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Steve-O- 06-24-2010 07:33 PM

Nuclear green Paly Die Off rate
I just sent my paly colny off by greyhound i dropped it off around 10am from PG wasn't suppose to leave till 4pm my time. to richmond meaning he would have picked them up the next day in the afternoon.

Anyways had around 100 heads on it now there claiming to be 65 heads. My question is would the shipping affect the coral that long in a bag for survival rate of the small heads and large ones?

Just trying to find a answer to this problem is all.
((i know i know never ship greyhound because they screwup and stuff dies)) was what the buyer wanted

lorenz0 06-24-2010 07:46 PM

imo the price you were selling them for was a killer deal to say the least. hell i remember people paying $100 for 5 palys. **** happens in shipping, and even if 65 palys made it they still got a good deal.

also i have had stuff shipped for 20 hours, no problems at all

Steve-O- 06-24-2010 07:48 PM

I sold them for $250.00 and now he wants $100 Back because its not all there. I kept telling him how is it my fault and no way im paying that much back when its worth almost $1000 but hey who am i. Not to mention with the price of the coral how do i know he isn't ripping me off there is money to be made

4lti7ude 06-24-2010 08:03 PM

Shipping wasnt your responsibility.
65 Of those will pay themselves off in no time.
Tell him to stop being greedy and enjoy the 65 he has.

Seamazter 06-24-2010 08:34 PM

Post his address we will go teach him to be happy he got such a sweet deal.
(As in we, I mean someone not me, and a lot meaner looking)
Yah i doubt there was any die off and even if there was that much die off he should be happy they actually arrived alive considering his shipping method.

Milad 06-24-2010 08:40 PM

good news is that there is nuclear green paly in GVRD!!!
now i gota find it...

no_bs 06-24-2010 08:43 PM

Hmmm, sounds fishy. Did he or she send you a picture right away?

muck 06-24-2010 08:45 PM

How small is "small heads"?

bvlester 06-24-2010 08:50 PM

what happens in shipping is not your fault as long as you both agreed that Greyhound was a good enough way to ship. those gray hound guys are not all nice nice to cargo. I would tell him to go pound sand, It was packaged and shipped to standard shipping practices in the hobby. I have 2 heads of these Nuclear green Paly came on a piece of Live rock with other zoe polups and some sort of SPS not sure what type yet but the puolups are very small. The rock had some other stuff on it that I was not intreste in so that was taken off and the rock started poping up stuff.


lorenz0 06-24-2010 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Steve-O- (Post 530087)
I sold them for $250.00 and now he wants $100 Back because its not all there. I kept telling him how is it my fault and no way im paying that much back when its worth almost $1000 but hey who am i. Not to mention with the price of the coral how do i know he isn't ripping me off there is money to be made

I agree with everyone. If he wanted to and agreed to greyhound knowing the risk, its not your fault at all. IMO selling colonies of zoas has always been the downfall to me. I sold this one fella 2 of my colonies for close to nothing and he could have turned around and chopped it up making a few hundred on top of what he bought them for.

$250 is a killer deal. I hate how people cheap out on stuff with private sales but at any LFS they will pay the asking price.

Steve-O- 06-24-2010 09:13 PM

Thanks for all the info guys this really upset me a bit i did everything i could to make sure it was right. Riight now in my life i dont have time to deal with this guy as i have had 2 deaths((Accidents)) in my family and i have to go to grief theropy over this. But your right it on all this really lifts my spirits up.

Chowder 06-24-2010 09:41 PM

Overnight shipping for Zoas or palys you should have no lose at all. Worse case the paly or zoa would still be there closed. If any lose would occur, it would happen in the following week. You would actually see the polyps melting or fadding away. Zoas and palys ship overnight and sometimes longer all the time with no issues. You can also ship zoas and palys with no water just in wet newspapper.


Madreefer 06-24-2010 09:42 PM

It's good to see that everyone who has posted is on your side. Not only do people have to worry about who they buy stuff off of, now we have to worry about who you sell to. Stick to your guns.

lorenz0 06-24-2010 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Chowder (Post 530121)
You can also ship zoas and palys with no water just in wet newspapper.

this is so true, i moved LR with zoas on them and they were out of the water for 6 hours and they opened within the hour of being back in the water. If i recall properly someone had LR out of water for 6 months and than put it in the water and they opened back on. it was either on here or RC. Zoa's and palys can retain water for a while.

Best of luck to you bud, were on your side

whatcaneyedo 06-24-2010 11:07 PM

I think someone already asked this but did they send you a picture as proof?

I find it pretty hard to believe that there was any actual death as well. I brought two coolers of coral down with me to Chilliwack in early May. They sat in the back of a pickup truck the whole way and through a freak snow storm just after 100 Mile. When we arrived the two heat packs had kept everything luke warm to the touch. Most of what I brought was picked up first thing he next day but two bags of zoanthids sat there getting cold because one person couldn't make it. By the time I finally got someone else to get them they were cold to the touch and had been in bags for over 24 hours. Yet they still looked absolutely fine. Maybe the person who eventually got them can chime in to say how they are doing now.

tang daddy 06-24-2010 11:13 PM

Well since everyone has an opinion I will post up picks.......

