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andestang 02-05-2010 04:35 PM

South store needed ?
Pretty much a straight forward inquiry. Seeing what people think about the possibility of a SW store in the south end of Calgary. Do you think one is needed or sustainable ? Any input appreciated.

Zoaelite 02-05-2010 04:38 PM

As all we have is Elite at the moment (Gold's being a fair treck) and Kobi might actually be leaving Calgary in the future I think something on 130th ave would be perfect.

slough shark 02-05-2010 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by zoaElite (Post 489281)
As all we have is Elite at the moment (Gold's being a fair treck) and Kobi might actually be leaving Calgary in the future I think something on 130th ave would be perfect.


A store on 130th would be great.

ReeferMush 02-05-2010 05:15 PM

I think it would be awesome to have a store in the deep south cuz there really nothing, maybe we should take a poll and see how many people actually live in the south and would use a south store?

Pescador 02-05-2010 05:54 PM

130th would be great for me.

sphelps 02-05-2010 06:32 PM

Being originally from Calgary and seeing how well Big Als use to do, a south store would definitely do well.

South Calgary is huge and has large market potential for salt water. People in the south don't want to travel to the far north on a regular basis nor do they want to deal with the central stores for many reasons. Golds isn't too bad but it's way on the east side and in a particular area most people would rather avoid. I'd say something between Glenmore and Southland on the west or central side would be best.

Also while specializing in salt has it's advantages you would only be targeting a very small percentage of the aquarium market. 80% of your dry goods could be used for FW as well so to me it makes more sense to go bigger and sell a full range of salt and fresh water livestock and supplies. A salt only store will never really be that successful for this reason. You'll end up with the basic Mom & Pa operation and nothing more, especially with the competition that already exists.

slough shark 02-05-2010 06:35 PM

I'd even sweep the floors every Sunday if there was one near my house.:biggrin:

kien 02-05-2010 06:42 PM

Personally I think MacLeod trail is a more central location for southerners. The Old Big Al's location on MacLeod and Heritage was awesome. A little further south would be even better I think. How about the old Petcetera location??? I think it is still up for grabs :biggrin:

oo oo, i know! In Avenida mall!!

Delphinus 02-05-2010 07:31 PM

I'm backing Kien up on this one. 130th Av would be better than nothing but I think hung off Macleod Trail would better serve both people coming from the eastern and western directions.

Nothing I haven't really said before about 100 times or more but I guess I'll say it again, the south end of the city is hugely under-represented demographically, and I think it would see solid business.

Do it! For goodness sakes, someone, do it!

andestang 02-05-2010 08:06 PM

Location is where I'm really at. I have alot of things are in place, but determining where to locate is the biggest stress as this could obviously make or break a go of it. Also as for what will be in store is also another decision I'm thinking about. So some input here would also be appreciated.

Ephraim 02-05-2010 08:11 PM

rent for anything on Mcleod would be a killer though. One would be much better served to get a location in one of the strip malls 10 blocks off of Mcleod. Same central location, much better rent.

There certainly is a huge advantage to opening a store in the north though. Typically more retail property with better rates. Also, everyone from the south already goes to the north to go fish shopping, you get extra draw this way. Ex, I bet Franco gets way more traffic since Big Al's opened next door.

globaldesigns 02-05-2010 08:16 PM

If I sold my biz (almost did this year) I would seriously look at opening up a shop in the South.

I agree with the others, even told Kevin @ RC to open up one.

Who has the $$$$ and want to partner up. I may always be interested. HMMMMM, something to think about.

Devonious 02-05-2010 08:55 PM

Any one want to rob a bank with me?

Eb0la11 02-05-2010 08:56 PM

Andestang, are you actually thinking of opening a store? Maybe you and globaldesigns should team up and open one in the south like we've been talking. I'd be a regular customer for years and years if you did.

