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Steve's Tank Build
5 Attachment(s)
I thought i would finally start a thread showing my progress of my new 120 gallon build. So far i have ordered my 120 gallon tank, ordered my Aquamedic 48" dual 250W with dual TFs light, got a Scwd for alternating flow, DIY 40 gallon sump, Oceanrunner 3500 return pump, Eshoppes skimmer, and about 45 pounds of new live rock.
Currently I have a 27 Gallon AA bow front tank running a fluval 304 set up. It has the crapiest lighting known to man..a single bulb T8..ouch..ugh. In this tank i have about 35-45 pounds of Liverock and about 35 pounds of live sand. I have 2 Golden Headed Sleeper Gobies, Cleaner Wrasse, 3 blue green Chromis, 1 scooter blenny, 1 cleaner shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 green featherduster, 1 coco hawaian feather duster, and of course my cleanup crew of snails and hermits. And thanks MedHatReefer..aka...Rod.. Biggest help ever..i have learned so much from this guy and has helped me out the entire way so far and i look forward to the continued help. On with the Pics.................. 27 AA tank http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7511.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7512.jpg cleaner shrimp http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7513.jpg golden headed sleeper gobie http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7081.jpg 27 again http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7299.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7309.jpg a piece of rock my sis brought me back from Cuba..shh dont tell anyone...haha http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7312.jpg more photos to come..thanks for looking so far |
More photos :)
Ok now that i have this photo thing figured out ( thanks griz)
here are some photos of the stand and sump so far bare 40 gallon tank http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7497.jpg glass from the local capital glass store http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7501.jpg drawing in the lines for the baffles http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7503.jpg taping everything in making sure it is square and where i wanted it, dont judge, this is my first time doing anything with silicone and glass..haha.. all in all i think it went good though http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7506.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7507.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7508.jpg so i thought that i could use this to get into tight spaces...haha..it didnt work so well but i gotr done http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7509.jpg finished product..im pretty happy with myself http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7514.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7515.jpg rock waiting to go in the new tank http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7510.jpg so i got a bit ansy waiting for the new tank and didnt want allot of die off...so i came up with this http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7520.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7521.jpg i put the rock awaiting the new tank in the sump tank with some out of my tank to help it cycle a bit.. i have the return just running from one side of the sump to the other for flow and then i have the skimmer in the middel chamber helping to pull any die off out of the water minimizing the impact the new rock will have on the new tank when all the rock goes in together. ok the stand..i dont have the 3d renedered drawing as a photo file yet but ill try to get it for you guys maybe by tommorow...basically the stand will be ur typical 2x4 2x6 construction with a really nice face and side topped with a granite inlayed top..i work at a cabinet shop as a designer...haha..oh ya im a drafting engineer....lol.. anyways here are the photos http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7522.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7523.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7524.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7525.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7526.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7527.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7528.jpg extra wood...hmmm..what can i do with this... http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7529.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7530.jpg so i built a stand for my 33 that this build was originally about...haha..what can i say..i got a job and decided to go big..haha http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7531.jpg so there they both are..all painted and good to go... 33 is already in use as my temp tank while i await the new 120..more pics soon..stay tuned |
Nice work on the stands. Can't wait to see it all come together.
Lookin good Steve ;)
hahah and I LOVE how innovative you are hahah Especially the dvd cases to help hold the glass in place. I love it :) |
ok, update...
