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sawman 04-16-2010 07:45 PM

hey canada
i was just wondering what your pet peeve is .mine is

BlueTang<3 04-16-2010 08:04 PM

mine is when my auto top off fails and floods my basement and destroys our tank

The Codfather 04-16-2010 08:06 PM

Mine is when your buddy's tank crashes and you have to take care of all his fish and coral!! Just jokin' Wes.

whatcaneyedo 04-16-2010 08:24 PM

Posts that butcher the English language with poor punctuation and sentence structure. Major spelling and grammar errors come a close second.

Seriously, this really bothers me. Normally I have the courtesy to not say anything but you did ask.

MikeInToronto 04-16-2010 11:16 PM

People who think the clown is the host in the clown/anemone relationship.
People who write, "My clownfish is "hosting in" my anemone." There is no such thing.
People who continue to write, "hosted in" even when they were previously corrected.

rayjay 04-16-2010 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by MikeInToronto (Post 511235)
People who think the clown is the host in the clown/anemone relationship.
People who write, "My clownfish is "hosting in" my anemone." There is no such thing.
People who continue to write, "hosted in" even when they were previously corrected.


As for complaining about topping off, well I've been topping off all my ten systems nightly for 17yrs now as I don't want the s.g. to change any more than it has to throughout the day.
It's not a pet peeve of mine though.
My biggest is the LFS employees lousy advice to hobbyists that I'm not allowed to correct or I get thrown out of certain stores If I'm caught.

DiverDude 04-16-2010 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo (Post 511196)
Posts that butcher the English language with poor punctuation and sentence structure. Major spelling and grammar errors come a close second.

Seriously, this really bothers me. Normally I have the courtesy to not say anything but you did ask.

+1 -Drives me buggy !

Samw 04-17-2010 12:09 AM

Using Fahrenheit instead of metric Celcius on a Canadian forum. Hehe. How ironic that the title of this thread is "hey Canada". :)

dsaundry 04-17-2010 12:21 AM

No real pet peeves, oh wait, crappy polititians, lousy drivers, ignorant people, the price of gas and oil, my teams not winning the championship, people who nag too much, tax's, lousy neighbours, lousy employee's, lousy customers, lousy delivery people, rude food servers, pushy salespeople, telemarketers, hospital food, lousy weather, people that have too many pet peeves..........:lol::mrgreen:

chwkreefer 04-17-2010 12:39 AM

I hate it when I make a deal to purchase some corals or frags from a seller and then they decide to sell them to someone else irregardless of the fact that the seller and myself had already made a verbal purchase agreement which includes specific coral(s), price and arrangements for pick up including the day for pick up.

Duffer2 04-17-2010 02:29 AM

Fish that refuse to be caught. Even after a long talk discussing with them why they need to leave the tank and relocate, they still refuse and hide in the rock like little chickens.

Reef_surfer 04-17-2010 03:57 AM

Buying equipment from second hand and they say "new,mint condition, nothing wrong" only to get home and it doesnt work i.e pumps not working, heaters failing, sumps,tanks cracking leaking.

if its broke, advertise it or throw it away

I know its always a risk though just a pet peeve

iansfishy 04-17-2010 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by Reef_surfer (Post 511287)
Buying equipment from second hand and they say "new,mint condition, nothing wrong" only to get home and it doesnt work i.e pumps not working, heaters failing, sumps,tanks cracking leaking.

if its broke, advertise it or throw it away

I know its always a risk though just a pet peeve

Amen, but dont complain on canreef, its all happy, happy time here!

The Grizz 04-17-2010 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by dsaundry (Post 511250)
No real pet peeves, oh wait, crappy polititians, lousy drivers, ignorant people, the price of gas and oil, my teams not winning the championship, people who nag too much, tax's, lousy neighbours, lousy employee's, lousy customers, lousy delivery people, rude food servers, pushy salespeople, telemarketers, hospital food, lousy weather, people that have too many pet peeves..........:lol::mrgreen:

+1 and must add customer's who take over 90 days to pay there bills.


