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snow1 08-11-2010 05:32 AM

LF: Bubble Magus NAC7 Cone Skimmer (new or used)
Well after looking around at skimmers for sale on this site and other sites there seems to be nothing that suits my needs and the small skimmer space in my sump. I'd like to buy this skimmer new or used. I'm not sure which sponsors I would contact about this skimmer b/c it seems like I'm having a hard time locating one. Maybe somone on this forum has one for sale? Pm me your price, thanks.

intarsiabox 08-11-2010 11:58 AM

Aqua-digital and Oceanic Corals both sell this skimmer.

BlueWorldAquatic 08-11-2010 03:08 PM

I have them in stock, but you are better to find them local if you can.

Ken - BWA

petlaur 08-11-2010 06:09 PM

snow1, if you haven't already seen this Oceanic Coral has the Nac7 for $239.95.

OceanicCorals-Ian- 08-11-2010 06:26 PM

We do have one left but it is Pre-Sold, we can have another one within a week or so.

Another good choice for you would be this model, I can have this one within a couple of days.

OceanicCorals-Ian- 08-11-2010 06:30 PM

We do have one left but it is Pre-Sold, we can have another one within a week or so. I am sure Ken at Blue World would be able to ship easily to you if you needed it right away.

Another good choice for you would be this model, I can have this one within a couple of days.

snow1 08-11-2010 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by OceanicCorals-Ian- (Post 540894)
We do have one left but it is Pre-Sold, we can have another one within a week or so.

Another good choice for you would be this model, I can have this one within a couple of days.

thanks but I don't want that skimmer. Pm me the details of getting one sir. I can wait a week.

Ron99 08-11-2010 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by snow1 (Post 540898)
thanks but I don't want that skimmer. Pm me the details of getting one sir. I can wait a week.

Just curious as to why you prefer the NAC7 over the SWC? Nothing against the BM as I currently run an NAC6 but the SWC has a significantly better pump which will make a huge difference in performance. It would be the one I would choose out of those two.

OceanicCorals-Ian- 08-11-2010 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Ron99 (Post 540916)
Just curious as to why you prefer the NAC7 over the SWC? Nothing against the BM as I currently run an NAC6 but the SWC has a significantly better pump which will make a huge difference in performance. It would be the one I would choose out of those two.


This would also be a good choice for the cone version, this Skimmer is a Monster, many customers that have bought this I am sure could attest to it's performance.

snow1 08-11-2010 08:38 PM

Well do you have that skimmer in stock right now? The SWC one?

OceanicCorals-Ian- 08-11-2010 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by snow1 (Post 540921)
Well do you have that skimmer in stock right now? The SWC one?

I have neither in stock at the moment but I can have any of them by first thing next week. I would go for the SWC 160 Xtreme Cone if you can... You will be very impressed.

snow1 08-11-2010 08:54 PM

hmmmm let me think about it. I'm going to have a fairly stocked 175g tank. What size is the SWC skimmer go up to? (Gallons wise?)

snow1 08-11-2010 08:59 PM

Here I got this from the WWW
doesn't look so great to me...seems small.

Xtreme 160 cone SkimmerLight Bioload(150g) Medium Bioload(120g) Heavy Bioload Tank(90g) ratings.

OceanicCorals-Ian- 08-11-2010 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by snow1 (Post 540927)
hmmmm let me think about it. I'm going to have a fairly stocked 175g tank. What size is the SWC skimmer go up to? (Gallons wise?)

Well neither the NCA7 or the Extreme 160 Cone are rated for 175 Gallons; however, the 160 will still outperform the NCA7.

If you were to buy a Skimmer that is factory rated for a well stocked 175 Gallon you would want to choose the SWC Mini S Skimmer, it is rated for 180 Gallons at heavy Bio load.

Review of the Mini S Cone.

snow1 08-11-2010 09:22 PM

That skimmer's footprint is to large. I can't have something larger than 10"x10"...(LxW) wise. Is there any skimmer you can suggest that is good up to 175g but with that small of a foot print? Don't say tunze skimmers b/c I've read some not great reviews on them.

OceanicCorals-Ian- 08-11-2010 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by snow1 (Post 540935)
That skimmer's footprint is to large. I can't have something larger than 10"x10"...(LxW) wise. Is there any skimmer you can suggest that is good up to 175g but with that small of a foot print? Don't say tunze skimmers b/c I've read some not great reviews on them.

I most certainly would never recommend a Tunze Skimmer to anyone. It is easy to recommend skimmers; however, your budget is also important to take into consideration.

Here is one that will work with your footprint and bio load; however, it may or may not be in your price range......

snow1 08-11-2010 09:55 PM

Give me another 2 weeks and it would be in my budget.:lol:
I could do that but I really don't want to spend over $400. Guess the SWC is the best I can do.

Ron99 08-11-2010 10:06 PM

Just to add another two bits here, I don't think cone skimmers are really worth the price premium. Independent tests have shown that cones really do not outperform a similar straight bodied skimmer. The big factors in skimmer performance seem to be the pump, airdraw, amount of turbulence (or lack thereof) in the body and dwell time for the bubbles etc. rather then whether the body is cone shaped or not. The cones may give a couple percent better performance but does 5% or less in added performance justify the big price increase?

PEA 08-12-2010 01:33 AM

Have you thought about the BM-150 Pro? I got one because of the small foot print and relativly large bioload. Great skimmer if you can find one in stock...

snow1 08-12-2010 01:52 AM

Thanks everyone for the input but I've decided on a skimmer. You can close this thread now.

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