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edikpok 01-19-2010 01:56 AM

The fish I've always wanted to have....BUT can't
Just thought that it would be fun to write about the fish that we always wanted but could not have / maintain for some reason.

In my case - it is a six line wrasse. I've tried 5 of them over the past 6 month. All ended up dead. 3 jumped out of a 29g biocube (go figure how!) and the other 2 just died. No reason for the death! No-one touched them, ate, behaved fine and eventually died. Every time one died, I bought another one... now I bought my 6th one and it is definitely the last one! Wish me luck!

What stories do you have?

StirCrazy 01-19-2010 04:02 AM

I always wanted a whale shark, but the wife won't let me get a bigger tank.


karazy 01-19-2010 04:05 AM

a realistic one ive always wanted is a horned shark or a wabegong sharl

Chase31 01-19-2010 04:05 AM

I want a lion fish and a tang, but i dont have any water in my tank as im plumbing still and a tang will be to big, so will a lion fish.. and im kinda scared of them :p

Leah 01-19-2010 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 482882)
I always wanted a whale shark, but the wife won't let me get a bigger tank.


got a bathtub :biggrin:

the marine apprentice 01-19-2010 04:20 AM

my roommate has always wanted a dolphin but i wont let him flood the basement any more then he has haha

bauder1986 01-19-2010 04:21 AM

and that roommate is me! Maybe if I flooded the basement....:wink:

bauder1986 01-19-2010 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by bauder1986 (Post 482893)
and that roommate is me! Maybe if I flooded the basement....:wink:

only thing is though that I would have to steal a dolphin from another mega aquarium which would inavertly have Ace Ventura on my ass :razz:

kien 01-19-2010 07:19 AM

I have always wanted a Babel Fish. No one ever seems to carry them though, sadly..

Leah 01-19-2010 10:01 AM

Clarion angel would be mine

purplepolypeater 01-19-2010 10:35 AM

Babel fishalludes to the story of the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament. According to the story, God created language to divide the humans so that they could not work together to build a tower to heaven.
sure kien lol :twised:

purplepolypeater 01-19-2010 10:57 AM

Chaetodon daedalma

Apolemichthys arcuatus

a really nice Rhinopias
m sure there is more

StirCrazy 01-19-2010 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 482891)
got a bathtub :biggrin:

ya, but not one over 100 ft long:wink:

Leah 01-19-2010 01:19 PM

Once you had it you may have a chance at an upgrade!:surprise:

elitesurfer 01-19-2010 02:24 PM

This one:

I dont have a big tank for it tho.

steve fedyk 01-19-2010 02:55 PM

A Queen angle and a blue face in a reef tank.
first I would need the reef to be over grown to feed them.

Chin_Lee 01-19-2010 02:56 PM

my list of fish
Pineapple fish

and clarion angel too

lastlight 01-19-2010 03:44 PM

Bandit Angel is rare and maybe needs cooler water

Garibaldi does need cooler water

Like the previous....these are too big for any tanks I'll have soon.

Sohal, Naso

fishoholic 01-19-2010 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by steve fedyk (Post 482970)
A Queen angle and a blue face in a reef tank.
first I would need the reef to be over grown to feed them.

I had both in my 230g FOWLR they ate mysis and pellets they might eat sps (some do some don't) however they don't need an over grown reef to feed them.

My #1 favortie fish that I really really wanted to have is my King angel, but since I do have her I guess it doesn't count. So my second fav. fish that I would love to have (maybe I'll get one, if they come down in price, by like a lot! :wink:) is a Peppermint Angel

Ron99 01-19-2010 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by purplepolypeater (Post 482936)
Babel fishalludes to the story of the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament. According to the story, God created language to divide the humans so that they could not work together to build a tower to heaven.
sure kien lol :twised:

Or probably the Babel fish from Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The one you stick in your ear and it let's you understand any language you hear:lol:

As for the fish I want and can't have...probaly a cool looking angler or frogfish but it would eat the other inhabitants of the reef.

kien 01-19-2010 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ron99 (Post 482985)
Or probably the Babel fish from Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The one you stick in your ear and it let's you understand any language you hear:lol:

Yes that is the one! Have you seen any around??

balistidae 01-19-2010 04:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Titan trigger for sure

Lance 01-19-2010 05:36 PM


Ron99 01-19-2010 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 482988)
Yes that is the one! Have you seen any around??

Sadly, no. If I did see any I would get a breeding pair :biggrin:

Leah 01-19-2010 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 483018)


Coleus 01-20-2010 03:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
leaf sea dragon. Not sure if they are available in Canada

justinl 01-20-2010 03:38 AM

easy answer for me. Spiny pacific lumpsucker.

...but I don't have a coldwater system. Maybe in the future though...

edikpok 01-20-2010 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Coleus (Post 483267)
leaf sea dragon. Not sure if they are available in Canada

Not sure about Canada - but I saw 3 of them in the Aquarium in Barcelona and they are AMAZING!!!!

This is a funny thread guys. I love the basement idea :) reminds me of that monster aquarium (was it 50,000 gallons?).

As for the Australian Pineapple fish - I remember seeing one of them in a store on Kingsway that closed a while back - very fascinating fish. I almost bought it too :)

whatcaneyedo 01-20-2010 05:13 AM

Porcupine puffer but I dont trust them.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 01-20-2010 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo (Post 483328)
Porcupine puffer but I dont trust them.

My wife's Porc (Poofie) is 7-8" long and has lived in a fowlr converted into softie reef now for 2.5 years. He's coral safe with what is in his tank (Orange BTA, Magnifica anemone, Aussie duncans, various toadstools, finger leathers, and zoas.


whatcaneyedo 01-20-2010 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 483355)
My wife's Porc (Poofie) is 7-8" long and has lived in a fowlr converted into softie reef now for 2.5 years. He's coral safe with what is in his tank (Orange BTA, Magnifica anemone, Aussie duncans, various toadstools, finger leathers, and zoas.


I dont have any small fish, crabs or shrimp but would one eat my clams and 3 snails? How about abalone?

justinl 01-20-2010 05:35 PM

leafy dragons are only available to public aquariums and research facilities; mostly if not exclusively captive bred specimens. not for sale to us incompetents :) they also come with a price tag of about 10K a piece.

dezignergirl 01-20-2010 06:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Definately an Achilles Tang, at least that is my dream fish for this month!!
Attachment 5575

untamed 01-20-2010 08:52 PM

I have attainable goals....

A school of 10-15 Parapriacanthus ransonneti (pygmy sweeper). Just can't get them anywhere.

Scarus quoyi (Quoy's Parrotfish). Might be available if I really tried and was willing to order a fish from a remote vendor.

PoonTang 01-21-2010 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 483018)

LOL you perv.

I would want a leafy/weedy sea dragon and house them in a 6' tall octagon aquarium.

landshark 01-30-2010 11:11 PM

I've had a sixline 4 months now. He seems to like the overflow. Jumped in there 2 times now. Smart enough not to get sucked up though. Finally covered the overflow.

Myka 01-31-2010 12:31 AM

I would like an Achillles Tang (I will never have a tank big enough) and a Peppermint Angel (I will never spend that kind of money on a fish). Both somewhat attainable. :D

neoh 03-16-2010 02:18 AM

I've always wanted a Platax batavianus - the Zebra batfish, but not only is it stupid rare, it's damn near impossible to keep.

foreveringlass 03-16-2010 02:47 AM

My dream is simple.... yellow and hippo tangs. But sadly I do not have enough room! (yet) :twised:

bauder1986 03-19-2010 10:12 AM

You know, I really want a Potters angel.....but alas im far away from that tank size.

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