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dbdavid 09-21-2010 04:50 PM

Bulk Reef Supply Group Order - Open to Everyone

I am placing an order with BRS soon and was wondering if anyone is interested in a group order. Basically we need 10 people and they can be located anywhere as your order will be shipped directly to you. If and when we have 10 people the date for orders will be set. I would like to give it a couple of days to see if there is any interest.

BRS has a deal with UPS that they pay upfront so what is on your invoice is what you will pay! It includes shipping, GST, PST and any brokerage fees.

If you are interested you will need to add your name to the list in this post and PM me your email address that you used when you created your BRS account. If you do not have an account you will need to set it up with BRS first:

More info on the group by from the BRS website:

“Bulk Reef Supply Group Buys

We have a unique way of doing Group Buy's at Instead of requiring groups to place a single large order we give each group buy participant individual access to our lowest prices. There are no purchase quantity or order size requirements. Each participant gets the lowest prices even if they only buy one item. This removes the need to organize one big bulk order, collect all the payments, and distribute the order. And this also means Group Buys at BulkReefSupply are not limited to local clubs! That's right, because orders are shipped separately group buys can involve people from all over the country and Canada.

To set up a Group Buy with simply:

• Gather a minimum of 10 participants
• Instruct everyone to create an account on if they don't have one already *critical*
• Pick a Tuesday the group buy will start. Group buys run Tuesdays through the following Monday.

Then what? Here is what will happen after your list is emailed:

• On the pre-determined Tuesday each participant will receive an email notifying them that the Group Buy has started.
• Participants can start buying as soon as they get this email. Please wait for this email before placing orders!
• During the group buy week participants will login to their own account to place their own order, which ships immediately.
• At the end of the Group Buy each participant's account will be changed to Preferred Customer. BRS Preferred Customer pricing is generally between our retail and group buy prices. This permanent upgrade is our way of saying thanks for getting your reef supplies with us! ”


dbdavid 09-21-2010 04:50 PM

OK I will go first:

1. dbdavid - Dave

Milad 09-21-2010 05:47 PM

1. dbdavid - Dave
2. Milad - Milad

dbdavid 09-21-2010 06:51 PM

I had a PM asking what the disounts would be so I emeailed Brandon at BRS and here is his response:

"It varies from product to product. Some items are MAP priced from manufacturers and we have to honor those prices. Some items just don't have any markup, or are already on sale (like your plumbing fittings for example) so they won't either, but the majority of our products, especially BRS brand products, have anywhere from a 5-10% discount on them. If they join your group buy, they are not obligated to purchase anything, and if they don't it won't affect the other folks on the group buy."

Customer Care Manager
Bulk Reef Supply


ponokareefer 09-21-2010 08:32 PM

1. dbdavid - Dave
2. Milad - Milad
3. ponokareefer - Ryan

I'm in.

Namnuta 09-21-2010 08:45 PM

1. dbdavid - Dave
2. Milad - Milad
3. ponokareefer - Ryan
4. Namnuta - Cameron

Im in.

Ryanst 09-22-2010 02:33 AM

1. dbdavid - Dave
2. Milad - Milad
3. ponokareefer - Ryan
4. Namnuta - Cameron
5. Ryanst - Ryan

Im in.

Reelgator 09-22-2010 03:31 AM

I'm in too:

GreenSpottedPuffer 09-22-2010 03:41 AM

Im in for a small order.

Sunee 09-22-2010 04:29 PM

I am also in for a small order.

ALang 09-22-2010 06:16 PM

[quote=Ryanst;550490]1. dbdavid - Dave
2. Milad - Milad
3. ponokareefer - Ryan
4. Namnuta - Cameron
5. Ryanst - Ryan
6. ALang - Lenny

In for a small order.

Twinn 09-22-2010 07:55 PM

I'm in PM sent

1. dbdavid - Dave
2. Milad - Milad
3. ponokareefer - Ryan
4. Namnuta - Cameron
5. Ryanst - Ryan
6. ALang - Lenny
7. Twinn - Bryce

Milad 09-22-2010 08:23 PM

twinn you have to follow group order rules so you are out because you failed first rule.

Twinn 09-22-2010 11:26 PM

Who likes the edit button. I do I do

bignose 09-22-2010 11:33 PM

I'm in

dbdavid 09-23-2010 02:40 PM

OK we have 11 people. I will keep this open till noon on Friday for anyone else and then send in the names if I get everyones info.

