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bauder1986 03-14-2010 05:35 PM

30 gallon Mixed Reef wonderland
All I can say is, good bye simple and hello future gadjets haha.

So, all thanks to Terry(themarineaprentice) for entering that nano contest and showing me how to build your own acrylic tank.

Watching this guy build his tank made me realize that this is so easy that I could definitly do my own and for only $85.00. So I got to thinking....and drawing....and more drawing....and some measuring....and some arguing with myself until finally I came to the conclusion that the perfect tank upgrade for me is a 20.25 x 20.25 x 11.75 cube tank with a nano style built in sump.

With these dimensions, i didn't really have to worry about light upgrades at the moment, but still gives me the opportunity to add a phosban reactor and all that shiny stuff to spend my money on :mrgreen:

So since no one on Canreef likes to read without have at least 10 pictures there :razz: I shall give you pictures.

....K so I guess you people can only have a few pictures because my internet is being gay....

bauder1986 03-14-2010 05:36 PM

oh and thanks to Greg(grizz) for letting me use his shop to build this thing till the wee hours of the night haha

Kryptic4L 03-14-2010 06:20 PM


Seriously though I love it. The scape is looking good. Just some clarity issues you need to fix.

Now go slap some mangroves in the back.

Flash 03-14-2010 07:03 PM

that looks awesome!!! good job!

fishytime 03-15-2010 02:51 AM

Looks great Josh!....hmmm.....*starts wondering about trading frags for tanks*

The Grizz 03-15-2010 03:06 AM

Hey what about me Doug, my shop, tool's, power and weldon 4. :razz:

fishytime 03-15-2010 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 501790)
Hey what about me Doug, my shop, tool's, power and weldon 4. :razz:

Josh, Terry and you Greg.....geez....I'd better get out the snips:wink:

The Grizz 03-15-2010 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 501796)
Josh, Terry and you Greg.....geez....I'd better get out the snips:wink:

fortunate for Terry & Josh I am sticking with LPS, Softies, shrooms, zoa's and of coarse CLAMS in my tanks for the mean time until I can figure out if I will be able to grow SPS in the new tank. :smile:

the marine apprentice 03-15-2010 04:44 AM

Oh I'm sure u will be able to grow sps just fine in the new tank Greg.
And Doug u have my number dude haha or would that turn into another not so budget add on lol

and Josh the tank looks good buddy way better then the old one

bauder1986 03-15-2010 06:28 AM

Alright here is some MOAR PIKTURES haha

And thanks all for the compliments, ill get better photos once all the coral is happy again after the tank change.

bauder1986 03-15-2010 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 501804)
fortunate for Terry & Josh I am sticking with LPS, Softies, shrooms, zoa's and of coarse CLAMS in my tanks for the mean time until I can figure out if I will be able to grow SPS in the new tank. :smile:

Dude, with those lights at that depth, i think you will have no prob with SPS.

bauder1986 03-15-2010 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 501786)
Looks great Josh!....hmmm.....*starts wondering about trading frags for tanks*

Trading frags eh? coooool ill start using some miracle grow to hurry up the process haha JK

the marine apprentice 03-15-2010 06:49 AM

i think doug was talking about tradeing his frags for a tank haha. or maybe i am wrong

bauder1986 03-15-2010 07:07 AM

ooorrr we are both right! haha:lol: no i see that now, i read that post way to quickly haha, well doug you buy the materials, make your box shape design and greg, terry and I will build it for you

Skimmerking 03-15-2010 11:06 AM

hey man love the tank. what is the back chamber for .

bauder1986 03-15-2010 06:45 PM

Thanks asmodeus, the back chamber was tossed in as a 'sump' of some sorts. its main porpuse is a spot to have my protein skimmer and future phosban reactor hang with out having thier pumps in the way of everything in my tank. I also have a heat in their, another pump and maybe a future refugium. It functions as a sump in every way possible but I kept it pretty simple. And in the mean time I can aquascape any way i want and not have to work around heaters, and pumps of skimmers and such.

superduperwesman 03-15-2010 07:49 PM

Yeah it looks good. Like the dimensions

bauder1986 03-15-2010 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by superduperwesman (Post 501974)
Yeah it looks good. Like the dimensions

Thx alot.

Yah shallow cubes are awesome, lots of room to play with and you dont need expensive lights for it. Though pretty soon here i plan on upgrading my 150 MH to a 4 or 6 bulb T5 set up just for the color spectrum.

