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kevo23 07-27-2010 12:43 AM

Kevo's 55 gallon rimless, sort of
4 Attachment(s)
Tank: 55 Gallons 36x18x20
Stand: High gloss white
Skimmer: AquaC Urchine Pro
Powerhead: Vortech MP20
Light: Current HQI (2x150 MH, 4x T5's, some led's)
Well this is my first tank, just picked it up a week ago. I got the tank and stand custom made. I thought it was going to be totally rimless, but i missed the part on the quote that had the bottom trim checked off. So i was a bit bumed out
when i saw that. When i got it home i took the trim off, but the glass and silicone didnt look to good so i just painted the trim white and put it back on. It looks way better atleast.
So anyway did all the pluming on the weekend, filled it with water and did a leak test and everything was good:lol:. Just ordered some sand and rock from eco-reef (thought id try it out as it is so much cheaper) and will probably just go to the lfs to pick out a few pieces of LR.
Attachment 6597

Attachment 6598

Attachment 6599

Attachment 6600

Llamarama 07-27-2010 01:06 AM

:surprise: Har Har I have a Siamese cat fish too!

kevo23 07-27-2010 01:11 AM

My black cat was obsessed with the tank when it was empty couldnt keep him out of it.

DiverDude 07-27-2010 01:26 AM

Better hope you can when it's full of water !!!!

kevo23 07-27-2010 09:44 PM

Quick question, how far down do you run the drain into the filter sock.

thanks for any reply

kevo23 08-08-2010 08:34 PM

pics of aquascape
3 Attachment(s)
Just some pics of my aquascape. What do ya think?

kevo23 08-08-2010 08:44 PM

The rock i put in is dead rock from Eco-reefer. So to make it live do i just throw in a couple pieces of live rock.

Wingin It 08-08-2010 09:17 PM

Yup...nice clean lookin tank!

LeeR 08-08-2010 11:26 PM

looks really good but the loc-lines a bit distracting.

kevo23 08-09-2010 01:51 AM

So im wanting to start my cycle, i dont have any live rock or sand.

1. should i get some live sand and put it on top of the other sand.
2. should i get some live rock and put it in the tank or sump.
3. should i get some little coctail shrimp and throw them in the tank.
I also have some Microbacter 7 should i start putting that in.
Thanks for any advice

kevo23 12-22-2010 01:09 AM

just thought id post a few pics of tank its been a while


newest additions

corn tip anemone (or bubble tip)
firetruck monti
flower petal monti
T-aspera chalice

kevo23 03-10-2011 12:08 AM

Tank is going pretty good, had a purple tipped acropora die not really sure what happened, just took it out a few days ago. Everything else seems good. Changed my sump around after getting a target mandarin. Made part of it into a refugium to help with the pod population. Have a bunch of micro bubble so, will have to change some of the plumbing this weekend. Also just got a few new zoanthids a couple of weeks ago.

new fish and a couple new zoa's
oh ya my clownfish started hosting anemone

kevo23 03-19-2011 11:23 PM

a couple of pics

Ryan 03-19-2011 11:31 PM

Looks good man. I love that anemone. I have one that looked just like it. It went downhill and we are trying to nurse it back to health.

kevo23 05-15-2011 10:38 PM

just thought i would do an update, picked up a bunch of new frags the past couple of months. I think my pink squared anthis gave my tank ich so all the fish are in quarantine tanks :sad:. I will never put new fish in tank without putting them in quarantine first. Started dosing vodka a couple months ago, when i picked up some new sps frags. Tank is starting to look good in the past couple weeks, lots of new growth and color.

kevo23 08-17-2011 03:29 AM

just thought i would update with some pics, but they all sucked, lol so only putting one on :biggrin:

Cugio 08-17-2011 01:34 PM

Tank looks great. :razz:

fishytime 08-17-2011 01:50 PM

That last pic is killer!!!

kevo23 08-17-2011 02:03 PM

Thanks for the comments, going to try and take some more pics of the rest of the tank tonight

Boomboy 08-18-2011 01:03 AM

gotta love the rimless tanks so sexy. i really like your scape too nice and simple. cant wait to see more.

kevo23 11-13-2011 08:42 PM

Well i think i finally have things figured out some what, and I think i have my dosing schedule to where i want it. I had issues with dinoflagletts for a while and it took a toll on a couple coral frags i think it may of been from the MB7 i was dosing, think it may of expired or something. I am now dosing Brightwells reef code a and b, iodide, Koral color, potassium, MB7, amino acids, some kent phytoplex, Reef magnesium and vodka

kevo23 11-27-2011 11:04 PM

couple pics
Took a couple of underwater pics
and a couple not underwater

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