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Rbacchiega 09-16-2010 05:36 PM

The not so slow 75 gallon Tattoo Shop build...NEW PICS FEB 3 2011
So fyi, quickest way to get what you want from a man (well besides the adult rated version)...home cooked meals. Just sayin. Nothing is going to be built until the next trip down here after New Years, which leaves plenty of time for me to save up the moola and make this tank spifferific.
Because this is in a tattoo shop it's got to be nice to look at but easy to maintain, so hello softy/LPS dominated tank!


Tank and Stand:

Standard 20 Gallon Long AGA with Run of the mill black Stand.
- No Sump on the tank etc so doesn't have to be overly fancy!

Current 30" Sundial 4X24 T5HO fixture
- 2 Geisman Actinic, 1 Pure Actinic, 1 6000K Daylight
Shop is open for 8 hours 6 days a week, so that's going to be the light cycle. Will probably just run it on a timer for the 7 day cycle to make things easy.

Filtration:- 20ish lbs Live Rock
- Shallow Sand Bed
- Still up in the air on a skimmer...will probably get a small HOB one in the long run, but for now, regular weekly water changes will suffice.

- 2 Koralia 2s....oh wait, what's this?!?!? A sale?!?! BAM Vortech MP 10...Figure Crest mode should do it.

Livestock list (well, what I'm shooting for anyways)

- Zoas, Rics, Mushrooms and an open brain or two...all obviously depending on availability.
- CUC Consisting of mainly snails...Hermits and I havn't had the best relationship...ha ha
- For idea. need movement and color....hit me with suggestions!

Dear self, welcome back. Sorry.

Delphinus 09-16-2010 05:48 PM

I wish you the best of luck but to be honest I'm not really worried about losing my title of the holder of the slowest build. If you really want the title I suppose we could thumb wrestle for it or something.

Neat little project in the meantime. Have fun!

skabooya 09-16-2010 06:01 PM

Hey nice to see another slow paced nano. I have one too. :) 2 years of research then bought the tank waited a few months, bought equiptment, waited a few months set up with water, waited a few months started adding livestock to the tank over a few months. Now, no more until next summer LMAO

lastlight 09-16-2010 06:07 PM

Haha right on. Nice thread title and I can't tell or not but you actually HAVE the mp10 or will waiti for a sale?

Tony owns that title. The only currency capable of buying it is TIME and you don't have that much sorry Randi.

TheMikey 09-16-2010 06:44 PM

I like this. My upgrade will definitely be in the running. I've been planning it since March but haven't finalized much except that I want to keep my current lights.

And people always figure nanos don't take much planning :p

lockrookie 09-16-2010 07:29 PM

following along

Rbacchiega 09-16-2010 07:38 PM

went in to price some stuff out and see if they could order in the lights and they were having a sale on the Vortech, so I bought it ha ha ha...I have a pump and no tank as of yet hahahaha

Rbacchiega 09-16-2010 08:06 PM

plans already have changed....
Hello future clean up crew

lastlight 09-16-2010 09:45 PM

Oh so now you're gonna toss that in our faces? I'm all American...can order from LA blah blah.


Lance 09-16-2010 10:04 PM

Assessor Basslet: either blue or yellow. (Awesome looking fish!) They are a little on the shy side though, so maybe a couple of clowns as well or something else that all the customers are familiar with. Clownfish are always a big hit in public viewed tanks.

Rbacchiega 09-16-2010 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 549138)
Assessor Basslet: either blue or yellow. (Awesome looking fish!) They are a little on the shy side though, so maybe a couple of clowns as well or something else that all the customers are familiar with. Clownfish are always a big hit in public viewed tanks.

that's what I was thinking....both species actually. Clowns are personable and always out and about, so that'll be nice....and the Basslet is just a bad ass little fish

Rbacchiega 09-22-2010 08:48 PM

Saltwater in a jug *swoon*

lobsterboy 09-24-2010 04:08 AM

i think this tank is going to be pretty cool, especially when you start to add some baller acans, zoas, lets hope for a few smoking SPS too.

Rbacchiega 09-24-2010 04:04 PM

oh god...I knew someone would mention SPS...I want to keep this tank low maintenance....but I guess I could get a few easier ones....DAMNIT JOHN!

TheMikey 09-24-2010 04:11 PM

Everyone's tank eventually becomes an SPS one. Seriously.

The only thing more inevitable is an upgrade.

It's just much cheaper to do it now than later ;)

gobytron 09-24-2010 05:22 PM

get a yellow assessor.
The blues are really cryptic and dont like movement outside the tank.

the yellows are way braver and better bang for buck for that reason.

Rbacchiega 09-24-2010 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by TheMikey (Post 551186)
Everyone's tank eventually becomes an SPS one. Seriously.

The only thing more inevitable is an upgrade.

