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silentcivilian 06-18-2010 03:33 AM

Breaks the rules, and get away with it??
Now all of us love our tanks, love our fish, love our corals. Sometimes our passions dont mix, and we cant put this with that, and that one with those ones, and this guy, cant go with anyone else.

If you could do this, and get away with having a lionfish and a school of chromis in the same tank? It would work.. like a magic wish or somthing along those lines.

What would your guilty pleasure be??

whatcaneyedo 06-18-2010 03:44 AM

What is a passive coral? Even the ones that don't have much of a sting have something else to give them a competitive advantage. They may overgrow and smother or release growth inhibiting (or even deadly) chemicals into the water to defeat their rivals.

silentcivilian 06-18-2010 03:47 AM

Its a good question.. but it seemed better phrased than evil death coral with a friendly care giving coral... But just things you shouldnt grow together, if you could!

naesco 06-18-2010 03:48 AM

I would never even think of adding a fish that would compromise the existing fish in any way.

I did buy a small goniapora when it tentacles were totally retracted once. I thought it was a cool type of zoa.

burrows14 06-18-2010 03:48 AM

Im going with an emporer angel in my sps tank. I have a RBTA in the tank and im hoping that it wont munch on it lol

trinac 06-18-2010 03:49 AM

Coral munchers for me!! Parrot fish, puffer fish, all of them!!! pretty please :mrgreen:

Oh and all the fish that eat shrimps and starfish of course too haha

silentcivilian 06-18-2010 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by naesco (Post 528439)
I would never even think of adding a fish that would compromise the existing fish in any way.

I did buy a small goniapora when it tentacles were totally retracted once. I thought it was a cool type of

Its ok, this is more a fun poll than anything. Not somthing we will do, just somthing we wish we could do.. we all know better.

The Grizz 06-18-2010 03:51 AM

I would like to have some of the pred's in my reef tank just because it is 8' long.:biggrin:

naesco 06-18-2010 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by silentcivilian (Post 528442)
Its ok, this is more a fun poll than anything. Not somthing we will do, just somthing we wish we could do.. we all know better.

Ok. than

One biggggggggggggg mother of a tank full of tangs,

With a springboard so that I could dive in a feed them.

kien 06-18-2010 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by naesco (Post 528444)
Ok. than

One biggggggggggggg mother of a tank full of tangs,

With a springboard so that I could dive in a feed them.

I gather you really like tangs.. or something.. :lol:

I would put coral munching angels and parrot fish in a reef. :lol:

shrimpchips 06-18-2010 05:46 AM

Multiple centropyge angels in one (not so huge) tank :D

marie 06-18-2010 06:24 AM

I would put coral munching angels in with corals....Oh wait I'm doing that already....never mind :razz:

silentcivilian 06-18-2010 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 528495)
I would put coral munching angels in with corals....Oh wait I'm doing that already....never mind :razz:

Haha, I think most of us are guilty of testing or still doing it.. ive have never noticed my Coral Beauty even touch a coral, just nips rock all day long. It doesnt touch the monti, digi, birds nest, slimers, stags, ricos, zoos, pallies, hammer, sun, or duncans... it just nips my live rock and bumps into things to make sure ive put them down firmly. Today it made me laugh when it did a headlong charge into my K3 powerhead and at the last second stopped and did a barrel roll in the current away from it. Never seen it do that.

marie 06-18-2010 06:34 AM

I have a regal angel, 2 potters angels and a black angel and they all eat sps...yes they are in my sps tank :lol:

*Edit* and I figure I'm going to have to put up with them for at least another 15 yrs lol

foreverfortune 06-18-2010 08:00 AM

an emperor, a majestic angel and an orange spot filefish in my sps tank with clams.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 06-18-2010 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 528495)
I would put coral munching angels in with corals....Oh wait I'm doing that already....never mind :razz:

I am too, except the African Flameback angel is NOT supposed to be a coral muncher. Should have stuck with their cousins the Cherub angel.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 06-18-2010 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 528459)
I gather you really like tangs.. or something.. :lol:

I would put coral munching angels and parrot fish in a reef. :lol:

He's not the only one. Read lots of places that you can't put a bunch of tangs in the same tank, especially the same species. So far, my rule breaking limit is 6 Yellow tangs in a 210g. If I could, would love to have a dozen. They look so awesome in schools. BTW, I'm up to 17 or so tangs spread between 3 tanks so I must be breaking lots of rules already:biggrin:

If I ever had the space & $$ available, would love to also do a swimming pool tank with massive schools of tangs.

BlueTang<3 06-18-2010 12:57 PM

multiple tangs, shrimp with mystery wrasse/ triggers, Gold flake angel with 10 clams :question:he nipped for the first week :redface:

sphelps 06-18-2010 03:05 PM

These are a few example of what I've gotten aways with, of course not without the typical harassment from "concerned" hobbyists :lol:

silentcivilian 06-18-2010 04:07 PM

Im going to guess that one halloween crab didnt last long against fu-man-chu?? ahaha, being he was already flipped over and sized up

tgoeujon 06-18-2010 05:10 PM

if i could get away with it id combine my seahorse tank with my reef ( im actually in the process of trying to figure out how to get away with doing that right now )

Zoaelite 06-18-2010 05:13 PM

Haha that last photo is priceless SP! There just "loving" each other :lol:.

sphelps 06-18-2010 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by silentcivilian (Post 528565)
Im going to guess that one halloween crab didnt last long against fu-man-chu?? ahaha, being he was already flipped over and sized up

The fu-man-chu won't eat hermit crabs.

kevNnic 06-18-2010 06:19 PM

will an rbta mess around with my hammer coral?

