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trinac 06-08-2010 04:29 AM

My Tanks! Well, My Attempt!
I figured the tank been running long enough to feel confident to now share the glory!!! haha just kidding. I am just scratching the surface of this fantastic hobby. I decided to start small in the saltwater world and set up a 30 something gallon mini reef, with big brother in the basement on the way. I wanted to make my mistakes on a smaller scale for the sake of convenience and cashflow. I can't say I've made any horrid mistakes, I read books, but already know what I am going to do differently for the big tank. #1 Not buying any fish unless its on "the list", instead of getting a fish to just put in the tank. #2 trap pests before I put in my stuff. #3 coral dip!? yes please.

The 30 something gallon
* It has too many fish, nothing new there. Before anyone goes haywire there are a couple baby fish (that grow relatively large) that will go into big brother, so don't even worry about it. haha I also do have the nicest maroon clown ever, no big deal.
* SPS frags - digi's, milli, acro, birdnests
* LPS - bubble, pink brain, red brain, candycane's
* mushrooms
* ricordia (made a baby! hooray!)
* peppermint shrimps, skunk cleaner shrimp
* pink / yellow cucumber
* orange / green / purple multicolor linckia
* pink emerald crab
* cleaner crew - astrea, turbo, mexican turbo snail, hermit crabs
* nasties - live rock crabs, bristleworms, bit of cyano

I use DI water and IO salt. I like Elos test kits the best but also have a couple Salifert and API.

Bigger Brother!! Not 300g or anything, but big enough. Nearly there for equipment but I am thinking of doing a bit different of configuration for tank dimension. Am thinking something along the lines of 48"W x 30"D x 25"H. I don't completely understand how sumps work yet, but it will have a sump as well. I am not a huge fan of the hang on everything that I have on my 30G. Plus, having a place to keep macroalgae and nasties is ideal as well.

My favourite stores I frequent are Red Coral, Gold's and Ocean City.

I have met a few of the canreefer's and look forward to your feedback, advice, and look forward to meeting more of you along the way. Now you all play nice here or I'll have to smack a ***** :lol:

Pictures another day!

trinac 06-12-2010 02:50 AM

Alright, change in plans already. Going with medium brother next, 90G. I have all the equipment parts now. This will allow me to have my cake and eat it too or whatever. I can keep the custom build plans flexible as the basement gets renovated. It WILL actually get renovated as its not coming out of my fish budget... comes out of bf's budget. :lol: Next is just sand, salt and rocks. Probably in a few weeks, gotta get my biking pass for Kicking Horse right now, and possible motorhome fix up!

Hopefully can put up pictures this evening, no idea where bf has put the camera...

Delphinus 06-12-2010 03:36 AM

All I hear is blah blah blah blah no pictures blah blah blah going to Kickinghorse and you're not blah blah blah. :lol:

Have a good ride, come home in mostly one piece!!!! Wish I were out there with ya.

Ryanst 06-12-2010 03:51 AM

Yeah definately need some pictures. lol

trinac 06-12-2010 04:47 AM

haha fine fine, I guess I have to figure it out now. I wonder if I embed it will work?

Attempt Brain #1

Attempt Brain #2

The Grizz 06-12-2010 05:07 AM

The easiest way to post pics is to use photobucket.

Wingin It 06-12-2010 05:09 AM

try opening your pic file in Paint and then re-size it to 25% of original or something and then try uploading...or you can upload to a site like and imbed :)
Sweet little tank btw. I'm envious!

trinac 06-12-2010 05:26 AM

Okay, here's some older pictures, but it'll give you an idea of whats going on.

Here's my currently tank approved crab

Blue / Brown Candycane - since had a little accident - red brain trumps candy 1:0, a couple polyps gonzo, but the rest is still good.

The Bubble - he's showing his good side, had a bit of transport damage in the middle, but is doing pretty good otherwise

Blue Galaxy Clam - its pretty cool, I have him sitting on a small rock so I can move him around if needed. It also has a small coral growing on the side of its shell

FTS as of May 21, its changed quite a bit since even this picture, and is pretty full right now, hello 90G.

Red Brain - he's now front and center in the sand and happy there

lastlight 06-12-2010 05:29 AM

Looking full huh? Well you can raise the water level a few inches still and cram a whole lot more in I'm thinkin' =)

trinac 06-12-2010 05:33 AM

Okay, hopefully you can see those! Have a good weekend canreefers! I'll post some new pics on Sunday, when I am back from my insanely awesome biking trip!! haha just kidding Tony, but the next trip is in 2 weeks so maybe see if that fits in your schedule.

trinac 06-12-2010 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 526759)
Looking full huh? Well you can raise the water level a few inches still and cram a whole lot more in I'm thinkin' =)

Haha just wait for the new pics... :redface:

And the tank is like 20 years old (serious - was my grandpa's! haha) so I am afraid to bring the water level up further!! :razz:

lastlight 06-12-2010 05:38 AM

Was he having troubles keeping it up?

