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pelle31 06-28-2010 11:43 PM

iPhone or Blackberry....what are you using?
iphone what apps you using and what you like and dislike about it.

Blackeberry,may as well get some Peep's input on these as well.

The Grizz 06-28-2010 11:46 PM

I have a Crackberry Mike phone and it is a piece of junk. Got it just over a yr ago and have had 6 complete swap replacement's and in for 2 track ball's. I am getting rid of it and getting an Iphone as soon as Telus give me a good deal to swap. Have been with them for 22 yrs so they better come up with something great or I am pulling all my phone's from them and going to Bell.

cuz 06-28-2010 11:51 PM

ditched the bberry for an iphone, not to many apps i've tried out yet but the phone itself,imo, is far superior the bb.

Ron99 06-28-2010 11:52 PM

If you're willing to spend a bit more Apple is now selling factory unlocked iPhones direct in Canada. It will cost you a pretty penny but then you're not locked into a particular carrier or a 3 year contract or minimum service packages etc. I'm waiting to see what the full price on an unlocked iPhone 4 will be and trying to save up those pennies :)

The Grizz 06-28-2010 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ron99 (Post 531036)
If you're willing to spend a bit more Apple is now selling factory unlocked iPhones direct in Canada. It will cost you a pretty penny but then you're not locked into a particular carrier or a 3 year contract or minimum service packages etc. I'm waiting to see what the full price on an unlocked iPhone 4 will be and trying to save up those pennies :)

Where did you find this info I would like to check it out? On the Apple website?

Bloodasp 06-29-2010 12:08 AM

Iphone hands down.
I did hear that the new iphone 4 will have an option of being leagally unlocked.

pelle31 06-29-2010 12:29 AM

I would stay as far away from Bell as you can......sorta been there done that type of thing.
If you do choose Bell make sure you have ALL the information that they are supposed to give you.
It will save you a ton of headaches down the road.

Not much love for the BB's eh? One of the guys at work has one and he loves it. its an older one
with the track ball but he just pops it out and cleans it every once in awhile. I've seen him drop it,
kick it across the floor and whatnot and it keeps on ticking.

Delphinus 06-29-2010 01:37 AM

I hate my BB 8230 ("Pearl Flip"). Piece of junk. Too long a shopping list of complaints but the basic gyst is it's buggy, and even when it's not having issues, it's cumbersome to use.

Get this: Although in my case the problem is an actual glitch, a common complaint is that the call log only shows missed calls, and not placed calls or received calls. The problem is that there is a setting, call log shows: "1) all calls 2) missed calls and 3) no calls." Somehow they magically get set on missed calls. Ok, whatever. But if you want your call log to show all calls, you have to select "NONE" because what they really mean is "no calls get redirected to your message log (and thus not your call log). OH YEAH, REAL INTUITIVE. Seriously, who writes software like that? .. In my case it's not a setting, it doesn't matter what it's set at, it never shows anything except missed calls. I've been looking into what it takes to fix it but I think it's coming down to "I need to bring this phone in", it's getting to the category of being beyond DIY to correct.

If you're OK with spending the coin on an unlocked phone, and not sure about an iPhone, look into google's Nexus One phone.

I might go iPhone if I can find an affordable way to upgrade into it from this current phone.

the marine apprentice 06-29-2010 01:43 AM

i went from my BB curve to my 32Gb 3gs iphone. i absolutly love this phone i can do pretty much anything with it. only thing thsat i dont like about the iphone is that the battery does go down pretty fast when using it.
other then that iphone all the way lol.

Pazil 06-29-2010 02:09 AM

I have the BB 9700 and am very happy with it.

PoonTang 06-29-2010 02:19 AM

iPhone here, very happy with it. I can honestly say that i went the first 2 months with it without ever having to power it down and reboot it. Try THAT with a windows based BB. :p
My daughter just got a new BB and had had 3 replacements in the first month.

scherzo 06-29-2010 02:35 AM

I have an iPhone and love it. You can even read these forums using an app called TapTalk!

