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Red Coral Aquariums 11-08-2010 03:15 AM


Red Coral is proud to introduce a new dry LPS food. We are encouraged by the strong customer response from our launch of the sample packs. AcanPlus offers immediate results to LPS feeding corals with better growth and extreme polyp extension.

AcanPlus will be available at all Red Coral locations.

wholesale inquiries available
(403) 338-1880

Magma 11-08-2010 04:07 AM

works great on my torch coral, I bought a bottle of this today and plan to keep using it in my tank, great results so far.

Just have to find a way so my cleaner shrimp wont try and hog it all, they seem to love it as well..

Cranky When Wet 11-08-2010 04:22 AM

Please put me down for at least one large package/bottle of this super food!

My Acans, Blastos and a sickly scolymia have responded like gangbusters for past three days! I can't believe how fast they're chowing down and they look fatter already! And yes, my cowrie snails really like it too LOL!

It's such a relief not to have mysis scraps all over the place and it's phenomenal how easy it is to control while targeting mouths!

Will be by shortly and thank you for letting me try out this amazing stuff!

Kudo's to the guy who developed this food!!!!!!!!!



JMes 11-10-2010 05:57 PM

I`ve had a couple people asking questions about Acan Plus. So,I would like to use this thread for any questions and answers People might have.
It would also be great to see some pictures of people feeding their corals Acan Plus and documenting the growth and size of their corals.

What is the best way of feeding my corals Acan Plus?

The best way is to target feed your corals using a syringe or dropper. Mix Acan Plus in a container using your aquarium water. (I prefer to mix mine a little thicker). Using my dropper I place the food into each head of the coral. Acan Plus was designed to sink and not immediately float to the surface
like other coral foods on the market. You should also get a strong feeding response from you corals. For best results turn off your pumps for about 20-30 minutes to give your corals time to eat. With regular use you should notice a significant size of your corals and faster growth. Here is a quick clip of me feeding one of my Rainbow Aussie Acans. Within 30 minutes the food is gone. Any excess food that falls to the floor is vacuumed up by my Nassarius snails.

Here are some pictures of some of my Aussie Acans. Majority of my Acans were grown from 2-3 head frags.

This is a picture from last november.

This is what it looks now.

Started from a 3 head frag of this colony. This picture was taken last November

This is it now. Notice how much larger the heads are.

Started from a 2 head frag. Picture is from last November.

This is what it looks like now.

Started out as a tiny 3 head frag last dec. It is hard to see in the picture but it has 18 heads now and the heads have tripled in size.

Here are a couple miscellaneous Aussie Acan pictures showing the health of my corals using Acan Plus. The corals are fed 1-2 times a week.

JMes 11-10-2010 06:01 PM

Rbacchiega 11-10-2010 06:13 PM

side note...Jmes...I want your acans!

paddyob 11-10-2010 06:18 PM

Will other corals such as zoas and softies filter this as well? Or do I also need to feed them something separate?

I am interested to try it but prefer one food over several.

JMes 11-10-2010 06:24 PM

Yes, I specifically made this food to be all in one. You can feed LPS or soft corals. I use to feed all my Zoas before I moved them out to make room for more Acans.

paddyob 11-10-2010 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by JMes (Post 563634)
Yes, I specifically made this food to be all in one. You can feed LPS or soft corals. I use to feed all my Zoas before I moved them out to make room for more Acans.

Do you target the zoas as well.... or let them filter it out of the water like you would with reef roids?

I "heard" zoas do not target feed well. Whether or not this is true... I don't know.

Also... do you really need to feed as heavily as your video?

JMes 11-10-2010 06:36 PM

The food is best used for target feeding. I don't recommend putting it in the water column.
I feed my wifes Zoa polyps and I get a strong feeding response. When I place the food in their mouth the skirts close up and they suck in the food. I can take some video sometime this week to show you if you like.

JMes 11-10-2010 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 563635)

Also... do you really need to feed as heavily as your video?

No, it is not necessary to feed them as heavily.

Just start with a small amount of food to see if your corals like it.
Then just feed them as much or as little as they are able to eat.

I only feed my acans that much food, because they actually eat it.

Delphinus 11-10-2010 07:59 PM


Thanks for the info. I too have a couple followup questions following the video..

1) How often are you feeding your Acan's like that? It does seem like a heavy feeding, is that a typical feeding or was it more for illustration? If that's typical, is that a weekly sort of thing or is it more frequently? (Edit: nm, I see you answered this in the time I was posting this..)

2) WHERE did you get that fantastic pipette thing? Can you post a picture of the whole thing?

3) Fantastic collection of Acans ... wow. :cool:

JMes 11-10-2010 11:18 PM

I have used Acan Plus on all sorts of soft corals like Ricordea Yumas, Mushrooms, Palys and Zoas.When feeding your corals observe them carefully. Some corals respond better than others, also some eat faster and more than others. I had this with the zoas. Each colony was different. I also had this with my acans. I feed them all different amounts according to how they eat and respond to the food.

Yes, the video was more for demonstration. I don't feed that heavily most of the time. Once to twice a week is plenty, unless your coral is sick. I would recommend every 2-3 days.
I got those droppers from Walmart. They come in a pack of 2.

paddyob 11-10-2010 11:24 PM

I may have to give it a try. I saw it at RED CORAL Edmonton but passed on it as the label specifies Acans and LPS.

