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daniella3d 10-29-2010 03:28 AM

wow, only one message??
Not too many people post from Quebec it seems..only one post here.

Delphinus 10-29-2010 03:49 AM

Josie is from Quebec :)

We'd love to hear from more of you! Tell your friends to come here and we'll roll out the bienvenue mat. :)

reefwars 10-29-2010 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 560104)
Josie is from Quebec :)

We'd love to hear from more of you! Tell your friends to come here and we'll roll out the bienvenue mat. :)

indeed:) it would be nice to see more people from out east on here it seems like its alberta/bc dominated:) tell everyone!!!

wayner 10-29-2010 04:16 AM

Go Habs Go!

madkeenreefer 11-07-2010 09:06 PM

I check out the boards here all the time just dont post so much , but must say you guys out of Toronto have the Bomb when it comes to SPS , we need to start some interprovintial frag swapping :)

josie 11-07-2010 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by madkeenreefer (Post 562795)
I check out the boards here all the time just dont post so much , but must say you guys out of Toronto have the Bomb when it comes to SPS , we need to start some interprovintial frag swapping :)

:plane: let's go!

Madreefer 11-09-2010 06:42 PM

Hey Daniella3d do you have any pics of your tank. You give alot of advice so I would assume you keep a nice tank. I`ve gone through all of your posts and cant find any pics.

fkshiu 11-09-2010 07:57 PM

Zut alors!

daniella3d 11-11-2010 04:07 PM

Where do people from Toronto or Ontario buy their sps? I just placed an order with for some nice zoa and sps but still waiting for the delivery.

well for my tank, I do have some pics of it. I do not post much about my tank because it's not much yet what I want it to be, it's a work in progress :)

Not a lot of fish as I have them in quarantine so soon there will be a few more fish. For now that is only one mandarin, 3 pajama and 1 bangai.

Here is some pics:

and some of my sps:


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 563360)
Hey Daniella3d do you have any pics of your tank. You give alot of advice so I would assume you keep a nice tank. I`ve gone through all of your posts and cant find any pics.

wayner 11-11-2010 04:29 PM


Really llike your tank, love the aquascaping, what lights are you running?, dosing or running a reactor?


daniella3d 11-11-2010 06:35 PM

I have 1 x 250 watt MH 14000k and 2 x actinic PC.

I only dose manualy from time to time. I first was using IO salt, then switched to H2O in hope that I would not have to dose for KH but it did not work and I had to dose just the same. So I decided to lose that salt as it was way too expensive for what it was and I still had to dose the same so no point paying more.

I am now using IO Reef Crystal and now I don't have to dose for KH anylonger. I still have to add a bit of calcim/magnesium twice a week. I use Seachem calcium.

My next step will be eventualy to add a dosing pump and forget about it. I only change the water about 20% once a month and I have no nitrates because of the micro algae. Worse thing about the Osaka aquarium is that there is no room for a regular sump in the cabinet unless it is modified or a custom build sump is made, so no sump on mine, only a canister filter and a Deltec 300 skimmer.


Originally Posted by wayner (Post 563851)

Really llike your tank, love the aquascaping, what lights are you running?, dosing or running a reactor?


Madreefer 11-11-2010 08:10 PM

Very nice! Work in progress? How big is your tank and any more info? Your rockwork looks cool to. Is that one of those magnetic rocks on the back of the tank?

daniella3d 11-11-2010 08:47 PM

Yes work in progress. As you see this pic the tank is already different as I added 2 barnacles cluster and a quite large turbinaria.

The rock that hang on the back wall is holding in place with some braket attached to it. I used 2 spare plastic braket from my JBJ auto top off system and attached one braket on each side of the rock, and those braket are holding the rock in place. I wanted to have an overhang to put coral on it and try to hid the equipement that way.

This liverock is quite heavy so it would require quite a magnet to hold it. I had no idea there was such thing as a magnetic rock? any link?

I use this type of braket to hold the piece of liverock to the back wall:


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 563920)
Very nice! Work in progress? How big is your tank and any more info? Your rockwork looks cool to. Is that one of those magnetic rocks on the back of the tank?

Madreefer 11-11-2010 09:40 PM

I have 3 of them. The magnets in the ones I have are not very strong so I have to support them so they dont fall down if too much weight is put on them. They are like these.
You can also make your own.

daniella3d 11-11-2010 11:19 PM

Interesting idea for the frag rack!


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 563942)
I have 3 of them. The magnets in the ones I have are not very strong so I have to support them so they dont fall down if too much weight is put on them. They are like these.
You can also make your own.

hippo! 12-06-2010 11:21 PM

very nice indeed, good work

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