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PHCorrect 07-05-2010 06:27 PM

FS Turnkey Residents Fish and or Rock
I have Tank Take Down and you are setting one up

XXL Yellow Tang 7”

XXL Purple Tang 7” (non aggressive)

7-8” X-mas Island Emperor The boss of this tank has a very orange tail!

cleaner Wrasse

4” Rock Beauty

7” - 8” Passer (not aggressive)

4 – 5” pomacantus crysurus

5” Female Cross Hatch Trigger

2 -3” Bandit Angel (smaller than the one in J&L)

8- 9 ” Sailfin beautiful coloration (not normal)

4” Rea Sea Sailfin

2 absolutely bright pink Rose anemones

1 green anemone

1 anemone

Blue legged spiny lobster

All livestock $1,200

Numerous softies, blue mushrooms, Hairy mushrooms, toadstools, bright green grass all living on a couple hundred pounds of live rock most with purple coralline algae.

Take all rock and corals for $800

Believe it or not they have all been in the tank for at least 18 months with no disease or deaths. They all get along until feeding time then they settle down again. Great for show tank in store or home.

Located in South Surrey.

Please don’t ask for piecing things out. It is All Fish or All rock or both. You find a couple enthusiasts to make group purchase if interested.

I'll even throw in the Tunze Wave Box and a 72" Solaris light (needs a new or refurbished power supply) and if someone takes the combo package.

Ryan L 07-05-2010 09:46 PM

Interested in tangs and crosshatch pm for group buy

or if original poster will part out.

Ryan l

Milad 07-05-2010 11:44 PM

im intersted in:
purple tang
2 absolutely bright pink Rose anemones
1 green anemone
1 anemone

04scoobysti 07-05-2010 11:53 PM

Bump for a good deal for the fish. Last Bandit i saw a JL a month or so ago sold for around $800.

tang daddy 07-05-2010 11:55 PM

pm sent

steambrewed 07-05-2010 11:55 PM

group buy
im interested in 1 pink anemone, cleaner wrasse and some live rock/corals

Milad 07-05-2010 11:58 PM


milkton 07-06-2010 12:23 AM

im interested in the 4" red sea sailfin tang if your parting out or from group buy

steambrewed 07-06-2010 12:50 AM

not interested in arranging the group buy, to much work when I am only looking for just a few items.

Milad 07-06-2010 01:13 AM

you can throw my name down for 8- 9 ” Sailfin beautiful coloration (not normal) if i can get a pic of it.

Ryan L 07-06-2010 08:15 AM

I was willing to take all the tangs but I guess you guys
have decided otherwise?

Has anyone even talked to the original poster?

Ryan L

Milad 07-06-2010 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Ryan L (Post 532613)
I was willing to take all the tangs but I guess you guys
have decided otherwise?

Has anyone even talked to the original poster?

Ryan L

Im with Ryan, I want all the tangs too!! lol but i thought id let other people chime in.

milkton 07-07-2010 12:31 AM

i just want the red sea sailfin :mrgreen:

Milad 07-07-2010 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by milkton (Post 532742)
i just want the red sea sailfin :mrgreen:

I think we should have a UFC match to see who gets the tangs.

BCBigWolf & Pack 07-07-2010 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by Milad (Post 532751)
I think we should have a UFC match to see who gets the tangs.

Why not the gentlemen's way and take one each that way you both are winners and each get something. Ryan technically should get first pick as he was first to post stating he wanted all the tangs and suggested a group buy, while you Milad stated you wanted the purple tang. Keep bickering over it and someone will come in and scoop them all and all you guys will have is mud on your faces and no fish at all.

Milad 07-07-2010 02:14 AM

UFC match would be more entertaining though
Anyways, I havent heard back from the guy so I dont know whats going on. Im still willing to take all the tangs or share them or take one or whatever.

Ryan L 07-07-2010 08:29 AM

Thanks for the kind reply Wolf Pack

I'm kinda a lifelong lurker but have been doing this for about 12 years.
I have a 300gallon starfire cube with top of the line equipment so the fish would go to a good home.

Hello to you Milad I also live on the north shore (horseshoe bay).

I haven't talked to o.p. so I guess he wants someone all in regarding the fish and I can't blame him for the price he wants

I have lots of clams so angels are out for me, so there is going to have other parties involved.

Good luck to someone if they scoop them all:biggrin:

Best Wishes,

Ryan Leeder

Perodogo 07-07-2010 03:05 PM

I know this is kind of a long shot with me living so far away, but if the OP is willing to ship to Calgary, I will take all the angels (Emperor, Chrysurus, Rock Beauty, Passer, and the Bandit angel).


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