I just got home from work to find this and it seems that there are a few people with big comments.....

The fact of the matter is that I paid for 100 polyps and only received 65ish if your counting the baby heads that can hardly be seen.....

I shipped greyhound because I thought it was cost effective and arrived the next day. The order arrived well with only 5 heads that were flattened and those polyps were on the side and did open up.

The package was shipped excellent in a styrafoam box, double bagged, lots of water and 5 heat packs no worries there.

here is the colony I recieved....

And just so were clear I PAID FOR 100 POLYPS!!!!! that is the point, not how much I paid.

For those of you that saw the original add you know these are alittle less than what was pictured.

Steve-O- 06-24-2010 11:57 PM

I do admit those look really thin to what i sent you. Really spaced out truthfully doesn't even look like the same coral.

This is what i sent like i said i took the whole rock out into and bag then to the bus stop

I have no answers for this because im looking for answers on how this could happen.

hockey nut 06-25-2010 12:31 AM

So it's kind of like buying a case of beer. If you pay for a dozen beer but get home and only finding 7 beer in the case expecting 12 beer..... I would be upset too. But then again I like beer. :wink:

Also it seems pretty harsh for most of you to take one side without hearing both sides....... wow!

kien 06-25-2010 12:41 AM

Nuclear green Paly Die Off rate
The only thing I have to add to this interesting thread is.. :pop2:

Steve-O- 06-25-2010 12:44 AM

I posted this to find answers is all on what could of happened. Personally i look at his picture he posted and mine and there is a huge difference. So far i have red people with Zoa or Pally who shipped them had no problems at all so why is this so different.

I also didn't use any names for this as i was looking for answer but im pretty much about to log off this site and not come back for months because i can't deal with this right now.

So thanks to all for the input on the subject i sent them he got them somthing happened i am done. Like he said Buyer beware market i guess i just will never sell anything again.

lorenz0 06-25-2010 12:47 AM

only thing that could cause that was the side of the rock with all the paly's was resting on the box. were there any rolling around in the bag when you got them? looks like they need some time for plump back up.

I still think you got a killer deal. wicked frags used to sell 5 paly's for $75 and in the usa they sell for about $25 per paly.

give it a month or two, under good lighting that rock will be covered in them

Seamazter 06-25-2010 12:50 AM

After the fact and that pictures do say volumes.
I would be disappointed as well being either the buyer or seller.

The seller has no colony and the buyer wants a little under half his money back.
The buyer tho didn't get the count he was expecting, whether this was due to shipping or some other unforeseen problem from sender to buyer.

I still as the seller wouldn't refund you 100$ but as the buyer you should see all this is nothing that could be controlled, why should he suffer when you have the colony.
Id consider selling a couple frags to get your 100$ you want back.
only to remove 10 polyps could net you your full buying price.
Im sure you would have a line of pms if you decide to do just that.

SpateD 06-25-2010 12:59 AM

I bought a small paly colony once when I was in Calgary, and drove home, and when I put it in the tank after just the 2-3 hour drive the polyps looked the same as in the picture of the guy who received the item.

The reason it looks thinned out (if it's the same item) is because the "stems" of the paly's are all shriveled up. They take time to fully come back and it also depends on water flow. If they don't like the new flow, they may not come out as far and are going to stick to the rock like they are, which could just be from shipping also.

It wasn't a picnic in the sun being put in a bag all day. I've had mushrooms that took a week to 2 weeks before they started to open up and look what they did when I bought them. They have to adjust and accept the new system.

I think this guy needs to be happy on the bangin' deal he got and just remember... it's a hobby. Corals and fish die. If your that upset over it, you should look into something that has a longer and much more stable/reliable hobby or pet. Try a dog or cat.

Chowder 06-25-2010 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by lorenz0 (Post 530174)
only thing that could cause that was the side of the rock with all the paly's was resting on the box. were there any rolling around in the bag when you got them? looks like they need some time for plump back up.

I still think you got a killer deal. wicked frags used to sell 5 paly's for $75 and in the usa they sell for about $25 per paly.

give it a month or two, under good lighting that rock will be covered in them

I agree with Tang Daddy in the fact you pay for a hundred you expect a hundred. The original post said there was a 100 + polyps. No matter if it was a good deal or not. Also they sell for alot less now. 6 polyps in the states right now are $29.99 us. Fragalot was selling them for $10 a polyp
from his ten dollar page

Not to mention if you source them out locally from a reefer you can get them for cheaper.


bvlester 06-25-2010 03:58 AM

I counted the Poles in the three pics posted here came up with 70ish, 70+ and 60+ so a picture does say much they are thinned and I would give it a few days as the really small polups may look allot different than they do now and the very small ones may look like the small ones there can be some that closed all together and look like part of the mat. As for counting I only counted ones I could see clear enough and yes that meant even the back a skirt. I have only seen this in one thank where there was loss like this and it was due to heat loss and the water quality, so I ask how cool was the water and did you test the water? in this picture I only count between 70 and 80 ish polups clearly but you can not see the entire rock in any of the pics. Unfortunately it is buyer be ware as we were shown a picture with the add for sale so I would have counted the polups I could see and ask questions.


tang daddy 06-25-2010 05:04 AM

Yah everyone seems to say buyer beware....

