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TJSlayer 02-26-2010 09:28 PM

NEW SWC Extreme 160 Cone review
I Should be getting my new skimmer next week, and I will be doing a full review of it on here.

The one I have chosen is the new Xtreme 160 Cone from Salt Water Connection

Skimmer Link

I was really torn weather to just stick with what I have, which is a trusty EuroReef RS100, which has always worked awsome, and still does, my only complaint with it is more to do with my set up than the skimmer itself.

With the way my sump is under my stand and the comaprtment the skimmer it is in (and it's larger footprint) it makes it a pain taking it out to clean every 6 months or so when it needs a thourough cleaning.

So it's time to clean the skimmer again which got me thinking about some of the new ones with smaller footprints and the 'internal" type pump design. This should be much easier to put in and out of the sump and the performance is suppose to be great.

And for the great price Jayson has them at, I figured it couldn't hurt to try. He's also a Canadian Company which is also a big plus for me, being a business owner myself.

Skimmer should be here early next week so i will keep you posted with more pictures and a review to follow....


Doug 02-26-2010 10:55 PM

Right on Todd. I,m adding one to my tank also. Talked with Jayson a few days ago to see if they were in stock. Just have to get in there to pick it up.

Reviews on RC look pretty good.

TJSlayer 02-27-2010 04:37 AM

Looking forward to doing the review!

If a mod could change the title to SWC instead of SCW I would appreciate it, can't seem to change it myself.....

viperfish 02-27-2010 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by TJSlayer (Post 496255)
And for the great price Jayson has them at, I figured it couldn't hurt to try. He's also a Canadian Company which is also a big plus for me, being a business owner myself.

Where is the company located?

Doug 02-27-2010 01:28 PM

Fixed it Todd.

SWC is in Winnipeg.

TJSlayer 02-27-2010 04:47 PM

Thanks Doug!

TJSlayer 03-05-2010 08:53 PM

Well after some confusion and shipping errors, I should have the skimmer sometime today, but that's assuming that UPS can actually deliver anything on time...

Was suppose to be here before noon, Purolator was here at 10 am as per usually, but haven't seen UPS yet. The funniest part is checking tracking shows coming from Winnipeg to Saskatoon then to Winnipeg, but doesn't show Regina as of yet and after phoning they couldn't tell me where it was...

So not holding my breath on getting it in a doing the start of the review this weekend, which is truly unfortunate as I had the weekend off for once.

Hopefully I can get the time needed next week..:(

TJSlayer 03-08-2010 03:29 PM

Woo Hoo , Got the Skimmer today so should be able to start the review tonight!

First thoughts and the thing I have noticed is the build quality, so far very impressed. Looks like a really well built skimmer. Doesn’t give the impression of being a economical alternative by any means.

I will take some detail photos and such tonight, and start the review, but so far so good!


banditpowdercoat 03-08-2010 04:44 PM

Allright, can't wait to read the review

TJSlayer 03-09-2010 04:13 AM

First I will show you the old skimmer in sump, so you can see the space I'm dealing with, also you can see what a week’s worth of skimate looks like coming from the Euroreef RS100 .... Dark, Dark greenish black sludge, I also run the euro on the dry side so I usually empty the skimmer cup 1-2 times per week

Now on to the new guy...

Ok we'll start with packaging.....

Skimmer arrived very well packed in heavy cardboard box surrounded by closed cell foam...

Inside contents including FREE T-shirt!

Next we'll look at the collection cup, nice and heavy acrylic, every bit as thick as the Euroreef cup.

Instead of a twist lock design to remove the cup this one is a simple press fit with a o-ring in a recessed groove to provide a good seal. Works very well and extremely easy to remove. Also provides a good solid seal.

Looks like a nice sized opening inside for easy cleaning as well, my hands are smaller so the opening size is good for me but someone with larger hands may like the opening size on the regular extreme 160 skimmer (non-cone shaped), which is a bit larger. Overall the cup size is very close to the Euroreef RS100, which hasn't been an issue for me and I don't foresee this one to be either...