The order will start next Tuesday, but wait for your email from BRS before you order. The group buy will run through to the following Monday

I do need the following info from everyone:

1. dbdavid - Dave

2. Milad – Milad – I need your last name. Please PM

3. ponokareefer – Ryan - I need your BRS email address and last name. Please PM

4. Namnuta - Cameron– I need your last name. Please PM

5. Ryanst – Ryan– I need your last name. Please PM

6. Reelgator- Tim - good to go!

7. GreenspottedPuffer - Justin - good to go!

8. Sunee- - good to go!

9. ALang - Lenny- good to go!

10. Twinn – Bryce -good to go!

11. Bignose - Jason -I need your BRS email address and last name. Please PM

12. Snufflupagus - Colin - good to go!

13. Christyf5 - Christy - good to go!

Anyone else who wants in, I need your first and last name and BRS email address.


Snufflupagus 09-23-2010 04:16 PM

Snufflupagus - Colin
I'm in.
PM sent.

christyf5 09-23-2010 04:38 PM

1. dbdavid -Dave
2. Milad – Milad
3. ponokareefer – Ryan
4. Namnuta - Cameron
5. Ryanst – Ryan–
6. Reelgator- Tim - good to go!
7. GreenspottedPuffer
8. Sunee-
9. ALang - Lenny
10. Twinn – Bryce
11. Bignose - Jason
12. Christyf5 - Christy

Will PM info

ScubaSteve 09-23-2010 11:17 PM

1. dbdavid -Dave
2. Milad – Milad
3. ponokareefer – Ryan
4. Namnuta - Cameron
5. Ryanst – Ryan–
6. Reelgator- Tim - good to go!
7. GreenspottedPuffer
8. Sunee-
9. ALang - Lenny
10. Twinn – Bryce
11. Bignose - Jason
12. Christyf5 - Christy
13. ScubaSteve - Kevin

Will PM info

Kevotron 09-24-2010 02:32 AM

I would be interested in an order as well.

Mrfish55 09-24-2010 02:44 AM

I would be interested if someone wants to combine, I had a $112 order and shipping was $116 :cry: doesn't even give a shipping alternative.

Kevotron 09-24-2010 06:07 AM

Do we save on any shipping by doing group buy ?

dbdavid 09-24-2010 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Kevotron (Post 551144)
Do we save on any shipping by doing group buy ?

The only way to save on shipping is to go in on someones order. You will need to contact someone on the list and see if they are interested in purchasing something for you.


ALang 09-24-2010 03:43 PM

OK. So anyone from the Edmonton area who may want to combine into one order to save on S&H??
I'd be interested in doing that. PM me asap. I'll be at the reef meeting Oct 2's breakfast. I'll need payment up front in CAD (we'll figure out USD at time of pickup plus your share of the S&H cost). Bring in your list of goods that you want, and I'll order it.
Wait... when is the group ordering deadline, David?? Has that changed again?

ALang 09-24-2010 03:45 PM

All right! Last day to order is Oct 4th. So if anyone's interested, speak up!

dbdavid 09-24-2010 04:16 PM

At 12:00 today I will be sending the list of names in to BRS. So at that point there will be no new names added.

The ordering will start next Tuesday the 28th, but you have until Monday Oct 4 to place your order.

Please wait for the email from BRS before you start to order.


Kevotron 09-24-2010 06:16 PM

Id be interested in combining order.
I just wanna get their 2 part

dbdavid 09-24-2010 08:15 PM

Group order is in.

Here is the reply from Jon at BRS " I will have everyone updated and emailed by noon CST on Tuesday."


ALang 09-25-2010 12:27 AM

Kevotron, Pls PM me with what you need. Will you be coming to the reef breakie mtg so we can meet?

Coleus 10-04-2010 09:37 PM

crappy i want to be in this group buy :-(

MrGoodbytes 10-05-2010 01:18 AM

Me too but I took too long to decide :P. There will be others.

lastlight 10-05-2010 01:23 AM

yeah and count me in on the next. See we already have 3 lol!

carnut 10-07-2010 11:54 PM

Group buy. Alright if you guys want in send me your info ad I;ll start a new one.

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