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06+ f150
So the time had come to buy a newer truck. The old 92 Ford F150 I have has seen better days but it's the best truck I have ever owned and the Ford Focus I have is the biggest lump I have ever owned. So I have one good Ford and one bad. I'm looking at the 06 and newer F-150 SuperCrews, does anyone here own one? What are your thoughts about it, would you buy it again? I'm wondering where they might fall on the good / bad scale.
Thanks all. Robb |
most of my family works at automotive shops ...and every one says the only new fords worth buying are the diesels the rest are full of surprises......Not good ones....
If its got a 5.4 triton motor I would avoid it like the plague. Worst motor Ford has come out with in ages. Spark plugs will, not can, blow out of the heads, can be extremely expensive to fix. Automatic transmissions aren't the best either.
they are all good, you need to decide what you want to do with it befor you buy it first though. if you eventualy want to get a trailer and go camping a lot buy a deisel now. I personaly don't like the 5.4 as it has a few issues but otherwise not bad..
I had a 4.6 in my 98, my buddy has a 05 and a nother friend has a 07. they love them and haven't had any problems at all. now I traded mine in opn a 99 F250 diesel.. best move I ever did.. the diesel gets better gas milage than my F150 did, has more power, and drives nicer. but if you arfe going to get a diesel I would recomend finding a 99 to 2002, 7.3L diesel. they get the best fuel milage and are probably the best built diesel ford has put out so far. Steve |
A buddy of mine has an 06 f150... I commented on how much I like it, he says it's a POS. I've heard that if you do any pulling with them, you'll blow the rear end. I ended up going with a 5.7L Tundra. I absolutely love it. No problems whatsoever (60,000km), tonnes of power, decent mileage... luxury truck!
Having been a Ford man from a Ford family (Dad worked for a dealership for many years), two years ago I chose to replace my 94 F150 with a new Toyota Tundra.
Just couldn't get anything comparable in features, capacity or quality from any of the big three for close to the same cost, and not at all without doing a special order. Toyota had exactly the truck I wanted on the lot, several of them in fact. But what I wanted is a bit atypical of the majority of truck buyers; a standard cab, long box, 2wd, full options, at least 1700lbs cargo capacity and not in plain white corporate paint. In fact, aside from my 79 Mustang project car, I no longer own any domestic vehicles. FWIW, the best Ford I've ever owned was my Mazada built 93 Probe GT. |
Tough desicion to make I guess.
I will be towing with it, I have a 2,500 lb car hauler with a 3,000 lb truck on it. Last trip we took to a show was 6,000 km. My 92 with the 5.8 pulls all day long, never a problem. In fact the only thing I have ever replaced on it besides wear and tear items was the starter. So I have been pretty happy with it, well besides the gas millage but hey it has the 5.8 in it. GM's are overpriced plain and simple and I have yet to own a GM that doesn't rattle and squeek and it drives me nuts! lol The Tundra is a very nice truck but carries import pricing. $35,000 for a used 1/2 tonne truck with 40-80,000k is pretty steep in my mind. I'm not opposed to imports, my wifes car is a Corrolla and it runs and drives like the day it came off the showroom floor. It's been a great car. |
I didnt want to say it at first ...but just go with toyota ...you wont regret it ...
pay a little extra and get the quality you want ....im not against older fords but newer ones are the POS people claim them to be .... |
I used to have the Tacoma, and had no problems pulling the same as what you're talking. Wouldn't really want to do it all the time, but uphills... no problem. The Tundra will pull that all day.
What kind of truck are you pulling that's only 3000 lbs? My El Camino is 3400 lbs... and for sure smaller than a truck. So I guess I pulled more than that with the Tacoma. I agree, the Toyota's do hold their value, which sucks for the buyer, but is great for the owner... come time to sell it, you'll get more back than you would with the other 3. |
See this thread for what I'm towing around. http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=59155 One other thing I failed to mention... I will NEVER be a dodge pilot! :lol: |
This looks pretty trick..
http://www.fordvehicles.com/f150raptor/ $50k to start though ... ouch. It was a fantasy I had for about 5 minutes until I finally got the Canadian pricing page to load correctly, and then I was all.. Ok I guess I better go back to work now. :lol: |
Nice ride Parker... how much time you have into that thing? 3000lbs still sounds light though... no?
