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Seamazter 01-22-2010 05:00 PM

Noteworthy american coral on ebay

I just want it.

Seamazter 01-22-2010 05:02 PM

Even this from the same dealer.

saltynuts 01-22-2010 05:12 PM

looks nice, but can,t ship to canada. and i don,t think it would make it alive.

Seamazter 01-22-2010 05:55 PM

Its a 5 hour drive to montana from here, i spend more time then that on the deerfoot on icy days.(ok not that long im sure)
Even tho a bordergaurd would say something.
If i could drive there what would i need to get into canada? just pay taxes on it?

blueyota 01-22-2010 05:59 PM

I think you need a permit of some kind to bring any thing live back...

Mr.nintendo 01-22-2010 06:22 PM

Ya it's not an easy process, it would be taken away if you were caught with it and didn't have the proper paperwork

kien 01-22-2010 06:23 PM

and the item is in Vancouver Washington, so you'd have to have it shipped to someone's house in Montana? Then drive down and pick it up.. but before you do any of that I think you need a CITIES :-)


howdy20012002 01-22-2010 06:31 PM

officially you would need CITES for both pieces
not really worth the cost or risk IMO.

Seamazter 01-22-2010 06:53 PM

Would a cities be hard to get?? would one cities cover all the same type of coral? Like an acan cities i could bring back 10 aus. acans?

Ron99 01-22-2010 07:19 PM

I don't think it's possible as an individual. You would also probably need copies of the original CITES documents when the coral was first imported into the US and I doubt the seller has any of that to provide.

bvlester 01-22-2010 07:23 PM

go on the goverment site and find out what you can bring back and what paper work would be needed I believe that importers get one CITIES for a shipment and they have to list all that is on that shipment. some supplyers will ship to Canada. Otherwise you would have no corals in your tanks..The proof is in the pudding as they say. IF they are frags and mounted on frag plugs I believe you maybe able to get it shipped to Canada. I have been doing some reeding on this most ebay item go way to high. I have a piece of hammer that is the same as the first item you showed, they are available you just have to find them..


Leah 01-22-2010 07:47 PM

Oh! Bill I would pay dearly for a frag of that. :mrgreen:


Seamazter 01-22-2010 08:08 PM

me too. problay more then i should too.
ship me one head?

Ron99 01-22-2010 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by bvlester (Post 484346)
go on the goverment site and find out what you can bring back and what paper work would be needed I believe that importers get one CITIES for a shipment and they have to list all that is on that shipment. some supplyers will ship to Canada. Otherwise you would have no corals in your tanks..The proof is in the pudding as they say. IF they are frags and mounted on frag plugs I believe you maybe able to get it shipped to Canada. I have been doing some reeding on this most ebay item go way to high. I have a piece of hammer that is the same as the first item you showed, they are available you just have to find them..


While true, the importers do it in bulk and have to get alot of paperwork and permits together. I don't think it is really practical or easily done for an individual looking to bring in a few pieces.

bvlester 01-22-2010 09:43 PM

I do believe that it is $100 -150 for a shipment so if you have multipule boxes then you have to list everything in that shipment and the number of boxes. It is not that bad if you are shipping alot of stuff but if you were to only ship 1 item then it is not worth it.

as for selling my hammer It only has 2 heads not as nice as the one shown. I did get it from a local store, after it divides afew times I will frag it. My green trumpet has 11 heads and 8 are well into the dividing process so you never know.

Bloodasp 01-22-2010 09:53 PM

Purple 01-23-2010 01:44 AM

If I remember correctly, when Starry was researching bringing things over the border, if you are caught trying to bring some corals across the border they will even seize your vehicle!

Leah 01-23-2010 01:48 AM

[QUOTE=Purple;If I remember correctly, when Starry was researching bringing things over the border, if you are caught trying to bring some corals across the border they will even seize your vehicle!

Hi Purple,

Yeah, I was told the same by a friend that works at the border!


bvlester 01-23-2010 05:27 AM

I do not know about you, but if you did your home work filled out the import papers and played the import money it would work. I believe there is no issue with aqua cultured corals as they are a self supporting industry. Corals taken from the wild you do need a special permit for. LFS's would never be able to import them other wise. Don't get me wrong but if it is illegal for the general public then it would be illegal for the LFS's. The general public just has to jump through all the hoops every time you do anything.


naesco 01-23-2010 05:55 AM

A butterfly collector was fined twenty five thousand dollarsfor importing a butterfly without a permit
Breaking CITES rules are treated seriously not like smuggling a dozen Miller./

saltcreep 01-23-2010 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by bvlester (Post 484567)
I do not know about you, but if you did your home work filled out the import papers and played the import money it would work. I believe there is no issue with aqua cultured corals as they are a self supporting industry. Corals taken from the wild you do need a special permit for. LFS's would never be able to import them other wise. Don't get me wrong but if it is illegal for the general public then it would be illegal for the LFS's. The general public just has to jump through all the hoops every time you do anything.


The exporter in the US is required to obtain a CITES re-export permit. No import permit is required by the Canadian LFS or importer. All corals, wild or cultured, are required to have CITES export permits (or re-export for US origin shipments).

The requirements are the same for commercial importers (LFS) as it is for the general public. The government isn't making you jump through any more hoops than a commercial importer. It is just more cost effective for the commercial importers to import corals due to economy of scale.

bvlester 01-23-2010 07:02 AM

I have shipped alot of stuff up here from the US I do know most all paper work is done by the US exporter but I have had to fill out some paper work at customs office both personal and commercial but it seems on the personal side it happened more often. It's not a big deal I'll bet that the import paperwork mentioned above is the customs paper work, I believe that I had to declare what I was importing when it was personal items for customs fees amybe. I have read some where that places may require an order over a perdetermined $ amount. Now that is not from a exporter just some thing that I have read on a forum some where and believe me this issue has been talked about on most canadian forums.


Nihoa 01-23-2010 05:20 PM

ron99 is right. its why we dont get any ora corals here. they cant get permits for their stuff to ship here as they are not the country or origin for the species. its a bit retarded cus you have great propagation vendors unable to sell their stuff and pressure remains on wild collection.

Seamazter 01-24-2010 02:01 AM

I am all for propigated corals, and admin ORA has great fish.
But im at a lose for the enginered corals, im sure they look amazing and would love to have one in my tank, but at the cost of all the corals that died before they got thier good strain, it might be too risky.
I like canadas stance on genitic engineering laws, its something the usa should start too.

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