here are a couple pics of the temp tank holding my cycled live rock and my fishies..haha...oh and a couple pics as promised of the new tank http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/IMG00072.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/IMG00083.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/IMG00086.jpg marking out the holes for the herbie overflow http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/IMG00087.jpg and of cource....as needed by everyone building a 100 gallon or bigger.... http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/IMG00088.jpg i couldnt resist.....haha..hope anyone who is following along enjoys my stupidity...more photos to come as progress slowly makes its way |
i did run into one problem though, i found that because of how i made the stand i had to turn one of the 2x4 inner legs due to the overflow...otherwise i would have had like a 15" wide by 6" overflow...and that just wouldnt do..so i have moved the 2x4 and now the overflow will only be roughly 12.5" x6"..hey its only 2.5"...but think of how much more coral i can add ...haha...maybe one or two pieces if im lucky...well the tank gets drilled tomorrow so wish me luck..oh any suggestions on the height of glass i should order for the over flow??? the internal measurements from inside to inside is 24"...should i go with like 22.5" you think?? im running a ocean runner 3500 which will put out 3500L/hr or roughly 1000 gallons per hour at aprox 4' of head...any thoughts or advice would be apreciated
Do you have a stock wish list yet? |
Not 100% sure yet, i really want a yellow tang and a sailfin or blue hippo tang.... the tank will gradually become full of coral....not entirely sure as to what...im kinda taking suggestions at this point from anyone wanting to give them.. it will be a mixed tank of sps and lps...for the first while mostly softies, zoas and shrooms for the most part... i will get into some more impressive corals and fish after i get the tank stable for sure...and ideas as to what or how i should do this are welcome.. thanks for the reply and good wishes so far guys :) |
so tank is all drilled and i now have the glass to do the overflow..if i can get the top piece for the stand tommorw maybe ill be able to get the overflow installed and the tank on the stand...ill update asap with any new changes...oh and i guess my light wont be in for about another 2 weeks so ill have to work on figuring something out in the mean time or have to push the date of completion back a couple weeks :( well thats all for now..have a good one guys
so... nothing new to report except because the light wont be in for a couple extra weeks i have decided to take the long weekend and relax and enjoy the local stampede. On the plus side my stand should be done sometime in the next couple days :) im excited to show you all what i have put allot of time into. its turning out really awesome... tty all lata
Hopefully you have taken pictures as you went and can show us a build and not just the finished product... but pictures of the finished product are better then no pictures at all :D!
well i would love that, but unfortunetly because my shop is helping me its kinda hard to get pics without answering a whole bunch of stupid questions... but i will try to take picturs of it all going together from pieces to finish. i dont know who is goin to help me with the granite install yet... haha but i hope my boss will... cause im not very experienced with two part epoxy and stuff so.... ya we will leave that part to the pros haha.... but that leaves my hands free for a camera ;) so ill do my best....
also love the pic that shows the four legged starfish hahah thats awesome.
So here are a couple new pics of supplies and the making of the overflow for the tank
So i thought that i would add some new pics and info about the progress of the tank, as im sure you can all tell by now im not big on typing so...here are some new pics
I painted the back of the tank with the advice of Med Hat reef guy....turned out pretty good i think http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7568.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7567.jpg my new 1 1/2" gate valve :) http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7566.jpg my new power center for the tank http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7558.jpg 1 1/2" bulk heads..all ready to go in the almost done overflow :P http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7572.jpg i decided to build the overflow on top of the stand before putting it in the tank to ensure that its actually square ..haha..im really hoping doing it this way doesnt come back to haunt me tommorow when installing it in the tank http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7569.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7573.jpg a couple pics of the finished job.. http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7570.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7571.jpg i have decided to clad the glass with 3mm grey/black tinted acrylic so you cant see in the overflow as bad from the front http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7579.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7578.jpg and although i got the acrylic for the fronts i opted to go with a premade overflow comb that just gets siliconed into the inside of the overflow...one really big benifit i see to this is that it is adjustable so i can make it higher or lower to make the height of the water exactly where i would like it :) http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7574.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7575.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7577.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7576.jpg and just for the heck of it..here is a pic of a recent impulse buy..haha..its just a feather duster but i really liked it..to bad my gobies like to move it..lol http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...s/100_7559.jpg |
so a couple quick update photos
http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7585.jpg The newly installed overflow pre-acrylic facing http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7580.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7581.jpg getting the acrylic ready- used 60 grit sandpaper to make sure the bond to the glass is perfect and long lasting thats all for now...have to wait till tomorrow to post pics (hopefully) with acrylic installed on the front of the glass as well as the overflow combs and as a side not: if i don't post any updates for a bit its cause my car died and im now in the middle of a new purchase ...yay..and nay :(...haha :P... ill post new pics of the new car too if i get it..haha |
so here are some more photos of the overflow build...everything is in and awaiting un-clamping now :)... so tomorrow i should have pictures of the final product..here are the pics.enjoy..