Ripwoop 06-20-2010 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 528553)

lol!!!, looks like the frog fish is getting the choke

Blue World Aquariums 06-20-2010 08:44 AM

sphelps! fantastic pictures!

I love breaking the 'rules'. This is a hobby where everyday we learn more...where nothing is gained without experimentation!

AHHope 06-20-2010 04:17 PM

id have to say a combination of two of them
keeping predators with more passive fish is one of them (keeping my barracuda and sharks with damsels, a small clarks clown and clown tang) yet alone keeping a barracuda
as well im breaking the predatory invert rule, ive kept a mantis in my reef tank and cube for over a year with just the odd cuc going missing, even further i used to keep a wartskin angler with my Lysiosquillina maculata aka zebra mantis with no problems

naesco 06-21-2010 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by SpencerGS (Post 529033)
sphelps! fantastic pictures!

I love breaking the 'rules'. This is a hobby where everyday we learn more...where nothing is gained without experimentation!

As was pointed out to me at the beginning of the thread, this thread is a make believe thread. A fun thread.

As reefers, we don't experiment with the creatures in our care, though experts and scientists in our hobby do.

trinac 06-21-2010 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by SpencerGS (Post 529033)
sphelps! fantastic pictures!

I love breaking the 'rules'. This is a hobby where everyday we learn more...where nothing is gained without experimentation!

I'd have to agree here. This hobby is a massive experimentation especially when considering each of us has created our own marine ecosystems. Adding and removing variables all the time. If everyone went by the books, well depending on what book you were reading, you may not even be growing corals! This hobby seems to advance in technologies quite rapidly, especially over the last 10 years or so. My dad used to have a salt water aquarium when I was a kid and protein skimmers sure were not available back then, for example. And considering it seems like many authors of the marine books out there started out just as humble aquarists, I say play on. Having said that, I think a dose of ecology and invertebrate zoology would help some people... and sticking to this general rule... everything needs food. haha

Blue World Aquariums 06-21-2010 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by trinac (Post 529256)
I'd have to agree here. This hobby is a massive experimentation especially when considering each of us has created our own marine ecosystems. Adding and removing variables all the time. If everyone went by the books, well depending on what book you were reading, you may not even be growing corals! This hobby seems to advance in technologies quite rapidly, especially over the last 10 years or so. My dad used to have a salt water aquarium when I was a kid and protein skimmers sure were not available back then, for example. And considering it seems like many authors of the marine books out there started out just as humble aquarists, I say play on. Having said that, I think a dose of ecology and invertebrate zoology would help some people... and sticking to this general rule... everything needs food. haha

Well said!

Zoaelite 06-21-2010 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by trinac (Post 529256)
I'd have to agree here. This hobby is a massive experimentation especially when considering each of us has created our own marine ecosystems. Adding and removing variables all the time. If everyone went by the books, well depending on what book you were reading, you may not even be growing corals! This hobby seems to advance in technologies quite rapidly, especially over the last 10 years or so. My dad used to have a salt water aquarium when I was a kid and protein skimmers sure were not available back then, for example. And considering it seems like many authors of the marine books out there started out just as humble aquarists, I say play on. Having said that, I think a dose of ecology and invertebrate zoology would help some people... and sticking to this general rule... everything needs food. haha

Zoology I - Protostomes - BIOL 2214 - 001
Next semester for me :biggrin:.

Bigger thanks to Canreef for getting me overly addicted and passionate about something. Waiting back on acceptance to University of Queensland and James Cook University for a Bach of Marine Studies :smile:! Off topic anyone have any experience with Golden Angelfish? Looking to add one to my zoa tank.

trinac 06-22-2010 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by zoaElite (Post 529396)
Zoology I - Protostomes - BIOL 2214 - 001
Next semester for me :biggrin:.

Bigger thanks to Canreef for getting me overly addicted and passionate about something. Waiting back on acceptance to University of Queensland and James Cook University for a Bach of Marine Studies :smile:! Off topic anyone have any experience with Golden Angelfish? Looking to add one to my zoa tank.


The angelfish will probably eat all your zoa's, give Gold's a call and tell them I will take it instead. :lol: haha just kidding Its a nice fish, I saw it in the store today with your name on it. Jealous!!

kien 06-22-2010 01:07 AM

More likely you will never see the fish save for feeding time. The are very very timid and will probably hide all day long. Was at Tai's and he mentioned his on several occasions but for the entire afternoon that I was there I never once saw that angel :lol:

Beautiful fish tho.. tempted to get one myself as there are a few of them in the city at various stores right now.

Zoaelite 06-22-2010 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 529441)
More likely you will never see the fish save for feeding time. The are very very timid and will probably hide all day long. Was at Tai's and he mentioned his on several occasions but for the entire afternoon that I was there I never once saw that angel :lol:

Beautiful fish tho.. tempted to get one myself as there are a few of them in the city at various stores right now.

If he is by himself in a 60g I would hope that he is out a little more often, couldn't resist the purchase as it has to be one of the nicest dwarfs I have ever seen.

fishytime 06-24-2010 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by zoaElite (Post 529458)
If he is by himself in a 60g I would hope that he is out a little more often, couldn't resist the purchase as it has to be one of the nicest dwarfs I have ever seen.

We've got a bonded pair at RC right now.......keeping in topic with the poll......I wold love to put the pair of Goldens in my soon to be clam tank:twised:

fishoholic 06-30-2010 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 529997)
We've got a bonded pair at RC right now.......keeping in topic with the poll......I wold love to put the pair of Goldens in my soon to be clam tank:twised:

FYI my dwarf angel didn't care about the clam I had, it was my CBB that thought it was yummy! On a side note I'd love to put a seahorse with my fu man chu, but since it's only a 20g I think it would be a very bad idea.

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