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jphong's 75G + 40G Breeder + 15G Refugium
Apr 6, 2011
All my tanks in this one thread instead of a bunch of different ones. Hi all I thought it would be fun to start a journal for my first saltwater tank. I've been doing freshwater for a year now and have decided to try my hand at a saltwater tank for fun after being inspired by pictures of another 40 gallon breeder. Equipment Setup:
Reefwars sold me about 50lbs of his live rock from his tank on the weekend and he was a great guy to meet. I hope I will meet more local fellow reefers in the upcoming events for advice and help on my first tank. This site has helped more than I could ever find in the book stores. Possible Fish Choices:
I took the top rim off the tank to give it a cleaner look. The middle is only bowing a little and it was tested in the bathtub for a few days before setting it up where it is now. I looked around online and figured it would be safe since the top rim was split into two pieces from the factory. Ill do some measurements on it today but its holding up really well. The Koralias are coming in the mail soon. The Eshopps HOB protein skimmer was something I was looking for since I am going sumpless for both ease and available space. I tested it out and it works great, the bubbles are really fine with the needle wheel. I did a DIY overflow container out of an old liquor bottle with a hole drilled in the lid. Here are some pics of the setup process that happened over the weekend! Ill keep the thread updated with pics as more happens to the tank! Took some poly filler from a small extra pillow around the house and put into the HOB filters to remove fine sand particles in water. Lets just say it worked 100x better than letting it settle by itself overnight. Its crystal clear now. Cheers, John. PS Thanks to my girlfriend and buddy Mukesh for being supportive and patient with my obsessiveness. This tank is for you guys, and Canreef! 40 gallon breeder http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...0Journal/1.jpg Eshopps Skimmer http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...0Journal/2.jpg My buddy adding sand http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...0Journal/3.jpg Filled and live rock added http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...0Journal/6.jpg Testing LED moonlights http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...0Journal/7.jpg Initial aquascape (really unstable) http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Journal/10.jpg Setup behind tank http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Journal/11.jpg Current aquascape (Sept 16, 2010) http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...xer_guy/14.jpg |
Lots of nice rock you have there. Is any of that secured with ties or anything? It's amazing how your definition of stable will change once you're working in there all the time and once you start adding corals it's tough to make changes.
That one rock in the front left looks neat but what was your trick to keep that in place? That shot of you pouring sand directly from the bag had me scrolling for the 'super cloudy water' shot and I found it! Too late now but I spend a good hour or more rinding my new sand and on occassion I've found pieces of wood and a massive amount of crud and dirt which is odd considering the bags always say 'just add to tank' lol. Best of luck on your first tank. I'm impressed you got that trim off without issue. That can be a risky move! |
Thanks lastlight, I got all the rock from a fellow reefer here and he sold me some really nice pieces. No zip ties yet and the rock on the left is held up by that underwater epoxy putty you get at the stores. Doesnt work great but it works for things like that.
Yeah the bag did mention rinsing but that slipped my mind cause of the excitement! Lesson learned for sure but the filter floss works so good. Removing the trim wasnt that bad actually, the rim was already loose when I got it used off someone who was using it to keep reptiles. It was in really good shape just the silicone holding the trim wasnt bonded that well at the top. I ended up re-siliconing the top corners and the top of the glass rim along the perimeter where there was missing chunks. I know its kind of frowned upon but I wanted to try it anyways. Ive been keeping an eye on it the last week and so far nothing has changed so no prob! Its shallow as well so it should be fine, I think its at about 13" of height for water depth. |
Things look great thus far!
One thing to consider is damsel's can turn into terrors and go after all of your fish. You may want to reconsider getting one. Fish are quite hard to get out of a system once it is established. |
Thanks ponokareefer. I like the blue of the damsel, any ideas on an alternate fish? I was planning on using it to cycle the tank in the next few weeks.
Tanks looks good congrats. You might want to try a Starki damsel. Has the same blue as the damsel you like with a great yellow stripe on top. Although the Starki is a damsel it is not as aggresive as normal blue or yellow tail damsels.
