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bowkry 01-13-2010 12:13 AM

all sold

bowkry 01-13-2010 12:28 AM

superman monti
false superman monti
yellow scrolling monti
huge green with green polyp and orange with orange polyp monti
large green with silver polyp and red with silver polyp
pale green mili
purple with light green polyp mili
green hydro
tri color acro
huge purple tipped acro
orange with green, purple and red pocis
purple table acro
green slimmer
super green acro
dark green deep water acro
lots more acros
yellow zoos, red zoos, red center green skirt zoos all on one rock
yellow with orange skirts zoos
lava challis

burgerchow 01-13-2010 12:30 AM

buddy, what's going on? Why you shutting down? You can move the tank to a new place.

bowkry 01-13-2010 12:50 AM

ya but this time I am going to do it right and I have a couple of weeks of down time in the move. Plus I need the moisture out of my house the tank is coming

The Grizz 01-13-2010 01:04 AM

What the heck, all you guy's from BC that have nice looking coral FS are so far away. Good luck with the sale and move.

Poseidon 01-13-2010 01:07 AM

you have pm

dsaundry 01-13-2010 01:35 AM


ickmagnet 01-13-2010 01:50 AM


BC Mosaic 01-13-2010 02:24 AM

Interested in your purple table acro. And Yellow Scrolling monti
I see you have a Lyretail Anthias. When you are ready, I'll take that one and any other Lyretail Anthias you have.
Good luck in your move.

bvlester 01-13-2010 06:42 AM

I wish you were closer or I was going to Van. Love the monti's
good luck,

regent2009 01-13-2010 09:21 AM

pm sent

bowkry 01-14-2010 01:40 AM

still loks left rock is ready to go

wildous 01-14-2010 03:35 AM

PM sent

travisle 01-14-2010 04:55 AM

list of whats left
can you please list what corals you have left?

bowkry 01-15-2010 03:13 AM

a bunch of acros
green slimer tri color blue tip purple tip ect ect
green hydro
large montis
green birdsnest
lots more
lots and lots of rock

welps 01-15-2010 04:48 AM

Do you have time to meet this weekend?
I live in Kitsalano and could drop by say Sunday. Do you have time? Call me 778-858-6940 or (better) drop me a line

travisle 01-15-2010 04:57 AM

if it is ok.. can u list the prices and sizes of your remaining sps corals?

bowkry 01-16-2010 03:20 AM

lots of great rock $3/p
green hydro
a few large acros
a couple of digis
some gsp on a rock
deep water acro
tri color acro
green mili col
2 poci
green birdsnest

bowkry 01-16-2010 09:24 PM

still lots left esp. rock

bowkry 01-17-2010 10:03 PM

only a few colonies left $35 starting to brown (no skimmer running and I stopped dosing)
green milli, blue tip acro, brown digi
almost colonies $25
red pici, blue tip stag, red digi, green shag acro, green birdsnest (big), purple and green poci
Frags $10
rock still 100-150 pounds 3/p

ottoman 01-18-2010 02:43 AM

could you please post some photos of the colonies for sale? and photos of the frags as well?

bowkry 01-18-2010 03:32 AM

top right pic stag in middle with blue tips
mili on bottom
bottom left pic front left col. with light tips
poci's on the left
blue frag bottom right
red digi in the very botom left corner
bottom right pic brown digi in very bottom left corner hardly see it
sory I packed my camera already

bowkry 01-20-2010 12:16 AM

bump need it gone

littletiger 01-20-2010 06:21 AM


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