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Norstar 06-05-2010 07:29 PM

Fine Dining Recipe for a Niger Trigger
Here's a recipe for a fine meal that your Niger Trigger will love!!!

1. Drive 45 minutes to your LFS
2. Purchase a Firefish
3. Pay lots of money - it's worth it!! :)
4. Drive home 45 minutes.
5. Coddle it on the way home.
6. Acclimate the Firefish for a least an hour.
7. Place in tank
8. Voila!! Dinner is served. The Niger Trigger will gobble it up in minutes! Yumm!

Next week's recipe: How to feed a Snowflake Eel -> Porcelain Crabs. Yumm, crabs!!

Mandosh 06-05-2010 08:22 PM

nice save on the typo

Norstar 06-05-2010 08:32 PM

I must pratest! Gevernment cencorship! Govarmemt sensorship!!! :)

christyf5 06-05-2010 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Norstar (Post 524852)
I must pratest! Gevernment cencorship! Govarmemt sensorship!!! :)

yep, we run a dictatorship on that particular fish spelling around here, that and angle fish. Oh and pretty much all of stircrazy's posts which I only half comprehend (he does get points for creative spelling though) :razz:

It could be worse, I bought a peppermint hogfish ($$$) one of the fish on my must have list, he lasted 2 days (one of those being in the overflow) before my candy hogfish killed him. I had no idea they weren't compatible (couldn't find any info saying they weren't, guess I didnt' look hard enough).

whatcaneyedo 06-06-2010 06:58 AM

That's strange... why would a modest size predator eat a little fish?

Sorry, couldn't help it. If its any consolation my 2' snowflake seems to have eaten the 3" yellow coris wrasse that co-existed with it for the past 4 months. I never saw it happen, the wrasse has just suddenly disappeared. But that wasn't as bad as watching my 6" volitan lionfish try to eat a 3" sailfin blenny. The thing only fit halfway into its mouth and then it spat it out.

fishoholic 06-06-2010 02:10 PM

That sucks, but lesson learned.

petlaur 06-06-2010 05:11 PM

Brings back bad memories of when my Niger took a big chomp out of the dorsal area of my clownfish. I had to eventually euthanize the clown.....mistakenly thought that Niger triggers wouldn't attack similar sized tankmates.:(

Norstar 06-06-2010 05:13 PM

So much for that Trigger being peaceful. Amazingly enough, he doesn't bother anyone else.

monocus 06-06-2010 07:48 PM

not as bad as when i first started reefing and bought a helfinger gobie(when i had more money than brains)-lasted 30 seconds-my male bird wrasse had a nice light snack

Norstar 06-07-2010 12:28 AM

Are the Niger Triggers (correct spelling this time, Christy!) notorious for devouring small fish? He is only about 4" long. Should I consider getting rid of him? It would be sad if I had to - he is one of my favourite fish!

monocus 06-07-2010 03:05 AM

niger trigger
my niger trigger was fine around my neon gobies and my chromises-1 1/2 " long

AHHope 06-07-2010 06:49 AM

i think everyone with predators has a story simmilar to this
mine involves a 5 inch tobacco basselet going missing and a banded cat shark with a fat belly

ReeferMush 06-07-2010 02:11 PM

I can agree with that, had a damsel in with and peacock mantis and a spearer mantis and the damsel lasted months until one day ....

untamed 06-07-2010 03:49 PM

I think it is pretty common that a new introduction (fish, shrimp) gets attacked/eaten within minutes of entering the tank. Something about their confusion...they are new/interesting...they don't know where to hide or how to behave...makes them subject to attack.

Once successfully introduced into the tank, they can often last quite a while.

kien 06-07-2010 04:11 PM

yup, been there, done that.. oops! Yet another reason why I like to add fish late at night after everyone has already gone to bed, or at least really tired and groggy.:biggrin:

JonT 06-07-2010 05:40 PM

I have one living nicely with a white cheek tang, 2 small clowns (1.5-2") a 2.5" 6 line, and a cardinal fish.

I make sure the pig is fed, and he leaves the snails, and other fish alone. When I add new fish I need to float the bag a long time. Once he can't eat the new fish from the bag, he gives up. I turn off the lights, add the new fish. One thing I learned is to be careful when lifting the bag... It is full of holes... I now double bag before dipping in the tank..... LOL

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