:

Llamarama 12-06-2010 05:19 AM

:) just nerd hobbies...I play Magic:the gathering every friday when i have time and video games again when I have time xbox live handle is Bizatch Mcgee :P oh and baking, I love baking :)

Aquattro 12-06-2010 05:47 AM

When not playing with the tank, I'm competing in flyball and agility with my dogs. I'm also training a couple of them to herd sheep. That's a work in progress :)

reefwars 12-06-2010 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 570734)
When not playing with the tank, I'm competing in flyball and agility with my dogs. I'm also training a couple of them to herd sheep. That's a work in progress :)

i have a doberman and we use to do schutzhund(forgive my speling lol) when she was younger but it got to be too far out of the city:) dogs are crazy smart, if i had to guess are you training austrailian sheppards or collies??

Aquattro 12-06-2010 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 570736)
i have a doberman and we use to do schutzhund(forgive my speling lol) when she was younger but it got to be too far out of the city:) dogs are crazy smart, if i had to guess are you training austrailian sheppards or collies??

I have 2 Border Collies, an Aussie and a pitty X.. full house over here :)

zum14 12-06-2010 05:59 AM

Between my house, work and my 3 mini wieners my tank takes up any leftover time. Ive been dreaming of screaming up the side of a mountain at 8000rpm everytime it snows though. Im a little worried.

randallino 12-06-2010 06:33 AM

Model Rocketry, is my summer hobby. I have launched and recovered a rocket to 10,000 feet :surprise:. Physics in the summer/Biology in the winter. Throw a parrot and a Keeshound into the mix just round things out.

Llamarama 12-06-2010 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 570734)
When not playing with the tank, I'm competing in flyball and agility with my dogs. I'm also training a couple of them to herd sheep. That's a work in progress :)

I was actually considering putting my lab/border collie in flyball as she has a tennis ball infatuation not sure if she could do it though :) eep missed my dogs as a hobby have a mini wiener also and we all walk and run at our local offleash park daily :)

Aquattro 12-06-2010 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by Llamarama (Post 570753)
I was actually considering putting my lab/border collie in flyball as she has a tennis ball infatuation not sure if she could do it though

We've trained a labradoodle, so anything can learn :) Pretty much any dog can do it!

lorenz0 12-06-2010 06:53 AM

Cars (VW's mostly, always had a soft spot for them), snowboarding and well my tanks. Also going to dj shows/concerts.

zum14 12-06-2010 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Llamarama (Post 570753)
I was actually considering putting my lab/border collie in flyball as she has a tennis ball infatuation not sure if she could do it though :) eep missed my dogs as a hobby have a mini wiener also and we all walk and run at our local offleash park daily :)

I wish we had an offleash park here for that. Its kind of tough right now too as its like -15 or -20 out.


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 570754)
We've trained a labradoodle, so anything can learn :) Pretty much any dog can do it!

Id love to do some sort of agility with mine as they all seem to love to run. Problem is everytime I get running around with them I cant help but laugh, then I stumble and fall over laughing and get attacked with tounges in ears and up my nose, its like the worst wet willy ever. They love chasing things, one of them would be fun to watch trying that long jump thing into water. She wouldnt go far but shed go full tilt off the end of a dock if you throw something for her. I really like the agility course too, weaving. Fun stuff. They just have such a low ground clearance, the jumps may be an issue. You have any suggestions for reading or anything that gives a person an idea on how to get started in training them for that or setting up a training path? There smart enough for it, im the one that needs to learn. Thanks.

sphelps 12-06-2010 01:24 PM

Photography is probably my next one after aquariums but recently I've been getting pretty hard into RC helicopters and trucks. I highly recommend everyone go buy a decent starter RC truck from a hobby store, like the Traxxas Stampede 1:10 scale electric. Only $200 and tonnes of fun, 100% submersible so snow or ran still works great.

hillbillyreefer 12-06-2010 02:16 PM

Target shooting, R/C, and lately exploring the world of pyrotechnics and sugar rockets.

Dez 12-06-2010 02:29 PM

I play competitive foosball, I like Mini coopers (I have 3), I love playing with my kids and just hanging out at home. I don't know if you cal traveling a hobby but our family loves traveling. My son is 5yrs old and he's been on almost 50 flights.

kien 12-06-2010 02:29 PM

In no particular order.. photography, growing orchids, 2000 gallon koi pond out back, building models (mostly spaceships), Mountain biking, snowboarding, jogging, guitar.

toxic111 12-06-2010 02:41 PM

lets see, besides my reef, I have a 25gal freshwater tank, I also spent lots of time hunting & fishing. I got my private pilot's licence a few years ago, but since the birth of my son & building a house I haven't been flying in 2 years. I also read, play pool, quad, and no idea what else takes up my time. I am trying to get into wood working a little bit now too.