Here is a good look at the bottom of the valve that adjusts water level, there is a knob on top that you turn that simply rotate the wedged pvc in the riser tube, the best part is that it come off by simply unscrewing the top so it can easily be cleaned, and makes adjusting water level a snap!

This is knob to make the adjustments

The bottom piece that simply slides into pump opening again with a nice o-ring to provide a good seal...

And the wedge assembly removed...

This is how the pump is mounded to the base plate. Easily removed for cleaning with heavy duty plastic screws...

A quick picture to show everything taken apart so you can see how easy cleaning will be....

And a nice close up the impeller. Mesh wheel mod (produces crazy amount of bubbles) all sealed up and a ceramic shaft as well. Very similar to all decent skimmer pumps!

Everything assembled again except the skimmer cup, notice that the discharge port is nice and low on the column, this allows for the water to exit the skimmer under the water level which helps keep things quite. As a matter of fact that's the first thing I noticed after firing things up is how quite the skimmer runs, and well the crazy amounts of bubbles......

Complete and ready for the sump...

Relocated, and mission accomplished - very easy to get into sump, so removing for cleaning will be very easy as well

As with all skimmers this will take a few days to break in but so far things look great, it's very quiet, seems to create massive amounts of bubbles and build quality is excellent. I will post more pictures in the days to come and update from time to time as the weeks go on, but my initial impression is very positive.

One other things that I want to mention is that I had a little trouble getting this when I was expecting it, but it was more to do with a few small mix ups and then the courier services.

Even though Jayson (owner of SWC) was on vacation in Bali, he made sure his staff took care of things for me and had things fixed right at no cost to me very quickly. So far they have been a really good company to deal with.

Anyone looking for a great skimmer, without breaking the bank really should check out the offerings they have, I don't think you'll be disappointed!


TJSlayer 03-09-2010 12:47 PM

A couple other tidbits that I forgot to mention but some are obvious...

I'm running the skimmer at a depth of 8-9" in the sump.

The collection cup has a drain on it so it can be hooked up to a secondary collection bottle or drain.

And on the base of the skimmer there are 4 rubber feet that skimmer sits on, which helps keep it quite.

If I think of more I will add them as we go...


banditpowdercoat 03-09-2010 02:24 PM

Ohh soo on the fence here, A BM or SWC? SWC IS Canadian.... Keep up the awesome review, my fish will thank you

TJSlayer 03-09-2010 02:30 PM

I would lean towards the SWC, shipping, duty, etc. will be better and the quality is excellent....but your

Will be posting 24 hour skimate pictures tonight...oohh the anticipation!


Ron99 03-09-2010 03:49 PM

Pretty similar to the Bubble Magus NAC7. Similar design and same pump. Prices look similar too. Nice to have a Canadian alternative.

TJSlayer 03-09-2010 05:31 PM

Yeah quite similar I like the SWC look better, and also the plug for the skimmer cup looks better (Doesn't affect performance in any way, but looks cleaner.

The biggest difference is the water level adjustment and air intake. The SWC design is much better and easier to adjust in my opinion.

After everything is said and done I think the SWC will cost a bit less as well, (No duty and shipping would probably be cheaper), the other plus is that Jayson has replacement parts available directly from Winnipeg for pretty much evey part. I think you'd have to work pretty hard at breaking anything though, pretty sturdy unit.

Keep you posted!

TJSlayer 03-10-2010 12:06 AM

Well so far very impressed, seems to be breaking in very well.

22 hrs of skimmer operation and already nice goo!

pterfloth 03-10-2010 12:28 AM

Thanks for your excellent review! Keep it coming. I had the SWC Extreme 200 and recently upgraded to the SWC Extreme 250. I have been thrilled with both. Build quality is excellent. Service and support first rate. Also great to support a Canadian company.

