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maximusmarine 08-29-2010 09:11 PM

Fluval Edge: Easy External Overflow without drilling
The first time I saw a fluval Edge, I had to have it. I thought for a while about drilling it, however I realized it would be easier to cut some short teeth into the plastic rim and build an external overflow. In the spirit of expirimenting I decided to attach the AquaClear 20 filter around where I cut the teeth and drilled a 3/4" bulk head for the drain into the bottom. The shorter the teeth in the rim, the higher level of water you can attain. Considering air is the enemy in an edge (due to constant removal with a magnet) I figured my return pump should be fairly low gph. So I went with a Maxi jet 600 for the return from a 15 gal sump& submerged the return nozzle well below the surface. This has to be one of the easiest Nano's to "drill" since no glass drilling is required. A simple Dremel is all you need. Will post Photo's soon. Good luck!:biggrin:

bignose 08-31-2010 02:46 AM

welcome to Canreef:welcome:

still waiting for the pictures:biggrin:

cale262 08-31-2010 01:15 PM

Do you have any pic's, I was going to drill my edge but this sounds like a better alternative...I didn't realize the top rim was plastic...

SAMSHUNG 08-31-2010 03:13 PM


maximusmarine 09-02-2010 08:17 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Here are some photos of the nano in the Family Room

maximusmarine 09-02-2010 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by bignose (Post 545158)
welcome to Canreef:welcome:

still waiting for the pictures:biggrin:

Thank you for the welcome:biggrin: I hope these photos are helpful.

maximusmarine 09-02-2010 08:25 AM

I was going to drill my edge but this sounds like a better alternative...I didn't realize the top rim was plastic...

Yeah I was thinking of ways to do it but unfortunately I didn't think of the teeth until I had already cut into the plastic rim. However I currently have another one to complete, this one is kinda my proto-type. My next one will be done with an external overflow (built by me) and properly sealed. I've sealed this one with spray foam to fill the gap and coated the spray foam with silicone.So far for the past six months the design has worked flawlessly. If your not into building an overflow, cutting off the spout of the filter and sanding it (with a belt sander) smooth & flush then sealing with silicone works well also. Thus there would be no need for using foam to fill the gap. I unfortunately also didn't think this through until after but it's still a design in progress. Once my other one is complete, I'll transfer, redo and turn this one into my LR and Chaeto fuge. Please feel free to post your progress if you decide to try, I'd love to see the outcome. :)

maximusmarine 09-02-2010 08:34 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Here are some photos at night

maximusmarine 09-02-2010 08:52 AM

Ok, unable to post the photos of the overflow & sump system . Getting a " Token Missing" Protocol. WTF? Will try again later 2day. :cry:

maximusmarine 09-02-2010 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by SAMSHUNG (Post 545244)

If you decide to try this I'd love to see the progress. Please post :biggrin:

cale262 09-24-2010 03:52 AM

Well a couple weeks ago I went ahead and built a 6g sump and overflow, drilled my edge and everything has been running great's the pics...This is a fresh water shrimp tank.


sump in stand...

drilled rim..

Over flow...

side shot...

It's running nice and quiet but I may change the plumbing up to hard line...

RoryM 11-14-2010 02:20 PM

Great DIY guys.

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