Originally Posted by chwkreefer (Post 511253)
I hate it when I make a deal to purchase some corals or frags from a seller and then they decide to sell them to someone else irregardless of the fact that the seller and myself had already made a verbal purchase agreement which includes specific coral(s), price and arrangements for pick up including the day for pick up.

Have not had this problem but totally agree, when an agreement is made it should be kept.


Originally Posted by Reef_surfer (Post 511287)
Buying equipment from second hand and they say "new,mint condition, nothing wrong" only to get home and it doesnt work i.e pumps not working, heaters failing, sumps,tanks cracking leaking.

if its broke, advertise it or throw it away

I know its always a risk though just a pet peeve

This is a big one for me as well, bought a MAG 12 pump from a dude in Fort Mac and when it was time to run it, it was screwed.

soapy 04-17-2010 06:22 AM

Wow, blue sand!
My pet peeve is ridiculously over-saturated colour adjusted photos of corals that no longer have any resemblance to reality.

BC Mosaic 04-17-2010 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo (Post 511196)
Posts that butcher the English language with poor punctuation and sentence structure. Major spelling and grammar errors come a close second.

Seriously, this really bothers me. Normally I have the courtesy to not say anything but you did ask.

+ 1000 ad infinitum (sp?) :redface:

lockrookie 04-17-2010 08:39 AM

too all those whom dislike butchering the english sorry i sucked in school:)

my biggest annoyance is ppl selling things but never reply back. you know you where the first to reply or close to it. but they cant be bothered to tell you its sold or that you stink and they would rather sell it to someone else.

sniffles... i just wanna know dangit.. lol

bauder1986 04-17-2010 01:56 PM

Salt Creep

rayjay 04-17-2010 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Samw (Post 511247)
Using Fahrenheit instead of metric Celcius on a Canadian forum. Hehe. How ironic that the title of this thread is "hey Canada". :)

Some of us are so old that Fahrenheit is ingrained in us and Celcius can be very confusing.
While I'm old, I have some limited capacity to deal with both, but as most of my posting is done on threads dominated by americans, I've acquired the habit of posting degrees in Fahrenheit.
I guess that doesn't make much sense really in view of the fact I'm annoyed that the spell checkers on Firefox/and my computer don't give the option for Canadian english such as colour as opposed to color.

BlueWorldAquatic 04-17-2010 02:16 PM

Funny thing is we use "gallons" and "inches" still commonly in the aquarium world.


mark 04-17-2010 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by chwkreefer (Post 511253)
I hate it when I make a deal to purchase some corals or frags from a seller and then they decide to sell them to someone else irregardless of the fact that the seller and myself had already made a verbal purchase agreement which includes specific coral(s), price and arrangements for pick up including the day for pick up.

People that don't show up after PM and phone calls made to arrange times (and this has even been when giving away stuff). After a few times of sitting around and waiting, it's now first come first served unless I know the person.

mike31154 04-17-2010 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 511379)
Funny thing is we use "gallons" and "inches" still commonly in the aquarium world.


Very true, but with respect to gallons, we tend to use "US" gallons, rather than "Imperial" gallons, arrrr. So isn't it about time we booted the "Queen" off our money?? Monarchists, I look forward to your emails.....

Seamazter 04-17-2010 04:28 PM

Clownfish are not nemo fish!
Regal tangs are not dory fish.
My pet peeve.

SmallFry 04-17-2010 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by rayjay (Post 511377)
I'm annoyed that the spell checkers on Firefox/and my computer don't give the option for Canadian english such as colour as opposed to color.

Oh I hear you - drives me absolutely nuts. I'm British, so my spelling is more like the Canadian spelling. I apparently still say "tomato" wrong though :lol:


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 511379)
Funny thing is we use "gallons" and "inches" still commonly in the aquarium world.

Once you strip away the political stuff, people will generally use the most convenient unit for the task - feet, inches and gallons naturally fit for the scale of the average aquarium so measurements in feet and inches make more sense than in say, millimetres or a decimal value in metres.

In temperature there's not such a difference, so you see Celcsius and Fahrenheit being used depending on what people are more used to.