My toyota pickup comes in at 3800 lbs with 400+ lbs of wheels so that seems about right to me ..
3000 lbs was a rough guess. I've cut a bunch of metal out and added a bunch so I'm not sure what it comes in at these days. I believe stock it's 3,200 lbs
find a older ford deisel(1999-2002).. can be got for cheep and the motors are capable of 1000000miles and more. I pull 8000lbs and get 25 mpg towing and all I did to it was put different injectors and tune the computer. empty I am pushing 30mpg and with the extra power from the chip and the injectors I haven't found any factory trucks that I can't pull away from. heck most mustangs have a hard time keeping up also :wink: the power capability and fuel milage you can get from a diesel is nuts, and they stay daily drivers. so if you find a 1999 fully loaded for about 15K you can put another 2K into it and get what I have with a lot more options. I bought a plane jane version as I needed a diesel now and didn't have time to look around. Steve |
No way my wife lets me buy a 99-02 diesel.. :lol:
I forgot how much I hate greasy car salesman. If anyone here is a salesman and your not greasy you are few and far between! lol |
iam a mechanic with 10 plus years exp they all hav there problems i hav an 06 f150 4x4 lariait and i love it my bud has the same truck he tows a big 5th wheel with it and took out his diff(was under waranty) but the trailer should be pulled by at least and f350 if your towing some thing heavy get an f250 my ranger fx4 level 2 had almost the same towing capacity imo f150 are to light duty trans and diff wise for towing any thing really heavy for long distance not to mention braking capacity i see f150 chev 1500 tow these moblie homes down the road scary to me the huge trailer is gonna push the truck forward if you hav to stop fast.i could ramble on for days about whats better you hav to use common sense to (my f150 is a piece i tried to tow my huge trailer with 2 quads on the truck to bc through the mountains and the trans overheated and went )well what did you expect.i dirve my trick nice (yes the plug issue is dumb and 25 bucks a plug is crazy but so is 1000 for a catalitic)i hav 147000 kms on it and still get between 25 to 30 mpg hiway and about 24 in the city around 700 to 900 km per tank i get the same gas milage as my ranger fx4 did i think thats preaty good considering its 2 time the size.as for the inside its dead quiet to drive and i hav not seen a nicer interior in any other factory truck my coworked just got an 09 chev he likes it but wants the ford interior. anyway if your buyn use private sale take it and get an inspection hav it checked out you never know how the other person took care of it and change you oil regalarly and you engine will go along way.just my 25 cents.
hey Parker, I have 17 years of ford dealership exp,( left for an independant shopo a year ago ) including auto trans repair, pm me with your questions and I will answer then
I don't have any specific questions, I was looking for a general overview. Are people happy with them, any common problems, that sort of thing. The biggest issue I have come accross seems to be the spark plug problems on the 5.4, whether they are breaking off upon removal or blowing out of the heads entirely. That seems to have been fixed mid year 2008. With the incentives Ford has been offering, we may go brand new. It just makes sence. Why pay $25-26,000 with 7% interest when I can buy new for $32,000 ish with 0% interest. |
I saw one at the dealship yesterday. Can't say I was a big fan, I didn't like the wide body look in person. It just didn't look right, somthing was misssing and I couldn't put my finger on it. |
the spark plug blowing out problem is in the 2 vale engine, the threee valve came out in 04, as for breaking them off, with regular maint and proper removal procedures this is not problem
What a nice truck! Too bad I would never own another Ford vehicle as long as I live.