BKTruong 03-15-2010 09:15 PM

Hey great frag tank! I noticed your halide has what seems to be LEDs hanging off of it? Could we see more pictures of what you did and how it looks on without the halide on such as its function at night?

bauder1986 03-16-2010 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by BKTruong (Post 501994)
Hey great frag tank! I noticed your halide has what seems to be LEDs hanging off of it? Could we see more pictures of what you did and how it looks on without the halide on such as its function at night?

yah for sure man, ill have to get my buddies camera though, my camera is toast :neutral: so be patient with me while i get photos of that up for you with a proper explanation.

bauder1986 03-16-2010 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by BKTruong (Post 501994)
Hey great frag tank! I noticed your halide has what seems to be LEDs hanging off of it? Could we see more pictures of what you did and how it looks on without the halide on such as its function at night?

K so I now have your answer and picture. I am using a auto LED that I found at walmart. one package comes with 4 LED in a strip that is wired together, so I bought two packages. Each LED has their own 3M tape on them for fastening and they run off of 12V power supply. I spliced the two string together and grabbed an old 120V to 12V cell phone charger plug-in and wired it all together and stuck all the LED on my MH and surprisingly the MH doesnt get hot enough to melt them

Ill try to get some decent night shots if I can for you....but in the mean time here are some frag pics.
oh and do try to ignore the open brain in the back of this pic, your not suppose to no about it yet haha

bauder1986 03-16-2010 11:09 PM

bauder1986 03-22-2010 07:31 PM

Alright you spoilled brats, you get more Reef Porn haha.

Anyhoo I slapped some Actinics together with a 2x24/39 W Glo Ballast and after almost a week of that with that piece of crap MH the coral colors are starting to get pretty sweet:razz: That is the starting process of me building my own 6 bulb t5 ho setup to rid me off that MH.

Also I decided to build my own phosban reactor / carbon thing out of a Marine Slim S10 over the top filter. The flow is really slow so the medium doesn't get pulverized. Im using Fluval Lab Series Phosphate Remover for Saltwater (about 4 grams or 5 cc) and Fluval lab series Opti-Carb for Saltwater (about 25 grams).

But yah I think theres 29 pics here soooo happy viewing and remember to clean up after your done looking haha:mrgreen:

bauder1986 03-26-2010 07:46 AM

Ok soo interesting couple of days. First off I found out why one of my acro colonies was dying, and it wasnt me! It was a a**hole fuzzy crab eating it. Thanks to Terry and his usual close scrutiny off my tank he found the little bugger munching away. Soo down the drain that one went and guess what???The acro is staying alive now and starting to oddly regain some of its lost flesh!

No the fun part, I rednecked a couple of 24W t5HO Actinics into my system 5 days ago or so, which got me appreciating the idea of a new light system. Well I was checking and cleaning the MH last night and i noticed that the bulb was nearing its life's end. Soo went onto the trusty ol' Ebay there and ordered a new bulb for it...good deal too 18 bucks for a 15000K HQIbulb shipped. And then I saw a 6 bulb T5HO light hood that can fit my tank.....for REEEAAALLL cheap. Well that's it im buying that this weekend.

Well woke up this morning and noticed that only the T5's were on and not the MH.....hmm well I guess my MH light over heard me talking about new bulbs and new lights and decided to off itself.....

So, running only Actinics, seems to be fine for now, gotta wait forever fr new MH bulb and also wait forever for new 6 bulb fixture....AWESOME!

And oh yah I have a half dead acro on my hands too but it looks like its coming back...

Just thought you should know.

bauder1986 04-01-2010 10:13 AM

Guess what people! Im a true blue DIY guy haha! Wanna know how? My first tank that I ever built....LEAKED:surprise:

So Yah I was sitting here at this computer thing playing Sim City for the hell of it and then I realized that I can hear the water from the built in sump trickling. And I thought to myself, well that aint right, I just filled that thing to the tits, I shouldnt be hearing any running water till tomorrow....So I turn around and look at it and I saw about and inch of water of missing! OH NO WHERE DID IT GO?!?! Oh wait...its on the f'ing floor!

Super stund Josh to the rescue! First thing to do Terry! He is focused and calm right now! He can think for me! LMAO So out comes the hidden stash of buckets, water jugs and styro containers and the trusty syphon hose. and the rescue op begins!

And good 'ol Terry(minor emphases on 'ol just for you buddy haha) shows up with more buckets and starts wipping stuff together and I went to pull the good ol' reliable ten gallon out of the deck and clean it up and get it ready. Short story even shorter, got everything transfered and safe.