When confusion arises, I find Google is very handy for converting units, you just type in what you have and what unit you want it in.

e.g. "25C in kelvin" or "25C in F"

Funky_Fish14 04-17-2010 08:50 PM

Converting degrees C to Kelvins is easy, just add 273 to the value! (Or 273.149 if you really need to be accurate! Haha).

Degrees F is actually slightly more accurate per degree increase than celcius. For every degree change in F, it is only 5/9 of a degree change in celcius. Although the C scale is more chemically coordinated and makes more sense, the F scale is slightly more accurate by the degree (assuming the thermometer determining each change in degrees is accurate). Im not advocating the use of F, but I dont think its terrible. I use both anyways, but for the majority of calculation purposes I use C.

Dez 04-17-2010 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by mark (Post 511382)
People that don't show up after PM and phone calls made to arrange times (and this has even been when giving away stuff). After a few times of sitting around and waiting, it's now first come first served unless I know the person.

I had arranged 2 weeks in a row for someone to pick up a superman digitata that I was holding for them and it has been no show twice now. Very frustrating indeed....argh!!!!

NU-2reef 04-17-2010 09:03 PM

mine has to be reading/hearing people whine about what they don't like.... oh wait did i just do that:wink:

Zoaelite 04-17-2010 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by dsaundry (Post 511250)
No real pet peeves, oh wait, crappy polititians, lousy drivers, ignorant people, the price of gas and oil, my teams not winning the championship, people who nag too much, tax's, lousy neighbours, lousy employee's, lousy customers, lousy delivery people, rude food servers, pushy salespeople, telemarketers, hospital food, lousy weather, people that have too many pet peeves..........:lol::mrgreen:

Ahah :lol:

Samw 12-30-2010 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by SmallFry (Post 511414)
In temperature there's not such a difference, so you see Celcsius and Fahrenheit being used depending on what people are more used to.

What I find interesting is that most, if not all, of us (Canadians) use Celsius for measuring air temperature (all the Canadian weather forecasts/conditions use Celsius) but many Canadian aquarists find it easier or preferable to use F for measuring water temperature.

Lance 12-30-2010 01:31 AM

Pumps that don't start up again. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Skimmerking 12-30-2010 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by The Codfather (Post 511192)
Mine is when your buddy's tank crashes and you have to take care of all his fish and coral!! Just jokin' Wes.

So that who owned all the stuff in your tank when I brought you your Bubble king

Skimmerking 12-30-2010 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Samw (Post 577089)
What I find interesting is that most, if not all, of us (Canadians) use Celsius for measuring air temperature (all the Canadian weather forecasts/conditions use Celsius) but many Canadian aquarists find it easier or preferable to use F for measuring water temperature.

Yes Sam that is so true all I know that 78-79 is good

toytech 12-30-2010 01:43 AM

Im a mechanic and the thing that absolutly fricken kills me is "ever since...".No your tire didnt shread from that oil change , No your car made that squeak before i rotated the tires NOW CRAWL IN A HOLE AND DIE IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT ,IM A FRICKEN TRAINED PROFESIONAL ISINT THAT WHY YOU COME TO ME?
Oh ya the top of thing is kida annoying too .

lastlight 12-30-2010 01:48 AM

I live by the Fahrenheit, inches and feet. My mind can't handle metric unless I'm talking long distance then I use km lol.

- People who think DE is the same thing as HQI
- Cleaning my filter socks
- Bryopsis
- Edmonton

jorjef 12-30-2010 01:58 AM

People who can't admit fault, and go to great lengths to deflect.... Major personality flaw.

amoreira 12-30-2010 05:06 PM

- Global warming skeptics
- Alberta
- Aptasia
- Algae (with exception of macro in the sump and phytoplankton).

doch 12-30-2010 07:17 PM

People who come to Alberta to live and work, and then complain about it.

muck 12-30-2010 07:26 PM

- Brett

Zoaelite 12-30-2010 08:04 PM

Ignorance and stupidity.

Also I dislike spandex tight wrapping on new CD cases.

lastlight 12-30-2010 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by muck (Post 577324)
- Brett


Originally Posted by zoaElite (Post 577334)
Ignorance and stupidity

you guys read each other's minds!

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