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Coleus 06-15-2010 08:53 PM

Wow. someone rescue these fishes

3 tang and a trigger in that 28 gallon tang is just like a jail cell with 4 inmates

Joe Reefer 06-15-2010 09:10 PM

WOW that can't be real.

ponokareefer 06-15-2010 09:11 PM

How have they lived?

lastlight 06-15-2010 09:12 PM

I doubt that's real. Be ichSoup.

fishoholic 06-15-2010 09:15 PM

It's sad to see that, and worse to think it could be real and probably is. Some people just don't know how wrong that is while others seem not to care :cry:

whatcaneyedo 06-15-2010 09:22 PM

The first tank I bought was from our local bargin finder. It was a 20gal with a medium size volitan lionfish, green wolf eel blenny, tomato clown, and saddleback puffer. I promptly moved them all into a 48gal... I'm sure that ad is quite real.

gobytron 06-15-2010 09:36 PM

I dunno...
seems fishy.

Zoaelite 06-15-2010 09:47 PM

.... can anyone explain to me which moronic LFS sold them all of it? The lengths people will go to make a dollar is actually disgusting...

lastlight 06-15-2010 09:50 PM

People buy from all over and from other reefers. Don't think you can assume an LFS is to blame.

Either Adobe or poor choices by a noob are to blame here and I'm leaning towards the latter now...

Coleus 06-15-2010 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by zoaElite (Post 527675)
.... can anyone explain to me which moronic LFS sold them all of it? The lengths people will go to make a dollar is actually disgusting...

Levi, you seem not in a good mood today, huh ? :-) Well not all LFS selling the fish will ask what tank size you have :-), they prefer not too. I just surprise that these three fishes can still do well accordingly to the picture

Megalodon 06-15-2010 09:54 PM

It might be a joke but either way I sent the 'seller' a message telling him how ashamed he should be of himself. It was pointy-worded. That should teach him!

Zoaelite 06-15-2010 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 527680)
People buy from all over and from other reefers. Don't think you can assume an LFS is to blame.

Either Adobe or poor choices by a noob are to blame here and I'm leaning towards the latter now...

Sorry Brett should of restated that, which "moronic person" sold them those. If I ever release a fish into someone else's care the first thing I do is ensure that it is going to a good home. I see faults on both sides, the reason I was leaning towards the LFS is because of the pristine condition of the biocube and that it's on Kijiji and not canreef.

It looks like someone had an impulse buy, didn't do there research and now is trying to get out. Formalities aside anyone have room for these fish?


Levi, you seem not in a good mood today, huh ? :-) Well not all LFS selling the fish will ask what tank size you have :-), they prefer not too. I just surprise that these three fishes can still do well accordingly to the picture
Haha, Na just me being my overly opinionated self like usual :lol:. I'm surprised also that regal must be going crazy!

sitandwatch 06-15-2010 10:39 PM

I sent them an email for just the fish as I may have some room.

Megalodon 06-15-2010 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by sitandwatch (Post 527703)
I sent them an email for just the fish as I may have some room.

LOL, I imagine he'll write back saying the fish have to go with the tank.

sitandwatch 06-15-2010 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Megalodon (Post 527709)
LOL, I imagine he'll write back saying the fish have to go with the tank.

Ya that would not happen, unless they knock about $600 bucks off

macky 06-15-2010 11:09 PM

I hope someone in Calgary can save these fish and explain to this guy that he has made some poor decisions while stocking this tank.
I wonder how long all those fish have been in there together. My guess is a few days. Otherwise I think it would be more of a fish soup than a fish tank.

kevNnic 06-15-2010 11:39 PM

thats horrible, that poor tang is damn near the size of the tank!!

Delphinus 06-16-2010 04:10 AM

Were there pictures or something? I don't see a fish list or pictures, just info on the tank now. Guessing the ad has been edited...

Chaloupa 06-16-2010 04:20 AM

Yeah there was a picture.....that was sure fast to get it changed! I bet there were a few messages sent along to that seller!!!

Gaffer 06-16-2010 04:21 AM

There were pics but they seem to be gone. There was also a list of livestock.

I thought the picture was a photoshop when I first saw it but upon closer inspection I think it was real. The blue tang was huge, and looked pretty good considering the bioload in the tank.