Looks good so far! I believe if the tank didnt have a center brace, then the trim is purely cosmetic. I am working on a 40 breeder right now too and mine doesnt have a center brace. its a hagen tank and the glass is pretty thick!
glad you liked the rock lil buddy youve got some nice pieces from some of the best tanks in the city:) nice rock work and caves:)any questions you know where i live :):) good luck
when that badboys established come see me ill set you up with a load of frags to fill it:):) free!!!!!!!!!:):) |
Thanks guys for all the compliments.
Reefwars Ill be in touch in a few weeks :) |
lookin good
glad to see you on the site!!! tank looks great!
Please don't cycle your tank with a fish of any kind! This is incredibly cruel, and causes permanent damage to the fish. Considering most fish we have are stolen from the ocean, this is really a waste of a perfectly good fish! You can cycle your tank simply by adding a chopped up raw cocktail shrimp. Maybe half the shrimp since your tank is smaller. This will cycle your tank as good as any fish could, and much more eco-friendly.
Having said that, your tank looks great so far! I would also advise against buying pretty much any damsel or chromis. Most damsels will change color into much less eye-catching shades (to say it nicely), and turn into devil's spawn when they get bigger. Chromis aren't much better for attitude, but not as bad as damsels. I have seen large damsels patrolling 100 gallon tanks, and killing every other fish added to the tank. They really can be downright mean! If you're really set on the bright blue color, Blue Chromis (different than the typical Blue Green Chromis) would be a better option although tougher to find. Since this is your first saltwater tank, you may be disappointed in the fewer number of fish you can keep compared to a freshwater tank. I also love the blue color. I have a Blue Assessor, and although it has quite an attractive color it looks black unless it is under the lights, and is really quite elusive. I just moved him from my 90 into my 20, and am hoping I will see him more. Another option would be an Orchid Dottyback, although they are bright pinkish-purple rather than blue they are a striking color. Maybe sure you get the Orchid though, not one of the other Dottys as they can be rather aggressive as well, where the Orchid is comparatively docile. |
October 8, 2010 Update
Hi all I thought I would do an update with pics! First of all I would like to say that it was nice attending the reefers meeting a few weeks ago and meeting new people to talk about this hobby as I know little to no friends that are into saltwater.
After a few weeks of cycling the nitrite went to zero, nitrates spiked, algae bloomed and nitrates went to zero in that order. Let me say the live rock must have been really good as the nitrites did not have a very noticeable spike at all before going to zero. I waited a few days more then added some astrea snails and a turbo snail that I got from Blue World. Shannon there was more than helpful and is really a great person to deal with there. http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture049.jpg After a I let the snails do their business for a while I went back to Blue World and got my first saltwater fish! A yellow clown goby. http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture001.jpg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture012.jpg She had a rough time settling in at first but now she is eating brine shrimp and flakes after doing some target feeding, dimming the lights for a few days and using garlic extract. I got 2 clownfish after that from a private seller. The 2 babies came from a Darwin and Ocellaris mated pair. Since they are only about 4 months old I hope to have a mated pair from this. They weren't eating at first as well but now like Spectrum pellets and flakes. http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture004.jpg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture013.jpg After the reefer's meeting last month I went to the new Red Coral and bought a few items. I got a cleaner shrimp, nassarius snail, 2 baby mexican turbo snails, a purple firefish and 2 chromis. Over the next few days we lost the chromis but the purple firefish started eating after target feeding for about 3 days. Now she eats brine shrimp and flakes. http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture017.jpg I tested the water almost everyday after adding each fish and the water parameters looked fine. I thought the chromis were good since they were swimming around in the open. I didn't see them eating but I wasn't too worried at the time. Maybe the chromis was stressed from the move or my tank just couldn't handle it. Anyways lesson learned and I won't be adding anymore fish for a few weeks and even then it will be one at a time. http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture022.jpg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture035.jpg I finally found my nassarius snail this morning. I saw a tentacle poking out and decided to pull him out so I could snag a picture and prove to my roomate that it did not die or disappear from the tank. We decided to name it Ninja Assassin. http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture028.jpg A few more tank shots from this morning: http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture031.jpg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture044.jpg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture047.jpg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture032.jpg Anyone here know what this is growing from my live rock? It looks red and bubbly. http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture050.jpg Well I'm learning a lot and I definitely feel that my other freshwater fish aren't getting the attention they used. Anyways hope you guys enjoy the pics! More to come hopefully soon! |
Looks like red bubble algae. Just another typical nuisance algae, just try getting rid of it by pulling it off if you have nothing in there thats going to eat it. What are you parameters like? phosphates?
