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hippo! 12-05-2010 01:33 AM

Anybody else from the Rock onboard..
Hey guys. Just curious to see if there are any other Newfoundlanders here...I know there are a few of us in Alberta too lol.


nlreefguy 12-05-2010 02:02 AM

Yep, I'm from the rock! Don't see many newfs on here... or any other fish boards for that matter!

harper 12-05-2010 02:27 AM

Im not from the rock, but I feel like I live there :p

reefwars 12-05-2010 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by hippo! (Post 570386)
Hey guys. Just curious to see if there are any other Newfoundlanders here...I know there are a few of us in Alberta too lol.


born and raised now in edmonton:):)

shannon32 12-05-2010 02:29 AM

and then there were 3 :fadein: and counting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nlreefguy 12-05-2010 02:34 AM

alberta... newfoundland... what's the difference? lol

shannon32 12-05-2010 02:37 AM

we got fort mac and reddeer am i missing one ?

reefwars 12-05-2010 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by harper (Post 570399)
Im not from the rock, but I feel like I live there :p

ft mac eh the largest city in newfoundland:):)

shannon32 12-05-2010 02:57 AM

u know if we all go back at the same time she will sink 4 feet lol

reefwars 12-05-2010 02:58 AM

shhhhhhhhh dont tell anyone but im thinking about starting a store with a friend from there in the years to come, it will be a home based business and we actually already started renovations in the basement for it.:):) goal plan is 2 yrs im constantly doing research while im here and keeping in touch with those in nl to see how the sw world is doing down there,once the misses finishes school we plan to move there:):)

2 yrs is the goal so we will have to see:):)

skabooya 12-05-2010 04:46 AM

My husband was born and raised in Newfoundland. Hes from Seldom on Fogo Island.
I just visited there my first time last summer. Beautiful place and i would totally move there if jobs ever went up for the both of us :)

Skimmerking 12-05-2010 02:05 PM

BORN in ST John's live on 131 White away street . father was in the army there...

viperfish 12-05-2010 02:48 PM

Born, raised, and started a family in Grand Bank. I've been in Alberta for the last 15 years. The only salty air I get to smell around here is around my fish tank. Ha ha!

hippo! 12-06-2010 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by nlreefguy (Post 570393)
Yep, I'm from the rock! Don't see many newfs on here... or any other fish boards for that matter!

funny about that, I see a few on an east coast forum (ARRG) but not near as many as I know that run marine tanks...weird

good to see you here!

hippo! 12-06-2010 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by harper (Post 570399)
Im not from the rock, but I feel like I live there :p

spent a few years in the sands, ran into more people from school on site than I see back on the rock....funny stuff

hippo! 12-06-2010 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by shannon32 (Post 570401)
and then there were 3 :fadein: and counting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey shannon,

hippo! 12-06-2010 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 570413)
shhhhhhhhh dont tell anyone but im thinking about starting a store with a friend from there in the years to come, it will be a home based business and we actually already started renovations in the basement for it.:):) goal plan is 2 yrs im constantly doing research while im here and keeping in touch with those in nl to see how the sw world is doing down there,once the misses finishes school we plan to move there:):)

2 yrs is the goal so we will have to see:):)

keep it on the small side to keep costs down, go with reasonably priced coral and frags and you'll do well I think.

hippo! 12-06-2010 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 570481)
BORN in ST John's live on 131 White away street . father was in the army there...


hippo! 12-06-2010 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by medhatreefguy (Post 570495)
Born, raised, and started a family in Grand Bank. I've been in Alberta for the last 15 years. The only salty air I get to smell around here is around my fish tank. Ha ha!

Hear that, lol. Ever get back for a visit?

hippo! 12-06-2010 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by skabooya (Post 570435)
My husband was born and raised in Newfoundland. Hes from Seldom on Fogo Island.
I just visited there my first time last summer. Beautiful place and i would totally move there if jobs ever went up for the both of us :)

There are worse places to be for sure.