http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7587.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7586.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7589.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7588.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7590.jpg oh and for you who have been following along..i did get my new car..just forgot to get a pic for you all ...maybe tomorrow |
as promised here are completed pics..enjoy
http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7591.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7594.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7592.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7593.jpg well im all done with the tank now till my finished pieces for the stand are completed...granite was being polished on friday when i was at work so hopefully tomorrow or tues i should have that..not that it does me any good with the stand not done :( ill update again soon |
Looks great. If I do build my own tank next time (and it's glass) then I'll definitely use some of your ideas, cause I can see you know what you are doing (or at least fake it really well :D)
alright, finally got the tank in the house and is sitting approx where it will end up.. bulk heads are in and im now just waiting for my panels to get sprayed so i can clad the stand. granite should be done really soon. ummm..well here are the pics...
http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7595.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7596.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7597.jpg i dont know how but i got super lucky...i hope nothing changes when i add water ... http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7598.jpg |
hahaha, ya i got really lucky...the tank is in the basement though and sitting basically on concrete so..i dunno... i got super lucky and im really happy about it...im glad after getting it all in i didnt have to monkey around with leg heights and shimming it...so far so good :) |
A slab is always a good place... if your stand is good you shouldn't have any problems about losing level.
well i built it so who know..haha.. im pretty sure it will be fine, it was engineered to hold like 5 times the forseen weight being put on it. Took awhile but i crunched the numbers and it will be more than sufficient.. :)..p.s. ur build is looking great
Nice a lava lamp! lol
haha, yep sure is... i think that thing is like 10 years+ old. i dont even know why its still here..haha..oh well its kinda cool i guess..LOL
ok, so i have made some progress this weekend on the tank. I have the tank in full of water and live rock.. skimmer is running powerheads in ,although im going to need more :( . carbon is in and all the plumbing is in and working great..totally quiet :) gotta love herbie overflows :P.... thanks Rod
well here are some pics of the progress http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...e/100_7599.jpg i put pond liner in the stand because its going to get wet in there..haha http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...e/100_7601.jpg adding the sand http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...e/100_7602.jpg mixing 120 gallons of saltwater in a 20 gallon bin takes about 2.5 days to do it properly..haha..fyi http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...e/100_7606.jpg skimmer running http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...e/100_7607.jpg overflow line and emergency line http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...e/100_7603.jpg the tank with rock in before aquascaping http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...e/100_7605.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...e/100_7612.jpg and then after aquascaping..hahaha http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...e/100_7614.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...e/100_7613.jpg My light hasnt came in yet so i hope it shows up soon..well thats all for now.. hope everyone is enjoying the pics not allot of replies yet...what u guys want to see??? |
Looks pretty good so far, my apologies if I missed it but what are you goint to use for lighting on that bad boy?
i will be using a 48" aquamedic oceanlight dual 250W metal halide with dual T5HO actinics
Really impressed with your overflow job. I know for a fact my skills decline to damn near zero when I have a flowing tube of silicone in my hand!
How do you plan to skin the stand? Are you doing a canopy I don't recall reading about that. |
If you don't have a refugium you can turn it in to one once you get a carbon reactor. They actually don't work too bad, a freind did that to his Aquaclear. Check this out.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9miXlQQ31v0 |
ya i have thought about that but i also dont have enought room once the doors get installed anyways..kinda messed up by making the stand so short... if god had given me longer legs this wouldnt have been the case.. :P
Looking great!! What are your stocking plans?
Still not sure on the stocking plans...dont have a planned nailed down.. i have a bit of a fish wish list :P but for coral ill be taking it slow and learning by trial and error...haha best way to learn i find.. but i have some new photos for u all... a bit blurry but ill try to get some better pics soon i promise...here they are
http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7615.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7616.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7619.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7617.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7623.jpg http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...3/100_7624.jpg |
I like the aquascape it gives lots of holes to hide in :D
ya its not bad, the new guy came over and helped me, thanks Justin.. best brother in-law ever...... now that i can see in it though i do want to make some passage ways through to the other side so the fish will be able to swim from both sides of the tank and still be viewed while still leaving ample hiding spaces, also want to make sure there are lots of ledges where coral can go.... god i cant wait for my new light haha..thanks for all the input..keep it coming.. its appreciated :)
on a side note...would anyone be interested in a directional book on building your own tank stand and canopy? im toying with the idea of writing one..and no i wont make the stands in the book short like mine :P just want to see if there is even an interest out there????
Oh and feel free to do different kinds of tanks/overflows/etc. Don't forget to do up directions for a corner tank :) I think you should just do up an entire DIY book for Justin and I :) hahah |
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