I've used Blackberries before and I've found that the menu system is not very intuitive.

Let's say you want to change the ringer. Most people would look for something called SETTINGS or PREFERENCES. But they put it under PROFILES. It took my mom 3 days to figure that out.

The one thing that the BB has going for it is that they are dirt cheap (compared to the iPhone) and there are so many different kinds of BBs compared to the iPhone (basically one with different capacities).

The iPhone is the best internet capable phone on the market hands down. We'll see what the Nexus and google will have to show but you can't beat Apple's intuitive software.

mark 06-29-2010 03:08 AM

got a BB Storm2 from work and does exactly what it's designed for, makes me a slave to work even on my off hours.

Apps been using mostly is Blackstar (to get lat/long fr the GPS) and the camera though looking like be able just to use geo-tagging. Drove around with Trapster when I first got it for red light/photo radar sites but the novelty has worn off.

What I would like is to be able to use telnet, sure there's an app just that access would be blocked.

Funky_Fish14 06-29-2010 03:24 AM

Im using a BB Storm. I actually love the phone but the pretty much main (and only) problem with storms is that they are slow/laggy. BUT... the new software updates for them (or that they come with) are much better and they are pretty quick and dont freeze as much.

Also, I tend to drop my phone all the time (like, minimum 1'ce a day) and the BB still does alright with that (NOTHING compares to motorola phones though). I like having my big screen and a good camera on the phone, and it still works with falling so much. If I had an Iphone (which would be cool)... i think it would break cause I drop it so much (And I hate phone cases... none of those for me).



lockrookie 06-29-2010 03:30 AM

regretfully i have neither and sask tell doesnt get any good phones in that i can abuse... im really hard on phones but thus far motorolar razor has done me well ran over the first edition with my truck and it still worked just cracked the front glass for camera. then it was left on a trailer and run over by 20 or more cars screen was messed up but stil could dial and recieve calls.

i got the razor 2 and its all cracked up but works great im actually going to miss it when i am forced to upgrade. and most likely will have to be a blackberry. thats all sasktel offers so any suggestions for a flip style blackberry would be apreciative that can handle abouse. i cant have open face phones due to butt dialing.

Skimmerking 06-29-2010 03:32 AM

yup MTS and Roger's are combining together and once my contract is up im getting a IPHONE.

Duffer2 06-29-2010 03:35 AM

BB 8830 world edition. Works well overseas on multiple network types. Phone itself is good, although the voice dialing is crap. Fairly durable with the exception of the track ball, although those are very cheap and easy to replace.

I do like the key board as typing emails is still much faster on a key board style phone then on a touch phone. Saying that, typing work emails when I'm supposed to be sleeping maybe isn't a good thing.

I will confess that when the iPhone 4 comes to Canada I will likely upgrade. There is no limit to the value of the cool factor of the iPhones and all the apps.

"BB are good for wasting time working"
"iPhones are good for wasting time playing"

Do survey next time your in an elevator downtown and everyone pulls out the phone. Those with iPhones are doing something cool and fun, those with BB are reading emails and spreadsheets.

Ron99 06-29-2010 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 531037)
Where did you find this info I would like to check it out? On the Apple website?

Here you go:

Slick Fork 06-29-2010 04:28 AM

Iphone 3gs here. Overall I am quite happy, for some reason up until the latest OS for it came out (iOS4) I found it to be quite laggy picking up calls for some reason and I would quite often miss the call while trying to answer it. Since the new OS came out it has been quite a bit better so overall I am now really happy.

I dislike the short battery life and the fact that I can't upgrade the memory with a microSD card or something like that. Otherwise very happy.

cuz 06-29-2010 04:36 AM

should inquire what everyones favorite app is so far? there's a million to choose

cchomistek 06-29-2010 04:44 AM

Definitely lovin the iPhone 3gs 16gb! Great phone and definitely user friendly! It is the only way to go!

atc 06-29-2010 05:40 AM

I have a Blackberry flip ......well, I had one, now it doesn't turn on.