Jamieh 12-06-2010 01:58 PM

Also from Nl. Grew up on the Burin Peninsula and have called Saskatoon home for last 8 years after a stop in Alberta.

paddyob 12-06-2010 05:30 PM

Alcatraz? Lol.

viperfish 12-06-2010 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 570839)
Alcatraz? Lol.

hippo! 12-06-2010 11:12 PM

Hey Jamie, I see the Burin Pen. is well represented here lol

viperfish 12-06-2010 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Jamieh (Post 570770)
Also from Nl. Grew up on the Burin Peninsula and have called Saskatoon home for last 8 years after a stop in Alberta.

I'm thinking Saskatchewan might be my next move. Once Ed Stelmach succeeds in driving the oil patch out of Alberta, that's where the next boom will be.

hippo! 12-07-2010 10:36 PM

For sure. Looked like it was gonna kick before I left the sands last year. We were looking at a lot of contracts/projects over the border before the downturn. Only a matter of time (doubt if it's too far away either).

BrentC 01-30-2011 12:09 AM

I'll join in on the fun. c:

Currently living on the Bonavista Peninsula.

Northernseacorals 01-30-2011 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by BrentC (Post 586380)
I'll join in on the fun. c:

Currently living on the Bonavista Peninsula.

Awesome possum, welcome to the mix mate!!

BrentC 01-30-2011 01:02 AM

Pretty glad to be here. It's nice to see some other Newfies online; we're hard to come by. :mrgreen:

Skimmerking 01-30-2011 01:29 AM

Like my Father said you take all the Newfie's out of the army, there wouldn't be a army anymore.
You put them back on the Island and the Island would sink.

reefwars 01-30-2011 02:17 AM

when was the last time you were back mike??

home feb 11th for me :) new tank journal coming up now soon enough i think hummmm i wonder how big i could go before she sinks lol??:)

Skimmerking 01-30-2011 04:06 AM


hippo! 01-30-2011 02:01 PM

might notice a few changes lol

Northernseacorals 01-30-2011 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by hippo! (Post 586516)
might notice a few changes lol

Like there is never anything in the bloody grocery store because it's so picking busy !

hippo! 01-30-2011 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Northernseacorals (Post 586571)
Like there is never anything in the bloody grocery store because it's so picking busy !

gotta come in past the overpass to get a good selection of grub lol

strickrick 02-15-2011 12:13 PM

Nice to see the involvement. I only know a few that are really into the SW side of aquariums.

I'm born and raised and still living on the rock. Just curious to see what kinda setups the locals have here. I'm down to a 10g with a pair of clowns, my 75g cycling full of LR for when I get my 120x30x30 (~465g) and my 125g (sump to be). I will have to start a thread of its growth once I finally get the tank.

reefwars 02-15-2011 04:08 PM

finally home on the rock:):) so starting a 60g 24" custom cube brought all my glass with me from edmonton and brought my liverock as well glad to say it all made it down fine:)

so i did my rounds on the fishstores here and i gotta say.......well im not sure what to say but i do know that im setting up a pile of frag tanks and ordering in a pile of coral......i dont like the high prices and the lack of availibilitiy.

i have plans in motion to set up a home based business selling coral and coral only im gonna try to bring in rare corals and corals not found normally here and im not going to be charging an arm and a leg and my ultimate goal is for things to be accessible and affordable as it should be......lets face it finger leathers shouldnt be sold for $60-80 and an open brain shouldnt run you over a $100.........alot of people know me from edmonton and most know me as a deal finder and a place for free great advice and i strongly dislike those who sell for way more then they should or see people as dollar signs.

i wont be opening your typical store front there will be no dry goods no excess of empty tanks no liverock bins no fish.......its a hobby and a passion for me first and with all the years ive been reefing ive learned that friends are your best customers and that a good name gets passed around very fast.

i cant compete with large retailers for buckets of salt i cant compete against lighting or other things bought by bulk and sold for less.

im gonna sell what i know and thats corals so to cut down cost ill be opening my house to others ill have a display set up and some small frag tanks , im gonna treat it as my home tanks everything will be healthy and looked after all day and night. i have someone to buy nice corals from reguraly and ill fill my display and frag tanks with these corals. ill be placing orders as often as i can and the idea is to sell something from my tank and replace it with something else. if something doesnt sell right away then i keep it healthy while it grows untill it does sell. after so many years in this wonderfull hobby ive learned what sells and what doesnt.