Buy a Toyota and it will never let you down. Quote:
The problem with questions like this is that all your going to get is emotional responces, some one got a lemmon (weather it be dodge, ford, chev, toy, ect..) and harps about them like they are all bad. my theory is that all trucks are the same.. 4 wheels, doors, stearing wheel, ect.. you just have to find the options that meat your need and fine the interior that you find comfterable and functional. I will admidt that I am a ford fan, but I have owned, dodge, chev, toy, and now VW. the toy was a ok truck, no power for towing, body was made of cheep metal and a lot of the frame and suspension parts are pretty under enginered compared to NA trucks. Dodge I found to have a low quality interior and a tone of squeeks and rattles, chev I like the truck but cant stand the interior look and the seats on them. the ford, I found was deicent all around with a nice interior and comfterable seats. now this is all personal preferance so I can't say that you will feel the same. but you can always do what I did when I bought my F150 and when I traded it in on a diesel. take them all for test drives, good ones, not the around the block type. take notes on like and dislikes and make a comparason. I have owned 10 fords over my life time and only 1 was a POS, but having said that it was a POS cuz I drove it like it was stolden and didn't fix anything till it broke. I know a couple people whith chevs, three with dodges, 1 with a toy and about 15 with various fords 2000 and up. no one is unhappy with there trucks and no one has had any problems except the toy but it was fixeed under warenty. Steve |
I heard that Toyota is not allowed to build a 3/4 or 1 tonne truck, since they will wipe out the American market. They are expensive to fix so I am told, but I have had my Fj Cruiser since May 2006, and have not had a single problem with it. Believe me, I take this truck to Mclean creek and jump it off of stuff, and drive it like I stole it. Our F350 was expensive to fix too!!!
Our F350 was the biggest heap there is. I know it happens but because it broke so much, Advantage Ford did not want to fix it anymore and left it on the lots for 6 weeks a year ago. We had to have it towed elsewhere, twice. Out F350 blow up a year old transmission the day we put a 14 foot trailer for our quads on it. It was empty, and Ford did not want to pay the $8000 for the new tranny. It took several weeks to work that whole mess out with them too. We bought EXTENDED warranty believe it or not and here we are having issues with repairs. We had so many issues with it that we puled the insurance and registration on it, and allowed it to be repoed from our house. We took a credit hit since we just could not give the keys back and walk away from it. It has now been sold and I pity the fool that bought it. It was a beautiful truck on the outside... I hear so many horror stories about Ford and their lack of fixing their broken product. Mind you, I am sure everyone has similar stories with every manufacturer. I had an old 1993 Chevy Blazer full size, and drove it for 500000km.... on the same drive train. When it started really rusting on me, I got my Fj, since I loved them when they first came out. Now everyone has them of course. I miss my old Blazer, it was a sweet truck. MY hubby looked at the Tundras and says they sound tinny inside when you shut the doors. He says a truck should have that vacuum noise and be silent inside when you are driving. I tend to agree. Our F350 made such a racket though, I am surprised he would notice any inside noise on anything else.:wink: Quote:
if I remember your posts on the truck problem right, you bought a modified truck from a dealership and ford was refusing to fix it as it had been modified.. rightly so... this is a dealeship problem not realy a ford problem and unfortunatly it is happening in more dealerships. Chev, and dodge dealerships are doing it also. this is a total crock of BS and the dealeships that are doing this should lose there licence with the respective manufactures. the problem isn't that they are modifying them it is they are doing it wrong and not standing by there own work. I just got back from christmas in edmonton and saw sever jacked up, aftermarket exhaust and chipped trucks for sale in the lots.. nice to get the toys but unless the dealership stands behind them they are a problem waiting to happen. I have only seen hopped up chevs here in Kamloops but I haven't been looking to hard either. I have modified my diesel but I did a lot of research first. it is a older 7.3 engine which can handle a lot more power than either the 6l or the 6.4l with out blowing up and I had my tranny rebuilt to my requirments. with any of the diesels if you up the power in the engine you need to up the strength in the tranny or you will blow it. so what you had if I am recalling it right is a dealer than upped the power in the engine and left the tranny alone. so now when you are playing (which all men do :wink: ) you are putting a lot more stress on the tranny and eventualy it goes. I think I remember your truck having exhaust work done also.. this adds a tone of power in diesels, usaly not enough on its own to dammage a tranny but it will raise egts, and if they didn't install EGT and Tranny temp gages then you will have no idea your are hurting anything untill its to late. personaly I would have launched a huge law suit against the dealership as Ford was well with in there right to refuse warenty work on a modifyed truck, as it is to easy for them to prove that anything that adds power can cause a tranny to burn up. Steve |
I actually posted Advantage's add for our old truck for sale on Kijiji, and begged people not to buy it. I got a nice little email from Advantage threatening to sue me for placing the add. They had Kijiji tear it down, but I reposted it a few times. I never did hear from a lawyer or anything about it. It was sold again with extended warranty for the new buyer... wonder how lucky he has been.
