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lobsterboy 01-27-2010 06:50 AM

160 gal Teatro aquarium, updated
so the story goes like this,,, Teatro is the restraunt where I work, and we had renovated like 4 years ago, along with this reno we had gotten an aquarium, with sump and chiller to keep lobsters, that was kept in our office downstairs.

I had been asked a few times to do a tropical set up, and had declined the offer. Until a few weeks ago, I really wanted an easy tank to look after, and i do really like alot of the soft corals that are avabile, Toad stools, kenya trees, xenias, are my favs, so i thought it could turn out to be a cool tank, i took the bait. all live stock was removed to the sump and then holding tank, and then my work begun. I did a total of 8hours after service to get it where I wanted it. so this is what i started with.

during the cleaning I found something intresting.... 4 of these bad boys. each were huge and think and mad. I think the longest was 10inches,

so after all that, this was the first pic of the new tank, the sump wasnt done yet, and it was a mess, it was still full in these pics.

and the snails,

ans here is the sump all ready to go

and a fts

so these pics are a few days old, and there have been some improvements, made, the tank is now level, and the styrofoam thats under the tank is painted black, as well the salt creep on the cprnor is taken care of.

The tank has sand, rock, water and salt in it now, along with 5ml zeo bak, 1/2 bottle of stablity, one of my used filer socks, and some grape calurpa in the sump. I think this one is going to move fast. :twised: I thought i took pics of this progress, but cant find them, so the next ones will be a super FFWD.

Delphinus 01-27-2010 07:09 AM

Cool! So this will stay at the office in the restaurant then?

kien 01-27-2010 07:14 AM

Sweet! Those snails look yummy! The worms.. not so much.

lobsterboy 01-27-2010 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 486107)
Cool! So this will stay at the office in the restaurant then?

yes, the tank is located in the office downstairs next to the prep kitchen.


Originally Posted by kien (Post 486108)
Sweet! Those snails look yummy! The worms.. not so much.

haha, they were good, alittle butter, garlic and bread crumbs. mmmmm

i am talking about the snails, not the worms. hehehe.

Carmen 01-27-2010 12:54 PM

Neat John! This will be a fun one to watch!

JDigital 01-27-2010 06:46 PM

Wow... Awesome work on the clean up.. Hardly looks like the same tank!

Look forward to this!

Coleus 01-27-2010 09:22 PM

tag along for the ride. Are you going to put some lobsters in it eventually?

lobsterboy 01-28-2010 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Carmen (Post 486140)
Neat John! This will be a fun one to watch!

thanks Carmen, yeah i think this ones going to be alot of fun.


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 486277)
Wow... Awesome work on the clean up.. Hardly looks like the same tank!

Look forward to this!

lots of work when into it, and everyone at the restraunt is stoked for the change. maybe if i can convinece them,
i could get a shallow tank build going :razz:


Originally Posted by Coleus (Post 486323)
tag along for the ride. Are you going to put some lobsters in it eventually?

Thanks Tai

livestock isnt choosen yet, someone sugguested that we take out the water and put hamsters. ??????? :lol:

but there are a few favs that are going in for sure. those being, pair of occilis clowns, sixline wrasse, yellow tang.

lobsterboy 01-28-2010 06:24 AM

ok, so FFWD, a week, i have gotten the sand in and rock work in, i went with a super basic lay out, as i like to have lots of room at the top for fish to swim. also, put in a 45 pipe fitting, for the return, water is blowing across the tank now, its awesome.