The Grizz 06-12-2010 05:41 AM

From what I saw today your tank is so so full and is looking good but once you move out some of the Birdsnest frags you would have some more room. Everything you have in there would look great in the 90 with room to grow.

trinac 06-12-2010 01:34 PM

Haha yes, a few more people dropped by yesterday to pick up pieces. And you got it! Quite a few of those corals will be going to the bigger tank too! The 30g purpose is a frag grow op really. Haha. I still want to keep the 30 in the office, makes me want to spend time in there and I sometimes work too. :)

Leah 06-12-2010 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 526766)
Was he having troubles keeping it up?


:wink: One must wonder if that mean's you can relate? Feeling sorry for you now. :redface:

ALBERTA REEF 06-13-2010 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 526807)

:wink: One must wonder if that mean's you can relate? Feeling sorry for you now. :redface:

Gees lady! Can't you keep it out of the gutter!:lol:

lastlight 06-13-2010 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 526807)
Feeling sorry for you now. :redface:

HOW SORRY? :neutral:

trinac 06-14-2010 03:48 AM

Biking was flippin awesome!! I'll put up some pics in the misc section.

Here are some pics of my tank from today! :smile:

Couple corals

Cucumber - I feed him zooplankton directly

A new and better pic of clammy

A nice, close up of red brain

A couple zoa's, they are growing nicely!

trinac 06-14-2010 04:38 AM

DH link
Link to DH biking pics!

fishytime 06-14-2010 04:38 AM

wow've got some nice stuff there:biggrin:......can we harass you for a FTS?

trinac 06-14-2010 04:45 AM

:razz: Ya, FTS soonish

Coleus 06-14-2010 07:05 AM

Hope to see your new build soon. Again, thank you for bringing me the frags from Medhat.


trinac 06-14-2010 03:12 PM

Not a problem at all! :smile: I am excited for the 90 too. Next up is rocks & sand!! Who has some for free?!!? lol

trinac 06-19-2010 04:55 AM

I now have my rocks & sand for the 90! Will start filling it with water on Sunday, not entirely looking forward to that task... haha

Here are some more pics of my current tank along with a few new corals that I purchased from Gold's!! They just got a sweet shipment in, wish I had room for more right now!!

My favorite SPS - a frag from Argentiner. Picture doesn't do it justice! Has nice long polyps with bright white / green ends.

Neon green candycane, ricordea, & green mushroom

Maroon hiding in his favourite spot! So cute in there

Some nice growth on my birdsnests, left from Fishytime, right from Argentiner.

Not a good spot for the blenny... jeez, I gotta get a cover for that! He doesn't go in while its running, thankfully! This is also the only fish who bites me

Corner of the tank. New coral is top right!

Closer pic of the new coral from Gold's

Having a swim

New blasto from Gold's

FTS of my menagerie

trinac 06-22-2010 04:15 AM

The 90 is now 1/3 full of water! yay! But its going to be a nasty cycle though, the sand and rock are not so live... oh well

Leah 06-22-2010 12:07 PM


What type of cucumber is that? Never seen anything like it before around here.


globaldesigns 06-22-2010 04:11 PM


I gotta say very nice, great work!!!

SAMSHUNG 06-22-2010 07:10 PM

Equipment list ?

Also how long did you have your tank up before adding the Green Mandrin?

trinac 06-23-2010 01:04 AM

Hi Leah, the cucumber is a pink hawaiian knobby I think? Fishytime or Kevin might have a better idea, I bought it from Red Coral. It found a nice spot on the front glass that it likes and filterfeeds. I spot feed it pretty much everyday with zooplankton, and when its lucky it catches mysis pieces.

Thanks Rick!

Equipment list:
Remora protein skimmer
XP1 filtration system (I clean it once / week)
4 x T5 lighting system
Koralia 1
Koralia evo 750
Ebo Jager 100 heater

I think thats about it...

And I added the dragonet a few months after the tank was set up. Probably a little early but it also eats mysis as well as the copepods.

Leah 06-23-2010 12:29 PM

Thanks Trina,

I am in love with your cucumber, Lol :biggrin:
Do you plan on moving everything into the 90 when it has cycled? And if not what are your plans for the new tank? :wink:

trinac 06-23-2010 09:44 PM

The cucumber is neat I agree, but no you can't have it Leah... haha jk :lol:

I plan on moving a couple of the corals to the bigger tank and a couple of the fish. As the frags grow, I'll move them to the bigger tank, and if some look like they'd do better under metal halides they'll go to the big tank too. The 30g will let me grow up the various frags I purchase so they look slightly nicer than pegs when they go into the 90! :wink: I still want a mix of LPS and SPS in the 90.