Live and learn but when you pay $85000 for a truck with extended warranty to protect yourself, and have it dealer built, you think you will be covered. We bought a 2002 Silverado that is lifted 8", with the exhaust and all the good stuff. It is the gas 5.3 and has been an awesome truck, although we did replace the tranny already. Mind you a Canreef friend helped us get a deal on one from the wrecker and the repair was under $1000. The Ford's tranny was over $8000 from Advantage. The whole Ford thing was a nightmare and it would only run for about 6 weeks before something else broke on it. I figured if we hung in there long enough, everything that could break would break eventually. After three grueling years it was time to walk away from it. I have all the service records and should really sue them, but don't have the funds to do it, which really sucks. I hear form many people their late model F350s are fuel sucking lemons and they have had nothing but issues. We were told the 2007 (ours) is the best one made, and if that is the case, man people must really be upset out there. I do really like the F150 and we drove many of them while our F350 was being fixed. We had so many of them we noticed some were quicker, quieter, or better on fuel... were even had a brand new Harley Davidson truck for over 2 months, and put 15000km on it while Advantage did not want to fix our truck... I wonder how many trucks we depreciated in value but racking up the miles on them while ours sat in the lot never getting fixed. We never did have an issue with the F150, and we had plenty to drive around for weeks. For me, I will keep my Fj, although there are really stupid things I hate about it, but it has never let me down. It's a keeper for sure, and I will always have a Toyota. I know no matter how cold it is it will start even though it has not been plugged in or run for days in a deep freeze. I have never had another vehicle that will do this for me. Hubby gets all mad and says it's because it is a POS and has no compression and that is why it starts right away all the time:wink: |
any diesel made after 2003 has it issues. the 6L engin was a POS untill about 2005 and the 6.4 was a lot better but go lousy gas milage. this is the reason ford has termanated its partnership with international and has gone with there own diesel for 2010/2011
the 7.3 powerstroke was the best diesel ford used but it was only from 1999-2003 and they had to change as the designe of the engine wouldn't meet emission regulations comming in in 2005. this was the same reason for dropping the 6L and going with the 6.4 due to new ones in 2009. the engine problems were a international issue not a ford design, but ford did use them so it was very costly for ford as there were issues getting the agreed apon recouperation from international. the new diesel looks very good and should be a eye opener for the diesel market. I can't believe they wanted 8K for a tranny that is robbery.. I had mine totaly rebuilt using heavy duty parts, a billit multi disc converter (with the torque converter fins all tig welded) , better solinoid pack, valve body kit, steal caged bearings, and premimum discs and friction surfaces, and a few others for 4K. I wasn't planning on doing this so soon, but my truck was ripped off and driven into a lake getting water in the tranny. I hope you loged a complaint with the BBB and ford canada at least. Steve |
It's nightmare scenarios like this that make me glad that I keep my 2006 F350 diesel stock.
Boring, but cheaper! It does all the work I ask it to. (towing a 14,000 lb dump trailer on summer weekends for example) Mitch |
I am a Purchaser for a chemical company and the majority of our fleet are Fords. Mostly because you can service them all over, parts are easy to come by and honestly, they were cheap.