It's just much cheaper to do it now than later ;)

haha no room for an upgrade. We are a tattoo shop, so have to have the flash on the walls as the main focus of the shop...but what's nice about a 20 gallon long is the 30 inches of length that will give it an illusion of being a larger tank. I've even been considering doing a foam back wall with some ledges and then leaving the front open for swimming. Two things really stop it from happening...A) I'm lazy and B) well...I'm lazy.

lobsterboy 09-25-2010 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 551184)
oh god...I knew someone would mention SPS...I want to keep this tank low maintenance....but I guess I could get a few easier ones....DAMNIT JOHN!

I would be all over some of those aqua cultured SPS from Doc. Foster some of those are pimpin.

I am sure which ever way you go, its goin to look awesome.

but IT would look way way more awesome with some ORA and Cherry corals SPS :lol!:

Rbacchiega 09-25-2010 02:22 PM

ha ha it would...and with the T5s I COULD realisticalls get some nicer SPS up near the top of the rockwork...afterall the tank is only 12inches tall...hmmmm....Damnit!

TheMikey 09-25-2010 04:19 PM

My 4 x 24W T5 is bleaching my new acros at the top of my tank. They're now on the sandbed acclimating to the lights. Shouldn't have any issue keeping SPS with T5s :)

Rbacchiega 09-25-2010 06:28 PM

Thanks Canreef members for spending my money ha ha. Looks like we're going Mixed Reef after all. Ernie saw some pictures of some mixed reefs on here and RC and went "holy eff...I want that"

paddyob 09-25-2010 07:24 PM

Live aquaria

Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 549115)
plans already have changed....
Hello future clean up crew

When did they start shipping to canada? Thought you lived in Calgary

Rbacchiega 09-25-2010 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 551464)
When did they start shipping to canada? Thought you lived in Calgary

Nope. Live in New Jersey now..just too lazy to change it

Rbacchiega 09-25-2010 10:55 PM

So we figured out where the Nano will go. It's going to be viewable from front and back, makes things a little more difficult to start but in the long run will be a gorgeous tank. Have to build a small little support stand, as this will mainly be sitting on the front desk...once the build starts I'll post pictures so you'll get an idea.

Because of where it's going to be, I'm thinking two islands of live rock...lots of room for fish to move around. AND with the extra veiwing side I can cram more corals :D

OOOOOR...upload them from the black berry.

The tv will still stay on the bottom ledge.

lots of room for electrical goods!

Zoaelite 09-25-2010 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by TheMikey (Post 551186)
Everyone's tank eventually becomes an SPS one. Seriously.

The only thing more inevitable is an upgrade.

It's just much cheaper to do it now than later ;)

These should be two new laws of the universe:

1. Purchasing any SPS leads to an SPS addiction.

2. You will eventually upgrade, end of story :lol:.

Looking good Randy, ever thought of purchasing a set of designer clowns? You can then smack people who refer to them as "Nemo's" and promptly correct them that they are actually genetically modified "Nemos". You can get them really easy down in the states and breeding them leads to some pretty interesting morphs.

Picassos start @ around $100.00 per fish up here and are probably much less down there.

Rbacchiega 09-26-2010 12:48 AM

don't know if I'll get "designer" clowns, but definately a pair will be in there. Probably one of the more personable fish species out there, and that'll be good for the shop....BUUUUUT New Jersey has a reefer's site and I just so happened to see people selling some fancy fish...oh lord.

Rbacchiega 09-27-2010 03:32 PM

soooooo, the thread needs to be moved. Guess who got a 75 gallon RR drilled for closed loop, and stand for $60....that'd be me.

The 20 gallon long will make a good sump. Tanks should be delivered to the shop sometime this week, take me a week or so to plumb it and then the ball shall be rolling!

lastlight 09-27-2010 03:55 PM

Now that sounds better! You could try that swap/barter thing that kid did a few years back where he traded up from one red paper clip to a house. The gallonage creep doesn't have to end yet but preferably before you get things wet lol.

Rbacchiega 09-27-2010 04:02 PM

ha ha 75 is all I'm allowed. and being 48" allows for a small tang...

lots of NJ reefers are offering up great stuff for cheap and a that's the way I'm going! Now to find me some return pumps ha ha

Rbacchiega 09-27-2010 11:51 PM

SOOOOO got me a Mag 7 and a Mag 18. 7 for the sump, 18 for the Closed loop. That and the Vortech SHOULD be thinks

Rbacchiega 09-28-2010 02:35 PM

tank gets here today!!! yaaaaaaay! so my day will consist of cleaning it up real good, measuring the fittings and drawing the plumbing diagrams...and probably buying a protien skimmer....