Doug 03-10-2010 12:37 AM

Excellent review Todd. Glad its working well so far. Put a hold on mine for a bit. Spent all my allowance on my new iMac. :lol:

banditpowdercoat 03-10-2010 01:01 AM

WOW, thats 22hr's worth on a NEW skimmer?? OMG Thats about a week on mine.... OK, I'm convinced I need a new skimmer

TJSlayer 03-10-2010 02:06 AM

Yeah I thought it was impressive, can only get better from here....

And yeah everything about it has been top notch, I keep waiting for the gotcha part but everythings has worked , been better than I was expecting.

Would not hesitate a second to buy again....

Will post a few more follow ups as time goes on and if anyone has any questions etc, just ask....

TJSlayer 03-10-2010 11:44 PM

Well Day 2 so about 48hours of nog...., emptied cup today as not sure It would handle another 24hrs...

TJSlayer 03-12-2010 03:50 AM

Nothing much new to report but the skimmer is working nice and smooth now very consistant skim amount and gross looking.

Still surprised that it broke in this quickly, gunk seems a bit darker today but hard to tell for sure, haven't had to adjust at all since the first night, but may start progressing towards a dryer skim, but fiure I'd leave it wet for a bit.

Should be starting Bio-Pellets on Monday so will be interesting to see what the skimmer does. Bio-Pellets are suppose to improve any skimmers performance, but not sure you couldget much better.. :)


TJSlayer 03-12-2010 02:09 PM

Well update on skimmer....

Woke up this morning and the skimmer was overflowing like crazy..... (I think a snail blocked the outlet for a bit or something.....

So i took the opportunity to shut it down and raise it a little. I had it running a depth of about 8.5" which is at the upper limit for this skimmer, and it does fluctuate as the water evaporates throughout the day…

So I got out my handy snips and cut up some plastic egg crate to set in the bottom of the skimmer so that I could raise it up a little thus “lowering” the depth it was sitting at.

I now have it at about 7” or so and the first thing I noticed is how much easier it is to adjust the water level in the skimmer body.

So have it all setup and going again at the lower depth. This should also make it easier to run a drier skim as the backpressure on the water return is less.

Will let you know how it works out.


TJSlayer 03-13-2010 02:17 PM

OK so I have determined for my setup that I wasnt the skimmer running between 6-7" of water, any more and I have problems with the skimmer overflowing when something makes it skim more. Had the same issues with every skimmer, until you find the sweet spot for your tank. But at 6-7" I can run it and adjust it easily.

Still can't believe the crap it pulls out. Which is also what I think caused it to overflow, after the initial break in it just pulled more and more......

Has been very stable since reducing the water depth.



Palmer 03-13-2010 03:32 PM

Was your tank an established tank when you put the skimmer in? If so how long has your tank been up and running? I have a SWC Extreme 200 that I put into a new tank. I am happy with the skimmer but it skims dryer than what you are showing. The bubble production is great but since my tank is fairly new I am wondering if that may be part of the reason I am not getting as much skimmate. For all intensive purposes it is a completely different skimmer design and different pump though so I would not expect them to perform the same.


TJSlayer 03-13-2010 04:02 PM

Yeah my tank has been running for about 2 years and is pretty heavily stocked. If you want it wetter just lowere the riser pipe or turn Not sure how yours is adjusted) just make small adjustments so you can see how they work for you.....

Higher the water in skimmer body = more wet


Palmer 03-13-2010 04:08 PM

Thanks, I set it up as close as possible to how they were recomending on the RC forum thread that is specific for this skimmer. Right now the water level is at the first bed in the skimmer body but could be higher. I may just play around with it like you said. I also have the skimmer raised so its in about 6-7 inches of water with little backpressure. I was just thinking that a new tank where I havent been feeding much and is lightly stocked may not produce as much skimmate.

TJSlayer 03-13-2010 05:07 PM

More than likely not that much to skim yet.....

Wouldn't worry too much as it's so easy to adjust you can make changes as you need too...but sounds like you have it set about right....