2 damsels are in the tank now, and are eating well, even though they have the whole tank to them selves for now, they still find the time to chase each other. right now, we just have a single 39wt t5 on one side of the tank, i have two double 54 wt fixtures that a friend is going to hook me up with, so when he gets back from va-k I will make a trip to see him. I am kinda playing with the idea of having two pendents over the two open spots over the tank (the tank has a massive bracing in the center), but I think a combonation of t5 fixtures is going to win. BTW, these will probably not be changed out every 2-3 months. :razz:

fishytime 01-28-2010 12:22 PM

cool that you have some salt to stare at at work.....the work tank could get the leftover home tank bulbs?......what kind of rock is that looks like field stones?:razz:......good job there bi

lobsterboy 01-28-2010 04:45 PM

the rock is travertine, I have used this stuff for the past few years.

and it will be more fun to look at once we start to get it stocked.

thanks doug

Chase31 01-28-2010 06:14 PM

is your work paying for this :surprise: or did they just kinda give you the tank and you have to pay for anything on top of what they had?

lobsterboy 01-28-2010 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Chase31 (Post 486699)
is your work paying for this :surprise: or did they just kinda give you the tank and you have to pay for anything on top of what they had?

the tank is property of teatro, and the budget for the tank will be supported by the restaurant.

I am would love to get a wavebox on there

blueyota 01-28-2010 11:55 PM

Wow John thats awesome workin lots wont be so bad :razz:
I got lots of kenya tree for ya when you start to stock it

lobsterboy 01-29-2010 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by blueyota (Post 486783)
Wow John thats awesome workin lots wont be so bad :razz:
I got lots of kenya tree for ya when you start to stock it

i do enjoy my free time though, ahaha.

thanks Shawn I will deffently take ya up on that offer.

lobsterboy 02-04-2010 06:28 AM

well not too much happening with the tank, added 2 45;s to the drain on the sump to stop the splashing, and then theres the diatom bloom. It would be long now.

lobsterboy 03-13-2010 11:41 PM

so it has been awhile with this update, the restraunt has been packed these past weeks and a side project of recording a catch phrase for Tona Ohama's up coming album has kept me very busy. Teatro's tank is running well, and some soft corals have been added, much thanks to albertareefer (cory) 24storm(keith) and seamazter (garry) for their donations. I still want to add lots more kenya tree, and some leathers, as well, a phos RX will be at the top of my list for the next while.

The fish stock includes, 4 clowns, 2 yellow tangs, lawn mower goby, and a sand sifter seastar.

its just one pic as the glass wasnt cleaned before taking the pic.

thanks for looking.

lobsterboy 04-11-2010 03:41 AM

well its been awhile eh. hehehe.

I was at Teatro today to put in some new corals, waving hand and a seafan.

and I finally took some pictures.

The tank is running good, there is abit of diatom bloom still kickin, I am guessing its the feedings, as I just found out the other day that someone had been feeding the tank other than myself.

There was a great turn out from my previous LF softies post,

thanks to all who contriubted.

Keith, Scott, Jeff, Shawn, Cory, Tai, Garry and Sean sorry if i left anyone else out.

lots of work still, lighting of the tank isnt the best, and an upgrade of the lighting would be on top of my list of things to get, besides a list of 20 other things, haha.,

so here are the pics, the tank was started in feb. feel free to comment.

lobsterboy 04-15-2010 04:14 AM

so today i got a pm from Cory, saying that there were some HUGE toad stools at red coral, and he thought they would be great for the Teatro tank, so i had the evening off, and headed up right away.

I wasnt sure what to expect whe he said they were "HUGE" well they were just that, I talked to Kevin and he gave me a great price on these as usual. Every time i hit the shop I am always leaving there super happy.

There was even a rock with these killer purple green skirt zoas on them, and they made it to the tank as well. I think there were a few smaller rocks at the shop with these on them as well.

BIG THANKS TO KEVIN, well see ya on sunday.

I also made it over to Docomo;s to pick up yet again a few toad stools, I gotta say, very cool set up with the DIY LEDS. I thought they were MH, until the canopy came off. Very very cool.

anyways, heres the pics,

the beast,

Kevin takin em out.

as soon as they hit the tank, it was love at first sight for this little clown


They are all closed up now after the move, so I cant wait to see these guys open.

Coleus 04-15-2010 04:43 AM

very nice toadstool

Carmen 04-15-2010 01:06 PM

They will look soooooo cool when they are all opened up! Tank is lookin very neat John! I like the softies too so it's neat to see a softy dedicated tank!:smile:

Red Coral Aquariums 04-19-2010 04:33 AM

Incredible place to dine
It was my wife's Rhonda Birthday and wanted a special place to dine. And all we could say was WOW!.