Rbacchiega 09-28-2010 08:31 PM

got the fittings figured out...I think:

Closed Loop
-(4) 1" to 3/4" reducers
-(9) 1" unions
-(9) 1" 90* Elbows
-(1) 1" Tee Ball Valve
-(2) 1" Straight Ball Valve
-(1) 3/4" Female threaded to slip adaptor
-(1) 3/4" Male threaded to slip adaptor

Durso Standpipe
-(1) 1"-1 1/4" Reducer thingermajig
-(1) 1 1/4" Coupling
-(1) 1 1/4" Tee
-(1) 1 1/4" Street Ell
-(1) 1 1/4" End cap

Return Plumbing
-(1) 3/4" male adaptor to slip
-(1) 3/4" 90* Elbow
-(1) 3/4" Slip to threaded fitting for lockline

Sump Plumbing
-(1) 1" Male adaptor (threaded to slip)
-(1) 1x3/4" Male Adaptor
-(3) 1" unions
-(2) 1" 90* elbows
-(2) 1" 45* elbows
-(1) 1" Tee ball valve
-(2) 3/4" 90* elbows
-(1) 1/2" to 3/4" fitting (slip to slip)
-(1) 1/2" female threaded to slip.

Zoaelite 09-28-2010 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 551985)
got the fittings figured out...I think:

Closed Loop
-(4) 1" to 3/4" reducers
-(9) 1" unions
-(9) 1" 90* Elbows
-(1) 1" Tee Ball Valve
-(2) 1" Straight Ball Valve
-(1) 3/4" Female threaded to slip adaptor
-(1) 3/4" Male threaded to slip adaptor

Durso Standpipe
-(1) 1"-1 1/4" Reducer thingermajig
-(1) 1 1/4" Coupling
-(1) 1 1/4" Tee
-(1) 1 1/4" Street Ell
-(1) 1 1/4" End cap

Return Plumbing
-(1) 3/4" male adaptor to slip
-(1) 3/4" 90* Elbow
-(1) 3/4" Slip to threaded fitting for lockline

Sump Plumbing
-(1) 1" Male adaptor (threaded to slip)
-(1) 1x3/4" Male Adaptor
-(3) 1" unions
-(2) 1" 90* elbows
-(2) 1" 45* elbows
-(1) 1" Tee ball valve
-(2) 3/4" 90* elbows
-(1) 1/2" to 3/4" fitting (slip to slip)
-(1) 1/2" female threaded to slip.

Your plumbing terminology sounds like my plumbing terminology :razz:.

Rbacchiega 09-28-2010 08:49 PM

I drew out about 15 diagrams ha ha each time I'd leave something out or add something I didn't need. I'm sure I'll end up taking more than one trip to home depot :S

Rbacchiega 09-30-2010 12:10 AM

no unions to be big deal, got quite a bit of the plumbing done and realized I missed a few things ha ha oh well. Gotta hit the hardware store tomorrow again!

Here's where I'm at so far:

Please note Betta in his temporary bowl. We put him in there and told him "this is something you can NEVER have"...we broke hit little Betta heart

Rbacchiega 09-30-2010 02:12 PM

Macro Rocks is having a sale!!!! EFF YESS!!! 40lbs pre cured rock with 40 lbs sand for 119 shipping. So I'm ordering 2. 80lbs rock and 80lbs sand should give me a nice open scape (extra rock can go in the fuge or I'll trade to someone on for some coral or something) and 80lbs sand should give me just under a 2" sandbed...nice and shallow...wooooopa!

Rbacchiega 09-30-2010 05:17 PM

pumps take up alot of space in the 20 gallon long...baffle-less sump it is! Plumbing is all dry fit, time to tear it all down and glue :S

Ordered 80lbs of rock and 80 lbs of sand...hooorah!

Next...ordering lights.

Zoaelite 09-30-2010 07:12 PM

Looking good, that plumbing came out pretty clean Randy nice job! You're right on the sump though, it looks like a 7' tall man with size 6 shoe :lol:. Why not save the headache and find something a bit bigger for cheap, I know 40g breeders are less than $100.00

Rbacchiega 09-30-2010 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by zoaElite (Post 552574)
Looking good, that plumbing came out pretty clean Randy nice job! You're right on the sump though, it looks like a 7' tall man with size 6 shoe :lol:. Why not save the headache and find something a bit bigger for cheap, I know 40g breeders are less than $100.00

Everything there is pretty much donated, and we gotta keep the tank low budget as possible (for now) realistically, if I want I'll add a HOB fuge later, but for now, fugeless. Skimmer fits nicely hanging on the side...and if I decide to upgrade it later there's room for either in sump or HOB as well. All additives etc will have to be kept under the stand too, so gotta leave room for there...but! Plumbing is done and glued...will let it cure today/tonight and add water tomorrow... I'm sore as all hell right now and I've got so much glue on my pants it looks like a friday night gone horribly wrong.

lastlight 09-30-2010 07:42 PM

I don't want to be the downer here Randi but you have to turn the tank around. Otherwise very clean job you're getting close now!

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