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reefcat 09-23-2010 10:48 PM

Front Of Tank Flexing!!!
I ahve a 35g tank that is fairly old (maybe 10 years) and when I looked at it from the right angle the whole front pane was flexing, not much but enough to notice.. should i be worried??

fkshiu 09-23-2010 10:52 PM


reefwars 09-23-2010 10:52 PM

I'd be scared to death lol I would think about getting a new tank before yours cracks:) 35g Tank-$50- losing your system on the floor alot more expensive :) goodluck

untamed 09-24-2010 12:01 AM

Glass tank? If it was acrylic, I wouldn't be too concerned. Glass...yikes!

paddyob 09-24-2010 12:10 AM

I dont know

Originally Posted by reefcat (Post 550998)
I ahve a 35g tank that is fairly old (maybe 10 years) and when I looked at it from the right angle the whole front pane was flexing, not much but enough to notice.. should i be worried??

I have heard that it is normal to have a little bit of a flex in the glass. Pressure pushing outwards.

Spiny 09-24-2010 12:11 AM

some deflection can be acceptable. However, if I were you, I'd drop the water level, put a temporary clamp then silicone a brace there (if the front is deflecting, the back probably is too)

reefcat 09-24-2010 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Spiny (Post 551034)
some deflection can be acceptable. However, if I were you, I'd drop the water level, put a temporary clamp then silicone a brace there (if the front is deflecting, the back probably is too)

So are you saying to to 2 clamps at each end of the tank at the top and like silicone on like a wood brace to hold it at the top like the bottom does.

Ryanst 09-24-2010 12:35 AM

My old 220 gallon tank flexed alot. Never broke or cracked though but I worried about it happening

zum14 09-24-2010 03:32 AM

My old 125 hagen freshwater flex's a fair bit as well. It came from the factory like that and has worked this long. I definitly keep a close eye on it though. Its also like close to 5/8 glass too.

snow1 09-24-2010 03:39 AM

I had a 42g tank do this to me once. I did not want to take the chance so I went on craigslist and bought a cheap tank to replace it. I think you should do the same..why worry about it?

bvlester 09-24-2010 05:52 AM

he is saying you can get a piece of glass cut and silicone it in place across the top from the front pane to the back pane of glass. the will stop the flexing.


Spiny 09-24-2010 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by reefcat (Post 551041)
So are you saying to to 2 clamps at each end of the tank at the top and like silicone on like a wood brace to hold it at the top like the bottom does.

actually no, I'd just put clamps enough to make the pannels straight, then I'd use a strip of glass and make a kind of eurobrace just for the front and back (or complete eurobrace if you feel like it)

something like this:

(that's my 120g when I made it)

Make sure you use good quality non toxic silicone

Sean 09-24-2010 05:41 PM

Just me but that tank is small enough and old enough that you got your moneys worth, I would consider getting a new one just for peice of mind.. I mean if you start messing around with home made fixes you might make the tank angry. ;)

mark 09-25-2010 01:16 AM

flexing? do you have a wave-maker or surge?

Reelgator 09-28-2010 06:48 PM

My email is here from Bulk Reef Supply

Thanks David for putting this together!:biggrin:

Reel Gator

StirCrazy 09-29-2010 01:59 AM

ok how much deflection is there. glass does deflect and depending on the amount it may or may not be an issue. get a nice strait edge preferably as long as the tank and lay it across the front and measue the gap at the ends. my tank flexed 1/32 of an inch when I took the center brace out which is nohing to worry about. I have seen some tanks flex up to a 1/4" and it wasn't a problem. it all depends on the thickness of the glass, and the hight and lenght of the glass.


Mech Eng 09-29-2010 02:33 AM

Tank Flexing
In larger tanks glass flexing is normal. However in a small tank like you have if the tank is noticeably (you can tell when looking at it from the side) the glass is aging and starting to weaken (UV light will do this over a period of many years in lower quality or older glass types). Glass gets its strength from its rigidity, as it flexes the strength diminishes. The flexing will also put stress on the silicon glue once aged (silicon losses its flexibility over time with UV light).

In short, replace the tank.

Its always a good time to upgrade to a larger tank when replacing an old one :biggrin:

If you are looking at used, look for a reputable brand and inspect it filled.

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