OceanicCorals-Eugene- 06-29-2010 06:03 AM

no ones mentioning any of the android phones eh:question: been using androids (htc dream, now SE X10) loving it. True multitasking, open OS for full customization (after root) all the nice google apps including the new google navigation (free GPS software), free google sync contacts/apps. lol i sound like im promoting there software.

Parker 06-29-2010 01:43 PM

BB Curve here, but I didn't have a choice in the matter, it's was provided by my employer. I'm pretty happy with it. It does what it's supposed too.

StirCrazy 06-29-2010 01:56 PM

I have the blackberry storm and befor may I loved it, now I even love it more. new software upgrade was a good fix.

I had the plesure of using my older kids iphone for the weekend so I left the BBerry at home and gave it an honest shakedown. needless to say I will be sticking with my blackberry.

one thing I did notice is a lot of people are saying they had such and suck of a bberry and switched to the iphone and would never go back. kinda a unfair statment since all you people went to a different class of phone. the only bberry that can realy be compared against the iphone is the storm or storm 2

Hey Griz, it is n't the Bberry that sucks it is the mike. I know to many people that had been conned into the mike world and hate it and have had noting but problems. you can get what you want out of telus but you have to call them at there head office not the little stores. Oh where do you keep your phone when your workin?


Treebeard 06-29-2010 02:21 PM

I have a Motorola Milestone aka Droid, and I really like it too. There are tons free apps and the Android OS is very stable. Google is the way to go!


Originally Posted by OceanicCorals-Eugene- (Post 531150)
no ones mentioning any of the android phones eh:question: been using androids (htc dream, now SE X10) loving it. True multitasking, open OS for full customization (after root) all the nice google apps including the new google navigation (free GPS software), free google sync contacts/apps. lol i sound like im promoting there software.

xtreme 06-29-2010 03:17 PM

Hated my old BB. Love my iPhone 3GS, always been a big fan of apple.

Bayside Corals 06-29-2010 10:42 PM

I have a BB curve and it is POS. I don't know much about the iphone's but I do know I will never get another BB.

Joe Reefer 06-29-2010 11:55 PM

BB Curve all the way, if you are looking to use your phone to "communicate" then go blackberry. If you are looking for a toy to pass some time then the iphone is for you.

Snaz 06-30-2010 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by OceanicCorals-Eugene- (Post 531150)
no ones mentioning any of the android phones eh:question: been using androids (htc dream, now SE X10) loving it. True multitasking, open OS for full customization (after root) all the nice google apps including the new google navigation (free GPS software), free google sync contacts/apps. lol i sound like im promoting there software.

Android Galaxy running community created 2.1 ROM. Once you go open source you can never go back.

Ron99 06-30-2010 04:46 PM

I know I'm almost a fanboy but the new iPhone 4 is really head and shoulders above anything else. It has an awesome screen that is high resolution and much brighter and easier to see outside in sunlight. Built in video chat, much more sensitive motion sensing for better response from apps, much faster processor, multitasking. Also a much improved camera that you can shoot and high definition movies and do post production right on the phone with an iPhone version of iMovie. Oh yeah, folders to help organize your apps, the iBooks store so you can buy and read books on it (no more killing trees for your reading pleasure), and a improved mail app in iOS 4 too.

Android is okay but for an overall stable and easy user experience with well integrated features you need to go iPhone. I also would not want to have to worry about malicious apps. Apple checks and approves every app available to make sure they don't do anything they aren't supposed to. Google unfortunately lets anybody sell you whatever pp they want without any checking or security.

Snaz 06-30-2010 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Ron99 (Post 531425)
Android is okay but for an overall stable and easy user experience with well integrated features you need to go iPhone. I also would not want to have to worry about malicious apps. Apple checks and approves every app available to make sure they don't do anything they aren't supposed to. Google unfortunately lets anybody sell you whatever pp they want without any checking or security.

