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Grow Op?
Anyone else wonder what their neighbours are thinking with the creepy over lit rooms, and condensation on the windows? We just moved to this new house and i can only imagine what they think... but they don't want to ask.
I think it's funny, but only until i get a knock on the door one day from a cop asking about my grow op. |
I have been doing a lot of pruning on my sps as of late seems almost every night some one is here leaving with baggies. :lol:
Funny you ask. It happened to me. I laughed pretty hard. The cop wanted to come and see if there was a "meth lab and/or grow op" happening in my residence. I guess my plumbed together garbage cans look like a chemical factory to some. But I can really see the grow op thing. Tonnes of condensation plus I have a single 400W MH on a 6' light rail. The light will produce a very convincing grow op light effect. The cop had a good laugh in the end after looking around my house. He said fish tanks getting called in for grow ops happens frequently.
I live out in the country and at one point on the road you can see the glow from the lights 3.5 miles away. Looks pretty cool. Fortunatley you can see the tanks through the front window so the cops don't need to come in. They aren't getting in without a warrant anyway. That's just me being a dickhead though.
My brother had a roommate who was huge into growing orchids. He kept a small greenhouse upstairs in the condo with grow lights and heaters and all that.....in the 3 years they lived together in calgary I can't tell you how many times the drug task force came calling. Got to the point they actually new many of them by first name. The cops new that they would not be making a bust but when the bosses say check it out they go check it out.
Always kept 1 window open. When you drive by you could see the tank.
and probably would find some pot growers stupid enough to have the curtains open on the lights on
think our neighbours look at me funny when its pitch black in the house and you see a red light looking into my tank lol
windows open with tank in the living room.. ya, oldest grow-op trick in the book!
It sounds like the cops out of town are a lot nicer, but the ones in the city I'm sure would just kick your door down if they suspected anything, fish tank or not! :lol: |
i smoke my cheato
i have been told if they come by and harass you once and there is no sign of anything illegal growing they are supposed to leave you alone on further complaints from the neighbours. we all know they follow the rules though right?
This thread is funny because I was just thinking about this! Had a MH lamp setup for the last 5 weeks and have some nosey ass neighbours lol!
Realistically a real grow op wouldn't be visible, you'd have to be really stupid to make such an operation visible from the outside and even stupider to suspect one as such. Also our two or three halides and a couple pumps would only constitute a very small operation, anything substantial would require significantly more power.
If police did show up it would be the result of retarded neighbor with numerous complaints and the police would be as impressed with it as you would be. |
I'm not anti police, I just don't like government minions intruding into my life for no reason. |
then there's have your tank up for a year, get the cop visits out of the way, then setup the grow op in the basement.
ive thought that before. im across from a fire hall in chilliwack and i asked the firemen if they wondered if it was a grow op and they told me they actually watch the while there in the hall. between the two tanks its quite a glow though.
when i moved in i just left the windows open for a month so all the neighbors could peek in if they like. Then after that I closed them up.
Funny thing is I had neighbors kids at my window all the time staring in to see the fish lol. |
That being said....anything they find is only grounds for you to be taken away they wont be able to have charges stick to you untill they have a warrent to go back and search the house for evidence. Yes I know this from experiance, cops walked right into a house party because they could see from the doorway what they thought looked like a bong (it was a coloured vase with no flowers in it) and then they explained how they can do that. Hollywood has screwed up what we the citizens think our rights our because lets face it most of the movies we watch are from the USA not Canada ;) Same thing when you ask a cop for his badge number he only has to give you either his Name (first or last doesnt have to be both) OR his badge number. |
Information for search warrant Allows police to search a building. 487. (1) A justice who is satisfied by information on oath in Form 1 that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there is in a building, receptacle or place (a) anything on or in respect of which any offence against this Act or any other Act of Parliament has been or is suspected to have been committed, (b) anything that there are reasonable grounds to believe will afford evidence with respect to the commission of an offence, or will reveal the whereabouts of a person who is believed to have committed an offence, against this Act or any other Act of Parliament, (c) anything that there are reasonable grounds to believe is intended to be used for the purpose of committing any offence against the person for which a person may be arrested without warrant, or (c.1) any offence-related property, may at any time issue a warrant authorizing a peace officer or a public officer who has been appointed or designated to administer or enforce a federal or provincial law and whose duties include the enforcement of this Act or any other Act of Parliament and who is named in the warrant (d) to search the building, receptacle or place for any such thing and to seize it, and (e) subject to any other Act of Parliament, to, as soon as practicable, bring the thing seized before, or make a report in respect thereof to, the justice or some other justice for the same territorial division in accordance with section 489.1. http://everything2.com/title/Crimina...ure+and+Powers I guess I'm a poor Canadian. I don't trust law enforcement or the court system. Check out the firearms act and you'll see the slippery slope that has been embarked upon in Canada. The stuff they are getting away with in there sooner or later will be used by the state in other areas of Canadian's lives. As Canadians we need to start saying no to infringements on our privacy and rights. |
I had the cops come to my apartment, with 12ish reptile lights for torts and chameleons plus my tank and a huge amount of carnivorous plants. Was actually a huge hassle cause it was shortly after the animal bylaws were passed. I had nothing restricted but didn't stop them from making me go through every animal and annoying calls/ paperwork
cops must love you...lol |
do your dd and be aware of your civil liberties.
trial and error is not the way to learn them. |
Always hilarious!