John's (lobsterboy) attention to detail on his own incredible home tank was nothing compared to the (attention to detail) he provided to the dining experience we had at Teatro. It was not only an incredible meal but a wonderful experience.
If anyone in Calgary or visiting here wants an thoroughly enjoyable dining experience don't hesitate with Teatro.

Thanks Again John. You will be seeing us again there.


lobsterboy 04-20-2010 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Coleus (Post 510798)
very nice toadstool

thanks Tai,

lobsterboy 04-20-2010 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Carmen (Post 510827)
They will look soooooo cool when they are all opened up! Tank is lookin very neat John! I like the softies too so it's neat to see a softy dedicated tank!:smile:

thanks Carmen, the tank is coming along, i really like the tank, it has alot more movement. polyps swaying back and forth.

lobsterboy 04-20-2010 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Red Coral Aquariums (Post 511797)
It was my wife's Rhonda Birthday and wanted a special place to dine. And all we could say was WOW!.

John's (lobsterboy) attention to detail on his own incredible home tank was nothing compared to the (attention to detail) he provided to the dining experience we had at Teatro. It was not only an incredible meal but a wonderful experience.
If anyone in Calgary or visiting here wants an thoroughly enjoyable dining experience don't hesitate with Teatro.

Thanks Again John. You will be seeing us again there.


Thanks for the kind words Kevin, it was a pleasure to have you and your wife in for dinner.

jeanlee411 04-23-2010 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by lobsterboy (Post 486611)
ok, so FFWD, a week, i have gotten the sand in and rock work in, i went with a super basic lay out, as i like to have lots of room at the top for fish to swim. also, put in a 45 pipe fitting, for the return, water is blowing across the tank now, its awesome.

2 damsels are in the tank now, and are eating well, even though they have the whole tank to them selves for now, they still find the time to chase each other. right now, we just have a single 39wt t5 on one side of the tank, i have two double 54 wt fixtures that a friend is going to hook me up with, so when he gets back from va-k I will make a trip to see him. I am kinda playing with the idea of having two pendents over the two open spots over the tank (the tank has a massive bracing in the center), but I think a combonation of t5 fixtures is going to win. BTW, these will probably not be changed out every 2-3 months. :razz:

cool that you have some salt to stare at at work.....the work tank could get the leftover home tank bulbs?......what kind of rock is that looks like field stones?:razz:......good job there bi

lobsterboy 04-23-2010 05:41 AM

Welcome great to have your first post.
its great having the tank at work, lets me go to the soft side every once in a while. I was thinking the same thing about the blubs, there are only 5 that are the same size, the other 2 blub fixture is 54wt but none the less.

The base rock is travertine, i use abit of this on all my setups.

and whats up with the "bi" ? u from the EC ? I better put East Coast, as there might be a few people out there havin flash backs thinkin
Electric Circus, Whoop whoop. :razz:

lobsterboy 04-23-2010 05:50 AM

ok, i thought the "bi" was abit curious, as doug fishytime and pazzle are the only ones that would use it here, and i went back a few pages, and found the same post by fishytime.

I been dupped. haha.

soapy 04-23-2010 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by lobsterboy (Post 512802)
The base rock is travertine, i use abit of this on all my setups.

Any particular reason for the travertine?

lobsterboy 04-23-2010 06:22 AM

one reason is thats its extremely porous, some have cool shapes others are just slabs. I would like to get a huge slab of it and just have coral growing on it. Bommie styles.

lobsterboy 06-22-2010 05:40 AM

well, its been awhile.

so all of my fish moved into the teatro tank and will be part of the teatro display.

After waiting and waiting for those toad stools to open, they never did I thought they were toast, then I started using the coral vit, and things are incrediable.

heres the pics.

the restaurant;s most favor piece, from Red Coral

Coleus 06-22-2010 05:58 AM

well done. Very nice

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