So...with my landlord here which happens to be my aunt noticing some water around she put down her first law ever with me and that is 'professionally name brand made' tanks only.....pfffft :razz: So yah In the market for a bigger "professionally made name brand' tank in the next month or so....but for now Terry and his wife there let me use their 20 gallon tall tank just so the fish have some room to swim....and yes its a 'professionally made name brand' everything transfered over to that tonight and the aunt helped me out even in the late night transfer from the ten to the twenty.

Oh yah and just for those that have known me through all my tanks....Im still using the same freaking stand:lol:

Oh and a side note, got another t5ho ballast and 2 more lights on the tank now...looking good. ill give you people pictures tomorrow. nite

lobsterboy 04-12-2010 05:32 AM

wheres the pics josh ? huh huh :razz:

bauder1986 04-23-2010 12:38 AM

Josh's 20 gallon reef with add-ons.
So been awhile here since I said anything...

Anyways, the acrylic tank leaked, the ten gallon was 2 small and the 20 gallon hagen was perfect..

Bought a bunch of stuff from John (lobsterboy) and then the heater decided to go out of control and cook the tank to 90 F!!! yah I lost one milli colony, 2 acros, a slimer frag, a purple blue mili frag and a chunk of Acropora Humilus.

Yah that sucked....alot....anyways, life went one. got the tank back to par. Spent some money on safety measures, upgraded the lights, got a new skimmer, new stand set up two new fresh water tanks for fun. Bought some goodies to keep the perameters good and to get rid of the aptasia for once and for all and some stuff to rid me of the redslime algea...which worked BTW.

Got some new fish: six-line wrasse, blue devil damsel, cleaner shrimp, 3 peppermint shrimp, nudibranch, 4 turbo snails.

got some new zoos and a bird of many colors.....yah thats about it.

Now here are pictures.

fishytime 04-23-2010 02:22 AM

Lookin Good Mang!......I see you've started your Birdsnest "snowman":biggrin:

bauder1986 04-23-2010 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 512748)
Lookin Good Mang!......I see you've started your Birdsnest "snowman":biggrin:

hells yah im starting the snowman or x-mas tree birdsnest!

lobsterboy 04-23-2010 05:56 AM

looks good Josh, the birdnest is lookin awesome.

very intresting concept with the duel freshwaters on each side. :razz:

bauder1986 04-23-2010 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by lobsterboy (Post 512804)
looks good Josh, the birdnest is lookin awesome.

very intresting concept with the duel freshwaters on each side. :razz:

thanks John! Yah I have been missing how cheap and pathetically simple the fresh water tanks are haha. Plus its interesting to watch the differences in behaviour between saltwater and freshwater fish.

fishytime 04-23-2010 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by bauder1986 (Post 512833)
thanks John! Yah I have been missing how cheap and pathetically simple the fresh water tanks are haha. Plus its interesting to watch the differences in behaviour between saltwater and freshwater fish.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....I thought those were there to catch jumpy fish:razz:......little fresh water dipping perhaps?......

bauder1986 04-23-2010 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 512941)
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....I thought those were there to catch jumpy fish:razz:......little fresh water dipping perhaps?......

hehehe, an easy way to rid of the SW ick!

bauder1986 05-23-2010 07:26 PM

well people, looks like this tank set uop is gonna be packed up and moved to Calgary.

bauder1986 06-06-2010 01:24 AM

Alright you monkeys here is an update.

Start using coral snow. Tank move done smoothly, nothing dead. bought a clam.

here are your pictures.

sorry for the cloudiness, just dossed coral snow.

the marine apprentice 06-06-2010 06:23 AM

clam looks good dude. i like this rock work more then the last haha

bauder1986 06-07-2010 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by the marine apprentice (Post 524958)
clam looks good dude. i like this rock work more then the last haha

kinda figured you would.

bauder1986 06-07-2010 03:41 AM

ok, so I went to simons place today because he was like, "Josh!! I need some help getting rid of this coral so I can shut down this tank this weekend!!!"

So this is what I did.

Your welcome Simon! Always glad to help :razz:

bauder1986 01-14-2011 06:45 AM

bauder1986 01-14-2011 06:49 AM

Hey everyone just an update for those that dont know, got a cool little 30 gallon off of a guy a few months back and I have been grooming the tank back to damn near full stability, here are some sneak peaks above, more to come later in the day(pics coming are taken from Terry's underwater cam and take forever to load to photobucket)


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