Well Ron we agree on most things but the above statements are not true. Before I address each I must predict that you have never used an Android phone and so your comment about stability and user experience is without warrant. If you have been an Android user what problems did you experience? What version? Remember the first iPhone OS? ;)

Apple or Google simply cannot approve and check the hundreds of thousands of user submitted apps. Malicious iPhone apps? You betcha:

Any paid app in Google Market has to go through an application process that includes identity of the submitter, same as a bank check, thus a trail is available in case of complaint.

A jailbroken iPhone is super vulnerable to attack if the user does not bother to change root password and a quick survey of the iPhone users here with jailbroken iPhones do not know even what Root is. ;)

globaldesigns 06-30-2010 06:24 PM

I have the BB Bold and love it.

If you are using it for business, then the Blackberry is still the one to have.

but if you are using it for personal use, then IPhone is the one, as you can have your music, games, etc.

This is even from the guy at the Rogers store.

Snaz 06-30-2010 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 531436)
I have the BB Bold and love it.

If you are using it for business, then the Blackberry is still the one to have.

but if you are using it for personal use, then IPhone is the one, as you can have your music, games, etc.

This is even from the guy at the Rogers store.

Or an Android device will do both. ;) Please see the following screens illustrating these great phones. Fanboy? Guilty.

Touchdown Exchange Client

Office Documents


mark 06-30-2010 07:22 PM

Malicious iPhone apps? Another class a people that need a good beating.

pinhead 06-30-2010 10:24 PM

If you are anxiously awaiting the release of the Iphone 4 in Canada, you might want to hold off to see if Apple fixes the massive design flaw that affects the antenna. If the bottom left hand corner of the case contacts your palm, the signal strength drops to the point that your call may be disconnected within 20 seconds. Apple's response is that there is no problem and adjust your grip if you are having problems. Even right handed people may have the problem as you hold the phone in your left hand when using the touchscreen. There are about 50 pages discussing this on and also lots of videos on youtube and the computer techsites.

Ron99 06-30-2010 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Snaz (Post 531430)
Well Ron we agree on most things but the above statements are not true. Before I address each I must predict that you have never used an Android phone and so your comment about stability and user experience is without warrant. If you have been an Android user what problems did you experience? What version? Remember the first iPhone OS? ;)

Apple or Google simply cannot approve and check the hundreds of thousands of user submitted apps. Malicious iPhone apps? You betcha:

Any paid app in Google Market has to go through an application process that includes identity of the submitter, same as a bank check, thus a trail is available in case of complaint.

A jailbroken iPhone is super vulnerable to attack if the user does not bother to change root password and a quick survey of the iPhone users here with jailbroken iPhones do not know even what Root is. ;)

Hey Keith,

I have only checked out Android a bit and obviously not all the different phones. The problem with Android is that different phones and manufacturers may be using different versions of the firmware and OS and updates may not even cover all the phones out there. The problem with so called "open" phone OSes is similar to the problems with Windows. You have to support umpteen different hardware configurations, input methods, screens etc. The user experience may differ from phone to phone as will the available feature set. The term for that is fragmentation and it is a problem with Android.

While techies may like the open nature and hackability/customization available with Android, the vast majority of people would rather have something that is straightforward and easy to use out of the box. That is the iPhone. It just works with a fine tuned user interface and extremely well integrated services and features that are consistent across devices. Apple's control does result in an excellent product.

As for malicious software, the links you provided were for theoretical exploits but to date Apple has not allowed any malicious apps to get through. They do check the functionality of software under the hood and have caught apps doing things they shouldn't (even though it wasn't malicious code).