TJSlayer 03-15-2010 12:09 AM

Well skimmer is working very well at about 7" of water depth, starting to pull of darker skimate and averaging about 3/4" - 1" a day in the skimmer cup.

Very Happy :)


TJSlayer 03-16-2010 07:38 PM

Just a FYI if anyone is thinking of getting these skimmers, you may want to get your order in ASAP they are going up $25....not a big deal just letting you know...

deputy1234 03-20-2010 05:51 AM

Thanks for the review TJSlayer. I am thinking of ordering one myself ( thanks to your review) but I was wondering of you could give me a measurement of the skimmer cup and if you know how much water the skimmer cup is able to hold. The reason, I want to compare it to my current skimmer. If it is not to much trouble it would be greatly appreciate it.

Thank you

TJSlayer 03-20-2010 07:44 PM

Not at home right now but the cup was about they same size as my euro rs100. I think I read somewhere that it holds about 3-4 cups of goo....24-26 oz or something, but it's a decent size, plus has the drain hole so you can hook it up to an external resevoir if you needed to go bigger (Hose is also supplied)

I'm very happy with it and it's been performing like a champ, easy to adjust and very quiet.

deputy1234 03-21-2010 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by TJSlayer (Post 503742)
Not at home right now but the cup was about they same size as my euro rs100. I think I read somewhere that it holds about 3-4 cups of goo....24-26 oz or something, but it's a decent size, plus has the drain hole so you can hook it up to an external resevoir if you needed to go bigger (Hose is also supplied)

I'm very happy with it and it's been performing like a champ, easy to adjust and very quiet.

Thanks TJSlayer,

I just put in the order tonight. For those who are thinking about it the price will go up as TJSlayer said. I believe it will increase this Monday the 22nd.

TJSlayer 03-21-2010 06:36 AM

I'm sure you will be happy post your results here.

deputy1234 03-25-2010 07:39 PM

I just received my order of the swc 160 cone skimmer. My fist impression is very positive. I’ve seen pictures and read about the quality of the skimmer but once I received the skimmer and see in person I am amazed by the quality and how well it’s built. With that said, it’s not the best quality, the seam in the body is noticeable (but barely) and I do notice some small imperfections but very minor. To be honest, I am comparing the quality of the swc to my last skimmer, H&S A150, but that is a $700US skimmer. I believe when I found the imperfection it was more because I was looking for it than anything that would stand out. For the price, the quality is beyond my expectations and it runs near silent. I’ve included some pictures but none with much detail for TJSlayer has already posted the detailed pictures.

Free T-shirt!!!

About 1min after I turned the pump on.

The skimmer is currently sitting in 9in of water. The reason being, after some research I found out that it works best in 9in of water

Direct quote:
"its peak performance is 9" where it pulls a little more than 700lph at 30w"

This is a quote from a vendor that sells SWC skimmers in the US.

TJSlayer 03-25-2010 10:47 PM

Re: NEW SWC Extreme 160 Cone review
They are great skimmers...

deputy1234 03-25-2010 11:28 PM

I know its breaking in right now but when yours was breaking in did the bubble level move up and down regularly?

TJSlayer 03-25-2010 11:55 PM

Yes it did, lowering the water level help me keep it more predictible, than after a few days was pretty consistant...

I had a few overflows but I think all except one were cause by a large cowrie I had in my sump, covering either the inlet or the exit on the flow of the skimmer.

Hasn't been a problem since and is skimming a third of a cup of dark, dark skimate every day....

I have it set to run a bit drier simply because of the amount of stuff this thing is pulling out.....


deputy1234 03-26-2010 12:23 AM

Thanks TJSlayer,

I left the valve fully open and I going to leave opened for a few days. Sofar everything is going well. Also, thank you for this posting the review, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't know about the skimmer.

TJSlayer 03-26-2010 02:02 AM

No problem at all!

I wouldn't worry too much about fine tuning it for a few days, doesn't seem to take long to break in though....

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