If there isn't one in 5-10 years perhaps I'll start it but Im too young and have no capital lol.

couchrugby2 02-05-2010 09:01 PM

Oh only to spend that extra $10 I just spent on gas to get to the North of Calgary driving between 17 street, 16th Ave and Mcknight, that $10 bucks is the difference between getting a $10 fish or a $20. I would crawl over broken glass if there was a store in theSouth, I was just telling the wife ( after she let me have my hobby allowance) how we need a store in the south. Like onre of the members said earlier, I would sweep floors aswell.

sphelps 02-05-2010 09:04 PM

Location is key in Calgary at this point and you're better off spending more money on rent for a spot in high traffic. If you cheap out and go somewhere isolated you'll have to spend the difference on advertisement anyway and that won't get you as far. Most of the people who are going to support the store won't be found on sites like Canreef. You'll never be able to compete with internet pricing so your market isn't going to be internet based. The old Big Als did good, despite the fact that there dry goods where expensive, because they knew how to bring people in. Great location and a huge sign that said LIVE SHARKS. They would definitely still be up and running if they weren't driven out by Winners. That's another good piece of advice, avoid locations close to large chain stores :lol:

lorenz0 02-05-2010 09:42 PM

So here is my problems with stores these days. dry goods.

Calgary needs a supplier for ATI. Closest company is progressive reef.

I wrote a huge ramble but it was mostly my personal idea's if i ever decide to open my own store.

kien 02-05-2010 09:52 PM

the most difficult part about opening this supposed store in the south is going to be what to name the store! :lol:

We can one-up the old Big Al's with a honking huge sign that says, "LIVE SHARKS, WITH FREAKING LASERS!"

globaldesigns 02-05-2010 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 489373)
the most difficult part about opening this supposed store in the south is going to be what to name the store! :lol:

We can one-up the old Big Al's with a honking huge sign that says, "LIVE SHARKS, WITH FREAKING LASERS!"

Who are we going to get to be Minnie Me? HEHE

lastlight 02-05-2010 09:58 PM

I think the toughest part is mounting said laser beams.

I'd support a store in the south. I also agree the location will need to be pretty decent to bring traffic.

lorenz0 02-05-2010 10:28 PM

If a store is started in the deep south, remember that your cutting out anyone from the other side of calgary. To be honest 130th is basically only going to cater to anyone i that area. I think you guys should make a poll cause remember, the SW doesn't have a store either and the closest store to them is red coral and thats still at least a 30 min drive

Palmer 02-05-2010 10:29 PM

Not to derail this thread but...

I have thought about starting a business for other hobbies I have been involved with in the past and I came to the conclusion that I probably wouldn't like my hobby as much if it became my full time job. I am curious if people who transition from being strictly a hobbyist to retail store owner still spend as much time at home with their tanks or enjoy it as much. Probably not a question I would directly ask a vendor since its not great advertisement for their business if their enthusiam for the hobby has changed.


FlamesFan 02-06-2010 06:23 AM

Im in silverado. Go south... WAY SOUTH! Yes I agree, I usually have to plan a half day event to travel to a salt water store.

fishytime 02-06-2010 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Palmer (Post 489393)
Not to derail this thread but...

I have thought about starting a business for other hobbies I have been involved with in the past and I came to the conclusion that I probably wouldn't like my hobby as much if it became my full time job. I am curious if people who transition from being strictly a hobbyist to retail store owner still spend as much time at home with their tanks or enjoy it as much. Probably not a question I would directly ask a vendor since its not great advertisement for their business if their enthusiam for the hobby has changed.


I can answer that one....for me personally, working at a vendor for the last two years has done nothing but deepen my appreciation for the hobby.....possibly because working at the store has allowed me to do and add things that I wouldnt have been able to if I were still just a hobbyist....mind you, Im only there part time:wink:

globaldesigns 02-06-2010 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by lorenz0 (Post 489392)
If a store is started in the deep south, remember that your cutting out anyone from the other side of calgary. To be honest 130th is basically only going to cater to anyone i that area. I think you guys should make a poll cause remember, the SW doesn't have a store either and the closest store to them is red coral and thats still at least a 30 min drive

One thing to remember, good service will bring them in. A good example is I live in Bridlewood (22X) and I drive to see Kevin at Red Coral. Quite a drive, but I do it because he treats me good.

steveybb 02-06-2010 05:11 PM

+1 on what globaldesigns said, I'm from red deer, and I have no problem driving to red coral for stuff, the good service is what will get you business!

andestang 02-06-2010 05:52 PM

Service is in my opinion to be more important than price in this hobby(to some degree). I must say I try to drive out to see Kevin and I live in Okotoks.

slough shark 02-06-2010 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Palmer (Post 489393)
Not to derail this thread but...

