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Rbacchiega 09-27-2010 06:47 PM

So, I think I want these....

for overtop the 75...can always change out the bulbs if I need to, but a 3/3 split should be cool

Wingin It 09-27-2010 07:13 PM

You'll have to let us know how they are when/if you get them. I've been shopping on for lights, but none of them are 6 bulb fixtures.

ScubaSteve 09-27-2010 07:25 PM

I think those would work just dandy and the two switch split would give ou some cool lighting options. My only thoughts would be what the reflector is like behind them; a good reflector can really boost your output.

Rbacchiega 09-27-2010 07:26 PM

For the price you can't really complain I dont think. I'm not sure if they ship to Canada, but I know they'll ship to Jersey :D ...figure 6 bulbs should be enough for LPS and softies and a few SPS near the top

lockrookie 09-27-2010 08:39 PM

good find..great price

globaldesigns 09-27-2010 08:40 PM

I actually looked at those on ebay, before buying my new hamilton... They looked really cool in design. But I decided to keep the MH, and the new Hamilton Belize is a nice unit.

Let us know what you think of them, if you go with those.

axe_man16 09-27-2010 08:44 PM

I checked this out as well, they do ship to Canada $89.00 us shipping. Would be nice if they had individual reflectors tho.

dsaundry 09-27-2010 08:54 PM

They will work just fine, price is good too. I have ordered from this ebayer, have had no issues at all.:biggrin:

Nebthet 09-27-2010 09:04 PM

Good price... and I think it would do fine on a 75g lps and softie tank. You might be able to get some low light digis or montis to grow with it too higher up in the tank, but it doesn't have individual reflectors, so you won't get the extra oomph the other brands like ATI and Tek give with their fixtures.

Just ensure you use good par rated bulbs like ATI, Giessmann and UVL and you should be on your way. Nice score.

KPG007 09-27-2010 09:32 PM

That exact fixture came with a 55g setup I bought about a year ago. Reflector was OK, construction was OK as well. The old saying 'You Get What You Pay For' applies here. It's an OK set up for the price and in your case, for your requirements.
I ended up replacing them after about 4 months as they were not sufficent for my SPS dominated system. My recomendation would be to keep an eye here on Canreef for a good deal on a Tek-Light fixture (or something similar). More money but definately worth it.

Joe Reefer 09-27-2010 10:00 PM

Junk, this is a prime example of "you get what you pay for"

Rbacchiega 09-27-2010 10:09 PM

just an option...still have a while yet before I buy lights for this tank, and in all reality, the deals I'm getting on the NJ reefers site are rediculous...people remember Ernie's shop before it burnt down and are wanting to help...the guy is a legend in the area, (and tattooing really) people seem eager to help, it's nice!

Canuckgod420 09-27-2010 11:28 PM

I think you would get more out of a 4 bulb fixture with good individual reflectors for about the same price (including the shipping)

just my 2 cents

dsaundry 09-28-2010 12:36 AM


Joe ReeferJunk, this is a prime example of "you get what you pay for"
So how do you qualify this statement, for a softie tank these lights will work fine. If she wants sps in her tank then I would say they wouldn't work. Have you had these lights before? If so rather than saying they are junk, establish why they are junk. Everybody was saying "Bubble Magus skimmers were junk at first too, now look what they say. You get what you pay for is an accurate statement, but if all I want is a Chevy Malibu why would I pay Cadillac prices.

bvlester 09-28-2010 02:26 AM

you can use T5ho for SPS just not for all you would not be able to do shallow water Acro's but deep water Acro's would be fine as long as you put them high on your rock work also Monti's and Digita's would be fine. just the ones that require specific lighting would do poorly. forgot some Millie's will do fine also.
If I got this unit I would install fans as I believe this light does not have any. Not a hard thing to install. If it has fans then it should do fine. you could always DIY it make a aluminum frame and mount everything on it you could then add a MH fixture latter.


daniella3d 09-28-2010 02:47 AM

It does not seem to have individual reflector so it's useless. I would pass.

The individual reflector and the ballast (probably cheapo) are most probably the weak part of this fixture.

