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globaldesigns 11-16-2010 10:28 PM

Buyer Beware: Big Al's Calgary
I hope this doesn't upset anyone, but I am posting a very bad experience with Big Al's in Calgary.

Yesterday I bought a SWC 160 cone skimmer to play with. Shame on me, as I didn't research price until I got home, but I paid $100 more than any other retailer in Canada. Now taking into consideration the shipping costs to a retailer and overhead (I estimate about $40 for this), I got taken for about $60 more than I should have. SWC is in Winnipeg, and I can even buy it off them for $100 less, then plus shipping.

I just got off the phone with the Manager of the store front. I was just asking to credit me back the difference, minus the shipping costs (not the full $100, but expected at least $50-60, I thought that to be reasonable)... But they won't, and because it is in water I am hooped. The only way I get the whole thing back, is if I take the time to order from SWC, or Oceanic or whomever, and take them the new in box, for them to refund me in full with... NOW THAT IS JUST SILLY, and my time is worth something as well, and the principle of things. I use to run retail outlets, and I just think this solution was just plain silly.

So, They will give me a $25 dollar store credit, so I am going in tomorrow to use that right away on food, and won't ever set foot back in that place.

I have always commented on their over priced products, but noticed they were more in-line with their online pricing now. This wasn't the case in the past. So shame on me for not researching before buying, but I just want to warn others, make sure you know what you want and what it costs, so you don't get taken, as I did.

On a side note, after not even a day, the skimmer is working... So I can say YIPPEEEE, but everything else.... BOOOHOOOO!

paddyob 11-16-2010 10:31 PM

They won't even price match their online prices.

As for being in water. One day.... should be clean as a whistle. Dry it off and shine it up. Play dumb "it was never used" and see what happens. I did once :twised:

globaldesigns 11-16-2010 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 565443)
They won't even price match their online prices.

As for being in water. One day.... should be clean as a whistle. Dry it off and shine it up. Play dumb "it was never used" and see what happens. I did once :twised:

I am honest, and told them it was in water... If they wanted, they could figure it out...

If you can't sell it and be competitive, then you shouldn't be selling it. Or maybe they are just plain gready, and making 40 points on a product. I wish I made that type of profit on my product/services I sell.

globaldesigns 11-16-2010 10:35 PM

I hope they read this, as I know some of the guys there are on Canreef.

You gotta figure how much can they lose overall, as people read this, and all I asked for is a reasonable refund on an amount to sell it to me at market value.

Some store fronts just don't get it!

spawn 11-16-2010 10:49 PM

Hey, not only are their prices high on alot of stuff, I kinda thought you may perhaps mention the fact that Big Al's seem's to think breeding flatworms in all of their tanks is good for business.
Just an added point for all of the newbie's who may be reading this. Now of course you should be dipping, however I would personally never do more than look at anything @ Big Al's except for carbon or something incase of emergency.

untamed 11-16-2010 11:05 PM

I have no particular love for Big Al's, but I respect that any retailer can choose to sell something for whatever they wish. If you bought it...and it isn't defective in any do you figure they owe you anything?

Do they have a stated policy that they will match any lower price you find?

You want to give it back to them after you've used it? What are they supposed to do with it after that?

Express your objection by not purchasing other things from them....but I don't see that they've treated you badly in any way.

Borderjumper 11-16-2010 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by untamed (Post 565465)
I have no particular love for Big Al's, but I respect that any retailer can choose to sell something for whatever they wish. If you bought it...and it isn't defective in any do you figure they owe you anything?

Do they have a stated policy that they will match any lower price you find?

You want to give it back to them after you've used it? What are they supposed to do with it after that?

Express your objection by not purchasing other things from them....but I don't see that they've treated you badly in any way.

I agree.. No one twisted your arm to buy the skimmer and as you stated, you should have done your homework before buying it.

They set a price and you agreed to it when you bought the product.

lastlight 11-16-2010 11:28 PM

I've never been a fan of the store but yeah I agree you shop around or you don't complain later.

blacknife 11-16-2010 11:45 PM

in Ed some of their common livestock and supplies are cheaper than the other stores, anything fancy is equal or greater cost. but hey if you just paid XXX to much for your brand spanking new setup why not fill it up with as many cheap fish as you can right?

at least a few of them will live

Bloodasp 11-16-2010 11:57 PM

Actually I think they do have that policy of matching lowest prices. Not sure if there is a policy of returning a refund though after you bought it and found out it was cheaper elsewhere.