I have thought about starting a business for other hobbies I have been involved with in the past and I came to the conclusion that I probably wouldn't like my hobby as much if it became my full time job. I am curious if people who transition from being strictly a hobbyist to retail store owner still spend as much time at home with their tanks or enjoy it as much. Probably not a question I would directly ask a vendor since its not great advertisement for their business if their enthusiam for the hobby has changed.


I wonder if a Gynacologist would agree with you?:biggrin:


Palmer 02-06-2010 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by slough shark (Post 489650)
I wonder if a Gynacologist would agree with you?:biggrin:


:lol!: OK not going to touch that one (no pun intended.) I am sure if something is your life's passion there are plenty of examples of where what I suggested is not true. It was just a thought.

More in line with the topic I think increased competition is usually a good thing for the consumer. Although if the market is overly flooded with stores and a shop has to compete tooth and nail for sales then their buying power can be affected (reduced need for large purchases and inventory) and they may not be able to offer the same variety of products they would like to offer their customers. This could mean having to drive all over the place to get everything you want (which may not be a big deal.)

Although I am in the SW I am really close to RC so I am pretty lucky.


Ryan 02-06-2010 08:50 PM

You guys make me laugh with all your 30 min drive complaining.

Fragzilla 02-06-2010 08:55 PM

With the way the deep SE has grown and the annexed land the C.O.C. has it will continue to grow.

I think 130th would be a great location.

Might even be interested in getting in on it!


fire&sputum 02-06-2010 09:23 PM

Deep south fish store is badly needed!

Zoaelite 02-06-2010 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by slough shark (Post 489650)
I wonder if a Gynacologist would agree with you?:biggrin:


Ahah, Derek you make my life lol.


Originally Posted by fire&sputum (Post 489689)
Deep south fish store is badly needed!

We can start a coral trading post in my basement if you would like lol.

bloodpython 02-07-2010 05:35 PM

You have put so much time and effort into this already, that I have seen. I think you should just go through with it. Then you can also give me some free fish....heheheh :lol:....oh and a free nano cube. LOL :biggrin:

tinman 02-07-2010 06:37 PM

new store!!!!
mcleod trail is the place 130 ave would be awsome but not central for the other folks.

Zoaelite 02-07-2010 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by tinman (Post 489937)
mcleod trail is the place 130 ave would be awsome but not central for the other folks.

I'm pretty sure Golds, Ocean City, Red Coral, Big Al's and Wais are not central to me so I think its time to even the score.

fire&sputum 02-07-2010 07:29 PM

130th would be ideal. Access to Deerfoot is ideal and the population is massive in the deep SE quadrant of the city. With the way Calgary is expanding south of 22X this will be even more ideal. In a few years a 130th ave might be thought as central:biggrin: I lived in southwood 12 years ago which at the time was considered deep deep south and is now considered central. Just wait for the south hospital to open and the population will continue to explode. I also think a fish store with good customer service in Calgary is badly needed (except Red Coral-great and Golds-good)IMO

mws 02-08-2010 01:31 AM

Go for it. It is very tiring to drive 40+min for every little thing you may need.
Cranston and Copperfield been growing like crazy. After they build the big plazas, this is where the traffic going to be.

Kryptic4L 02-08-2010 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by fire&sputum (Post 489954)
130th would be ideal. Access to Deerfoot is ideal and the population is massive in the deep SE quadrant of the city. With the way Calgary is expanding south of 22X this will be even more ideal. In a few years a 130th ave might be thought as central:biggrin: I lived in southwood 12 years ago which at the time was considered deep deep south and is now considered central. Just wait for the south hospital to open and the population will continue to explode. I also think a fish store with good customer service in Calgary is badly needed (except Red Coral-great and Golds-good)IMO

IMO you forgot ocean city, love that place. its really unfortunite they do not advertise here. Very nice people, great selection of fish and invert`s and well layed out, I can actually have a bit of space to walk around.

danny zubot 02-08-2010 09:32 PM


You guys make me laugh with all your 30 min drive complaining.
No kidding!

The best I can do around my area is offer the LFS to setup a salt section.

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