ScubaSteve 09-28-2010 02:58 AM

I think the fixture is just smashing for what you want to do, Randi. Yeah, it might not have a great reflector set-up but I think you will only notice if you wanted something that had a high light requirement... even at that you can retro fit reflectors in there. When it comes to flourescent ballasts, unless you are really pushing it to the limit, a ballast is a ballast. If your at all worried about that, a Workhorse ballast is like $20.

viperfish 09-28-2010 05:21 AM

You can buy these lights here, I have ordered from these guys, excellent service. I bought my dosing containers and a bunch of other stuff, takes about a week to get it.

daniella3d 09-28-2010 02:10 PM

That's fine as long as someone does not change his or her mind. I go to a store or at someone selling great sps for a real deal price and you can't make it survive with your light... bad deal.

How much does a reflector retrofit cost? at 20$ it's a ballast for one neon or 2? This really add up, plus some cheapo fixture are a fire hazard.

Another thing to consider is how much this is going to cost at the end??

It's nearly 200$ and what about custom/duty?

There is a lot of things to think about when you order from China. What if it is defective and you have to return it? another 90$ shipping?


Originally Posted by ScubaSteve (Post 551830)
I think the fixture is just smashing for what you want to do, Randi. Yeah, it might not have a great reflector set-up but I think you will only notice if you wanted something that had a high light requirement... even at that you can retro fit reflectors in there. When it comes to flourescent ballasts, unless you are really pushing it to the limit, a ballast is a ballast. If your at all worried about that, a Workhorse ballast is like $20.

viperfish 09-28-2010 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by daniella3d (Post 551912)
That's fine as long as someone does not change his or her mind. I go to a store or at someone selling great sps for a real deal price and you can't make it survive with your light... bad deal.

How much does a reflector retrofit cost? at 20$ it's a ballast for one neon or 2? This really add up, plus some cheapo fixture are a fire hazard.

Another thing to consider is how much this is going to cost at the end??

It's nearly 200$ and what about custom/duty?

There is a lot of things to think about when you order from China. What if it is defective and you have to return it? another 90$ shipping?

You seem to be making a lot of assumptions here, do you have any personal experience or are you just assuming the worst? What does this have to do with neon? We're talking about fluorescent here.

Rbacchiega 09-28-2010 02:22 PM

thanks for the suggestions and opinions all. After thinking about it a little more, I think a fishneedit fixture might be the way to go, unless I can find one on the local reefers site. Tank gets delivered today and I have to plumb everthing first, so lights are a ways away.

daniella3d 09-28-2010 02:52 PM

I am going to buy one of the Fishneedit MH with T5HO fixture. Those fixtures look great with good prices and get good reviews from people.


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 551915)
thanks for the suggestions and opinions all. After thinking about it a little more, I think a fishneedit fixture might be the way to go, unless I can find one on the local reefers site. Tank gets delivered today and I have to plumb everthing first, so lights are a ways away.

ScubaSteve 09-28-2010 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 551915)
thanks for the suggestions and opinions all. After thinking about it a little more, I think a fishneedit fixture might be the way to go, unless I can find one on the local reefers site. Tank gets delivered today and I have to plumb everthing first, so lights are a ways away.

Good choice. I was seconds away from buying a Fishneedit MH whenI found my current light here on Canreef. I really dig the Fishneedit design.

sharky222 09-29-2010 03:27 AM

Where does one buy these fishneedit fixtures? I just checked them out....nice! Anyone tried them? They look a lot nicer than the bulky ones I keep seeing.

Rbacchiega 09-29-2010 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by sharky222 (Post 552094)
Where does one buy these fishneedit fixtures? I just checked them out....nice! Anyone tried them? They look a lot nicer than the bulky ones I keep seeing.

order them direct from the site

BUT! Fishneedit fixtures only come in the 4 bulb configuration....and are only 9 inches wide....what's this? maybe get TWO 4 bulb fixtures and it's still way less expensive then some 6 bulb units?!?!?!?!?! hmmmmm

Wouldn't be able to fit 2 four bulb fixtures....tank's simply not wide enough....BUT I can fit a 4 and a 2 bulb fixture....BAZINGA.... both fixtures total only 239.98 before shipping.

sharky222 09-30-2010 06:39 AM

The one that caught my eye was MH + 4 T5....48". I think it was under $450! Let me know if you like yours....also let me know how much duty you get charged....yikes....

Rbacchiega 09-30-2010 01:53 PM

this will be shipped to my New Jersey Address...I guess I should change my profile thing...

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