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Newtoreef 09-01-2010 03:47 AM

140 Gal reef tank!
Everything must go. acrylic 140 with 30 gal sump.
theirs over 250 lbs of rock
Aquatronica controller, 2 vortec powerheads,
Bullet 3 protein skimmer, Pan world pump, Life reef protein skimmer
Current USA 72" light with 3-250mh and 8-36" actinic with moonlights
Way to much to list hardware wise

Live stock;
Bi color blennie
Mystery Wrasse
Sail fin tang
Yellow Tang
Bristle tooth Tang
Convict Tang
Fox face rabbit fish
green spotted mandrine
2 green Cromis
2 false percula
2 mocha colored carpet nems
Lots of gsp
also more but to much to list inverts etc.

Call at 778 889 3635
Here's a link to the pics

Open to reasonable offers would like to sell as a whole and you would get a smokin deal!

OscarMeyer 09-01-2010 05:04 AM


Milad 09-01-2010 05:50 AM

im inrested in any cleaner shirmp, crabs and bristle tooth tang. which kind is he?

Newtoreef 09-01-2010 05:57 AM

Tomini tang
no cleaners a few hermits most astre snails and a couple top hats

Tigger 09-01-2010 06:46 AM

I am interested in your:
2 chromis
Green Spotted Mandrin
Mystery Wrasse
Any red or bright colored corals

piusma 09-01-2010 10:06 AM

Interested in your PM Bullet 3 skimmer with panworld pump. Would like to have a price for this and if you could also let me know how much you would like for the current USA light that would be great.


IronRising 09-01-2010 03:08 PM

live rock
im interested in grabbing some live rock from you. how much for 100 pounds.

Newtoreef 09-01-2010 04:45 PM

At this point I cannot sell off individual fish because it would be impossible to get them out of the rock.
If I sell off some of the rock there will ne more space and I can possibley get some fish out then.
More interested in selling the whole set at this point as I cannot be available to Peice it out.

Newtoreef 09-02-2010 02:57 PM

I will get some pic this afternoon and post them then.
Thx for looking.

ottoman 09-02-2010 07:49 PM

I am interested in acans and polyps. Please let me know if they are available. Thanks.

Newtoreef 09-03-2010 12:29 AM

I added a picasa link for pics sorry not very good quality as there were taken from my iphone

Newtoreef 09-03-2010 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by piusma (Post 545523)
Interested in your PM Bullet 3 skimmer with panworld pump. Would like to have a price for this and if you could also let me know how much you would like for the current USA light that would be great.



blue_eden 09-05-2010 05:36 PM

sump and skimmer
hi, i am interested in the sump you are selling.
what are the dimensions of the sump?
also what is the skimmer rated for?


Newtoreef 09-09-2010 03:56 AM

Any interest? I'm open to offers. I'm not in a possision to part out
really need it gone in once shot!

Newtoreef 09-09-2010 10:35 PM

Parting out!!!
Anybody who interested in part of the system who has pm'ed me
please call 604 961 8360 today as it is getting taken down as we speak
and getting sold. Sorry guys out of my hands now.

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