I actually quite like our 2010 F-150's. I get a chance to drive one every now and again, as it's the Operations truck and it's the best Ford I've ever driven. The only complaint our Op's Manager has is that on long trips, because he can't tilt the seat down, being a short guy, his legs fall asleep from the elevation. I have driven 2003 and 2006 F-550's in the past for summer jobs and I hated them both - gutless, no torque, got stuck in everything - but I find that the new F-150 drives completely differently. It's a decent transmission in the new ones, the same as the 08 and newer Dodges and I know that we haven't had any problems, and neither have our newer Dodges. *shrugs* :) |
Steve |
All vehicles today are so tightly engineered, they need a computer to keep systems operating within tolerances.
So what you're doing is basically replacing the computer with yourself...which isn't necessarily a bad thing....:mrgreen: The more things that you replace, the more things that you have to manually keep an eye on. Problem is - is that if you still have the main computer hooked up, it could work against you and put stresses against components unnecessarily. Add in the false sense of security of an "extended warranty" that may be quietly backed up by a third party with fine print... It just leaves too much to chance, for me anyways. I think a lot of mods available come from trucks in the States that are made to look like they could jump 40 cars, but are really just pavement princesses. - and they look cool. Mitch |
there was a dodge dealed my bud works at that got in s@#$ from the factory cause they were sell edge moduals with the diesels peps were runnin around on level 5 blown injector tips off and then they would waranty them.the factorys send guys around to check the stuff that was warantied to make sure its rally broken and to try and find out why it broke if it doesnt meet the factory warany specs the dealer does not get paid back for the parts i heard they lost alot of money and had a bunch of po'ed customers.
my2rotties keep jumpn your fj and let us know what happens lol you must go through batties like crazy unless you hav a gel cell how are the tie rods holdn up and does it seem to hurt the frt ball pivot on the frt axle if any one wants some top quality mods check out westers garage it in tilly alberta they do mass work for guys in the states hav seen some of the cars they do on pass time pinks and pinks allout the guys name is lindin wester hes awsome with custom fuel injection. |
I tried to lodge complaints but they were not taken seriously. The truck was dealer modified and Ford washed their hands of it. It was the dealer's responsibility to fix the truck and it was costing way too much money. The day we decided to just walk away from it, we spent over $1000 getting the air conditioning fixed the second time, and other work done. The air conditioning stopped working in five minutes and then the windows would not open. That was the last straw. I pulled the insurance and plates off it and told them to come get it. I was not going to drive it to Advantage with no air conditioning or windows that worked (seats were not working either), in the warmest days of the summer.
I have the invoice for the over 8K, I am not kidding that is what they charge for a brand new tranny with the labor. What a nightmare. I am glad it is now over. Quote:
you should ask them why they put in a brand new one ? and not repaired the one that was in there for thousands less, ask if they did a cost comparison, prob dont have a proper trans tech there
I don't always go jump it off of stuff. There has been the odd time I accidentally fell off of something off road as well. I don't launch it 10 feet in the air or anything or seriously abuse it. However, when I feel like going to Mclean creek and go mud bogging with it or run it off road, I do and don't think about it much. The battery is the stock battery and the truck is still tight every where else. I will have had it four years in May...
I have no idea of why Advantage put in a new tranny. They said they needed it. I think they did it because Ford was going to pay for the warranty. When Ford did not pay for it, they wanted the money from us. We fought about it for a few weeks and I came to the forums about it. I threatened them with AMVIC, and other things. My husband ended up driving the truck off of the lot with his spare set of keys without paying.
My husband and I were talking about this whole ordeal, and there were so many problems and loaners, we cannot recall what happened when. The truck would go for about 6-8 weeks before it had to be flat decked for repairs. The truck never had heat or air conditioning, and the list goes on and on. I have a stack of service records that would fit into a binder. Quote:
It's been off the road since 2005, but total work time would be around a years worth of weekends. My biggest hurdle in getting it completed, it's at a friend of mines place which is about 110 km from my place through the city so everytime I work on it I spend 3 hours commuting back and forth. There is a show in Lethbridge called SideShow, it's tagging along with the StreetWheels show this coming year in July. I'm hoping to be able to bring it this year. I doubt it will be under it's own power but it should be in one peice at least! :mrgreen: |
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