Between my gecko room and my aquariums (4) i have had a few inquiries from the cops. i usually show them around. twice they have contacted me for help with setting up a tank for themselves or their family :lol: |
Having been around a few grow ops over the years as a firefighter, (they start a lot of fires), I can say with some certainty that if the cops show up at your door to "check for a grow op", they don't really suspect it is and are just following up on a complaint.
When it is a real grow op, they do not enter the property until they have secured all warrants to ensure the case is not tossed on a technicality. They will use the fact that we have seen whatever it is that indicates it is a grow op to secure those warrants. Many times when we show up for the fire, the cops are right there to advise us that the property is a probable grow op so that we can take precautions in dealing with the situation. They all ready know about it, but are still gathering evidence to make the bust. If your running a grow op and your worried about being busted, be more wary of the firefighters, we have greater authority to enter a property under emergency circumstances than the cops do. We can even make them stay out :mrgreen: |
Its interesting to see the different opinions and some of the lack of knowledge, some of the actual knowledge, and or the attempt by some to portray themselves as knowing all. Having been a police officer for over ten years, I do have a pretty good idea about what the law allows. So for those of you who are wondering, no police do not have carte blanche to enter any residence they feel like and unless there is an issue regarding human safety, ie domestic assault, home invasion, they require a warrant to enter your residence. Having said that the law does allow police to enter without warrant any dwelling, business or structure in the event that a 911 call has been made from that residence. This is to ensure the safety of anyone who may be in the residence. Forgive us if we ask to look around at such a call, this is because of the amount of persons who will (shock) lie to us. (For those of you who don't think we should enter after a 911 call, remember northern Alberta, where the lady called 911 about her ex husband trying to get in. Police did not respond because this was a regular occurrence at the residence, tragically her ex husband chose that night to kill her)If an officer shows up at your door and you invite him in, forgetting that you have a kilo of coke on the kitchen table, this then becomes an issue of plain view doctrine, allowing police to immediately arrest and seize the coke. Once they have completed those actions they are required to secure the residence and obtain a warrant to search the remainder of the house for further evidence. In regards to vehicles there is a lower expectation of privacy and the threshold allowing police to search is much lower. Incidental to lawful arrest, a police officer may search a person or a vehicle for the following three criteria, preservation of evidence, officer safety and the discoverance of evidence. So when a police officer pulls you over and you have just finished smoking a joint, based on his senses and his ability to articulate his experience in completing drug investigations, you may find yourself arrested. That officer can then search your vehicle without warrant for the three criteria listed above. A lot of times as police we receive information that we believe, (based on investigational experience) holds no merit. In such an instance and in the interest of saving time and money for the taxpayer, it is easier to confirm the suspicions by a simple knock on the door and requesting the information from the subject of complaint. This allows police to get on with real policing while completing due diligence for the public who may have called in the complaint. You will find that most police operate on the principal of respect given for respect received, unfortunately in todays society media has portrayed all police to be corrupt either through film, games or news. Often the news presented does not truly represent what has occurred and police are unable to correct due to ongoing investigation. When the opportunity does finally allow for correction, it has become old news and no longer worthy of reporting. Don't get me wrong there are bad police officers out there, when your police force has over 23000 police officers, then yes there will be bad apples. These bad apples usually land the police force in the spotlight. If a police officer is perhaps rude to you one day, keep in mind that it may be because he just had to notify a family that he just finished scrapping the remains of one of their loved ones off of the road after a horrific crash or that perhaps their loved ones have just been stabbed or raped and are in hospital waiting for family. It could be that he has just been in a fight with an infectious individual who may have bit or spit on him and now he is worried about having contracted hep c or hiv. Now he has to explain to his wife why he cannot have any close contact with her for a lengthy period of time. If you are worried about an officer having nothing better to do then enter your house to hassle you, keep in mind that for the average officer his workload far exceeds what he can hope to accomplish in a day, and he truly has better things to do than waste both his and your time. For those of you who have formed an opinion of police without truly experiencing what they go through on a daily basis, I suggest contacting your local agency and requesting to go on a ride along.(not all agencies allow ride alongs) For those of you who have been offended at one time or another by a police officer, I apologize to you on their behalf. Respectfully yours Cpl. E. REININK RCMP
my guess would be cia they are the only ones with black unmarked helicopters. I hear if you wrap your head in tin foil they can't read your thoughts. Sorry, bad attempt at humor.
i find this topic interesting. personally id just let them walk in
on a side note i do calls for our local police service and this summer had a call to open a homefor them. suspected death. sure enough when i opened the home the owner had passed away. but by opening the door we had set off the alarm. i offered to disable the alarm for the police. they said it as fine it wasnt a crime scene. so i proceed to the basement to disconnect and in my search of the alarm panel i found a grow op. 13 plants and 2 24" (i think giesmann)mh fixtures. so now the homewas a crime scene lol. an officer went to check it out and returned asking if i wanted a tomato plant to take home. respectfully i declined but offered to rehome the lighting. all i can say being a locksmith can be interesting. |
burn after readng lol |
Firefighter clip |
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