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reefwars 07-06-2010 01:31 AM

Anemone flight111 now landing ...
My long tenticle anemone has always been a wanderer he's never been social never been a bully or bullied he just likes to live the quiet life soaking up the rays it's hard to do this with 50 odd tankmates all wanting your sun, so my bud did what majes sense he headed up to the top where the sun shines bright and the traffic is non existent... This is where he sat his whole life always on the glass as close as can be to the top every now and then he'd move an inch here an inch there maybe to stay comfortable see if all his parts still work. I've made attempts to give him the best spot in the tank as he is one of my best show pieces but he always heads back to his spot. Yesterday I threw a wrench in his plan and moved everything into a new tank ,and where does he go straight to the glass despite several placement attempts lol :) well he finally decided on his new spot....... The return nozzle from my sump he's wrapped around completely so as he looks like he's floating mid tank and shooting water out the middle of him , kinda cool to see

hope he's not gettin comfy I don't think the skunk likes the vibes lol

Trabby 07-06-2010 01:37 AM

Where's the pictures??

reefwars 07-06-2010 04:20 AM

heres some pics hes def fun to watch sometimes lol:)

Gee 07-06-2010 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 532567)
heres some pics hes def fun to watch sometimes lol:)

don't see the pics :cry:

reefwars 07-06-2010 06:37 AM

They didn't upload I'll try again in the morn:) cheers:)

Wayne 07-09-2010 12:55 AM

Very cool can't wait to see pictures

Greenmaster 07-09-2010 05:24 AM

Another this is so cool but if I showed you I would have to kill you...
Wheres the pic's? You can't keep doing this it's driving us nuts :D

lockrookie 07-09-2010 05:41 AM

it may be easier for you to get a photobucket acount and post the img code if you are having that many problems uploading to the forum just a thought to help you out

Greenmaster 07-09-2010 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 533349)
it may be easier for you to get a photobucket acount and post the img code if you are having that many problems uploading to the forum just a thought to help you out

LOL I just said the same thing to someone else 10 min before you...

reefwars 07-09-2010 04:18 PM


reefwars 07-09-2010 04:20 PM

finally lol theres a reason its not uploading read me fumin mad thread in the lounge lol and still no internet i had to go to a friends to do this

Greenmaster 07-09-2010 04:29 PM

That is so cool :D

reefwars 07-09-2010 06:27 PM

He didn't stay though by morning he was on the overflow yesterday when I got home he was half sucked in the overflow and half out I moved some rock so he has a center perch near the top and so far he's staying I fed him soon after to get him back to normal def a hardy fellow wasn't easy gettin him from the overflow lol. Another cool thing is I have some old bio balls just a couple there for my puffer to nose at and one day my anemone had them all stuck to him :)

dunl 03-08-2011 12:30 AM

Well, this magnificent guy is now having room and board supplied by myself here (sorry for the poor pic):

And, as I have been told, he is a true sun worshiper. Took him only three hours, but as soon as the metal halide went on, he started heading that way....and he has been hanging out right underneath it, basking in the glow, fully extended foot, and even extending his tentacles away from the overflow into the current. Lovely colour, and had a nice shrimp meal last night courtesy of his man-servant. :D

So my question is....if others have had him and the only place he likes to hang out is up top near the there any reason for me to even bother to think of moving him?

The Grizz 03-08-2011 01:27 AM

If it's happy where it is and not trying to go down the OF or trying to travel all over the tank I would just leave it where it has landed.


Originally Posted by dunl (Post 596833)
Well, this magnificent guy is now having room and board supplied by myself here (sorry for the poor pic):

And, as I have been told, he is a true sun worshiper. Took him only three hours, but as soon as the metal halide went on, he started heading that way....and he has been hanging out right underneath it, basking in the glow, fully extended foot, and even extending his tentacles away from the overflow into the current. Lovely colour, and had a nice shrimp meal last night courtesy of his man-servant. :D

So my question is....if others have had him and the only place he likes to hang out is up top near the there any reason for me to even bother to think of moving him?

reefwars 03-08-2011 03:08 AM

hahaha wow thought id never see this thread again lol yeah good luck trying to keep him anywhere anyways lol in all honesty ive had it in a 180g reef and a 110g mixed reef and no matter where i cleared out a spot he always moved.......its always seemed to stay away from powerheads but i did have to scrape him from my overflows fingers once...not pretty...thought for sure he was a goner but its a very hardy nem but i always figured better my glass then my corals....

glad you enjoy it , its the same nem as the one in the display at west edmonton mall, and will be as big im sure;) cheers buddy on the nice catch!!:):)

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