Reef-Geek 11-17-2010 12:21 AM

I always wonder why a store sells (way)overpriced items can still exist for years...

Bloodasp 11-17-2010 12:30 AM

Well as long as somebody keeps buying at that price they will keep selling it. They do say they'll beat the lowest price but not everyone shops around to look for something cheaper. I for one only knew of 2 stores that sold saltwater stuff in calgary before I started, and I've bought heck of a lot from them before I found out about cheaper places to buy.

paddyob 11-17-2010 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Bloodasp (Post 565486)
Actually I think they do have that policy of matching lowest prices. Not sure if there is a policy of returning a refund though after you bought it and found out it was cheaper elsewhere.

I don't know if they do match.... as I mentioned earlier... They had a wicked sale online... but refused to match the price in store.... ON THEIR OWN WEBSITE!!!!!!!

e46er 11-17-2010 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 565442)
Yesterday I bought a SWC 160 cone skimmer to play with. Shame on me, as I didn't research price until I got home, but I paid $100 more than any other retailer in Canada.

so you admit you didnt do any research on a product and you are upset that you overpaid after you went to a store you claimed was "expensive" to begin with.... im so lost as to why the store owes you anything?
theres a sucker born everyday i guess it was you that day.
you should have researched what you were buying, laziness is expensive you learned your lesson and dont go back there.

Zoaelite 11-17-2010 01:27 AM

Ryan @ Big Al's has been great to me every time I walk in there, I think you just have to understand that it's a major chain store so you are at there mercy.

That being said the $60.00 you were seeking was appeased with a $25.00 credit, that means your trying to drag someones name through the mud for $35.00. I personally think that's a little over the top but we all have to pinch pennies somewhere.

globaldesigns 11-17-2010 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by e46er (Post 565501)
so you admit you didnt do any research on a product and you are upset that you overpaid after you went to a store you claimed was "expensive" to begin with.... im so lost as to why the store owes you anything?
theres a sucker born everyday i guess it was you that day.
you should have researched what you were buying, laziness is expensive you learned your lesson and dont go back there.

Wow, what an attack on me!!!

I guess that you haven't ever worked retail, or owned a business that provides good or services. I can say I have and still do.

Anyways, they do advertise price matching, even after purchase, but try to get them to honor it. They don't!!!! Especially for anything online.

Also, how can any business, sell a product for $100 more than what everyone else does, even the manufacturer... That is just bad business, and thus the reason I am telling you. If you don't care to listen to my comments, then please go to Big Al's and get ripped off. I REALLY DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK, AND FIND YOUR COMMENTS IGNORANT!!! So P I S S OFF!!

globaldesigns 11-17-2010 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by zoaElite (Post 565513)
Ryan @ Big Al's has been great to me every time I walk in there, I think you just have to understand that it's a major chain store so you are at there mercy.

That being said the $60.00 you were seeking was appeased with a $25.00 credit, that means your trying to drag someones name through the mud for $35.00. I personally think that's a little over the top but we all have to pinch pennies somewhere.

Actually its not dragging someones name through the mud, I am actually giving them the benefit of overhead/shipping and making it $60... If we want to be picky, they would actually owe me more, if we want to call it that.

I actually probably won't even go back for the credit. Just isn't worth it... Remember, realistically $25 of overpriced food, really probably is only $10 out of their pocket, so they are not even giving me $25. If that is the case, then give me it in cash, then it is worth $25.

Oh well, just wanted to tell people to watch out, and guess what happens as normal on this forum. People hide behind the wall of anomynity and bash. Come on people!!!

All I can say as a business owner that actually resells my services. If my reseller was to sell to their customers at 30% higher pricing than what I am at, and that customer finds out, then wouldn't that customer feel ripped off? Yes they would! This is why I offer significant discounts to my reseller, to enable them to make a buck and sell it at the same pricing to their customers as listed on my website. The goal here is to make everyone happy and no ripping anyone off. Now saying that, don't you think SWC operates the same way? yes they do! so that just means that the pricing Big Al's charged me is plain ole gouging.

kien 11-17-2010 01:41 AM

I have often found myself in a pinch and have needed something at say.. 8:55pm at night :redface: Big Al's has always come through for me in that regard :) Or, sometimes I'm out running errands and if I happen to find myself in that neck of the woods and I realize I need something, Big Al's usually comes through once again.