How about seller beware!

I wasn't complaining about the size of the polyp but the lack of.

And another thing giving it time for polyps to fatten up isn't going to make 40 polyps appear out of the rock.
Some of you think it's a deal to get ripped off, I bet if it happened to you you'd be upset.

to prove a point/ simple math....
100 polyps at $250=$2.50
65 polyps at $250=$3.85
and finally 65x$2.50=$162.50

So refund me $80 and stop making excuses about how I can sell it and make all my money back and then have enough to retire!

Sebae again 06-25-2010 06:01 AM

Unless there are some polyps we cant see ,I count 65. Maybe 100 plus is a figure of speech. A deal was made. I have seen Tang Daddy's sps tank before and I am sure he knows about coral and has been in this hobby long enough.So based on what I see I have to take TD's side.

pinhead 06-25-2010 07:45 AM

Around 100 polyps means to me at least 95+. The pictures on flicker don't appear to have anything close to that. Tang Daddy's pictures show the polyps a little contracted due to shipping but nothing melting or falling off.

If I got 35% less on anything I paid for in good faith, I would expect a refund.

Coleus 06-25-2010 07:56 AM

I say wait for a week and see if all polyps fill up again. But i would be mad too if i am expecting 100 poly and only get 65.

Steve-O- 07-15-2010 08:58 PM

Really!!! I come home after being out of town doing my dads estate to find a Letter in my mailbox!!

looks like u got back your $250.00 AND YOU STILL HAVE MY CORAL!? I offered you some money back in my PM and never heard back from you on that. So you close my ****in paypal account take the money and keep the coral!! So its all my ****in loss now ?? looks like im buying a plane ticket!!!!!!

Coleus 07-15-2010 09:08 PM

Well i hope you two can settle it out but i don't know how paypal can close your account because if buyer dispute a charge, send them your shipment receipt to paypal to settle your case.

Devonious 07-15-2010 09:36 PM

Please keep us posted, i like this thread.

TheKid 07-15-2010 09:39 PM

i nsaw the colony he recieved and it was clearly no where close to 100 and am glad chris got is money back!!:mrgreen::mrgreen:

Borderjumper 07-15-2010 09:47 PM

was the colony shipped back to you the same day the money was refunded? I wouldnt expect anything less than immediate return, and I would be counting every polyp also.

tang daddy 07-15-2010 10:51 PM

Like I told you through Pm there was options..... I was going to ship you back the paly's and you give me a refund, but instead of taking any of the options I suggested you told me it was a buyer beware market and my problem now.

you also said you were going to refund me some money as soon as you got home after work but that was over 1 month ago and still nothing!

I am willing to work things out, just pm me

kien 07-15-2010 10:55 PM

Wow, I am so confused!!

Doug 07-15-2010 11:01 PM

This is best settled now through pm guys.

Despite 07-16-2010 01:03 AM


Steve-O- 07-16-2010 01:11 AM

Lets just say that if you get ur money back and that coral remains with you things will get messy really fast! I offered you some money back and did you reply saying its OK!!! I wasn't about to give u money back and have this issue continue! I went threw the trouble on finding out what happened. There was no guareentee when u got the corals and you visa got a full copy of you even quoting me on it. I sent it you got it. But if this is how its gonna be well.......... I told you about the deaths in my ****in family and i wasn't gonna be around as well perfect time to **** me man because im all for it.

i made a call to a local police friend of mine name Begraw i emailed him all the info to try to charge for fraud and theft. Thanks to some canreefers for the idea.

TheKid 07-16-2010 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by Steve-O- (Post 535012)
Lets just say that if you get ur money back and that coral remains with you things will get messy really fast! I offered you some money back and did you reply saying its OK!!! I wasn't about to give u money back and have this issue continue! I went threw the trouble on finding out what happened. There was no guareentee when u got the corals and you visa got a full copy of you even quoting me on it. I sent it you got it. But if this is how its gonna be well.......... I told you about the deaths in my ****in family and i wasn't gonna be around as well perfect time to **** me man because im all for it.

i made a call to a local police friend of mine name Begraw i emailed him all the info to try to charge for fraud and theft. Thanks to some canreefers for the idea.

I know Chris and the last thing he is, is a scammer. He is rather a peRson with strong morals that he beleives should be followed so he and everyone is treated fairly. And don't take it as offence to you and your family as the timing is just bad, Chris is a nice guy

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