i have a plan written up and in the process right now of building it all and once running im gonna treat it like my own tanks, after all this is my passion and my hobby first and not a overnight money maker.

i plan to offer aquarium maintanance and to build custom tanks and stands as well as bring in coral that we all want not just what sells at the local big chains:)

my overall goal is to make things here more affordable easier to find, to have the salty community more together and make it easy for new comers to join the hobby without being going to be offering free advice even if it means me coming out to your house to give it ill be offering tank maintenance and building custom tanks and building stands of all kinds and designs.

long term would eventually see me starting up bigger tanks although i believe i am always just gonna offer coral for a good price and mainly offer advice and knowlege and friendly gestures to those who can use it.

its great to be home and in a place i truely love doing what i truely love, i hope to bring alot of new people into the reefing world and make alot of new friends.............and as we all know you cant go anywhere in this hobby by yourself it takes friends,knowlege,and sometimes a helping hand to truely enjoy and uderstand this beautiful hobby:):)

cheers all hope to talk to alot of you soon!!!!!!:)

nlreefguy 02-15-2011 08:34 PM

That all sounds awesome and totally necessary in this market. Like you said, the availability and price are two glaring problems in the local market here (check out Pets Unlimited for some sticker shock! I'm not kidding guys, try $169 for a marine comet or $139 for a small rock covered with zoanthids. Plain...... brown...... polyps.) You're doing something I've been wanting to do for years, just never had the discipline to get to it. I truly wish you the best of luck, we all will be better off for it - and I'll be speding some time at your place for sure!

reefwars 02-16-2011 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by nlreefguy (Post 591396)
That all sounds awesome and totally necessary in this market. Like you said, the availability and price are two glaring problems in the local market here (check out Pets Unlimited for some sticker shock! I'm not kidding guys, try $169 for a marine comet or $139 for a small rock covered with zoanthids. Plain...... brown...... polyps.) You're doing something I've been wanting to do for years, just never had the discipline to get to it. I truly wish you the best of luck, we all will be better off for it - and I'll be speding some time at your place for sure!

yeah i was sad when i went to see what we have and i know there are quite a few reefers here on the island so why should we pay 10x more then anyone else well i wont stand for it and im gonna do what i can to change tmp i asked a few questions and got very poor responces and no one answered my emails and at pets unlimited i was just speechless.......we really need a saltwater dedicated store that wants to see all the saltys have all the advatages that those in other cities do:)

im here to help and i think thats my calling i have known this for a while now and though it may be slow going if we all work together we can come up with something great for this hobby were like family and thats a great start.

the major problem i see here is it seems like the stores that are here are purely out to make a business and not improve the situation....i guess they see no need to improve if they are doing well with what they have going on....

ill be funding most of this my self right down to begging for pennies if i have to but im talking with some people who are interested in investing in my project and the hobby will take off here it just needs some motivated people with their hearts in the right spot. i believe that person is me everyone i talk to about it hears the passion i have for this and using the resources i have i want to change it.

i strongly believe communication is lacking here as we dont even know how many are here doing this hobby so over the next few weeks im gonna be spreading the canreef word down here and getting other reefers i know here to join up and with time and communication i can have something set up in the way of a friendly place to come hang out talk about marine life and ask home will be your home and if the suppliers in this province dont want to join in with us to make it better then they will see a drop in sales and lose customers......while we will gain friends and knowlege like nothing else:):)

def alot of passion here and thats the best start i can think of all my motives are honest ones and in the end i hope to meet alot of new friends and family and start something where even the newest hobbyst can come in and feel comfortable knowing they got the best service and hospitality hands down:):)

if it doesnt then i end up doing what i love anyways raising coral and making friends:):) cheers and hope to meet you all soon:)

reefwars 02-16-2011 12:25 AM

what are we doing here in the way of a reefers meet???

if there is something running pls let me know when your meeting next so i can meet you all if theres not then well lets get this thin rolling and ill make up flyers and pin them up everywhere i can think of and start calling the reefers i do know here:) cheers guys this all has me very excited and in a way were all already friends:):):)

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