If I don't want to buy something from there for whatever reason (price, etc), that's totally up to me and not anyone else, including the store. If I come home with something and then find it for cheaper somewhere else, well that's my bad for not shopping around or being impatient.


globaldesigns 11-17-2010 01:45 AM

Lastly, yes I already stated I didn't realize the price was that much higher. So there is no need for further ignorant comments. I am the first to omit my mistake.

This thread was to detail my experience, The Good The Bad and The Ugly. Take it how you want to.

If I save someone from spending too much on a product at Big Al's then I did my job, that is all I am trying to do. Don't read anything else into it!

kien 11-17-2010 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 565520)
Lastly, yes I already stated I didn't realize the price was that much higher. So there is no need for further ignorant comments. I am the first to omit my mistake.

This thread was to detail my experience, The Good The Bad and The Ugly. Take it how you want to.

If I save someone from spending too much on a product at Big Al's then I did my job, that is all I am trying to do. Don't read anything else into it!

well, the thread title says, Beware of Big Al's in Calgary!! We all know Big Al's doesn't have the best reputation, but I'm not sure if this is a good example in that regard. I don't see that they did anything wrong to warrant this, but that's just my opinion and if you are going to post something on public forum then you are going to get opinions, the good the bad and the ugly :razz:

globaldesigns 11-17-2010 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 565522)
well, the thread title says, Beware of Big Al's in Calgary!! We all know Big Al's doesn't have the best reputation, but I'm not sure if this is a good example in that regard. I don't see that they did anything wrong to warrant this, but that's just my opinion and if you are going to post something on public forum then you are going to get opinions, the good the bad and the ugly :razz:

So True and I respect your comments.

What I am kinda fed up with are the lurkers, and some individuals that leave comments while being just plain disrespectful. Why?

Maybe I just shouldn't of posted, but too late now... Oh Well, just wanted to tell others in order to save them possible hassles or cost. In my case, $100 overage won't break me, and I really don't care about the money. But as a successful business owner that cares, is the reason I posted. I guess it is too bad many business' don't have the same business practices and care for the customer. I can say I do!

kien 11-17-2010 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 565524)
So True and I respect your comments.

What I am kinda fed up with are the lurkers, and some individuals that leave comments while being just plain disrespectful. Why?

That's because they are poo poo heads, and that's not just an opinion. I know this for a fact!! :lol:

globaldesigns 11-17-2010 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 565526)
That's because they are poo poo heads, and that's not just an opinion. I know this for a fact!! :lol:

HEHE, I agree... At least this thread is giving me alot more posts. Hmmm, maybe I should find that other thread about post padding, to get some more.

BlueTang<3 11-17-2010 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by zoaElite (Post 565513)
Ryan @ Big Al's has been great to me every time I walk in there.

+1 you guys are lucky you don't have to deal with big als edmonton. The edmonton branch makes the calgary one look outstanding. Some of my nicest fish and coral in my tank came from the calgary location. The last few times i have made the trip down it has been the store that i picked the most up at and Ryan was awesome to deal with.

globaldesigns 11-17-2010 02:14 AM

Hey, how do you change the thread title, I changed it on advanced options on my first post, but the thread title doesn't reflect it. Just wanted to change it to something people wouldn't take and bastardize it.

Any ideas, why it didn't change?

+1, I can say Ryan and Kent are great guys at the Calgary Store, it is just too bad they work for a company that in my opinion doesn't care about long term customer business.

Here is my plug for Kevin @ Red Coral, who in my opinion does care and offers truely fair pricing. Sorry Kevin, this was a impulse buy, and I should of supported you as I always try to. Live and learn. Lesson here folks is to support the ones that support you back!

jorjef 11-17-2010 02:37 AM

Holy Moly, that was quite the stoning you got there. I respect that you are anhonest guy but for the amount on time it was in the water would have been best to rinse her off, wipe here, wipe there and return saying it wouldn't suit your needs, only fibbing by omission.

There are lots of examples of drastic price differences in Regina....500ML of Prime conditioner $29.95 vs. $19.95....Plain ole pail of IO salt $79.00 vs. $39.00....

globaldesigns 11-17-2010 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 565544)
Holy Moly, that was quite the stoning you got there. I respect that you are anhonest guy but for the amount on time it was in the water would have been best to rinse her off, wipe here, wipe there and return saying it wouldn't suit your needs, only fibbing by omission.