For the one that plays Magic, I did that tons around 15years ago, still have my cards, going back to beta edition through to an edition past ice age.

riceboy 12-06-2010 02:43 PM

I like to build and turbo my hondas lol, snowboarding, hiking, fishing, cod black ops, and spend time with the gf. Just starting photography at the moment.

Dez 12-06-2010 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 570776)
In no particular order.. photography, growing orchids, 2000 gallon koi pond out back, building models (mostly spaceships), Mountain biking, snowboarding, jogging, guitar.

Sweet, you have a giant Koi pond. We have a pond in our front yard. We were going to tear up the majority of our backyard this past summer for a huge pond but the kids wanted one more summer of a big yard before we dig it up for a huge pond. We are going to do a big pond next fall in the back. The front yard pond has been such a joy that we decided to do a pond in the backyard where we spend more time. Either way, we still get to enjoy our aquarium from the front yard or backyard :)

Lance 12-06-2010 02:44 PM

Woodworking, fishing, gardening and spending time up at the lake cabin with the family. I don't think the cabin is really a hobby but the copious beer drinking certainly is.

sphelps 12-06-2010 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 570782)
but the copious beer drinking certainly is.

I have that problem, I mean hobby as well :wink:

reefwars 12-06-2010 02:51 PM

wow getting some really great ideas , sphelps i was interested in the rc cars ive actually been looking at a few and for the sake of a few hundred bucks it looks like its something i want to do,plus i use to have quads and stuff when i was younger and loved working on them and i like that you can tune these little trucks and cars:):)

Lance 12-06-2010 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 570784)
I have that problem, I mean hobby as well :wink:

Yes, it sounds much better when you tell people that your blood-shot eyes and shaky hands are hobby oriented.

hound96 12-06-2010 03:00 PM

between talkin fish and keeping a reef tank and working in the fish hobby industry i don't got too much time for any other hobbies

reefwars 12-06-2010 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by hound96 (Post 570791)
between talkin fish and keeping a reef tank and working in the fish hobby industry i don't got too much time for any other hobbies

thats why i need other hobbys lol certain nights i feel like certain things so one day i may go nuts with the ol dog arounbd town then ill go out with the misses maybe spend the next evening on the tanks and play some guitar, i believe having lots of hobbys keeps you driven:):)

the gf has no hobbies and weve tried to find things she would enjoy but its still a search in progress:):)

***********seems to be alot of weiner dogs on this site lol we have one as well a mini long haired daschund:):)***********

riceboy 12-06-2010 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 570782)
the copious beer drinking certainly is.

:lol: pretty sure a lot of us are just not really willing to admit this :lol: seems like i have a birthday everyweek :lol:

ALang 12-06-2010 03:12 PM

Hey Denny,
I can teach you how to knit. It's a time-killer, especially when the games are on! You can sure get lots done in 3 hours. Pretty soon, you'd have an tank-warmer, Doberman-warmer, guitar-warmer, cup-warmer, feet-warmers, neck-warmer, Leg-warmers, etc...Sky's the limit!!

And those hermit crabs sure looks cute with their knitted shell-warmers on!
Heck, my family hides when I come home with yarn and a tape-measure in my hand!

jorjef 12-06-2010 03:32 PM

Collecting "stuff".... It is very me Things I have collected/bought and sold over the years..

Cast iron animal bottle openers (from the 30's and 40's)
Hot wheels (just motorbikes now)
Watches...more than I would like to admit.
Canadian paper money
Canadian mint sets
Inuit stone carvings
Pokemon cards...very red faced lol damn kids!
Old stock certifcates
Movie posters..not real ones, the type from video stores.

Need an intervention soon....

globaldesigns 12-06-2010 03:50 PM


1.) taking guitar lessons with my son
2.) The tank of course!
3.) Remote control trucks, again with the son/daughter
4.) Listening to Music
5.) Camping with family (every weekend over spring/summer/fall, starting with Easter weekend)
6.) Computers/Business

cale262 12-06-2010 03:53 PM

  1. Aquariums
  2. Jeeps
  3. Cycling
  4. Shooting
  5. and most recently, this summer I tried fly fishing
I think I need to quite my fulltime job to keep up with my hobbies :wink:

reefwars 12-06-2010 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by cale262 (Post 570812)
  1. Aquariums
  2. Jeeps
  3. Cycling
  4. Shooting
  5. and most recently, this summer I tried fly fishing
I think I need to quite my fulltime job to keep up with my hobbies :wink:

I spent every weekend growing up fishing abd since I've came to Alberta I haven't went once so I'm due for a good trip:):)

reefwars 12-06-2010 04:05 PM

So how about the ladies here, what are you gals doing for hobby's any suggestions for the misses??:)

Seafan 12-06-2010 04:24 PM

Now that I am a stay at home mom and am housebound I have a computer/research addiction - geneology. Prior to this I had a pretty active life, showing and handling dogs, breeding samoyeds and collies and himalayan and siamese cats. Bred a few little pet dogs for a short while after this. My favorite were the sammy's, bred the #3 sammy in canada, and #1 puppy. Of course now you can't beat all the family things together, soccer, hikes and playing family games. A very good way to spend family time.