Google on the other hand does not actually check apps to the same degree. In fact just this last week Google remote killed two apps that were doing things that were against the rules. But thousands of people had likely installed them by the time they were caught:

You might also want to read this PDF that discusses security concerns with the Android market:


Yes, a jailbroken iPhone is vulnerable but then you are hacking Apple's system so that would be your own darn fault. It would be akin to hacking Windows and then blaming Microsoft if you had a problem. If you don't jailbreak the phone and use it as Apple intends then you are far safer then with Android. There really is no need to jailbreak an iPhone.

With regards to enterprise support, Apple went a long way to doing that in iPhone OS 3 and have added even more in iOS 4. It will only keep getting better with future updates.

Finally, with respect to the antenna issue, it may or may not be a real problem. Some people experience it and some don't. The root cause is also under investigation. Adding a case seems to help. Some people have seen the problem resolved by reseating the sim card. Some say that all is required is a firmware update to increase the speed at which the phone shifts frequencies when the signal degrades. So it's a bit of an unknown at the moment. But I would say the majority of the 1.5 million iPhone 4s sold so far are operating without problem. you also have to remember this is not just an iPhone problem but many mobile phones experience signal attenuation depending on how you hold them. It is a function of the way antennas work vs. your bodies own electrical conductivity.

mseepman 06-30-2010 11:30 PM

My biggest issue with Iphones is that you still can't work with flash sites. Apple may want the world to believe that flash is old news but it sure doesn't look that way to anyone not using an Iphone or Ipad. I have a Blackberry, it's mandated by my work and I like it just fine.
I have to admit that Iphones have a "cool" factor but when you look at their poor customer service, their need to control everything and the poor way they deal with criticism, I find it hard to swallow doing business with Apple.

pinhead 07-01-2010 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Ron99 (Post 531472)

Finally, with respect to the antenna issue, it may or may not be a real problem. Some people experience it and some don't. The root cause is also under investigation. Adding a case seems to help. Some people have seen the problem resolved by reseating the sim card. Some say that all is required is a firmware update to increase the speed at which the phone shifts frequencies when the signal degrades. So it's a bit of an unknown at the moment. But I would say the majority of the 1.5 million iPhone 4s sold so far are operating without problem. you also have to remember this is not just an iPhone problem but many mobile phones experience signal attenuation depending on how you hold them. It is a function of the way antennas work vs. your bodies own electrical conductivity.

Apple has admitted it is a real problem. It is a flaw of the iPhone 4 but not the 3. Every iPhone 4 can experience this because of the location of the antenna. Until Apple modifies the firmware, redesigns the antenna or provides a free case, you may want to wait.

Have a look at this:

OceanicCorals-Eugene- 07-01-2010 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Ron99 (Post 531425)
I know I'm almost a fanboy but the new iPhone 4 is really head and shoulders above anything else. It has an awesome screen that is high resolution and much brighter and easier to see outside in sunlight. Built in video chat, much more sensitive motion sensing for better response from apps, much faster processor, multitasking. Also a much improved camera that you can shoot and high definition movies and do post production right on the phone with an iPhone version of iMovie. Oh yeah, folders to help organize your apps, the iBooks store so you can buy and read books on it (no more killing trees for your reading pleasure), and a improved mail app in iOS 4 too.

Android is okay but for an overall stable and easy user experience with well integrated features you need to go iPhone. I also would not want to have to worry about malicious apps. Apple checks and approves every app available to make sure they don't do anything they aren't supposed to. Google unfortunately lets anybody sell you whatever pp they want without any checking or security.

Ron next time your at OC give my X10 a try :) i bet you will think differently about droids after. The new iphone OS is not a true multitask OS but a false one that works as though it is real (look it up). Iphones hardware is not all that good, they did that for a simple reason, save battery life. but compared to the top of the line droid phones? it cant compare.

4" screen high resolution LED (easy to see under the sun)
snapdragon processor 1ghz speed
8.1mp camera (compared to iphones 5.0)(HD video available in 2.2)
front facing camera

dont forget Flash 10 support! that iphones will never get :D

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