There are lots of examples of drastic price differences in Regina....500ML of Prime conditioner $29.95 vs. $19.95....Plain ole pail of IO salt $79.00 vs. $39.00....

HEHE, I know... got a steak on my black eyes from all of this. Head is still spinning.

I know I should of just wiped it down and returned. But again, I would think a business would respect an honest customer. That is what I am... I didn't lie, but again live and learn. Next time, maybe I won't be so honest.

I think what business' fail to remember is that without us, they are nothing. I myself have customers going back 20 years, this is because I try... Just 20 minutes ago, I got an email from a customer that I lost, but the email stated for me to call them in the morning as they want to come back. It feels good when customers realize that as a business owner I do care. Too bad many business', not just LFS's don't think this way.

intarsiabox 11-17-2010 03:14 AM

I rarely get anything from the retail stores but I don't mind shopping Big Al's online. I always refer them to JL's website and they beat the prices by 5% without question. Of coarse this only works for items that both locations carry.

e46er 11-17-2010 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 565514)
Wow, what an attack on me!!!

I guess that you haven't ever worked retail, or owned a business that provides good or services. I can say I have and still do.

Anyways, they do advertise price matching, even after purchase, but try to get them to honor it. They don't!!!! Especially for anything online.

Also, how can any business, sell a product for $100 more than what everyone else does, even the manufacturer... That is just bad business, and thus the reason I am telling you. If you don't care to listen to my comments, then please go to Big Al's and get ripped off. I REALLY DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK, AND FIND YOUR COMMENTS IGNORANT!!! So P I S S OFF!!

your right it does sound harsh and i didnt mean it like that

i do work in services im a gas fitter and constantly go to peoples houses
but because a company chooses to put a higher sticker price on something and you paid it does not really justify a bashing of the company online.
now if they offer price match but dont garentee it then i wouldnt have set foot in the place to start with
thats just me
atleast the manager told you what to do to get your money back most people wouldnt

TheMikey 11-17-2010 04:15 AM

If Big Al's advertises in the store that they do match prices after the fact of purchase, I believe they are obligated to honour that promise. It sounds to me like it's a bilateral contract: you agree to pay their advertised price on the assumption it is at (or below) a competetor's price. Their guarantee to you, then, is that if you find a lower price they are obligated to match it.

However, it becomes a problem with the internet. If you can, find a store that advertises the price you say your product is worth: a brick and mortar store in Calgary. Nextly, look on Big Al's website to see if there's a disclaimer that says they do not have to respect their online prices in their retail outlets.

Like you said, the problem is that online stores don't have to worry about paying employees, shipping, lease on property, etc. so they can do it cheaper than a brick and mortar store. With this in mind, I would never honour a price brought in from the internet if I were working in retail (and I did, for nine years). It's like printing off a price from eBay and trying to get Futureshop to match it.

globaldesigns 11-17-2010 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by TheMikey (Post 565587)
If Big Al's advertises in the store that they do match prices after the fact of purchase, I believe they are obligated to honour that promise. It sounds to me like it's a bilateral contract: you agree to pay their advertised price on the assumption it is at (or below) a competetor's price. Their guarantee to you, then, is that if you find a lower price they are obligated to match it.

However, it becomes a problem with the internet. If you can, find a store that advertises the price you say your product is worth: a brick and mortar store in Calgary. Nextly, look on Big Al's website to see if there's a disclaimer that says they do not have to respect their online prices in their retail outlets.

Like you said, the problem is that online stores don't have to worry about paying employees, shipping, lease on property, etc. so they can do it cheaper than a brick and mortar store. With this in mind, I would never honour a price brought in from the internet if I were working in retail (and I did, for nine years). It's like printing off a price from eBay and trying to get Futureshop to match it.

Great points, but then what about places like some of our sponsors, they sell these skimmers for almost $100 less and they also have storefronts, employees, and overhead. It is all relative, and when comparing strictly online shops to the other, you can take into account such overheads, shipping and hopefully still do business. And then hopefully both sides are happy.

Retailers offer things like price protection in order to reassure the customer they are getting the best product for the best price. Thus taking the onus off us the customer, and if we impulse buy, we should be protected. But if the retailer isn't willing to come to the plate after the fact and honor their promises, then shame on them.