My Reef Roids are almost gone so I will give it a try.


fishytime 11-10-2010 11:39 PM

OMG bud.....the polyp extension on those duncans is redonkulus!!!....all your stuff is :puke: pukin polyps:mrgreen:

don.ald 11-11-2010 12:15 AM

does this food need to be mixed or does it come in liquid form?
how much does it cost and what size is the container, ie how many feeds do you get like the one in the vid. out of one package?

Red Coral Aquariums 11-11-2010 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by don.ald (Post 563720)
does this food need to be mixed or does it come in liquid form?
how much does it cost and what size is the container, ie how many feeds do you get like the one in the vid. out of one package?

It comes in dry at 30+ grams a bottle. Price is $19.99.

paddyob 11-11-2010 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Red Coral Aquariums (Post 563724)
It comes in dry at 30+ grams a bottle. Price is $19.99.

I think it is more at RC EDMONTON... $24.99 if i recall correctly.

RedCoralEdmonton 11-11-2010 09:51 PM

Patrick it is $19.99 here.....maybe you were thinking about the reef roids?


paddyob 11-11-2010 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by RedCoralEdmonton (Post 563949)
Patrick it is $19.99 here.....maybe you were thinking about the reef roids?


Sorry my mistake. ill be in for some monday :)

RedCoralEdmonton 11-11-2010 10:41 PM

Sounds good patrick, we have a bunch of cool stuff coming in this weekend so monday we will have some treats for you to see!


Skimmerking 11-11-2010 11:01 PM

some of his food in my tank the Acans love it too. this colony has doubled in size in about 3 months.

This is about 20 mins after feeding all ballooned up

Im going to get some more here before and after of them feeding too, I have been using JMes food for about 5 months and my brian grew 4-6 " easy, the Acans love it and grew some doubled in size and now i have mini Colonies from Frags.....
Thanks Jmes

RedCoralEdmonton 11-11-2010 11:03 PM

Wow AcanPlus is going fast in edmonton! Only 2 bottles left!


paddyob 11-19-2010 02:39 AM

Well I picked it up. Have fed twice and I can say for sure that the Acan loves it. He gets super fat as soon as he is fed.

As for my other LPS... we shall see.

Either way... thanks Steve at Red Coral Edmonton for holding me a bottle!

RedCoralEdmonton 11-19-2010 03:02 AM

no worries patrick, that was our last bottle too.....hehehe....but we have since gotten in another shipment of the awesomeness that is ACAN PLUS!!!!!


paddyob 01-06-2011 11:28 PM

Just thought I would post these here too. My Chalice loves Acan Plus. It has never extended its tentacles before. Even the Acan is Achin' for more :surprise:

JohnnyReeftank 01-07-2011 01:16 AM

My Trumpet Coral seems to eat the most

Matman 04-05-2011 10:09 PM

I tried the food this morning and I registered just to talk about it! My LPS (acans, goniopora, alveopora, wellso, cynarina, duncans, pagoda, chalice) all went crazy for it! I've also used fauna marin ultra acan/zoa soaked in ultra min D recently and the reaction was nowhere close to the Acan plus food (still great food compared to reefroids)!

I will still use mysis and fauna marin ultra LPS, but I think this will be my main coral food source for a while!

I'll try it on my rhizo soon too!

RedCoralOnlineStore 04-05-2011 10:55 PM

Glad to hear they love it Matman!!:smile:

Borderjumper 04-05-2011 11:12 PM

I have to give the food an A+ also. I too fed some last night for the first time and I couldn't beleive the immediate response I got from the acans, duncans, brains, and even some palys.

My only complaint was my damn yellow tang! I made the mistake of feeding him some out of the dropper, well he's addicted now.. It's his crack!:mrgreen:

Matman 04-05-2011 11:44 PM

I think my mandarin ate some too! I don't know what's in there but it must taste good!

Matman 04-07-2011 05:08 PM

Great results with the food again today. I did some publicity for you on the french forum where you can see some results with my acans, brain and goniopora: :wink:

RedCoralOnlineStore 04-07-2011 09:04 PM

Wow!! Matman great pics! Thanks for the great review! Wish I could understand French a little better but the message is clear;)
Already have two orders shipping out this afternion!

wayner 04-07-2011 09:17 PM

Batman - (LOL) -

Looks like lots of people using Maxspect LED's on that forum

RedCoralOnlineStore 04-07-2011 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by wayner (Post 605051)
Batman - (LOL) -

Oops fixed it....autocorrect on iPhone! :)

wayner 04-07-2011 09:41 PM

Yes, I've seen some weird ones on the I-Phone

GMGQ 04-28-2011 06:28 PM

Where can I get some in Vancouver??


Originally Posted by wayner (Post 605055)
Yes, I've seen some weird ones on the I-Phone

Off topic, but enjoy:

RedCoralOnlineStore 04-28-2011 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by GMGQ (Post 610014)
Where can I get some in Vancouver??

Off topic, but enjoy:

Currently RedCoral is the only retail store carrying Acan Plus. However we do have wholesale options for Acan Plus! So ask your LFS to contact us to bring it in!
For online customers I have it available online. Shipping to BC will be ~$12 (the shipping estimator is usually high on Acan Plus) I can adjust that for you on your order. Consider going in on a few bottles with a friend to help cut shipping!:wink:
(Shipping price is the same for 1 bottle or 10 bottles!)
Lol! I have been caught many times with that auto correct! Nasty!:surprise:

JMes 07-30-2011 05:50 AM

I was bored today,so made some pictures of feeding my Aussie Brain.:biggrin:

lastlight 07-30-2011 07:32 AM

What lighting is over that tank? I have a feeling my acans might get too much light but to be honest I'm not sure what's ideal for them. I can't get over how sick your LPS. Unbelievable.

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