Someone must have the pics in thier cache.


kien 06-16-2010 04:23 AM

:lol: leave it to canreefers to flame a kijiji post!

It was a terrible picture though.. A giant regal tang in a tank only double his length! Plus a purple tang and a few other fish in there.. With live rock! :(

Coleus 06-16-2010 05:44 AM

Guys, I am asking someone to rescue not bashing the guy. Who knows, it may be not his fault because some bad LF staff told him it is ok.

Anyway, picture is better than thousand words

Leah 06-16-2010 01:26 PM

Incredible :wink:

gobytron 06-16-2010 01:43 PM

It's honestly bad enough that we pull these animals out of their natural habitats (captive bred excluded) and put them into glass cells for our own guilty pleasure regardless of your tank size or how great of a keeper you are...

What the owner of this tank is doing is really only marginally worse than what we all do but it still bugs me to see for some reason.

Gaffer 06-16-2010 02:27 PM

I happened to have the original post open when I went to work today.

Here is the original text.

JBJ i- I28g Nano Cube HQI ncludes:
150 watt HQI – 14K lamp, cooling fans, 266 gph Accela Pumps,
removable transparent filter basket ,wavemaker,designated heater column, (4) Nite-Vu LEDs with its’ own power supply.
**1 large blue tang, 1 purple tang, 2 clown flsh, 1 chocolate tang, 1 dragon goby (sand sifter), and 1 blue jaw trigger fish (reef safe) .....have about 20 lbs of live rock and about 10-15 lbs of live sand in the tank. There are a few soft corals...a leather and a huge kenya. There is also a Christmas rock in the tank

Where are the tang police when you need them.


Kryptic4L 06-16-2010 09:22 PM

pfft the aquarium game on facebook says this tank is understocked and needs more TANGS!

Zoaelite 06-16-2010 09:25 PM

Oh god, I should of been saving all my anger for FACEBOOK and not for the LFS's haha.

gobytron 06-17-2010 07:48 PM

wtf is facebook?

Megalodon 06-17-2010 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by gobytron (Post 528325)
wtf is facebook?

Where have you been these last couple years? LOL.

kien 06-17-2010 08:49 PM

no kidding, do you live in a cave? Seriously man.. facebook is a book with your face on it. duh!

gobytron 06-17-2010 09:14 PM
pretty sure you're thinking of playgirl....

liz_au 06-18-2010 04:43 AM

Hey guys I work in a fish store here and there is NO WAY we would let anyone walk out of our store with a tang, for a tank like that.
Problem is though, you get know-it-all, but know-nothings, coming in claiming that they want tangs, nemoes, seahorses and corals ALL IN THE ONE LITTLE TANK. you spend an HOUR explaining to them exactly how to do things, and what each animal requires to keep it, and how they can only have one or two of the things they want in any one tank, and you send them off with some live rock to start, and tell them you will see them in a few weeks after they have done some more homework.
Next thing you know the person is back less than a few days later asking for some fish, you explain AGAIN how the system works, and that they need to wait for everything to mature, and they let something out like "but the other fish i put in there yesterday aren't dead yet!" This happens more often than you would think.
It breaks my heart but some people are their own worst enemy, they learn exactly what to say to a store in order to get what they want on the day, with absolutely NO forethought of the animals well being.
Very few store owners, and even less store workers, are in it for the money. And even if they were, its not in their best interests to sell people things they aren't equipped to look after because it would only ever result in angry customers and a lot of money lost in returned products and refunds.
Sorry for my rant, but I hate being blamed because some selfish heartless people see animals as possessions, not living beings.

muck 06-18-2010 05:29 AM

on a side note... WELCOME TO CANREEF LIZ!!! :biggrin::biggrin:

liz_au 06-18-2010 01:49 PM

Ha ha, thanks, way to make a first impression eh?

muck 06-18-2010 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by liz_au (Post 528532)
Ha ha, thanks, way to make a first impression eh?

I know exactly where you are coming from and agree with you. What all LFS's want are repeat customers and a quick impulse sale of a fish/coral to an ill equipped tank rarely facilitates that.

P.S. What part of Oz are you from?

