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albert_dao 08-07-2010 04:06 AM

So who is playing the awesomeness that is Starct 2?
Title -

I lined up at 11:30PM outside of a Future Shop (amongst probably 150 other people) to buy this game.

When I sit at restaurants and hear conversations about SC2, I insert myself to talk nerd.

I just spent the last four hours doing 1v1 games and getting my ass handed to me on Platinum league (where I totally do not belong... stupid placement matches).

The list of geekery goes on and on.

Who else is riding on this train? Who's playing competitively?

Fishnerd SC2 league anyone? :D:D:D:D

SAMSHUNG 08-07-2010 04:18 AM

I've yet to find a legitimate replacement for the "awesomeness" that was C&C Generals. Haven't given SC2 a go but I'm hearing it's pretty good. Graphically it looks impressive, then again, so did RA3 and it turned out to be a bit of a disappointment. Generals still owns IMO.

Dyspnea 08-07-2010 04:19 AM

I bought the game, becuase I enjoyed the oringal series so much, I remember playing until 6am the first night. I was one of the geeks who lined up at 10:30 to buy the game, because it wanted to enjoy the story of it.

However, my computer (laptop) is so slow, I cannot enjoy the game fully and only played the first two missions and then quit.

Once I get a new computer I will ramp up my playing :p

muck 08-07-2010 04:27 AM

Was wondering when you would post about SC2 albert... :lol::lol:

Haven't picked it up yet myself but may soon.

Pansy-Paws 08-07-2010 04:54 AM

Damn, it was a long wait from SC1 ... then, I found myself on holiday in the Shuswap with no good electronics stores nearby on launch day :redface:

Finally, this week I located a copy of the Collector's Edition since I was holding out for the extras (playing the Soundtrack CD on a 7.1 system is awesome :mrgreen: :mrgreen:)

I'm still going through the tutorials since it has been quite a while since I had dedicated playing time. The storyline vignettes in the tutorials are great. I doubt that I will play competitively ... I can't really afford the time that this great RTS would soak up on

Even so, the wife is already calling me Mr. Starcraft when I crank the sound up :wink: And she complains that I don't hear her calling when SC2 is running (not sure yet if that is a pro :twised: or a con :evil:)

Seamazter 08-07-2010 03:15 PM

its much more then it used to be, ive gotten to like the 10th mission, and now im having a hard time, but at least it gives you other campaigns to play if you get stuck on one mission.
Has alot of extras, only wish i had more time to play.

Funky_Fish14 08-07-2010 04:20 PM

I used to play SC1 like mad for a couple years (I guess like 6 or 7 years ago)... then it kind of died out... but SC2 looked SO sweet! Im considering picking up a copy, but maybe when the prices drop. School & stuff is pricey, haha. And I dont know if I want another reason to distract myself from it.

TheMikey 08-08-2010 01:19 AM

I ordered the Collector's Edition from FS online website ages ago because I was going to be in China for the game's launch. It's at my house waiting until I get home on Friday. It's going to be amazing.

burblecut 08-12-2010 04:48 PM

I'm playing it. I haven't bothered with pvp yet though. There is so much to learn with all of the new units!

kevNnic 08-12-2010 05:05 PM

i need to get my hand on a copy, i haven't played since broodwar was released years ago. All i know is i would get it and my g/f would disown me because it would consume my soul. just like the original series. nothing like staying up till 3am to battle! lol im just glad i never got in WOW. Seen many friends lose countless hours of sleep playing that game.

Llamarama 08-12-2010 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by kevNnic (Post 541078)
lol im just glad i never got in WOW. Seen many friends lose countless hours of sleep playing that game.

Oh WoW....Lost a whole year of my life to that game....hence being hesitant to pick up SC2 no matter how fun zerging the crap out of everyone was in the original....hrm Maybe we should start a fish nerd league...Luckily my SO doesn't mind my gaming addictions since i'm the girl and i make the rules. muahahahaha!

kevNnic 08-12-2010 05:29 PM

lol nerdlings ftw! but seriously i would be interested in joining! just no rushing!!!

Coleus 08-12-2010 06:51 PM

I play but not that great

kevNnic 08-13-2010 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Coleus (Post 541107)
I play but not that great

LOL X2, i jumped on the first one last night in a 4v4 game, and got completly pwoned! it was redicilous! looks like i need a little practice.

Stones 08-13-2010 09:46 PM

I caved and picked up a copy before I headed out of town for work. Was looking so forward to getting into this game as I never played the original. However, my internet at work is via satellite and its either too slow or is blocking my ability to download the 1st patch needed to get the game up and running. I was so choked as I could have loaded it on the laptop before I left town yesterday. Now I'll have to wait a week before I can test it out.

Anyone know of a direct link to get the patch from? I googled it for a while this morning but all I came up with were broken links to the Blizzard forum.

albert_dao 08-20-2010 09:22 PM

So... It turns out that I'm actually pretty good at this game.

Ranked #297 in North America, #757 in the world at the time of this post (2v2 with my partner).

Proof in sig :D


/15 minutes in the spotlight, lol.

@ Muck

C'mon Ryan, get your copy of SC2 already. You know you want -

albert_dao 08-20-2010 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Stones (Post 541357)
I caved and picked up a copy before I headed out of town for work. Was looking so forward to getting into this game as I never played the original. However, my internet at work is via satellite and its either too slow or is blocking my ability to download the 1st patch needed to get the game up and running. I was so choked as I could have loaded it on the laptop before I left town yesterday. Now I'll have to wait a week before I can test it out.

Anyone know of a direct link to get the patch from? I googled it for a while this morning but all I came up with were broken links to the Blizzard forum.

Try this link:


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