I've used a baster to remove it, just scrape the algae with the baster and suck it up as it comes off. Emerald crabs will also eat this off. |
Thanks, Ill search that type of algae online. Ill test phospates tonight to see what they are at. Too bad its a bad algae it kind of looks nice. Ill try the baster method tonight.
Hey little buddy tanks looking great I'll have to come over and see it one day:):)
Love the Aquascapping, good job!
Oct 23, 2010 Update
Hi again everyone. Just wanted to share some update pics with new SW bulbs and corals! I had FW bulbs in until now and I didnt realize how nice the SW bulbs would make everything look!
Enjoy! FTS http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...l/IMG_7675.jpg Pulsing Xenia from Edmonton Aquarium Club auction http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...l/IMG_7684.jpg GSP and zoa http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...l/IMG_7687.jpg Zoa cave http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...l/IMG_7690.jpg Ricordea http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...l/IMG_7693.jpg And the little guys :) http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...l/IMG_7695.jpg |
Lookin Good
Tank looks like it is coming along nicely.
A bit of hair algae in there I see. You have enough that I don't think a small clean up crew will clear it. I would just yank some of it out now before it goes further. I added a Rainford's Goby to my tank... and they will pick at hair algae as well as sift sand. He gets max 2" so good size for your tank IMO. AND he is a cool looking fish. |
He IS cool looking. Where did you buy him from? I was thinking of tearing out the algae but wasn't sure if I should or not. Its kinda getting outta control, I adjusted my protein skimmer so hopefully that will help out a bit.
Pull it
Sometimes it is better to just "weed" your tank. Pull off what you can and let your CUC do the rest. I picked my Rainford up at Red Coral for $25. I don't know if I got the last one or not but I think Aquarium Illusions had some also. They are great. I was on the fence with info about it sifting or not... always conflicting info on the web... but I put him in yesterday and today he is definitely sifting my sand. And again he will graze on hair algae but I do not think he could eliminate it all as you have a good growth going on. Pull some. Keep your parameters in check and it should be fine. One thing to watch as well.... if your bulbs get older a poor spectrum can also contribute to hair algae growth. I know your tank is newer so it's food for thought. If you start seeing algae, more than normal, and your bulbs are hitting the 8 month mark or so... consider that as a possibility if everything else is in check. |
Looking good! Love the aquascape.
Thanks! Im going to post some new pics with the new pom poms and Rainford goby soon! And hopefully a new tailspot...
Here are some pics of the new tank mates, Pom Pom Crabs, Rainfords Goby, Tail Spot Blenny, Yellow Clown Goby.
And thanks to noirsphynx for picking up the barnacles for me! They look great and hopefully the blenny will make it home :) http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...051600x450.jpg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...rnal/SW033.jpg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...842600x450.jpg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...rnal/SW024.jpg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...rnal/SW019.jpg |
Quick update:
Pom pom crabs showing eggs a few weeks ago, thought Id share some pictures. Made me happy since something must be going right with the tank after so many things starting to go wrong. Lost the blenny and yellow clown gobies (gobies disappeared after moving the live rock around as I was trying to rescape the tank - reminder to take out the livestock when doing major changes). The frogspawn and hammer heads werent looking that great for over a week and I thought I was going to lose a few heads so did daily 10% water changes. They seem to be coming back the last few days which Im glad about. Will post new pics when I get some more time but here's one for now: http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...008600x450.jpg Thanks for lookin :) |
sorry to hear about the fish.....it sometimes seems hard to get clown gobies eating, but it sounds more like you had a mini spike from the scape redux....did you have the rock out of the water for any period of time?
I was sad when you told me about the blenny but to have two more fishies die......:sad: so sorry to hear that. Clown gobies can be so finiky to get to eat. I've had 4 of them, two I could get to eat but two wouldn't(no matter what I tried). I finally picked up another on Saturday from Steve that should be eating:mrgreen:.
