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JPotter 06-26-2010 11:27 PM

Controller choices/preferences
I have been running an Aquatronica controller for about a year. It has worked quite well but recently has had 3 level program failures where it dumped the entire top off reservoir into the tank!

The level sensor works and the program comes on when the level is low but the ATO no longer turns off when the level registers as high.

I am considering replacing it.

What controllers are others using to control/monitor lighting, return, power heads, tunze pumps and wave box, level, temp (term and chiller), pH? I really like graphing options, being able to manually over ride a program and being able to use it through a computer.

Currently considering Neptune Apex, Reef Keeper Elite and Profilux.


Preferences and why?

PS I now have 8 power plugs in use but would like to have more in use.


fencer 06-26-2010 11:51 PM

Apex...bulletproof....years of is very good. Cost to feature ratio is good

OceanicCorals-Ian- 06-27-2010 12:41 AM


stay away from the overpriced overcomplicated controllers, simpler is better.

JPotter 06-27-2010 02:17 AM

The Apex is the Neptune system?

intarsiabox 06-27-2010 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by JPotter (Post 530555)
The Apex is the Neptune system?


scherzo 06-27-2010 03:37 AM

I've been doing research on this topic as well.

The Neptune Apex is what I am leaning towards because of the iPhone capability.

I am(was) seriously considering the Reefkeeper Elite. For less money you get a couple of probes a well. You can also check tank status on the web but from my understanding, not easily through the iPhone . (I think the graphs are in flash).

The modules also seem cheaper with the Reefkeeper compared to the Apex.

PoonTang 06-27-2010 03:41 AM

Apex and IPhone...only way to fly! And you get neat signatures too :)

scherzo 06-27-2010 02:28 PM

Then there is the business of Apex Lite Vs Apex.

I believe the only difference between the two is that the lite doesn't have the ability to control dimable ballast or vary the speed of certain power heads.

I wish there was a chart somewhere.

xtreme 06-27-2010 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by scherzo (Post 530647)
Then there is the business of Apex Lite Vs Apex.

I believe the only difference between the two is that the lite doesn't have the ability to control dimable ballast or vary the speed of certain power heads.

That plus the lite doesn't have the second pH/ORP probe hookup.

I'd vote for the Apex as well, have had mine for about 6 months and love it. It is more than capable of doing everything you want your controller to do.

JPotter 06-27-2010 05:22 PM

There is:

I don't understand the technology of half of what is there and have a mac so the side by side comparisons don't work for me. It looks like a lot of info.
If those who have tech knowledge and aquarium experience can pull out the relevant bits and share it would be appreciated.

scherzo 06-28-2010 01:39 AM

I've seen this one but it is missing the Reefkeeper Elite (newer than the RK II) and the Neptune Apex and Apex Lite. Which are the new line of controllers by both companies.

Maybe I'll sit down and add them to the chart somehow and contact the site owners with the new information. Maybe..


Originally Posted by JPotter (Post 530693)
There is:

I don't understand the technology of half of what is there and have a mac so the side by side comparisons don't work for me. It looks like a lot of info.
If those who have tech knowledge and aquarium experience can pull out the relevant bits and share it would be appreciated.

shrimpchips 06-28-2010 02:34 AM

I use the Profilux system - more expensive than others, but the support is great, the products are extensively tested and work as promised and are very well crafted, and the product line is more or less complete unlike other manufacturers out there.

kien 06-28-2010 04:52 AM

I currently have the Profilux but if I could go back in time I would get an Apex instead.. Just for the better iPhone support. Yes you can access the profilux with your iPhone but the implementation is lame if you ask me. You have to set up an account on someones website and essentially give them access to your entire controller. Then the iphone accesses your profilux via this third party website (instead of directly to the iphone) which is pretty lame if you ask me. The Apex does a much better job at it. Oh hey did I mention iPhone support for the profilux was lame? :lol:

JPotter 06-28-2010 05:25 AM

Do people actualy use the iphone support to better manage their tanks or is really just a toy?

I am not certain I would use that feature when I am rarely away from the house more than 6-8 hours at a time. Do the others have web access to monitor/control the tank as if you have a web browser on your phone could you not just manage it from the browser? When I am away I usually have internet access.
I am most interested in a system being reliable for longer than the waranty period, easy to set up and review with good graphing and be able to work it from a computer not just a tiny LCD screen.

I must admit that when my controller is up and running I don't need to do much except water changes..and that I couldn't do from my iphone:(

JPotter 06-28-2010 05:27 AM

When you suggest other product lines are not complete..what does the profilux offer that others do not?

scherzo 06-28-2010 08:06 PM

Ultimately I don't think iPhone support is the be all and end all. Of course controller choice depends on the user.

You're not away from home for more than 6-8 hours a day but someone (like myself) may be away for up to 2 weeks at a time. Some places have limited internet access to being able to check tank specs through your phone would obviously be advantageous. Also if you're away for business you may not have time to hook up your laptop and connect to the internet and may be far more convenient to whip out your phone and check things out. When you're busy and only have a few minutes to spare this would work best.

As for water changes. You could theoretically setup an Apex to do water changes as well (remotely). Just more time and effort, more pumps and float switches..etc...

Ultimately it comes down to the user's lifestyle and needs.

As for warranty.. does the warranty and support for the Apex pale in comparison to other units?



Originally Posted by JPotter (Post 530878)
Do people actualy use the iphone support to better manage their tanks or is really just a toy?

I am not certain I would use that feature when I am rarely away from the house more than 6-8 hours at a time. Do the others have web access to monitor/control the tank as if you have a web browser on your phone could you not just manage it from the browser? When I am away I usually have internet access.
I am most interested in a system being reliable for longer than the waranty period, easy to set up and review with good graphing and be able to work it from a computer not just a tiny LCD screen.

I must admit that when my controller is up and running I don't need to do much except water changes..and that I couldn't do from my iphone:(

scherzo 06-28-2010 08:09 PM

Right, I forgot about that.

The nice thing (as I understand) is that if you REALLY needed this feature later you could just buy another probe module later down the road. I guess the price would then equal the elite in the end if you went this route. At least it is expandable and can support more than 4 modules unlike the ReefKeeper Lite.


Originally Posted by xtreme (Post 530654)
That plus the lite doesn't have the second pH/ORP probe hookup.

I'd vote for the Apex as well, have had mine for about 6 months and love it. It is more than capable of doing everything you want your controller to do.

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