Aquattro 11-17-2010 04:49 AM

My understanding in talking to this shop is that they do NOT price match against online stores. And let's be honest, they do something right, or they wouldn't be in business. They've been around a long time. My local LFS charges 3x what online places do, yet they are still going, year after year. If people pay the price, they will continue to charge it. That's how lots of businesses work, especially retail. And people obviously pay the prices, as per this thread. Sure, you may not be happy about it, but I don't see where they've done anything wrong. Ultimately, you as the consumer need to speak with your dollars. Don't shop there. Once the demand is lowered, the pricing will follow.

TheMikey 11-17-2010 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 565599)
But if the retailer isn't willing to come to the plate after the fact and honor their promises, then shame on them.

I think this is the only one of your points I really agree with - and please take no offence. Everything I said, though, is contingent on what Big Al's promises. I haven't been into the Calgary store, nor have I visited their website so I really have no idea what their promises are.

Look at what their customer agreement is. If they agree to match "local, advertised prices" or their own website prices, go and argue it. They cannot tell you no. However in a capitalist/materialistic society it is buyer beware. It's all about getting the most money out of a product.

Aquattro 11-17-2010 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 565599)
Retailers offer things like price protection in order to reassure the customer they are getting the best product for the best price. Thus taking the onus off us the customer, and if we impulse buy, we should be protected.

That's just wrong. Unless this store advertises in writing that they offer price protection, then they don't. I can't for the life of me see why any of the responsibility for impulse buying falls to the store. The onus is entirely on you, and unless you verified before the impulse that they offer price protection, you entered into and completed a transaction on goods you both agreed on at the time. Deal done.
If I post a $50 item here for sale and ask $500, and you then buy it, that's not my issue. You made the decision and I made a great profit. This is really not a store issue, it's an impulse buy issue that you regret and aren't taking the responsibility of....

globaldesigns 11-17-2010 05:00 AM

Here is the link to Big Al's Best Price Gaurantee (for online website):

If the stores support the same rules, but only storefronts (not online shops) then they can call many of our sponsors with storefronts. Of which I told them about. These canreef sponsors have them in stock, have storefronts, and qaulify for the Price Gaurantee. So again what gives?

Like I said, buyer beware... And take their price gaurantee's and ignore them as they don't have any merit.

globaldesigns 11-17-2010 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 565603)
That's just wrong. Unless this store advertises in writing that they offer price protection, then they don't. I can't for the life of me see why any of the responsibility for impulse buying falls to the store. The onus is entirely on you, and unless you verified before the impulse that they offer price protection, you entered into and completed a transaction on goods you both agreed on at the time. Deal done.
If I post a $50 item here for sale and ask $500, and you then buy it, that's not my issue. You made the decision and I made a great profit. This is really not a store issue, it's an impulse buy issue that you regret and aren't taking the responsibility of....

Well back at you, as I think you are wrong, as the Big Al storefronts also give Price Protection. This is something they promote, they have documentation in pamphlets and so on. Actually, when I signed up for their bonus program, it even had it in the pamphlets for that, they promoted price protection.

I myself use to run Visions Electronics stores and other major chain electronic stores... All these stores had Price Gaurantee's of which I used as the manager and also as a saleman to get customers to buy, sometimes making them impulse buy... It works!!!! But I can tell you that I did support my price gaurantee... Rule was bring in the add, or if we could phone and verify, they got it... Very easy simple, and it made people buy that maybe wouldn't

TheMikey 11-17-2010 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 565605)
Like I said, buyer beware... And take their price gaurantee's and ignore them as they don't have any merit.

I'm sorry, but you're incorrect. That policy is strictly for online retail. Go see what the Big Al's retail policies are.

Aquattro 11-17-2010 05:07 AM

If they have it documented that should you find a lower price on the same product, in stock at a local competitor, you then have legal recourse. I'm not familiar with the wording, but they apparently feel it doesn't apply to this transaction. So either details are lacking here, or you need to call your provincial consumer protection agency.
What exactly is their reasoning for refusing to honor this policy?

Aquattro 11-17-2010 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by TheMikey (Post 565609)
I'm sorry, but you're incorrect. That policy is strictly for online retail. Go see what the Big Al's retail policies are.

That is also my understanding...

globaldesigns 11-17-2010 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by TheMikey (Post 565609)
I'm sorry, but you're incorrect. That policy is strictly for online retail. Go see what the Big Al's retail policies are.

Mikey, Mikey, Mikey... If you are going to quote my entry, please quote it all, as I stated I posted the online store policy, NOT the retail store... please don't try to make me look like an idiot. AS I AM NOT!!!!

So my post you are referring to still stands. GEEZ, this is what irritates me.

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