I'm super happy for you that the pom pom female is carrying eggs :biggrin: You'll soon see her releasing teeny weeny babies but they'll just be good food for everyone :neutral: Do you still have the two males? |
Dec 20, 2010 Update!
Yes the rocks were out for a few minutes at a time but I kept if fairly wet most of the time. Ill be sure to keep the fish in another tank next time I do a major redo.
I picked up another yellow clown from AI as well as another Rainford! I had to get the kids back together again. The yellow clown was eating when one of the guys was feeding them so I decided to get him. Then I decided I should replace the Rainford that was sick and died a few days earlier. Now they are both in there and eating and looking good. Dawn I hope your yellow clown is doing good and eating as well. And yes I still have the males I see one male at a time as they like to hide most of the time. One thing I noticed is that the pom poms on the female have changed from pink to white - wonder if she lost hers and stole from the males! I want to check under the rocks and see if they are all still alive but I dont want to upset the tank again and move all the corals. Last night I saw the female and I know one male is there so hopefully they are both there! Last night when taking the pics of the tank I noticed 3 astrea snails that didnt move for a few days. After taking them out I noticed the worst smell to mankind coming from inside of them - dead. Also I picked up the large turbo snail shell and guess what was inside - nothing! I guess with the move and all these things rotting in the water was the cause of my tank not doing well the past few weeks. Added a Goniopora to the tank - we'll see how long I can keep it alive! Lindsay I tried to include a pic with some coloration on the hybrid clowns. The color is still darkening as they are still young. Hope this gives you an idea of the color you can expect. I also noticed Bubbles has her dorsal fin was split when I got her and its not growing back - should have called her Spike :) Also when I was feeding the corals with the powerheads off the fish kinda grouped up and it was like playtime! The clown was nudging the yellow goby around but it didnt look violent more playful-ish but I can be wrong. Take a look and let me know what you think. Enjoy the pics and vids! Vids Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLjOnlriHOE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0mlRFncBMg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcN6SZGNRLg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture001.jpg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture052.jpg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture032.jpg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture002.jpg http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...Picture011.jpg |
Tank is looking good.
I would worry about Goniopora. They are not easy to keep and should not be added to a tank unless you know you have a good chance to keep it alive. I wish you luck. Keep the pics coming. |
Im not sure how AI's exchange/return policy is with this kind of stuff so I decided to keep it. Ill try giving them a call about the policy maybe I can exchange for something else.
I have their reef roids coral food that they said was made for this type of coral but I have not researched about long term success with this food on this coral. |
Its not just the food. They are just very sensitive to changes. Water conditions must be one way... flow... feeding. Alot of them do well.... but it also goes the other way. Just seem to be a picky coral. Hopefully it lives for you. |
Thanks for the tips. This was definitely one of those times where I should have researched first before buying.
It depends on the kind also , I believe the red ones are supposed to do better....I had a green one for around a year before I passed it on to another canreefer and I had a smaller purple one for a little less. I found they liked lies of light and less than ideal water conditions:):)
That tank of yours looks great and pretty full!
Soon you'd be just like the rest of us, upgrading to a larger tank. Especially when those corals start to take off. Lenny. |
Hey Denny, Ill have to come look at your tank over the holidays. Its looking good and can't wait to see the light ring you've got.
Thanks Lenny, I was really surprised how many corals I had when I was moving things around and took them all out of the tank. It doesn't seem like a lot until you pool them all together! You are right about upgrading cause Im looking around for some 75 gallons to upgrade to. |
I have an undrilled 75 if you're interested.
hey jphong, that tank looks AWESOME! You should post updated pictures! I would love to see the pictures!
Noticed that my GBTA split today after being in my tank for just over a month from getting him from another Canreefer. It was split in the morning, back together in the same spot at lunch and now one of the halves is sitting inside a barnacle!
One on the left one in the barnacle on the right. http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...l/DSC08000.jpg Original location http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...l/DSC07999.jpg New hiding spot http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/q...l/DSC07998.jpg |
That's great. How are you doing with the 75gal tanks?? We need to see pics!
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