Chaloupa 06-18-2010 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by liz_au (Post 528458)
Hey guys I work in a fish store here and there is NO WAY we would let anyone walk out of our store with a tang, for a tank like that.
Problem is though, you get know-it-all, but know-nothings, coming in claiming that they want tangs, nemoes, seahorses and corals ALL IN THE ONE LITTLE TANK. you spend an HOUR explaining to them exactly how to do things, and what each animal requires to keep it, and how they can only have one or two of the things they want in any one tank, and you send them off with some live rock to start, and tell them you will see them in a few weeks after they have done some more homework.
Next thing you know the person is back less than a few days later asking for some fish, you explain AGAIN how the system works, and that they need to wait for everything to mature, and they let something out like "but the other fish i put in there yesterday aren't dead yet!" This happens more often than you would think.
It breaks my heart but some people are their own worst enemy, they learn exactly what to say to a store in order to get what they want on the day, with absolutely NO forethought of the animals well being.
Very few store owners, and even less store workers, are in it for the money. And even if they were, its not in their best interests to sell people things they aren't equipped to look after because it would only ever result in angry customers and a lot of money lost in returned products and refunds.
Sorry for my rant, but I hate being blamed because some selfish heartless people see animals as possessions, not living beings.

I so totally agree Liz. Thank you for saying it. I also work in a fish store and end up with many UNHAPPY customers because I won't sell them a large Mandarin for their 14 gallon biocube, or a Purple Tang for their 34g RSM. But in the end we get blamed...because that's easiest and there are some, but in my opinion FEW, the will sell whatever fish or coral just to sell it.

BlueWorldAquatic 06-18-2010 03:42 PM

It's not the small LFS that are the concern. I refuse to sell a lot at my store to people if they don't have the proper setup.

Its like 20 questions when I get a new customer in, they almost feel like I'm stalking them somethimes. :twised:

Anyone that know me, knows I know about your tank. muhahaha

It's the Box stores that sell everything and anything to the customer.

Ken - BWA

kien 06-18-2010 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 528560)
It's not the small LFS that are the concern. I refuse to sell a lot at my store to people if they don't have the proper setup.

Its like 20 questions when I get a new customer in, they almost feel like I'm stalking them somethimes. :twised:

It is for this reason that I certainly do not envy fish stores. It must be very difficult to walk that fine line between running a profitable business while at the same time telling a lot of people that they can't buy something in your store.

I'm sure you get tonnes of wide eye people into the store that just want to jump right into it because they saw one of your awesome display tanks, or a friends tank, or Finding Nemo. They want this and that and ooo, look, a Moorish Idol, I saw that on Finding Nemo! (as my son would say), want it! These are the people that you want because they are eager, excited and interested, but unfortunately, you have to dash their hopes and crush their dreams by telling them that they have to spend 3 weeks to a month first cycling their tank, then adding a clean up crew, then some damsels, then maybe some clowns and other small fish and that's it, they are done. Or you have to have the other tough conversation with them about getting a larger tank than they originally had planned which means larger skimmer, lights, $$$$$$$.. Ouch! Just so that they can keep that one tang that they saw from Finding Nemo. You want to keep them interested and excited, yet teach them and start them off on the right foot. Ya, a tough business.

BlueWorldAquatic 06-18-2010 05:11 PM

The "wide eyed" customers are the easy part, they are willing to learn, and they learn to be disappointed for the cost, time & work required.

I guess that is why "maintence" is so profitible right now.

The hard ones are the ones that won't listen or consider new advice, for those, I just recommend a "box" store so their opinions won't be challenged.

We are all learning, newer technologies, biological information, etc... I'm the first to admit I don't know it all, and not ashamed to tell the customer I'll look into it.

And I think most regular customers respect that from smaller LFS.

There is a vast amount of information out there online, but how much of it works for you?

One customer comes to mind, which is a regular also, they wanted a small passer angel for a RSM250, we refused to order one in for him, and explained why we wouldn't sell it if we had one. So he went to a BOX store and paid $100+ for it, 3 weeks later it died. Hate to see stuff like that.

Ken - BWA

Jfish 06-18-2010 05:22 PM

Yeah I don't think smaller LFS are to blame at all. Im sure customers get turned away because they don't have the right setup fairly often. Any good store tries to help and inform customers so they can have a successful aquarium and keep the customer coming back. But, in larger centers I think it would be pretty easy to repeat said information at another store or find one that might not ask as many questions until they get what they want.

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