Looking like it'll be filled up this evening and everything turned on!!

I almost forgot to mention, all of my fish are in quarantine right now. I skipped a crucial stage and put a fish in that looked great... ahh, well the quarantine tank is in use now with cupramine and all of the fish are doing fine. Except the blenny, who succumbed to ich quite quickly. Poor guy. The rest barely show signs, but a couple have a few spots.

Leah 06-23-2010 09:50 PM

:hurt: I can't believe I can't have him. You have caught the salty addiction I see. :wink:

trinac 07-22-2010 12:03 AM

Okay so summer has put the damper on things a bit! But, the tank is 10-4 a go, roger that. Everything is running bla bla. I have purchased a couple new tank buddies!! I have a Blue / Black Spotted Boxfish and a Watanabe Angel Fish at Gold's with my name on them. Just waiting on the fishies to be done with their quarantine tank then back to Gold's to throw these guys in there!!!

I have been waiting on one of those boxfish since January!

And the angel fish is too nice to pass up, here's the description from a website:
"Members of the genus Genicanthus are planktivores and will not bother corals or clams in the aquarium, making them the perfect reef angel. Not difficult to keep once acclimated. Keep only with very peaceful tankmates."
I also read that they stay on the smaller size (less than 6") and tolerate other angels too! :biggrin:

Delphinus 07-22-2010 12:20 AM

If I'm thinking of the right fish, I have always loved (and coveted) those blue spotted boxfish but tread carefully: there are several cases where they've kicked off and taken more or less the entire tank with them due to the toxins released. I myself was thinking "one day" I'll try one but maybe in a tank by himself.

Just a heads up in case you weren't aware of that aspect with that species!!! Not something you want to find out the hard way.

trinac 07-22-2010 02:46 AM

Yah, I think its the same fish. Kevin at Gold's has warned me, and then warned me again. :wink:

I will do my best to keep everyone happy and healthy!! Its the one fish though that I absolutely must have so I am taking my chances. I may have a different opinion of this decision at some point. But, we'll see!! :biggrin:

trinac 07-22-2010 08:50 PM

Just realized the fish have now been in the hospital tank for 30 days now! I guess I can start making preparations for them to return to their homes... thats awesome!!

I think the clown will go back to the office tank... as well as the Mandarin.

Two biggies definately to the basement tank...

What to do with the chromis.... flush em?! hahahha just kidding. Maybe I'll leave them in the quarantine tank till I decide.

Greenmaster 07-25-2010 06:23 AM

What is wrong with your chromis? Why do you want to get rid of them? Do they not play nice?

trinac 07-26-2010 04:54 AM

New fish are home and in the quarantine tank! I love the spotted boxfish SOOOO MUUCCHHH!!!!!!!! I just want to squish him! I love watching this fish, its so friggen adorable. Even the bf, who doesn't care that much for SW (gasp! I know) thinks its awesome. Both fish are eating already.

Nothing wrong with the chromis, but I only want 3 fish in my 30G, and already have two in there. I will get either a small dottyback, anthias, damsel, or wrass instead of the two chromis. Looking for a fish that will grow max 3" and dependent on type too. I don't want one that hides all the time or one that is aggressive - have a mandarin goby. So, the plan is to wait till the new guys are done quarantine, and then give away the chromis.

I'll shop for the last addition to the 30 later in August.

Greenmaster 07-26-2010 04:57 AM

We need pics!! :D
Don't get a damsel they are nasty fish.
I would probably get an anthas or a dottyback

Borbonius and Yellow Spotted
Yellow Assessor and Orchid Dottyback

trinac 07-30-2010 05:34 AM

Great fish suggestions! I saw a Yellow Assessor in the store today, its awesome. Don't have time to quarantine another fish right now though... Going on holidays pretty soon, out to the island actually for a bit, then to Whistler.

Here are a couple pictures of the new guys!

My favourite fish in the whole wide world:

Watanabe Angel

Couple pics of the 90G. Still a lot of work to do, but its up and running! I decided to do the rock work so the fish can have fun swimming in and through the rocks but still have lots of spots for coral. Going to get a bit more eventually, but this'll do for now.

Front, day lighting on:

Front, dusk lighting on:

No pic yet of night lighting yet.

Side and whats underneath:

Fish cave:

A nice, bright yellow toadstool. Got it at Big Al's, they have a few left but they are not doing very good, so if you want one you might be able to score a deal.

Picture of 30G now. Had to remove some rock for the quarantine tank, and had a couple losses from temp / alk issues. I have those under control now, so working on getting this one looking nicer again...

Green digi recovery and growth

Couple corals growth

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