Haloreef 12-06-2010 04:33 PM

Beside the reef tank I...
1 Scuba dive
2 Draw and paint
3 Poison Dart Frogs (300 gal display in the design stages) will go nicely with the seven other various sized terrariums!
4 Archery every now and then.

Llamarama 12-06-2010 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 570754)
We've trained a labradoodle, so anything can learn :) Pretty much any dog can do it!

hmm that's great! I just saw someone on kijiji offering lessons so maybe I'll give it a try :)


Originally Posted by zum14 (Post 570758)
I wish we had an offleash park here for that. Its kind of tough right now too as its like -15 or -20 out.

our offleash park is fantastic other than people not always cleaning up after their dogs it's about 4 km of nice treed trails :)


Originally Posted by toxic111 (Post 570779)
For the one that plays Magic, I did that tons around 15years ago, still have my cards, going back to beta edition through to an edition past ice age.

< -- Jealous! I bet your collection is great :) I just started playing during Zendikar block my brother taught me and I'm really digging it although apparantly a lot of people don't like some of the new rules and quit playing because of them..but that's fair I quit WoW because of stupid expansions :)

<--- Denny I'm a lady haha but i'm not sure your GF would enjoy any of my hobbies :( we also build lots of computers and drink copious amounts of beer .... after thinking of all these things I think i need to cut down wonder I never have time for anything...maybe I should just quit working that would free up some time =)

Parker 12-06-2010 05:30 PM


In no particular order:
Fish Tank
Mtn. Biking - Try to take at least one trip a year
I'm a car guy - I try to make at least one show in the US a year.
Home Theater - This one is pretty tame, I don't go for the high-end stuff.
And like others - Beer

Delphinus 12-06-2010 06:00 PM

In no particular order, sailing and boating, mountain biking, orchids, and ocean and aquatic life and related activities so aquariums, diving and snorkeling all sort of count into that IMO. Camping. Dreaming of a better life. Music (playing and listening). Woodworking.

I work with computers and software and don't really consider those among my interests any longer, although I did when I was growing up. Expertise and interest apparently don't go hand in hand.

Kids and pets are not hobbies, so I don't list them here, but it should go without saying that I do enjoy sharing my hobby pursuits and activities with my kids.


Originally Posted by Haloreef (Post 570821)
3 Poison Dart Frogs (300 gal display in the design stages) will go nicely with the seven other various sized terrariums!

Holy moly, a 300g frog tank? That sounds epic. I'd love to see more of that when you get it going. Wouldn't the darts simply get lost in there or how many are you thinking of housing and what kind?

One of my next projects will be a dart frog tank but probably something a little smaller. :lol:

Myka 12-06-2010 06:28 PM

I work 350 days a year. The other 15 I spend looking at my tank wishing I could see it more. :lol:

Haloreef 12-06-2010 06:46 PM

Hey Tony it is a 125gal reef ready tank that I am going to take the front pane of glass off of so that I can have front access to using sliding doors. The plan is to double the hight and add a fifty gallon sump.
I do not know what frogs I will put in yet.
I currently keep;
4 Standard Lammasi,
2 Tarapoto Imitators
2 Southern Varriabillis
7 Bora Ridge Ventramaculatus
4 Super Blue Auratus
3 Micro Spot Auratus
1 Pumillio Bastimentos
1 Adelphobates Quinquinvitatus
1 Blackwater Ventramaculatus.
It will be planted with all sorts of Broms Orchids and mosses!
For some reason my wife is not as happy about this as I am!

JonT 12-06-2010 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Llamarama (Post 570828)

< -- Jealous! I bet your collection is great :) I just started playing during Zendikar block my brother taught me and I'm really digging it although apparantly a lot of people don't like some of the new rules and quit playing because of them..but that's fair I quit WoW because of stupid expansions :)

Magic... I just pulled out the 20K cards I have. Time to Ebay those. Haven't played in far too long. I have from Tempest (and a few of the smaller sets prior to that) through to Urza's. It was about that time that the rules started changing up too much. My friends stopped playing, and well, you can't exactly play alone now can you!

As for WoW... LOL, I play that one :) BC expansion was good, Wrath was a bit silly (too bad, good story line, and zones) Cata so far (world has been blown up) is looking really nice! Can't wait for tomorrow! Release day :)

Wow takes up most of mine and my wifes (yep, she plays) time. Living in a small apartment doesn't leave too much room for too many hobbies!

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