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Anyone else plagued with the swarms of tricker treaters?
Only 10 past 7 and already had 160 kids with more on the way. Oh and about 10 thank yous.....Was just under 300 last year. Anyone else seeing crazy amounts of kids and having to dump lots of $$ into candy?
Wow, that can definitely get costly! I used to get about 150 kids at one place that I lived in in BC. I went to get more candy twice, and after I ran out the third time I put a sign up on the door, "Sorry out of candy Happy Halloween!". You gotta draw the line somewhere! I have only had 20 kids so far tonight, and none for the last hour.
The wife made up fifty baggies of candy and as of right now we've had 14 trick or treaters.
Uh oh! I feel a gut-ache coming on. |
Tricker Treaters were about 60, down from last year.
But it was an interesting night, cops just finally left, they were here since about 5:30PM. Coroners just left also, and they left with a body, Wow!!!! I really don't know what happened, but there was a young couple renting the home, something not good happened. No one is talking. |
We planned for 120 and not one trick or treater so far tonight.
Lucky we bought my favorite ( O Henry). Well I will be turning the lights out now and all those O Henry's are mine. Tom R |
We had maybe 25 kids -about normal for our area. As usual, we have *urp* lots of leftovers.
No cops or dead bodies though. |
around 80 kids.......... 95% saying thank you.
My fav......... little girl in a bunny suit who was so excited to get some smarties that she tried to put them in her mouth ........... box and all ^_^ Cheers, Vic |
none, down side of living in the sticks. Both girls came home full of sugar though. Its gonna be a long nite
"...Like most aquaria plagues, trick'or'treater plagues can typically be cured by a feshwater dip..":razz:
This year we've had a handful but not as crazy as I was expecting. I just recently moved to a residential area of the city, a far cry from my old digs 1000 ft up the mountain. We only ever got 7 or so exhausted kids every year at that place...:lol: |
We had 55. All of thm saying thank you!!
saw none tonight outside
Its not the same anymore, last year I had maybe 25-30 |
We only had 16 kids this year. Normally we have about 30-40 kids.
I had about 85 kids. I did notice that more kids went right past my house, I think because I didn't get around to putting out Halloween lights on my path up to my house and my porch/front door light is partly hidden by hedges. Most said thank-you.
Only 5 kids....about normal for our cul de sac, they all turn the road before...Our daughter handed out the treats, the wife and I went out to see the movie "Red" and go for dinner....:biggrin:
I only had 2 and I dumped the entire box of candy into their bags.....they remembered to say thank you lol
Wow thats crazy. I was kind of expecting a few more in the same boat. We ended up turning the lights out at 8 with a final tally of 245 kids. There were still a few stragglers. It does get expensive. We get them all, parents asking for candy for there babies, one guy asked for some for his dog, others arnt even dressed up... I remember my wife asking one kid where his costume was and when he shrugged she said your not even trying. I live on a street dubbed Candy Cane Lane in the winter and its pretty much a given that you have to go all out with the christmas lights. Stringed across the streets and everything. I think that may draw some in for halloween too as people go nuts with it too. Its really annoying because for the entire month of december you get to stop and go, stop and go never getting above 5kph on your street after work when all you want to do is get to your house 5 driveways away, oh and no one pulls to the side of course. Something to look forward to now. ha.........hahaha.....ha... *sigh*
18 here
I took my daughter out and my buddy took his son out and we went together. Half of my street was unlight, so we had to walk the kids 1/2 km to a street that actually had some lights on. Barely saw any kids out and when we got home the wife said maybe 5-6 groups of kids showed up.
Damn kids get lazier every year I tell ya! I remember going out in a snow suit and a mask cause it snowed and still got two pillow cases. No dedication these days...tsk tsk. Though I am happy my kid is only 3 years olds - we only had to go around a block and a half and she was ready to go home. She did say thank you - but it was usually before the people got to the door and she would say trick or treat once she left. She also didnt ring a single door bell, she just tried to open everyone's door instead. :lol: |
maybe 30, lights went off when the kids started showing up taller than me (~8:45). At least this year they all had some type of costume.
65 kids here.
I think more and more parents are taking their kids to the malls for Trick or Treat.
I kind of don't blame them.......... it's a safe enviroment and you don't have to contend with all the yahoo's with bottle rockets and fire crackers [some of those punks I'd like to punch in the face] I remember when I was a kid....... we used to fill up a pillow case within a block......... with full size chocolate bars [hate to date myself] I sound like my dad............. Halloween............. we never had that in China......... all we played with was sticks and stones......... and we liked it. It's a shame but a fact of life. Cheers, Vic |
I only had 5 kids show up at my house which is VERY odd as live about a block away from a k-4 school. Last time I put in the manson contacts though, I made a little girl cry :sad:.
My wife made me do the mall thing (INSANE) and then outside. I get the outside bit but the mall is so gay for halloween.
We had maybe 25 at our townhouse. I think kids were bypassing the complex. My daughter has a nazi father and def said please and thank-you at every stop. Even the last 10 or so which I had to CARRY her too. The back is sore today. |
We had about 20 kids. Had to work later in the night, so I thought we try something and left a stack of candy out with a sighn to help themselves but save some for others.
We were quite amused by the the result, we expected one kid to clean us out, but that didn't happen. More than anything, they were paranoid that someone was going to jump out on them, was funny as hell watching them looking over their shoulders. Ken |
We always have over 100 kids this year barely had over 50 shut the lights off at 9......the last 2 kids no costumes and I think were old enough I coulda handed out beer to
I lost count, but I know it was over 400. This neighborhood always get lots of trick or treaters. The adult trick or treaters with pillow cases so full they can hardly carry it is what makes me upset. Sereral kids without any costumes and pillow cases full of candy too. About 50 /50 on the thank you's.
I don't know. I remember when I was a kid there was a huge trailer park up the street: easy pickings. We'd wear one mask and leave another in our trick-or-treat bag. Make the rounds with one mask and then change to the other and fill our bags in no time. :redface: |
Ahhh. I knew there had to be someone worse. Jeeze..400...We barely closed our door. It must of been a steady lineup at your house.[/quote]
Yeah, steady stream and plus they started coming at 3:30 in the afternoon. That is crazy, they should wait till at least 5 or 5:30 IMO. I finally shut my lights off at 8:30, but there were still plenty of kids out there. |
I avoided it all because I got to work. Although one neighbour says they got at least 250kids.
Well I have to say any Halloween where we have not had to shovel yet is a good one! The weather was great so I expected more than the 3 kids we had. I did however leave candy on my step when we went out.... It was gone when we returned. My 3 kids had a blast!! Not huge amounts of kids out though which I found surprizing. Highlight on the evening was definately when a guy dressed as Freddy scared the crap out of my two youngest!! Roflmao!!! They got pretty close to check it out and b4 I could say anything they were nearly wetting their pants. ;) we don't trick or treat at the mall because it is a massive waste of time not to mention a total gong show.
Im surprised at how many kids DONT say thank-you anymore nowadays, for anything really, but it is quite noticeable when getting trick-or-treaters.
Didnt see anyone not dressed up and no older kids in the area I was giving candy out (in west edmonton). I think there were about 40-50? |
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